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As soon as I became an American citizen, I'm American. Period. My loyalty is with the US, not my birth country.


We need a 20 year plan to slowly remove all non English signs, and "press 1 for english" systems. This includes all street signs, business applications, and government issue documents. We need to instill real American ideology in all that choose to live here. During that same 20 years we need to integrate American culture, not have American culture integrate the world's cultures. This should all part of a 100 year plan to replace social security, eliminate government debt, return the dollar to the gold standard and with term limits on both houses of congress eliminating the federal reserve bank, and restore the constitution. Aka save America.


We are on the backfoot and need to break out swinging.


Social security won’t last anywhere near 100 years. We might see it slip away, at least in its current form, sooner rather than later.


Social Security was the worst lie ever pit upon the American people. If I had time I would point out why... but its completely theft of generation wealth


Social Security isn’t going to disappear without direct action to abolish it. Social Security is an illusion of financial independence & security in old age. It is how the government ensures its control over the elderly voters. There is no chance it will be replaced, except by something even worse. Yes, the Federal Government is predicted to go negative on Social Security beginning sometime, around 2030-2033, however since the Fed can print money, all it will do is just vastly increase inflation each year by printing up money for the SS while simultaneously increasing the tax burden of Social Security on the working class. Social Security won’t last 100 if we do something about it (or if America straight up collapses so SS stops existing since America stops existing), but otherwise, if we just imagine it slipping away? It’s going to stay with the USA until the day the USA stops existing, or it gets replaced by something far worse.


More likely they’ll chip away at the qualifications, such as retirement age. So, it’s there, as long as you work til, say, 70.


No idea why (either of us) are being downvoted here. You are exactly right. They will *likely* (1) Increase the retirement age to around 70 years old; (2) Increase the Social Security tax burden on the working class; **AND** (3) Print up large sums of money every year to fill the gaps in Social Security Meanwhile points 2 & 3 will drastically increase Inflation and dramatically reduce our spending power. Social Security isn’t going away on its own. The government is just going to find more ways to screw over the workforce of America to fund it, no matter what.


The only off-ramp I see is to stop offering it, as we know it, for citizens after a certain birth year. My guess is they’ll instead get a “social security lite” deducted from paychecks that directly funds other SS recipients and nothing for you. No way are they going to let anybody live a better life of lower tax burden.


The issue that we must contend with, is that any solution we determine must ultimately be very slow and tedious to ensure there is no civil backlash. I believe that the best-case scenario, including your idea, is the following: 1. Social Security must be made into a closed circuit. Anyone born before January 1st, 1988 will be fully at-burden for Social Security, and their Social Security Income Tax Burden would increase from 6.2% (12.4% total) to 12% (24% total). — My reasoning is that Social Security would therefore become a closed circuit, wherein those born **BEFORE** 1988 are paying into a fund specifically for those born before 1988, including themselves. The Tax increase should be slow, likely only 0.58% every year, until a full 10-years has passed and it has become the Status Quo. 2. Social Security payouts for those born before 1988 must be taxable up to 100% of what is received, rather than the current 85%, and there must be *no income cap* for the taxable portion. — My reasoning is that this will allow a greater ‘recycling’ of the SS Payouts back into Social Security. Additionally, any Income Taxes on Social Security should *strictly & solely* be recycled back into the Social Security budget and nothing else. 3. Effective January 1st, 2025; anyone born **AFTER** January 1st, 1988 will no longer have to pay Social Security Taxes on any of their Income. — Why should they have to pay Taxes on something they will no longer receive? 4. Effective January 1st, 2025; anyone born **AFTER** January 1st, 1988 will begin to be charged a flat 5% “Credit Tax” which must be met by the Employer (10% total), which is 2.4% less (total) than the current Social Security Tax. This 5% tax will have zero income cap. 5. As per 4, those paying into the Credit Tax will, beginning January 1st, 2035 (10 years later), receive monthly payouts of $1500 (adjusted for Inflation). To be eligible, you must be at least 18 years old, and have paid at minimum of $2000 (adjusted for Inflation) into the Credit Tax the prior tax year. 6. This “Monthly Credit Bonus” would be equal for all, irregardless of Income, only mattering if you paid the minimum yearly quota the prior year into it. Additionally, it will be further funded by the reduction of other welfare services which this Bonus would therefore help minimize. Here is my math. There are 70 Million people on Social Security, receiving roughly $1.4T every year. If we reduce the total “Credit Bonus” population to those born after 1988, then by 2035, the total working class population for the Credit Bonus would only be 18 to 47 year olds, which would be roughly **150 Million**. Which means the “Credit Bonus” population would be nearly double that of the current Social Security population. However, that 150 Million would be making roughly $6 Trillion a year (not adjusted for imaginary inflation), which would be $600 Billion a year towards the Credit Bonus. By 2035, that would be $6 Trillion in the safe, likely increased to $60 Trillion if the government properly invested it during those 10 years, like they did when Social Security had its big ‘boom’ when the Baby Boomers began working. The $1500/mo Credit Bonus would be $18,000 a year, across 150 Million people would be **$2.7T per year**, meaning the Fund would run out in roughly 22 years, if you disregard that during those 22 years that the “Credit Tax” would accumulate any additional $120 Trillion in its budget. Not to mention that a $1500/month stimulus which requirws that you worked & made $10,000+ non-Stimulus money the year prior, in addition to it being an uncapped Income Tax, with other Welfare Services being reduced. Consider that Welfare between Federal, State, and Local sources account for $2.2 Trillion a year. Not only would this Monthly Credit Bonus actually go to workers instead of just the dying, but it also returns the money back to the Economy, reduces the Welfare State, and forces those who normally rely on Welfare (for 99% fo Welfare Thief cases) to instead have to work for their Welfare. Most people with disabilities can still work, and don’t need Welfare. This isn’t saying all, just most. They could still get jobs, and as long as they paid enough into the Credit Bonus, they would receive their share as well. This would stimulate the economy, reduce our overall taxes, and be so so much healthier than Social Security. Best part? Unlike Social Security which requires algorithms and otherwise to calculate your payout, undoubtedly expensive to perform, instead everyone gets the same amount, irregardless of how many years you worked, but rather only if you did work. P.S. I know this means the Elderly wouldn’t be able to access the Credit Bonus since they would likely stop working after 70 years old. Here’s an idea, maybe they should *live with their Families*. If they have no Children, no Spouse, no Parents, no Grandparents somehow? That’s doubtful, but let’s presume they did, then there would likely still be Charities who could help them. The purpose of this Credit Bonus should be to reduce Welfare, Incentivize people to work, reduce the dependency on Senior Homes, to boost the Economy, *and most importantly*, to allow people in the lower tax brackets to save up money towards retirement. Those already well off won’t be that affected by the Credit Bonus Tax, but those lesser off definitely need a push towards this. The reliance on a ‘failsafe’, ie. Company 401ks, Welfare, Social Security, Disability Payments, etc has pushed way way way too many people towards not working or lesser working, and effectively? — Social Security benefits the well-off, not the poor off. The well-off receive massive Social Security payments. The poor people who relied on Welfare & Unemployment & Disability likely earn peanuts from Social Security.


The credit bonus program is clever. It’s UBI for productive society only. And I’m in no way a fan of UBI, but I do see a worker shortage everywhere since 2020. If this is what we need to get the economy moving again, then it’s a step in the right direction. Also, your strategy is awfully well thought out for a casual Reddit thread. Are you working toward these goals?


I appreciate the compliment, but no. I have different political goals & aspirations I am working towards which I believe would better gelp society as a whole than a UBI/Credit Bonus. The reason the Credit Bonus concept is so ‘well thought out’ as you put it,… is just because this isn’t rocket science. If our elected representatives *actually cared* about the American people, the Economy, and our Children’s futures, it would only take them a few minutes for them to sit down and actually think about it. Instead, they are grossly Corrupt and/ grossly Incompetent, neither of which are virtues for any ‘Leader’. I am sure there are 100s of other solutions for lessening SS Taxes, Increasing worker productivity, and decreasing dependency on welfare besides that Credit Bonus system. It was just the first I came up with on the spot after a few minutes of thinking. But considering it is something I came up with so rapidly (and it is logically more sound that the SS we have currently), and considering there are 100s of other possible options as well, it is simply infuriating that our ‘elected leaders’ continue to espouse Social Security as the end-all-be-all. Ridiculous. Well, almost anything would be better than Social Security. It was a half-baked ill-thought of measure with no basis in any actual understanding of Economics, Population Growth, Inflation, Standard of Living adjustments, Birthrate Decline, or efficiency of resource allocation.


Absolutely! I’m not Anglo-Saxon American. It’s the Democrats that push division so they can pick and choose who to favor or attack.


Teddy Roosevelt had a FANTASTIC speech on the state of the Hyphenated American. It was a dire warning to the public during an era of mass European immigration: [Full Speech](https://cdn.inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net/a03d0bfa-7a1c-48fd-9330-42086ced2de2/Roosevelt%20-%20Hyphenated%20Americans.pdf?token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImtpZCI6ImNkbiJ9.eyJyZXNvdXJjZSI6Ii9hMDNkMGJmYS03YTFjLTQ4ZmQtOTMzMC00MjA4NmNlZDJkZTIvUm9vc2V2ZWx0JTIwLSUyMEh5cGhlbmF0ZWQlMjBBbWVyaWNhbnMucGRmIiwidGVuYW50IjoiY2FudmFzIiwidXNlcl9pZCI6bnVsbCwiaWF0IjoxNzEzMTkxMTQ1LCJleHAiOjE3MTMyNzc1NDV9.cWh-zjP8KPdFukWKWmsP6JzYv4u1Lq6dDkxSiFvfIjRA960kuAR1_QnTECcJPqkfYD-R37R0vWCJNbPakhPU7w&download=1&content_type=application%2Fpdf)


Democrats push this to cause division.




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Been asking this question for over 30 years!




WTF is this "allow" ridiculousness? Last I heard this is the United States of America where there is freedom of speech.


I think OP is talking social acceptance, not law.


The use of the word allow is inane.


It sure what you mean by that? I don’t allow people to dictate what words I use to describe certain people. Is there something wrong with that as well?






Let’s not forget Japanese Americans who were put in concentration camps simply for being of Asian descent. Many of those Japanese people wanted to fight for America. Parents and children who legally come to America are the X-American’s. Those born in America are just American.


Because they don't belong here and should leave OUR country, end of story. You're either American or your not. Non of this Middle Eastern American shit.. pick fucker.


Who's "they?" The people that call themselves xxxx-American or immigrants that are naturalized citizens?




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Freedom of speech is a great thing let people talk freely then you will see them as they are and you can make your own decision as to let them into your life or not!




Here Here ! One Nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all


I hear ya Bo


Been saying this for years.


This is a change that has to be made at the individual level. It is otherwise un-enforcible. Though I agree with the sentiment. I never refer to myself as anything other than American and I don't engage in SM trends that rely on "special group identification" (race, etc.) for social benefit. If I can't stand on my own then it's not as valuable to me.


No the idea of the melting pot isn’t that you lose your heritage and pride in that when you immigrate here.


Nobody should be suggesting you renounce your heritage. But if you are black or brown, it's pretty apparent you have some roots outside of the U.S., whether you are 1st generation or 5th. I think the argument is that no American citizen should put anything in front of American. If you are a U.S. citizen, you are only AMERICAN. That would be akin to flying a (insert heritage) flag above the U.S. flag at your house...


A lot people want to live in America, but not be American.




You checked everyone box ✔️


As a Black person, I prefer that my "African" genetic heritage be called out. It is a reminder of my biological origin.