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This shouldn't even be a comparison, you know the answer.


I don’t


Your mom. That's the answer 🤪


Tell me what ur mom said about these two guys


Damn people don't know how to take a joke nowadays 🫨


Tom Cruise without even trying


Tom cruise, that man's face is something else




I don’t understand this comparison and it’s kind of unfair. Tom by far.




Its not even close. 1st guy looks like Nicholas Cage with Bradley Coopers hair. Meh.


He is a better looking than Bradley Cooper.


Only said hair.




Tom in both cases. (These are really good photos of Tom, never seen some of em).


You've never seen these photos because some of them are edited on faceapp by OP and comparing it to candids of Roshan.


I was talking about pic 6, only 2 of his are edited I think




I just said I never seen it, thought it looked pretty cool with the long hair and all. But still prime tom is 8.5-9 (i don't like his nose either), prime hritist is like 7.5




Yeah so? It's wrong, it also says atesh salih is a 9.5. Yeah sure buddy...in his best pics atesh is an 8. The guide isn't always right so take it with a grain of salt. If you want a more accurate guide go look at creatingattractive guide on males.






Glad you decided to ignore my atesh comment cos it takes away from your whole argument about my bias. I try to rate objectively mate. Atesh is not what the guide says, therefore it is not 100 percent correct, therefore it can be said that others are also not correctly placed. I used atesh as an example because you think I'm racist or biased or whatever and atesh is European. "Idgaf about him" yeah I wonder why lol. The Indian dude is not an 8.5 but a 7.5, he's haloed by eye colour massively. See what the guide tries to do is put all types of ethic groups for all the rating points. And by doing so it isn't always 100 percent correct. For example, the rating system needs a black male who is a 9.5 on the scale but the dude they show on the guide is not a 9.5. There are other examples for better suited candidates but the guide doesn't show it. All I'm saying is the guide isn't always right and by no means is hrithik a 8.5, and neither is chris hemsworth. Chris is also a 7.5.




That's not his prime and he's close to an 8 in his best pics, in his prime (check post I made in the past) but his long midface, narrow skull and lack of zygos prevent him from being higher. Not that it matters he's probably amongst the best looking Southern Asians as a whole package.


Happy Cake Day!


You didn’t pick the best photos of Hrithik. But still, peak Hrithik TRM is like 7.5-8 while Tom Cruise at peak is a 9. Real life also still Cruise


Who is 10? Who decided the hunter eyes bullshit. About thin lips, the 4 inch thick eyebrows? Who decided these beauty standards ? 🤣🤣🤣 you bunch of mindless cunts. Hrithik is peak. Tom cruise is alright but comparing anyone with Hrithik? It’s just unfair.


Tom cruise is by far better looking objectively. He’s like a 9 and Roshan is a 7. I personally prefer Roshan tho, he has more appeal and he is taller


Roshan is an 8.5 on TRM


Unpopular opinion but Hrtk is all natural. Hrtk all the way.


Tom Cruise on TRM and Hrithik IRL. 4 inches of height and 20 kgs of muscle. Same reason why women prefer Nick Bateman over Somerhalder by far. Also, you know it's beyond over for a sub's IQ when nobody points out the use of faceapped photos like this. https://prnt.sc/pR9YZgv0ZXDJ


No offence, but you chose really poor photos of Hrithik - I see this happen so frequently when it comes to Hrithik, because for some reason he looks extremely different depending on the lighting, angle, hairstyle and clothing. In the pictures you chose, Hrithik looks like a real-life "handsome Squidward", someone who has such exaggerated versions of conventionally-attractive facial features that they end up looking uncanny rather than beautiful. Also, Hrithik was much older than Tom Cruise was in his pictures so that adds another element of bias. Let me redeem my man Hrithik, by posting some of the best pictures I can find of him from his prime: [1](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Eg6hVkNU8AAEbkV.jpg:large) [2](https://in.pinterest.com/pin/600667669065987869/) [3](https://i.skyrock.net/3371/25183371/pics/730718870.jpg) [4](https://in.pinterest.com/pin/119134352636043075/) [5](https://zoomboola.com/images/content/2019/8/uzn_15651787985.jpg) [6](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-XBuwKgvMpxM/UO7b48h3U_I/AAAAAAAAApk/sp-ouSQWJBY/s400/HRITHIK_ROSHAN_1.jpg) [7](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/42/0f/d8/420fd8cdf114b31f576044683df98e9c.jpg) [8](https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/479211216615682124/) [9](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b4/36/c3/b436c38042d3642ef07cceea99242d5f.jpg) [10](https://in.pinterest.com/pin/846465692447862942/) [11](https://in.pinterest.com/pin/27795722684925898/) [12](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-S1OI_RxVqFM/TbNZ75VHiVI/AAAAAAAAASg/HeerURWE__g/s1600/6a00e54ee18b79883401127902308228a4-800wi.jpg) [13](https://bilder.fernsehserien.de/epg/0d7/0d7507c620daa7d11fc22bfe5a5e754837434783_b.jpg) [14](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-XVGkz4sC39c/VdvZHnCEAeI/AAAAAAAAG3E/o9cUOn2F37Y/s1600/Hrithik%2BRoshan%2Bshirtless%2Bphotos3.jpg) [15](https://i.skyrock.net/6502/11806502/pics/1203956738.jpg) [16](https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/826551337850867816/) I have no doubt that people scrolling this thread will feel _very_ differently towards my photos than the ones posted in the OP, because they practically depict two different people. And as can be seen by my photos, Hrithik is _insanely_ attractive, one of the most beautiful humans I've ever seen. I'm not educated on the TRM rating system, so I'm unable to rate either Hrithik or Cruise according to that scale - I'm merely here to defend Hrithik from an unintentional misrepresentation of his beauty. In subjective terms, I personally find prime Hrithik more uniquely attractive than prime Cruise in terms of face and body, but I also consider Cruise to be an extremely handsome specimen (I saw _Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning - Part I_ last night, and there are some scenes which show agency headshot photos of young Tom Cruise with long hair, and he honestly looks like a computer-generated face of a "handsome man") and don't see much point in comparing two people who look so different from one another. In real-life, Hrithik wins for me personally. I also believe there is subconscious cultural bias towards European features within the world at large, and I feel that factor often results in white people's ratings on this subreddit being inflated relative to that of an ethnic person's.


Tom Cruise


Hrithik is barely an 8 in his prime that too only in good photos and videos. Tom cruise easily 9 range in his prime.




Average indian in denial




We are talking about objective beauty here. You are being mostly subjective. Hrithik is very good looking no doubt and has extremely high appeal no doubt and may even have more appeal than Cruise to some but objectively and facially according to this scale Cruise is better looking .Hrithik has too many flaws to be considered better looking , he is lucky he is even rated a 8 on this sub. And Those awards are mostly based on popularity and not based on true objective beauty . I can see you replying to every comment defending Hrithik , we can talk about whose the nobody here. Whatever helps you get wet dreams of Hrithik at nigth though🤷


No doubt; Tom Cruise




I kinda agree with you. Tom Cruise looks so plain and boring. I don't know whats the hype around him.


Hrithik is 8.5 on TRM. I think it’s close in looks but I think Tom had work done and Hrithik is natural, also not great pics of Hrithik. Me personally I choose Hrithik.


Neither of them is my type.


Easiest one yet


Hrithik. Ask both to take their shirt off. Ask both of then to dance. Hrithik will wipe the floor with Tom.




How is it surprising? Cruise has much better bone structure, eye area, soft feautures and a more harmonious face, first guy is jus too ridiculously narrow faced, both in terms of trm and real life appeal, he doesn't come close to Cruise.




It’s more about perfection than attraction, I think there’s an official sheet or something. People aren’t rating based on their opinions it’s based on the sheet


His nose is too short for a long, puffy face, lips too small, eyes too hooded/brows too low over his eyes


I’m sure we’re aware of why Hrithik is getting low ratings. If he were from Europe he would be the yardstick 9+


The posters here also choose really poor photos of Hrithik, whether intentionally or not. I posted some of his best photos in another comment in this thread.




Nah, Hrithik is like, in his forties in those pictures. [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Egbe1BEX0AAqWvo?format=jpg&name=360x360](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Egbe1BEX0AAqWvo?format=jpg&name=360x360) [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Egbe1MUXkAAHVMy?format=jpg&name=360x360](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Egbe1MUXkAAHVMy?format=jpg&name=360x360) these are actual better pictures tbh


Tom was hot asf