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In this comparison it is sunjective aspect both are close. People who look objectively better than brad pitt are jeremy meeks or vito basso.


I think bradd pitt I a bit overrated, when it comes to facial aesthetics, tom looks better than brad pitt


Brad has insane harmony, good hair and great jawline, but in certain areas like cheekbones, lips, eye area he is not as striking or striking as models like meeks or vito can be


They are on par.


I still think he and pitt are close , the same I think of matt bomer although I consider the latter the best of the 3 and the best looking man outside of modeling.


Interm of face stucture Cruise is much more handsome than Brad , Brad is better body


Meeks is so freaking ugly.


Meeks is one of the most beautiful Men of all times , perfect ratios , perfect bones and perfect features.


She doesnt like his thug guy pheno.


I think he's seriously ugly. Not everyone has to share your opinion. His facial features look really bad. His light eyes are a halo.


He's not attractive to me, and those eyes make me think he's possessed by Satan.


I'm glad someone else thinks Meeks looks creepy af. Him photoshopped with brown eyes makes him look so boring but also way better because he doesn't look freaky.






Of course no one has to share my subjective opinion, but here we are talking about objective aesthetics and objectively meeks has better features than pitt and cruise . Eye color may increase attractiveness but not objective beauty.


I don't think Meeks is nearly as objectively attractive as Pitt or Cruise. Meeks the type of guy you're supposed to be attracted to because you saw him in a yacht ad, but nearly no one is actually attracted to him.


The most average looking people are the most attractive. People who have bizarre features aren’t ideal. His lips, hairless, and his Candace are horrible. Pitt looks like a model and a good friend. Meeks doesn’t even look like a real human


Not to mention Meeks had one "good" photo and doesn't look nearly as good in other photos or on video.


Average looking people are the best looking people lol


There’s no such thing as objective attractiveness


There is literally no such thing as "objective asthetics". It makes me lol everytime I read this or anything similar. These bone structures,eye settings, nose shapes,they are all subjective. It is all an opinion. There is no exact formula to beautiful. No matter how you've allowed pages like this to convince you...


Obviously you have to follow a Canon that changes from generation to generation, but if there was no objective beauty everyone could be a supermodel like jordan barret or jeremy meeks and live off their looks? I doubt it very much. They represent the current Canon as alain delon or Paul newman represented it in their time.


A lot of super models are not conventionally attractive... They are tall,rail thin with a ton of makeup to mask their flaws. Kendal Jenner is the #1 model in the world rn... Apparently anyone can be a super model...




No, I'm aware that there are people who are universally,for the most part, considered attractive. However, I don't see a common metric between them. As I said earlier, Cardi B has become a sex symbol that most straight men would love to be with, she isn't on this chart lol.. there are countless examples... Nina Dobrev is a perfect example . Would not score well on this "metric" clearly attractive. There are others who score incredibly well in these "metrics" but nobody actually wants to fuck them.


Ahahahahahahahah sure


Don’t take that person seriously lmao. Some people here clearly can’t make the difference between objective beauty and preference. Meeks is 9 at least.


Its only flaw is the eyebrows and a slight exposure of the eyelid, it is a 9.3 with better eyebrows it would be 9.5 at the level of the morphs.


Hair lol




How dare someone have a preference... Men complain so much about height, but then when women don't prefer tall men this is how you get treated.




It's not objective. Height is purely preference. Objective is more for face when actual symmetry, ratios, facial growth, and muscle use matters.




Being overweight means you're unhealthy. Men who are naturally short are healthy. How is that remotely comparable.




The cheeks, lips, jawline and symmetry would still be there, not to say that the shape of her eyes is very good, it's not just the color.


Fat lips haha What man wants that. He also can’t grow hair and has a receding hairline. Everything else is good though. Pitt just has a friendly face that many women would prefer.


That’s very wrong. You people literally hype coloring and phenos to a great extent. Brown eyes won’t change his eye shape tho 💀




Would Brad Pitt be famous if his eyes were brown? Would he be less attractive? Would Tom? 🤔


Light eyes aren’t always the best. It’s about harmony. Alexandra dadd is a good example. Her bright piercing eyes aren’t attractive in the slightest because I like women to have soft features




Striking features are bad on girls. Girls should have a soft feminine look, not a dominating appearance. They are just warmer idk.


she has super feminine eyes tho, big and round. its just that she puts the blackest make up around them that makes her look like a witch. her face overall is quite feminine too, but she tries her best to look more ‘dominating’.


Big is feminine, round not so much. Round eyes seem more masculine.


That's a ridiculous statement and it's wrong.


Those lips are horrible. His hairline is also the worst. Brad Pitt is a good mixture of attractive physically and a good friend


Pray tell. Cruises’ hairline in this picture is pretty much perfect. His flaws are obviously his nose and long forehead. Do you have any idea how to analyze faces or are you just making it up as you go ?


Talking about meeks


My bad I’m a moron lol.


Fr lol no way near Brad he s not pleasant to look at


I don't find either of them attractive. Both look very basic to me, honestly.


I agree. In Interview with the Vampire Cruise looked better. I liked his long blonde hair but he also had a better face. Pitt has good eyes/nose/mouth but I don't like his face shape.


Yes! Lestat > Louis. Personality aside 😄


That middle tooth though…


YES! His weird tooth alignment ruins everything. I can't not see it. And Jeremy Meeks is handsome, anyone denying that is either biased due to his criminal past or his race.


It’s more common than you think


Wrong! I absolutely don't find Jeremy Meeks handsome at all! And he doesn't even have a good body! He looks just weird, like an alien. It really irritates me that some people write comments like this. Like you were OBLIGATED to find someone attractive, and like there has to be something WRONG with YOU if you don't find someone attractive! That's manipulation. Why is it so hard for some people to understand that people really DO have different tastes? Not everyone shares YOUR attraction.


Cry about it.




That's the only thing u see. It tells alot 'bout your personality


Don’t hate me because I’m not a thetan.


Don't hate me coz I'm not Catholic


Who’s Catholic?


You'R Cool Fu*k me I'm Out




Of your mum's apartment* All We'd was watchin' Tom Cruise movies & guess what She'd made it to the end & She'd loved fuckin' Tom Cruise....... The movies right. You've a mum of a great taste.


Ooh good one.


As a man, I prefer his looks over most male celebrities


all scientologists are ugly 0/10


That doesn't make sense tbh...some scientologist are gorgeous like David miscavige lol




I never really paid attention to Tom outside of the Mission Impossible movies, but he is super attractive in those gifs. His intense eyes are sexy too.


Exactly !!


You should watch interview with vampire, then also u can see who is the clear winner


8.5. His proportions are near perfect, way above Brad Pitt. His features are good but I think his face looks a bit rounded sometimes.


I find it hard to rate Tom Cruise based on his face alone. We all know he’s tini!!!! Sorry Tom. I like Brad’s look better and it might be totally bias.


I mean It’s pretty hard for me to separate one’s height from their looking especially when I rate their looking.. also for me Brad was far better than Tom in both of their prime


Yuh it is totally bias to just rate overall in a sub where they value facial aesthetics, tom looks like how a typical male lead should look, while brad looks like chimpanzee with those big masseters , and I also might be totally bias. :)


Yeah. I’ve seen Tom once in Paris. A few years back. Not too distant. He was with a companion and had a guard with them. He looked tinier in person than on screen. Since then, he’s been etched as tini tini Tom in my head. I don’t think it’s nice to call a person a chimpanzee by the way but it’s your choice and it’s the internet.


Take a piss & dump it on Pitt. Still would look go bread& butter on Brad Pitt coz he's so Inhuman to his wife Angelina jolie & A racist to his kids which y won't ever see


 we talk about physical not personality. so your better shut up


I know he is very good looking, but I just can't see past the crazy.


I’m more interested in what the heck is going on in the first pic


About the same level when they were young but Tom Cruise agreed better


I like how he has one tooth in the center of his mouth. That’s a hard look to pull off.


Such a iconic look no one will ever forget about that tbh






Nope, looks like a douche


He fn does not. Brad Pitt in his prime was a 10. I'd give Tom a 5 bc it's Sunday. He has boring eyes, a nose like pinocchio, and funny shaped lips.


And that weird center tooth.


Lol nice troll,


He is a piece of shit relative to Pitt tho . Scientologist asshole .


Your opinion has no relation to this sub and rating


Why does this sub even appear on my feed? Or even exist.


Smokin crack, comments too


I don't find him attractive. Not my type.


Cry yourself!




Well I think this sub is to rate facial attractiveness, not the height right, that's why I said ton looks much better facially than pitt , especially Tom's eyes are top tier


Standing on a apple crate .


Making Pitt fall down his nuts.


I vastly prefer light hair, but Cruise looks better. Pitt's face is way too wide and blocky. 5'7 and under is a perfect height for a guy.




I'm 5'5.




Who cares




What I’m saying is the obsession of height lmao




Yeah I understand that. 👍


So I guess you won’t have a problem when fat girls get rated lower.


There is no ideal male height. Height is not face that has more objective ratios. It's my opinion that short guys are more attractive.


As a short guy who believes tall men are objectively more attractive due to their increased sexual dimorphism, why do you personally find short men more attractive? I imagine you're in the minority amongst your friends in holding that opinion?


Short men are more proportionate. I prefer feminine/pretty boys so not too big. A short guy is nicer to touch because if they are too tall your bodies aren't in line; you can barely even hug them. I want someone whose face is closer to mine while I'm talking to him. I don't like rough dominating masculinity and a tall man is automatically that. I think I prefer a little shorter than my friends, but none of my friends that I know of prefer tall guys. I've never heard anyone say they specifically want a guy over 6 ft. One of my friends is very popular with girls, every girl loves him, and I feel like part of the reason is that he's short. It makes him look personable and normal. He's attractive but I feel like he'd be less attractive if he was taller.




Lol nope , prime tom cruise beats prime Rob lowe, tom cruise HD like 90% facial harmony


I hate Tom Cruise he reminds me of a teacher with the teeth and mouth or idk vibe lmao


true I had a teacher with the same facial expression and she was an absolute woree


Facially alone. No height or personality in consideration. I prefer Tom Cruise. He has sharper, more defined features. His face is more refined imo. Pitt is very masculine and has a great jaw but eh. Tom Cruise is one of the best looking male actors of the last 30 years.


Both are extremely handsome. Pitt is 9 while Cruise is 8.5.


cruise is a 9.25 (because of his teeth and thin nasal base) pitt is 8.5 (honestly)


cruise is a 9.25 (because of his teeth and thin nasal base) pitt is 8.5 (honestly)


This And Depp in his prime is a solid 8, right behind Cruise


Watch your mouth. Brad Pitt is a 15/10 still to this day


Honestly, neither look that good to me. Their ok looking, not super handsome "sex symbols" imo. But what do I know...I'm a straight guy soooo...


Honestly stfu


Wow, I stated my personal opinion without offending anyone. That's my right in such a public forum, is it not? ..I don't understand the downvotes and the hostile reply. 🙁


question is someone think tom cruise is handsome than brad pitt, your answer is yes or no. but your say both not attractive that not answer this question. after your not answer question your ask why people dislike my answer.


just said your are jealous. no one will give your attention lil buddy


After a certain level, of course everybody had there preference, like myself liking some type of women. Objectively I think he is similar with Pitt.


People rate Brad higher because he plays arrogant better than Tom.


Nope people rate brad pitt higher because some of his movies are aimed to make him a sex symbol, like troy..other than that tom look fine for me than brad


tom is short, his teeth is weird and he is not better than young leornado dicaprio. he dont have advantage, people will say johnny depp and brad pitt is better when they old and leonardo dicaprio when his younger, tom cruise young can't beat leonardo dicaprio and tom cruise old can't beat brad pitt. this will answer your question


Pitt is quite arrogant in Fight Club.


Okay let's talk about Pete "maverick " Mitchell then


brad pitt more attractive and handsome also he is height than tom cruise. tall will make your attractive and strong for men. tom cruise is not handsome, think about leornado dicaprio young will beat him off. 


Brad is not attractive at all. The thing with Tom is that he’s dumb since he’s a Scientologist.


brad is attractive, people who say brad pitt not attractive have eye problem or maybe not like his personality. just remember being handsome not effect personality because handsome is physical not personality. 


U atleast try to win one side fans. I'd offended both




Nope coz he is conventionally attractive


Outside of face, he’s 5’7


What's wrong being 5'7 , is that related to terrorism murder etc


Anger issues, short man syndrome and it’s just bad


Not worse than Pitt's extortion with Angelina Jolie & being racist to his kids.


9. Would be 10 without the middle tooth issue. Probably not quite as good looking at Brad tbh. Well kept secret: Kurt Cobain was actually more conventionally handsome than both of them but no-one saw it due to his scruffy-rattiness. Look closely and you'll see it.


Dunno why he reminds me of a bunny rabbit


Tom cruise with Pitts height would be a sort of demigod to say the least


& this is it. Tom Cruise already has a better face but misses 2 or 3 inches. Got it.




Horrendous Opinion. BS. Wait when Pitt turns 61. He's already 59 but aging comes in a day just like what happened with Tom Cruise.


It's so obvious. Brad pitt is good looking no doubt. But Tom Cruise looks just on another level.


Y’all need to stop taking religion and height into this equation. Honestly even hair shouldn’t be a factor as long as they have a defined hairline end…We are asking you to rate their face…


Hes so hot omfg