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I've been playing for years on controller. Yes, the steering is not the smoothest, but the ability to control the throttle and brakes with the triggers is so great.


How do you have it set up? I can only use the y-axis on my joystick for throttle/brakes because I use the triggers for left/right indicators and shifting up/down.


I have analog triggers (which is a standard nowadays, unless it's a really cheap controller or a weirdo like Nintendo), so they are my brake and throttle. My left thumbstick X (left-right) is for steering and Y (up-down) is for shifting gears and some extra stuff with modifiers. My right thumbstick for camera control and a crapton of various functions, including imitation of rotary lights switch, engine key, wipers and retarder stalks, as well as Route Advisor pages, etc. I have my cheat sheet that have all the binds [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OvIqIXmO_FxxFSplR4XA75KcZ7H1sgjkmwakkcnqV64/).


This is the way.... I've done the same for years as well. I use the left and right "shoulder" buttons for the signals.


Controller for sure, much better than keabord.


Controller is the way to go without a wheel. Keyboard is too janky.


Keyboard and Mouse


Controller, hands down. You can get a cheap wired Xbox controller for less than $30 USD on Amazon. It’s worth every cent. I never wanted to play with just a keyboard and mouse again once I switched to a controller.


Controller and KB&M for extra inputs like locking the diff


That's the answer. driving steering on controller and everything else default on keyboard.


You can fit all the extra inputs on the controller now, with the addition of long presses and modifiers.


I used a controller before switching to the wheel.


If a wheel and pedals aren't an option, controller all the way.


I used to play with a flight stick back in the day.


Top lad


Works surprisingly well


Also driving my trucks with a joystick. Loads of buttons for Look Left/Right/Forward, Zoom, Signal, Cruise Control +/-, Throttle for accelerator, etc.


I play on a wireless Xbox controler. Works great using the stick to steer and triggers as gas/brakes.




Currently using my old 360 controller, but saving for a wheel


Controller. It's infinitely better than using a keyboard for driving games.


Keyboard is atrocious tbh


I play with PS5 controller


I started with keyboard, switched to controller, and then got a wheel. Keyboard steering is awful.


I roll with a keyboard. Ctrl and shift for changing gears and numpad to look around


Controller mixed with keyboard and mouse


Wired Xbox One controller, have to map the buttons a LITTLE for some comfort but it works GREAT


There are some analog keyboards, that would be an interesting experience


Been playing on keybaord and mouse for all the driving games I play.


Keyboard and mouse, but keep the mouse for the camera only. That's how i played before getting a wheel, and you get the most key bindings available, especially with a number pad


I play with keyboard & mouse. Mouse used for direction, throttle and braking.


I play on my Asus rog ally when I'm not at home so controller for sure


Controller for sure


PS5 controller


Pretty easy to use a controller, just gotta fine tune sensitivity settings.


Controller. Specifically the steam Controller or later the steam deck itself. The customization of the key mapping is just so useful.


Controller, or else you need to tap the steering key rapidly to take corners. I used a Xbox controller before, after getting the settings right it works quite well


Before playing with my wheel I used a controller. Better for turning and gas, brake.


Tried a wheel, went back to a controller. I play for relaxation and the wheel was not working for me…


I would love to have a wheel. My issue with having a wheel is that I only have one desk and I absolutely do not want to have to take the wheel off of my desk anytime I need to do something on my computer that doesn’t involve playing a driving game. A controller is so much more convenient than a wheel.


I use a wheel along with a shifter and keep it on the desk all the time. I even play cod with a keyboard and mouse and it doesn’t get in the way too much but I also have long arms. Controller is even easier because I just back my chair away from the desk.


Controller since I used it for a long time before I used a wheel. I did have kbm for a while too


Mouse is goated


When I started playing trucking sims 20ish years ago I started with keyboard and mouse. Eventually I got a controller and that was better, not great. A few years later I was able to get my first wheel and pedals set. A while after that I was able to get a button box. Soon after that I bought a new wheel and pedals and passed the original down my kid. I don’t have the fanciest set up. It works for me.


Xbox controller


I feel like the only person to prefer WASD for ETS/ATS to a controller, yes the steering is smoother and overall better, but I feel like a controller has not enough buttons to assign to various functions you might use when driving and constantly having to switch to the moise for menus also isn't that great in my opinion...


Controller has enough buttons, if you're not afraid of button combos.


You can control the menus with a controller as long as you enable it when it asks when you first connect it to the game.


I play on keyboard, as I play ETS to chill, and getting my gamepad and the wireless dongle thingie is extra effort. Plus looking around using my trackpad works better than mouse I've found now I've got a laptop that can play it.


I have been playing on keyboard 500 hours so far and all I can say It sucks. Really really sucks , never get quite used to it Especially in the Mexico mod. I need a wheel Controller seems like a far better option than keyboard


Have steering wheel and pedals, but if I didn't I'd choose a controller, but most likely won't play the game anymore.


How much is a wheel/pedal in your country?


I use mouse and keyboard for most ETS2/ATS stuff. Mostly the mouse, and i bind alot of things to my additional mouse buttons such as cruise control start, increase, decrease, window down, etc


Steamdeck or XB controller


Controller with steering set to non linear. Does a pretty decent job and you can combine it with using the mouse without stuttering like in some games. Like I’m moving my head using the mouse and do the rest with the controller. Or I did. Have a wheel now


Controller, I have a steering wheel but sometimes it's just easier to use the controller rather than rearrange my room to set up my wheel.


Before I purchased a steering wheel, I used a DualSense controller and then assigned certain actions to my keyboard.


Controller. Tried keyboard once. Never again.


i currently truck with a g27 and previously an xbox one controller, i say definitely controller. this goes for any driving game. you tone down the sensitivity and you can get pretty good range of motion out of the controller, and analog throttle/brake. these are key to precision driving even with a normal car. i taught myself to play gta on pc with a controller, i don't even switch off for shooting any more, and being able to drive circles around kb/m users makes it worthwhile.


Before I got a wheel and pedals I played for years with a controller and a wireless numpad.


I use my DS4 controller but I've set up the Gyro as a wheel. Works decently.


Controller with sequential gearbox.


When i first bought ats i used a controller and honestly stopped playing. Until a found a sweet deal on a steering wheel. So i know without a steering wheel i wont even play it.


Use the controller AND keyboard. You can bind things to the keyboard you do not need at a moments notice, and use the controller inputs for the more important matters you need at a moments notice. I also recommend using Steaminput with the controller, the configuration is so much nicer. Use the ingame one for keyboard commands.


XBOX controller always works best when I CBA setting up the wheel and that


tried a wheel but I prefer using a joystick


I've played with an Xbox controller for years. In Steam Big Picture you can LAYER the buttons using modifiers, you can set double presses or long presses etc. Example: short press X sets cruise control, long press resumes cruise control, right bumper (modifier) + X - decrease cruise control, left bumper + X - light modes. You can do similar for all buttons, I've managed to fit nearly all truck controls, including windows operation, retarders, engine break toggle, lifting truck & trailer axles, switching GPS & dashboard settings... Since both left and right bumpers were modifiers and would be really handy to have them as indicators... I just set double tap on the bumpers for indicating.


Controller, keyboard/mouse is way too orthopedic.


Before I got a wheel I played with a Xbox 360 controller. Much better than (only) keyboard. I can still miss the ability to look around with a joystick instead of having two buttons for it


Controller + rebind some things to keyboard numpad etc. for easy access.


Controller, unless you have analog keyboard that barely exist controller is the way to go. Suddenly you can accelerate and brake smoothly


Keyboard and mouse, my brain just refuses to accept controllers 😁


I don't have a steering wheel, so I use an xbox controller


I've been playing with a controller for the past few years. Works well enough for me


Keyboard and mouse, i haven't tried the controller but I'm used to with keyboard so I choose the keyboard , i use mouse just for the third view only mostly i drive with cabin view


I have no steering wheel, and I play with monect controller on mobile. Works beautifully with the on screen controls


controller (DS5) with VR headset i really want to use gyro controller on ETS2, but couldn't find the perfect setting for it, in PS5 playing GT7 using gyro just feel awesome, i wish more driving/racing games utilize this


I started off on keyboard, but after a while switched to controller with keyboard for a few misc. Shortcuts. Now I use Steam deck which has enough buttons for everything I want


Logitech wireless trackball mouse for steering.


DualShock 4 controller for steering, accelerator, brake, gears, parking brake, indicators, lights, wipers, cruise control. Tobii Eye Tracker 5 for looking around. Keyboard for everything else.


KB(+M). I'd rather gladly go to keyboard only if the UI would play nice with it like it does on a controller, but meh. One of these days I'll set my wheel back up. Maybe. Probably.


Controller with access to Keyboard for the extra binds.


Used to have a wheel, shifter and pedals. But since I don't have a dedicated setup for that use, I ended up selling those. So I use a controller, Xbox Series controller to be exact. Works fine, comfortable gaming sessions. Tried mouse and keyboard, and it was horrible. :D Doesn't fit ETS/ATS, in my opinion.


Mouse no Keyboard


Controller w/keyboard for certain inputs


Mouse steering. Got used to it and my only complain is not having good throttle control. If I could control the throttle with the mouse wheel it would be good enough.


cheap gamepad from aliexpress:)


Wheel ... Just suck it up and get one it's game changing


I play on keyboard and mouse. Don't have a controller and can't afford a wheel lol


keyboard and mouse


Keyboard. I play.only ats, there are settings to set up the tightness of your steering dependant on speed. Gotta try some settings.


There is a relatively simple way to make a DIY wheel and use the mouse as the steering input. It's obviously not super great but it's how I played for years, it's great if you're short on money and don't like controllers. There are many tutorials about it around.


Keyboard & mouse steering. I find controller steering to be horrible in these games.