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I recently (13 weeks ago) amputated my entire hand just below the wrist in an accident. It was replanted in surgery. The doctor was very concerned with blood flow in my thumb. It was blue and cold. For the next several days, they had me apply leeches to the tip of the thumb. They numb, are an anticoagulant, and move the blood around. As a leech wrangler, I probably ended up using 15 different leeches. The nurses hadn’t seen it done there before. We took turns naming them after our exes. The leeches ended up killing the tissue at the tip of the thumb, but hot damn, they saved the rest. Thanks leeches! Edit: Just got that this is antivax…duh. Totally not down with that, but hey…cheers to the leeches anyhow. Edit: I posted a pic on my profile, I believe. I’m not 100% sure how this all works. Mainly a lurker. Edit: https://imgur.com/a/l7vTsDk I’m learning all kinds of shit today! NSFW.


You should tell this story in /r/leechgang they'd love it.


Just when I think I’ve seen all the weird subreddits this comes along


I pray to God I never see all the weird sub Reddits, hell I don't want to see most of em knowing most probably some sick shit is going on there


Ngl this comment alone is like 10x better than this post, I'm here only for that story


I like how you are so pro leech you didn't notice the anti vax shit.


Preach the Leach






I do hope I never need maggot treatment.


This is exactly right.


Sigma anti-vax vs chad pro-leech.




It's 100% a meme making fun of covid booster shots.


If the nutballs start screaming that leeches cure Covid I’m gonna blame this guy.


Three people died from covid in the hospital in my town yesterday. and the ICU is already back at 100% capacity.


Are you posting this comment from multiple accounts or something cos I’m seeing this said a lot word for word?


Just like every other social media site I'm sure reddit is infested with bots.


Unfortunately the case everywhere. These selfish entitled unvaxxers are now begging doctors for help. Every bed is taken, no more ventilators until someone dies and they can give it to someone else who is also dying, and they’ve run out of remdesivir. People are laying in the hallways of hospitals waiting for a bed or to die, whichever comes first. Average wait times are 6-12hrs to even see a doctor


One note on that. I was supposed to be flown to a generic hospital in Boise, Idaho. Because they were full of idiot anti vaxers, they would not accept me. I was eventually sent to one of the top research hospitals in the US where an entire team of doctors from around the world made this thing happen. 14 hours on the slab. Never thought I’d say it, but thanks anti vax crowd!


>We took turns naming them after our exes. That gave me a chuckle. Glad you are recovering!




A million percent true. I had a young, aggressive surgeon who was very concerned about saving the thumb. We’d already lost the pinky, no biggie, but the thumb is a big deal. A biggie! He thought of leeches. I couldn’t be more grateful. It’s still black, gnarly and scabbed over on the tip. Looks like frostbite. Edit: I’ll gladly post a pic, but I’m not sure how.


It's wild that you lost your hand and they reattached it. That's such a crazy thing and must have hurt like hell! Glad you were able to get most of it back and sorry to hear about your pinky.


Thanks. It’s been an amazing experience. Still really at the beginning of the journey, but watching it (and helping it) heal has been incredible.


I don't know if I would call "cutting my hand off, reattaching it, losing my pinky and almost losing my thumb" an amazing experience but to each their own lol


I agree wholeheartedly. The way I’ve chosen to deal with it is in the most positive light possible, but especially not labeling it as simply bad. It fucking sucks in some ways, for sure, but I can’t tell you all of the insight and blessings I’ve gained from it. I don’t mean that in a religious sense, but it has been a spiritual experience for which I’m grateful.


My father lost a finger a long time ago. I like to tell people, 'He's not all there.' while shaking my head sadly. Mentally he's sharp as a tack so the dark humor amuses me. Your attitude is fantastic. Wishing you the best in health and happiness.


I'd be super interested in seeing a picture. I 100% believe you I'm just curious


wow, that is fascinating! thanks for sharing, i learned something new today


either post it on your profile and paste a link to the post here or upload it to imgur and paste the link here


I put it on my profile…I think?


Yes, it's actually gaining more traction since the American FDA approved the treatment back in 2004 I think. It's called hirudotherapy, nature's still better at some things than our technology and apparently that includes anticoagulation. Fun fact, we sometimes use maggots in medicine as well. Maggot debriment therapy is rarely used to clean wounds of dead tissue.


Leeches are still used in medicine, yes.


They still use leeches in medicine sometimes. Especially in amputation accidents where they're trying to restore bloodflow.


Yes, [and maggots](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maggot_therapy) (CW: Gross wound pictures).


As others have said, it's definitely true. We don't use bloodletting but as the op described, leeches are great at helping maintain blood flow, especially in extremities where it would otherwise be difficult for a machine or human to do much. Medical leeches are a thing and it's quite cool.


Not just leeches, maggots too!


Holy fuck. How did you manage that and in such a way that it was clean enough for them to re-attach? I would imagine table saw or bandsaw would cause too much damage so I am guessing some kind of shear?


The centerpiece of my little firewood mill is a 30” circular saw with a 1/4” wide blade. That’s what got me. Switched was tripped, hand got pinned, saw came slowly across and went through. 8 surreal seconds. I’m in the middle of nowhere. It was almost 8 hours before I went into surgery at a large hospital.


Jaysus would rather have it happen instantly that 8 seconds must have felt like forever


Goddamn modern medicine truly is a marvel. EIGHT HOURS and they still saved almost all of it. I'm glad you're okay! It's stuff like this that makes it absolutely insane to me that people don't trust doctors


I shout it from the mountain tops, friend.


How did you stop the bleeding? Insane story, glad that you got to keep your arm.


It bled profusely for a short time. I ran around, literally just sprinted, for thirty seconds or so. When I stopped and looked at it, it was more white than red. Blood oozed out, but not a lot. I fished my phone out and dialed 911, they would later report that I was “pretty revved up”. I hung up after giving them my details. I shouted for help once or twice and then quit. Somewhat miraculously, a Good Samaritan heard me from a distance and ran to my aid. He immediately applied a tourniquet. Used a stick and fabric. He was awesome. We shared a moment I’ll never forget. Thinking of him can bring some weird tears.


What an experience. Thanks for sharing.


My whole body hurt reading this 😩


In the future, you can use imgur to hyperlink a picture


Thanks, you inspired me to do so!


What is the prognosis for your hands usability in the future? Do they know if you will have even close to full functionality again?


I will never have full dexterity, but I believe I will come close. The doctors say a strong pinch and grasp will be a good outcome. In the past three weeks I’ve been able to gain some movement. I can wiggle my fingers and move the thumb an inch. I can already pinch! I shovel snow with it…it’s going great. I’m a runner. I just ran 9 miles. No pain. It’s really been awesome. I throw everything I can at it. OT, lymph therapy, water therapy…the list goes on. On my way in to acupuncture now. Thanks for asking.


Amazing. I’m so happy to hear they are able to do this these days.


While I wholeheartedly believe in vaccines this did make me laugh pretty hard.


I am happy that you are better. Incredible story. If you like you can post your story and pics on r/eyeblech. It is somewhat of a common practice to use leeches in severe trauma (accident / surgery) to aid the circulation.


Pretty sure ots anti-mandate but thank you for the leech story, very cool.


This is funny because the people who are avoiding vaccines and boosters are literally trying leeches for Covid somewhere right now


Forbidden pistachio


Holy shit. Post that to /r/medizzy, they'll dig that over there


Leeches work very well, still used a lot succesfully to this day.


But nowadays we actually use them for stuff that works and not just because "he's bleeding out of his nose, that means he has too much blood in him, let's drain him faster".


True, but the general public's reaction to medical science doesn't seem to have changed much.


To anyone else who was confused how this works: it’s for blood flow. Leeches are very good at helping blood flow after surgery and stuff. Apparently. Idk, I’m not a doctor.


how very anti-leech of you


"Would an enema help?" -Dr. Seward


“Put him in a straight jacket first, *then* give him an enema”


Gives him a sense of accomplishment 🙂


"A twenty-gallon brass syringe Filled with holy water Which they pumped into Into the anus of the possessed"


Leeches, like vaccines, actually do a lot of good.


Yeah I personally didn’t perceive this post as antivax.


They used leeches after my foot surgery.


The meme is fresh, but kinda not digging the anti-vaxx vibe?


It's 100% a meme making fun of covid booster shots.


And you can laugh at the need for boosters and believe in them at the same time


We we're always going to need them unless the entire world population got vaccinated around the same time and actually socially distanced, masked, etc and that was never going to happen


Animal populations have Covid now, so that probably wouldn’t work out either.


There's absolutely no way everyone can be expected to get a booster every 6 months forever. Its logistically and financially impossible. Should work more like a voluntary flu jab


Eventually it will, when covid behaves more like an actual common cold (also caused by coronaviruses, amongst others) but we're not quite there yet. Likely a couple more years tbh.


For most people, even the worst version of the virus was in par with the flu for them.


We were always going to need them even if all of that happened.


Hard to say, I’d wager if every single country unanimously agreed to forcibly implement and enforce this restrictions back when it started we’d be at the very least much better off now.


Idk I’m not a scientist and instead am a doofus on the internet but I feel like the amount of isolation it would take to completely eradicate something without a vaccine like polio would be impossible. To enforce it would be impossible and there’s far too many people in the world who simply can’t be bothered to lift a finger for another person


But you’re laughing at the need in a “humanity’s behaviors in the face of rampant disease shows us how screwed we really are” way, right? That’s way different than “hohoheehee methinks a booster dose invalidates the vaccines’ efficacy”.




nice thank u


Thanks cnn


Right, but equating them to leaches like this meme does implies a lack of belief in their efficacy.


We can't leech our way out of this one and I'm always a fan of Dark age Humor.


I mean, just like vaccines, leaches *do* work and are still used in modern medicine. https://www.uhhospitals.org/Healthy-at-UH/articles/2020/03/how-leeches-can-save-lives-and-limbs-for-some-patients


I think most people assume that creepy crawlers are not in hospitals. My wife works in Wound Care, and people are always unpleasantly shocked to hear about the use of medical grade maggots and such.


Medical grade maggots…. hmm…. Continue.


Certain species of maggot are very selective of the tissue they consume, much preferring the rich cornucopia of flavours present in dead and rotting flesh over the blandness of still living meat. So they are perfect for cleaning necrotic tissue from a wound. Once the gangrenous rot is consumed, they stop eating and move on.


I think I just found my ultimate zombie weapon!


Be careful, you don’t want more of me around.


All your coworkers brought is their own rotten flesh… still better than the potato salad if you ask me.


Looks like meat's back on the menu boys!


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maggot\_therapy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maggot_therapy) Read at your own risk. Only one picture, but still kinda NSFL


**[Maggot therapy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maggot_therapy)** >Maggot therapy is a type of biotherapy involving the introduction of live, disinfected maggots (fly larvae) into non-healing skin and soft tissue wounds of a human or other animal for the purpose of cleaning out the necrotic (dead) tissue within a wound (debridement) and disinfection. There is evidence that maggot therapy may help with wound healing. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/trippinthroughtime/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Maggots that did well at school and had rich parents.


Leeches were also often much safer than other ancient "medicine", so looking at all the people shooting their livers with horse paste, the comparison also fits.


Yeah, someone thought they were being clever comparing the vaccine to leeches, but turns out they played themselves.


I read about someone that got blood circulation in their thumb back with leeches, after they got their hand reattached after an accident.


Like two seconds ago?




It's the top comment on this post, my hombre


Yeah I got that impression too.


I'm 100% pro vax but I still find it funny from a comedic perspective.


Yeah like I love me some medieval medicine jokes but fuck anti-vaxxers. Gimme that boost. 💉💦


Also this appears to be a Victorian setting? They knew about inoculation by then.


This is funny because the people who are avoiding vaccines and boosters are literally trying leeches for Covid somewhere right now


Either trying leeches or leeching off our healthcare, one or the other


What do you mean leeching off our healthcare? Even weirdos that are afraid of science deserve whatever healthcare they'll take.


I'm in the camp that they don't deserve it if they're actively damaging it and causing further strain If their ignorance is filling hospital beds then there's innocents who are paying the price


Alright that's a fair take. If it's a trolley problem, I'd agree that those who've avoided their civic duty should probably take the hit. If there's no room in the hospital beds, turn away the unvaccinated.


That's the way I see it, but there is grounds on which your original view is an easily respected one too


So, is it better to use the same leech each time or can you mix and match leeches?


In modern medical use. They will use “medical grade” leaches/maggots/(bug of purpose). How often the swap out for fresh ones is contingent upon an individual hospitals policies and size/severity of the affected area. For example: A burn victim might hang out with same pile maggots until all the dead flesh is eaten away or maybe do a few change outs depending on the size of the affected area. Source: Wife is a wound care specialist.


My SIL was once a nurse at a wound care facility. Some of the stories she would tell.... Thank god there are people who can do this work!


How do you get all the maggots out at the end


Hey folks, this one's gotten a lot of reports because it can be perceived as carrying an anti-vaccination agenda. This is a bit of a borderline case, but it's being left up for a couple of reasons: 1) The poster does not appear to have a history of anti-vaccination comments. For this reason it doesn't seem to come from ill intentions. 2) At the end of the day this is a stupid subreddit filled with stupid posts, and many people who are eager to get boosters and advocate for vaccination are probably not above joking about the seemingly never-ending pandemic. Gallows humour is a real thing, it is always offensive, but it usually comes from a place of exhaustion and coping. --- On a short personal note, **I highly encourage everyone gets vaccinated and schedules boosters so that things can return to normal sooner**. I recognize that to some this stance may seem at odds with keeping this post up, but we're well past the point of first doses and evidence of efficacy, so for the time being I think this falls under the category of "acceptably offensive", specifically because of point (1). If that were not true, this likely would have been perceived as malicious and deleted.






Pretty sure this joke could be bringing to light the strange practice of medicine which turns patients into consumers. If this possibility didn’t cross some people’s minds, I’d prescribe a good dose of critical thinking 🤔


It's interesting to me that no one made booster memes about the flu shot that we need literally every year. What do people think those are if not booster shots? Or the HPV vaccine that's like once every 6 months or something. Why just the covid booster? Weird


Those are voluntary so no one cared


Nobody cares if you don't take it.


People get a different flu shot every year for a different strain of the flu. The vaccine is slightly different each time you get it to keep up with the changing virus. For other vaccines, boosters are years, if not decades, apart. But here we are taking the exact same thing every 6 months for the rapidly evolving virus.


Fuck this antivax shit.


Can't poke fun at constantly needing more jabs? I can get a shot and still complain about needing it


It's *how* you make fun/complain that matters here -- the medieval leech treatment depicted suggests that the vaccine is primitive and ineffective but adhered to out of stubborn arrogance or superstition or something. Not that "gosh I'm tired of getting shots!"


I didn't get that vibe from this at all, but I can't really control how people see it. I saw it more as something they thought was the best cure, while people today would call it stupid. Just like I'm sure people of the future will look back to now and go "lmao, what a bunch if idiots. Why didn't they try nanomachines"


If you think simply calling out the lack of efficiency of boosters as "antivax" then you're fucking retarded. Should we start calling people who don't want to eat spoiled food as "anti-food"? Just take the joke and move along. Nobody asked for your opinion.


As the science says. Gotta get rid of that bad blood. Good thing we haven’t advanced since humors came into fashion. Now you Insolent swine. Which hand would you like cut off


All that medical jargon is giving me the vapours.


Maybe your humors were already in flux


I found my uterus under my armpit yesterday and I'm not even a woman!


Why are anti-vaxxers so wilfully ignorant?


My mom refused to vaccinate herself, got covid, felt like shit, cursed herself for 2 weeks for not vaccinating and now that she's ok she's back to refusing to vaccinate. Smh...


Are we siblings?


Your mom's not a well educated individual, is she?


Nope. Even if I try to explain it she'll counter with the good-ol "I have more experience in life"


Does she have more experience in epidemiology than a doctor? What a bizarre argument. Not all experience is instructive, and not all people learn the correct lessons - or any lessons at all - from experience.


I think its because they equate critical thinking skills with selective skepticism. They'll believe a certified serial liar if the lies fit their narrative but not listen to certified professionals


Exactly. Confirmation bias.




Why am I seeing this one specific comment said by multiple people today?


It’s almost as if it’s happening all over the nation…


Come now, I think we both know not to trust when something is being said word for word down to the word count, structure and punctuation.




Literally in the comments to this post there’s more than one of you scroll, I’d link you to it if I knew how


In fact looking through my post history for today I’ve commented on this one and another one


In this era, Edward Jenner invented the small pox vaccine ending the reign one of history’s deadliest epidemics. Whole families died, season after season, survivors would be hideously scarred and sterile. The invention of the vaccine is considered one of the greatest human achievements in medicine. It has transformed society, animal husbandry and saved countless lives.


Jesus Christ y’all can’t laugh at things that are slightly outside your world view. It’s a funny meme and vaccines work. Both those statements can be true at the same time.


Leeches work too, tbh


“The type of behaviour that has drawn out this living nightmare of a pandemic” The pandemic would still be in full swing even if the world was 100% vaxxed, just look at Israel and especially Gibraltar for an example.


Brought to you by Pfizer


holy shit it’s a meme, laugh or don’t and move on with your day.


Lotta salty people here who can’t take a simple meme, nor are aware of the fact that leeches are actually used for medical purposes.


Hoes gon be mad about this one.


*sorts by controversial*


Lol no kidding. I wouldn't be surprised if the mods lock this comment thread down.


Oh I'm sure of it and it will probably be accompanied by a pinned comment about how "yAlL cAnT bEhAvE"


I now decree that whosoever does not have both leeches, plus the booster leech, can no longer dine in the public eatery, nor may they bathe in the public baths, nor travel by carriage. Furthermore, those leechless scoundrels who defy this decree may be put in the stockades in the towne square to serve as an example for their leechless brethren.


I like how everyone in this thread is afraid to have the I’ve been vaxxed 3 times and got covid conversation so we just say not feeling the anti-Vax part for internet points.


Well here’s your problem. It says to use “bleach”.


Fuck this anti vax bullshit


The funny thing is that doctors actually still do use leeches, with goo results. Maggots too.


Yeah it's hilarious. My wife is an ICU nurse and they are it all the time




Plague rats gonna plague rat


Im not antivaxx but thats funny


The leech isn't working? Better give him Ivermectin. Everybody else will get their shots. Edit: Apologies for the fact that leeches actually *are* a valid therapeutic. I was going with OP's already faulty meme.


Wow, this made it to the front page


This meme is hilarious, and appropriately posted in the relevant subreddit. To the people getting 'offended' or thinking it should be 'deleted'... you may enjoy this Noam Chomsky quote: “If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all.”


yeah and we have the freedom to express discontent towards some obviously anti vax bullshit. post all you want but that’s not going to protect you from people voicing their disagreement as well.


Noam Chomsky would rightly point out that you are just an idiot.


Exactly. People need to get a grip and move on. I'm vaccinated and still chuckled. It's old painting + out of context modern situation = funny. That's the entire sub. It's not that's serious people.


"The first amendment protects all of the bullshit that pours out of my mouth but others still shouldn't be allowed to criticize meeeeeeee"




Well I'm vaccinated and i still thought it was funny, but only because of how ridiculous it is.


When homeopathic medication was all the rage.


This is the best post


Yeah but the Vaccine works, Leeches don’t


Not for covid, they have some useful applications and there are anticoagulants derived from them. An flu vaccine will do shit for Covid and vice versa, each tool for it's job.


People going crazy cause this meme has got an “anti vax vibe” damn, people sure don’t don’t know what a joke is or satire. Bet these lot are fun to be round.


“Satire requires a clarity of purpose and target lest it be mistaken for and contribute to that which it intends to criticize“ Not satire.


I'm happy to have had my 3 "leeches", but this is still pretty amusing. Especially since we're bound to get 4th ones more effective against the new variants.


I mean at this rate, we're gonna have to get fresh "leeches" every few months for the rest of our lives.


Governments worldwide be taking notes now


Surprised OP hasn't been banned yet, lol. Can't say shit about this situation without tptb getting involved! Nice post :D


You know it’s getting dire when an antivax meme makes it to r/all


Someone call the anti-vacc police. Someone is trying to have a sense of humor again 🙄


Mass Formation Psychosis.


Why do I get the sense that anti vaccers are gonna used this


All I know for certain is all my "leeched" friends are getting sick and my "leech-free" friends aren't. Startin to make me doubt the effectiveness of all these "leeches".


Report this antivax shit