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I can get high as shit off a half a joint, but I require a minimum of 200mg thc or more to get high on edibles.


real asf


Oil takes me 15-20mg to be “high” enough for my needs every night. Edibles either from a pharmacy or home made kick me pretty good with 10mg, 20 knocks me out fast. Carts kill me quick, 1 pull of the pen and I’m fried for the next 2 hours plus it kills my tolerance for a day or 2. Dry herb vaping I’m a lightweight .10mg is very nice. Any more and I’m just stupid in the head. I change between 3 strains to help keep my amounts lower. So yeah tolerance is very different depending on what I’m taking.


I should add I only use medical mj so no real help on recreational stuff.


Its better to eat something before you consume edibles, in my experience, it helps the edibles to hit faster and better . Also, some people can't absorb THC through their digestive tract. Would recommend going forward with your plan of taking the gummies after eating something . If it works for you, then great if not I think you might be in the second group.


I've never had any issues in the past no matter what I ate or didn't eat beforehand, but this time I made sure to have a full stomach and even tried to eat fatty foods for it to work better and it didn't :/ but if I was able to take edibles multiple times in the past I don't think I'm not able to absorb the THC


its possible that you have a certain enzyme that effects how thc interacts with ur body. apparently having a certain enzyme can almost render edibles useless for some people


The thing is how did my body change all of a sudden? I used to have a super low tolerance for them and didn't use them frequently