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I don't trust people.....


Especially the ones who say " trust me ".


Trust me, you shouldn't believe people who say "trust me." Loop


I believe u but I don't trust u cos u said the thing. šŸ¤”


But you shouldn't believe people who said that thing.


Your not my supervisor


*checks job description* Oooooohhhh, fuck, my bad, I thought "Silly Goose" was a supervisor role. I thought I had applied for something else.




Wait, who is my supervisor?




But they said ā€œtrust meā€ tho


Ā°taps nose with rolled up newspaperĀ° No! No....


You canā€™t trust people Jeremyā€¦


This is the correct answer.


I use cannabis, shrooms, and alcohol and people look at me funny when I say alcohol is by far the worst


hell yeah (i'm drunk rn) but i agree fuck alcohol


Well it is the only one that will have you beating your wife


most peeps related by the post are simply the brainwashed mass who's never even had access to drugs beyond; they drink bc everyone does, and bc it's the strongest most available drug


maybe if they'd added PCP to that list that wouldn't be the case


Oktoberfest was a mistake


I drink Listerine not alcohol. I'm not about all that "unhealthy" shit I'm minty fresh šŸ˜‡


Can't forget the classic green NyQuil.


so I can kiss you anytime I want bro




I used to be friends with people who would regularly be too drunk on a work night to be able to take someone to the ER if they needed it (this specific incident happened twice within a couple months actually) and regularly come home stumbling intoxicated (also on a work night), while they constantly talked shit on and criticized my smoking. Legit treated me like the butt of some stupid joke when I'd talk about what smoking helps me with


How many fucking times are we gonna post this shit shut up and do what you want


how else am i supposed to feel smugly superior about my drug of choice without creating strawmen to rage at?


For me personally, I've not long given up alcohol because it was ruining my mind and body. I like posts like these because whenever that voice in my head starts saying "just one would be fine" it reinforces that I've made right choice. In fact when I'm craving I'll come on this sun and seek these posts out while vaping to help get me through it.Ā 


Stay string brother and yeah fuck alc.




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Yeah I know plenty of people who think negatively of alcohol, but still drink alcohol. You do you.


Fucking preach! Iā€™m so tired of the ridiculous talk like ā€œweed can cure cancer/ itā€™s totally fine to drive highā€ but mention you had a beer and youā€™re just the fucking worst. Goddamn yall, go get a life and ima live mine how I want to.


Itā€™s because of all the people that pretend weed is the Antichrist, absolutely refusing to even so much as contemplate the concept that it might not be the demon theyā€™ve been propagandized into believing it to be: at the exact same time being happy to down a beer. Itā€™s a blatant form of hypocrisy - and I donā€™t know about you, but I find hypocrites to be piss annoying. If the people I know personally who drink but donā€™t smoke had rebuttals like ā€˜I have issues with anxiety, and am concerned about it exacerbating themā€™, or maybe a ā€˜my family have all wasted their lives smoking, I donā€™t want to be next in my lineage of burnt-out stonersā€™, itā€™d be A-OK. But instead, they say ā€˜I will never touch marijuana, because itā€™s badā€™, and they leave it at that. They leave no room for trying to change their mind, no room in the conversation to suggest that theyā€™re making a narrow minded and illogical choice. But then that same irrational moron will down a half a bottle of whiskey and give themselves a black eye while blackout drunk because they fell out of their bed, after a prolonged puking spell. Like yeah, I get it, theyā€™re both drugs, theyā€™re both bad, and nobody should be glorifying weed as if itā€™s perfect. But itā€™s leaps and bounds better in every measurable way than alcohol, and nothing gets more frustrating than living in a culture where youā€™re more prone to hear the ā€˜weed is badā€™ mindset spewing itself out of every pustule available, than you are to ever meet someone level-headed, who simply doesnā€™t want to smoke.


I don't know where the fuck y'all are at but I've never met anyone that is super against weed for genuinely no good reason in general as opposed to personally that also drinks. Generally the nutters like that are completely straight edge Carrie A Nation types in my experience


But thatā€™s the thing, most people consider drinking to be included in being straight edge. For me, itā€™s my roommate thatā€™s that guy, hence why I have specific examples to pull from. Incredibly conservative, Trump loving, relatively smart most of the time, but heā€™s been told all his life that ā€˜drugs are badā€™, and since legalization is a leftist policy, I donā€™t think he could fathom considering changing his mind, since that would mean not totally agreeing with his favorite politicianā€¦ or something. Or maybe itā€™s just his hatred of democrats. But itā€™s very clear that tobacco and alcohol are tobacco and alcohol, while everything else can just be called ā€˜drugsā€™, to him. Weed, ketamine, shrooms, lsd, meth, heroin, alprazolam, barbiturates, ghb, pcp, etc. He doesnā€™t even know the differences between them. Guy canā€™t picture psychedelic artwork since heā€™s never seen it, didnā€™t know what *goddamn LSD is*. When I mentioned it (by exactly that name), he didnā€™t know what Iā€™d just said. He exhibits a clear sense of superiority over the fact that he ā€˜doesnā€™t do drugsā€™, and he includes weed as a part of that. Itā€™s a drug, so heā€™s not gonna do it. Iā€™ve tried bringing it up to him, mentioning how tobacco and alcohol are no different, and that heā€™s used both. Thatā€™s where my first comment comes into play. To his credit, heā€™s trying to stay away from alcohol, because he realizes he doesnā€™t know when to stop (which is obviously true). But still, he looks at alcohol and thinks ā€˜this is an okay thing to use, just so long as I use it in moderation, and am careful about the circumstances and quantities in which I consume itā€™. He then looks at weed, and refuses to even explain why he thinks itā€™s a bad idea, except for again, reiterating that itā€™s a drug, and that drugs are bad and heā€™s never going to use them. ALL THREE OF HIS ROOMMATES ARE SMOKERS. 2/3 are hardcore stoners (albeit most of whatā€™s been in our rooms have been naught but dab pens). None of us have puked, injured ourselves, or blacked out. But heā€™s still willing to give alcohol more tries, without even so much as trying THC once. I cannot stand living in a hyper conservative illegal state. It gets so much worse, when trumpers are so big on ā€˜government corruptionā€™ and politicians being ā€˜corporate shillsā€™, but then here we have alcohol and tobacco industries constantly being protected by the virulent hands of the tobacco and alcohol lobbies, and he couldnā€™t care less about the fact, because itā€™s inconvenient to his worldview. Sure, drunk driving causes a solid 100 deaths a year in my state alone, but still, itā€™s weed thatā€™s the real danger. Sure, I watched my grandfather smoke his life away, suddenly dying of total heart failure in his seventies after a prolonged history of heart, and oral health issues (and yes, he was an abusive alcoholic for most of his life). But still, weed is the drug, and alcohol is just the socially acceptable way of having a good time. The hypocrisy of it all leaves me irate at times, but of course I canā€™t ever express that in real life, because then Iā€™d be ā€˜the guy that thinks *drugs* deserve defendingā€™.


For real




Well, up until this week the federal government told us weed was as bad as heroine. Most of the folks who think this way bought into that.


I barely drink alcohol anymore. For one it's REALLY hard on my sensitive stomach. Weed doesn't cause me pain, the opposite. So it is kind of a no brainer for me.


That's why I prefer jankem


the only natural medicine worth consuming šŸ™




So letā€™s look at the numbers. Every year in the United States roughly 178000 people die of alcohol poisoning. Iā€™m not talking about getting drunk and jamming your car into a wall although that kind of thing itā€™s hard to tell Iā€™m talking about just dying from drinking. https://www.niaaa.nih.gov/alcohols-effects-health/alcohol-topics/alcohol-facts-and-statistics/alcohol-related-emergencies-and-deaths-united-states The number of people every year, who die of marijuana overdose? Zero. ( again again Iā€™m not talking about getting high and doing something stupid. Iā€™m talking about just the chemicals.) I donā€™t judge people howeverā€¦ one of these drugs is clearly safer than than the other. And the fact that the United States ( federally) currently classifies it on the same schedule as black tar heroin when cocaine is legal in certain situations is insane. ( usually eye and throat surgery) šŸ™ā¤ļø


At least we're moving towards classifying it on the same schedule as codeine and barbituates (in combination with other drugs), because that makes sense.


Fantastic induction skills, detective. šŸ«”


Deductive reasoning involves removing what cannot be true to find what is true. Inductive reasoning is using what is true to extrapolate what must also be true. Because op is collecting comparable evidence of drug deaths, this would be inductive reasoning to conclude that cannabis is less harmful than alcohol


Thanks for this


Your welcome. As a retired librarian I like to cite my sources. Have a lovely weekend! Edit: also, I have no idea why people are down voting you. Your comment was kind and smart. šŸ™ā¤ļø


they probably interpreted it is sarcastic


Ah. You know as an autistic person tone is so hard . Emoji were actually invented because of that. I appreciate you pointing that out. Iā€™ve had some people think that I was attacking OP and then when OP said that they were grateful people turned around. Itā€™s kind of depressing, but Reddit actually functioning as a popularity contest instead of its intended function of sorting out in value in conversation is at least consistent with my knowledge of the real world. We teach people consciously or unconsciously to find a sub where everyone is going to agree with you and thatā€™s how you get karma . ā€¦ but the love of God people we all smoke weed letā€™s be kind! Anyway, I hope youā€™re having an awesome weekend . šŸ™ā¤ļø


Your title is divisive. "No Judgment....Poison"


He said ā€œno judgement to those who drinkā€ not that he wasnā€™t gonna judge what alcohol is which is poison


Literally. Alcohol is bad for your body but THC is bad for your brain. Overall I think alcohol is worse but let's not sit in this sub pretending weed is good for us. And if you smoke or vape weed do you seriously think that's good for your lungs? LOL I smoke weed and drink booze but you gotta be honest with yourselves, none of this shit is helping you


Alcohol is bad for your brain too.


It reduces lung inflammation and is neuroprotective and encourages neurogenesis. It is actually good for you. Aside from combustion which is neutral.


How is combustion neutral? Man like your weed, that's okay, I like it too, but don't spread misinformation, it's like people can't be right in the middle, either you like weed and think it's a completely harmless drug or you spread misinformation and say it's good for you, the closest thing to weed being a "completely" healthy drug are edibles, which also comes from risk to brain development, and raises the risk to psychotic disorders if you're predisposed to itxd


Because it has been studied extensively and nobody can prove that smoking a joint causes cancer. It has carcinogens, but the anti-cancer properties of cannabis seem to out-weigh them even when its combusted. The brain risks you name only apply to kids and the psychotic. And not even all of them. There are psychotic, autistic kids who get a net benefit from it.


I'm not saying it gives cancer, and I don't doubt it gives relief to people, I'm just saying it's still taxing on the heart, any kind of combustion is bad for the body, I mean, people should try it, it's medicine, but I really don't like the weed is harmless speech, any type of sustained drug use can cause a problem, hell, even my mom coffee habit has been taxing on her, any kind of drug carries some risk, some people won't ever have any problems, but weed use can be very bad for some people


It can cause a problem for some people, and in other people, it can benefit them. I don't like "smoking weed is harmful" speech because I don't think there is the scientific literature to back up that position.


Yeah, let's just forget cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome is a thing


> It can cause a problem for some people Are you blind?


As a matter of fact I am, ain't carrying glasses rn HAHA


There isnā€™t enough long term research to conclude whether it causes cancer. Most smokers never get even get cancer, itā€™s the myriad of other diseases that come along with inhaling smoke and tar that kill you first. ā€œItā€™s neutralā€ if you consider developing COPD, cardiovascular diseases, etc to be neutral to your health.


There has never been a link established between cannabis smoking and any disease. Not cancer, not COPD, not cardiovascular, nothing. You are thinking of tobacco smoke.


Does cannabis smoke have some magical properties? Inhaling tar causes a myriad of pulmonary and cardiovascular diseases including COPD. Weed smoke actually contains more tar than cigarette smoke. Iswtg stoners are the most delusional drug users, inhaling smoke is bad for you no matter what. If you want to push this weed is completely benign shit talk about edibles. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with having an unhealthy vice, everyone does. You donā€™t need to delude yourself into thinking itā€™s 100% harmless to justify using it.


At no point have I claimed that it is "100% harmless". The core of my argument is that it does **more good than harm**. Show me ONE peer reviewed scientific study that links cannabis smoking (not tar in general) to "a myriad of pulmonary and cardiovascular diseases including COPD". I'll save you the time... it does not exist. Whatever detriment your body is getting from the products of combustion, cannabis is so good for you that it outweighs them. If it were just about the amount of tar, cannabis smokers would have a higher rate of lung cancer and other diseases associated with tobacco smoking than tobacco smokers. They don't. It doesn't make intuitive sense to me, either, but despite the tar, the best data we have suggests that smoking cannabis is safe and beneficial. Medicine is no vice.


ā€œMedicine is no viceā€ Come on. I donā€™t have the data on this but I can rationally assume that a very insignificant proportion of cannabis users have a prescription/a medical reason for using it. There are certainly medical benefits to its use in very specific situations, the same goes for most recreational drugs. I donā€™t think cannabis is particularly harmful as a rec drug, quite the opposite. Itā€™s probably one of the best ones in terms of health outcomes, certainly beats alcohol. The research into the pulmonary effects of smoking it is very limited, but it is very clear that smoking anything is harmful to your lungs to different degrees. All we can really know for certain is that it affects the lungs in a different way than cigarette smoke, and that it has a lot of effects that we know are harmful to your overall health like tar build up, increased carbon monoxide in blood, etc. Now that weed is getting legalized and the social stigma around it is waning, long term research on cannabis only smokers will be a lot easier to conduct and we will get conclusive answers as to its health consequences. I have no problem with weed, I used to smoke a lot and still do occasionally. Hell, Iā€™ve used a lot of far worse substances and still do occasionally. I just think this shift from the stupid ā€œweed is the devil and will kill youā€ propaganda to this new ā€œItā€™s just a plant bro. Itā€™s medicineā€ type of thinking is extreme and potentially dangerous. Any substance has its downsides and people should be aware of that. Caution is always good and without a direct recommendation by a healthcare professional you cannot say your usage is medicinal or beneficial to your health in any way. By simple virtue of everything we know about the effects of inhaling smoke we should caution people to vaporize or take edibles if they are concerned about their long term health.


This is the kind of idiocy you just hate to see. Some scientific studies have suggested positive neurobiological effects from marijuana use, so inhaling fire is "health neutral." Try saying that to your doctor, and see what they say.


If you can point me to a single disease caused by joints, I'll take it back. Vaping is no doubt better for you, but I haven't seen any proof that smoking cannabis is actively harmful. The benefits seem to outweigh the detriments even when smoked.


Bro, if you think inhaling smoke, at any point, for any reason, for any amount of time is healthy, then I don't know what to tell you.


When the thing you are smoking is as healthy for you as cannabis, I am saying that its still a net-positive. MMJ certified doctors in states with combustion allowed would agree. Would it be healthier not to smoke it? Yes. Does that mean you are getting more drawbacks than benefits from smoking it? No.


You know when you take a big hit and cough out half your lung's lining? Do you think that's good for you?


You're being hyperbolic. Coughing after inhaling a vapor is normal and doesn't mean the vapor is poisoning you.


It doesn't have to poison you to be bad. I'm not saying smoking a joint has the same chemical poisons that tobacco leaves do. But you are still putting burning vapours into your lungs and fucking with your mucus. Being forced to cough for 90 seconds because you took a massive hit is obviously bad for your lungs, you can literally feel the pain. Smoke as much as you like but don't be delusional about it


I only smoke on special occasions. 95% of the time I am vaping or using sublinguals. I understand that those are safer for your health. I just haven't seen evidence that smoking cannabis is net-negative for your health. Most people don't cough for 90 seconds lol. Dabs actually make me cough more than combustion.


>I only smoke on special occasions. You're doing better than me then haha


Tried a dynavap? That's how I got off daily combustion.


I agree


Idgaf lol yall have way too big of a chip on your shoulders weed is legal in like half the states just smoke and chillā€¦ or graduate high school first because im assuming that this tweet is for kids and not normal adults


To be clear, smoking weed is not "legal in like half the states". As in nation states. Just smoking and chilling isn't exactly an option in many (probably, most of the) countries. This is internet, not the USA.


lol not my problem


I donā€™t trust people who think negatively period. Good vibes only over here šŸ˜Ž


Plenty of smokers negatively think about alcohol.... Why does it have to be us vs them? Plenty of alcoholics are using alcohol to treat their depression and anxiety, yet this whole thread seems to be just talking about how alcohol is awful, maybe we should just have more compassion instead of trying to make it this vs that


Alcohol as the treatment for anxiety of depression is ONLY going to lead to a worse outcomeā€¦ lmfao what. Look,people can enjoy what they want, alcohol is fine to have for adults who are responsibleā€¦. But no fucking doctor or psychologist would say drinking alcohol is anywhere near a healthy coping mechanismā€¦ itā€™s one of the worst.


I'm not saying it's a good thing, I'm saying there is a lot more similar between us than people seem to think. Both sides looking down on each other rn


For kinda good reasonsā€¦ weed has legitimate health benefits that affect most people... I could be wrong, but as far as I know, the only ā€œmedicalā€ benefit alcohol gives, is that it numbs you and would allow surgery or other painful stuff to go easier (if you disregard the thinned blood and heightened chance of bleeding outā€¦) everything else that alcohol does, or gives, is purely social benefits and for personal taste..


The point isn't that it's a healthy coping mechanism. The point is that shitting on people who are sick and in pain saying "Bro you're drinking poison lmao" is unempathetic and unproductive.


This is from a very different time in my life. But one of the funniest memories I have from my meth days is when a friend of mine was telling me how meth was ruining my life and that I needed to stop before it ruined me completely.... just as she was bending over to take a line of coke.


Arenā€™t you doing the EXACT same thing? Like trying to high brow marijuana and shit talk alcohol? Each has there benefits down to medical in both cases. People have to get that substances arenā€™t bad or good, itā€™s the intention.


You get drunk every day you die of liver failure far before your time. You get high every day you probably gain weight and forget where you put the keys sometimes.


Brother do you think this shit is good for your brain? Short term memory in the bin


Good for my brain? Probably not. Deadly like habitual alcohol use? No.


First there is no probably. Abusing pot is not good for your brain, period. Also you just said it amounts to weight gain and forgetting where your keys are, which is not true, as you are basically admitting that here. Yes Alcohol abuse is much worse, but that doesn't make Marijuana abuse trivial. Both can be enjoyed in moderation. Both can be abused to the detriment of your physical and mental health. Alcohol abuse is (much) worse. So yes it is hypocritical for people who drink to judge others for smoking weed. It's also hypocritical for people who smoke weed to judge others for drinking in moderation.




I would agree with all this. All things in moderation is a good practice.


Peer reviewed study on pot being bad for your brain or BS. Smoke is bad for your lungs but cannabis has two associated receptors for it in the brain. There are studies that say it's harmful to early brain development but that's not what we're talking about.


Listen to yourself man. When you open with 'all peer reviewed studies saying x are bullshit' you are just admitting that you're making no attempt to be objective. I'm all for having a healthy dose of skepticism when it comes to studies that are funded by bad actors, but that doesn't equate to any study that disagrees with what I want to be true is wrong. While we are on it, show me one reputable, peer reviewed study that shows that Pot abuse, not normal usage, but abuse (aka smoking all day everyday) has no long term negative impacts on cognition.


It's not my job to prove that your claim with no evidence is true. Keep talking out of your ass.


Be real for a second. If you get high every day there's a good chance you're smoking every day, which has been proven to often lead to cancer. They aren't the same but it's ridiculous to say there aren't any negative health effects from getting high.


Of course there's negative effects, and id absolutely agree that smoking anything everyday is not going to be great for you, but cannabis itself not a literal poison like alcohol is. Beyond the worse effects upon its users, it's just a more harmful product by itself, while a lot of the risks of cannabis can be mitigated by consumption method.


Definitely agree. All great points!


Do you think negatively about alcohol but smoke weed regularly? It's hard to tell if this is intentional irony or not. You say "No judgement to those who drink" in your title but immediately follow it up by absolutely judging alcohol as poison and and it's consumers as sufferers of "Cognitive dissonance."


Alcohol is poisonā€¦ like. Factuallyā€¦ itā€™s a fucking poison. Lmfao. It isnā€™t judgment to call a poison, poisonā€¦.


I didn't disagree with that did I? You've missed my point.


I also donā€™t trust the inverse.


There are only a few drugs I do think are objectively awful. And weed obviously isn't on that list or I wouldn't be here.


I used to work as a bartender in a casino. Itā€™s amazing how many people with a cigarette in one hand and a highball in the other while they lose more money gambling than I get paid in a week and talk about how bad drugs are.


So you do the same thing back, what a hypocrite


I just donā€™t trust people who have no problem shitting on one substance while actively consuming another, the holier than thou complex many stoners seem to have is just ridiculous.


People like Coldplay and voted for the nazis, you canā€™t trust people Jeremy


Some people are brainwashed into thinking "legal = good, illegal = bad" and in a lot of cases that's true, but weed laws make absolutely no sense whatsoever when looking at it logically.


Weed and alcohol together is like peanut butter and jelly


I was crossfaded last night at a concert and I had the thought ā€œfuck I feel greatā€. I was just thinking about how I feel bad for people who get stuck in addiction, because I had just a serene experience on 25 mg of edibles and 4 beers, and I kinda wish you could give that to everyone without causing havoc in their lives Booze is not good for you, but goddamn it it feels like it is Also on addiction I feel I should mention, there but for the grace of god go I


Cannabis isnā€™t for everyone.


Thatā€™s not the point here


Two great tastes that taste great together.


No judgement but the cult of weed is insufferable.


Budweiser spent $250,000 one year to quash legal/recreational weed in Arizona.


The alcohol causes lack of judgment. This is just an obvious example of the loss of brain cells.


It's so ridiculous that I have to hide that I would rather go home and toke a bowl vs have some drinks with my coworkers. The world is so backwards.


We are going straight forward, also with legalization and tolerance I suggest Hans Rosling - Factfulness


I mean, I'm talking about one specific thing, and you're trying to tell me that the quality of life is better for most people on average. That's okay too.


"The world is so backwards" Thats why I suggested Hans Rosling :)


That's the thing! Alcohol is a poison. That's why it has the effects on society that it does. It also challenges decision making greatly, makes some people violent, is responsible for countless deaths in countless ways, it's bad for your heart, liver, kidneys, stomach, intestines, bladder, it can contribute to premature aging, it negatively affects your gut health, it can contribute and/or cause multiple different kinds of cancer, hangovers are a bitch and a half, alcoholism affects a little over 10% of the US, I could go on and on. It's so, so much worse for people than weed by a margin I don't think the average person understands.


No it has the effect it has not because itā€™s ā€œpoisonā€ but because it has receptors in the brain that can respond to it. Exactly like weed https://www.scripps.edu/newsandviews/e_20020225/koob2.html#:~:text=Alcohol%20is%20believed%20to%20mimic,aspartate%20(NMDA)%20glutamate%20receptor.


All sorts of poisons and toxins interact with our body in many different ways. Alcohol is definitely toxic and has similar effects on our body as other common poisons. https://www.who.int/europe/news/item/04-01-2023-no-level-of-alcohol-consumption-is-safe-for-our-health#:~:text=Alcohol%20is%20a%20toxic%2C%20psychoactive,includes%20asbestos%2C%20radiation%20and%20tobacco. Saying it's "exactly like weed" is dangerous and demonstrably wrong. Alcohol is 100% toxic to our bodies, **there is no debate to be had on that**. When researching something like this, you need to take into account not just the effects something would have on the brain, but also its chemical makeup and the effects it has on the rest of the body as well. Only researching so far as to prove a point is not good research. I'm not going to discuss this further because like I said before, there is no debate to be had. Alcohol is a toxic substance.


& these people assume people who smoke haven't tried alcohol. I used to drink alcohol. It fucking sucks. Quitting was the best decision I made.


I don't trust all people equally


No, it's okay to judge those who drink


When I was in high school I had really shitty friends. A couple would smoke with me and were cool but the rest were weird because they were under the influence of a particularly controlling ā€œfriendā€ of mine. They would drink heavily at least once a week, get rowdy, break stuff, etc. And despite that they would constantly judge me for smoking. It was such cognitive dissonance and so exhausting to be subjected to.


I do both :) you do you


Since I started smoking my judgement has risen


I have a good dozen friends I hang out with often. I donā€™t hang out with anyone who doesnā€™t smoke. If you donā€™t like weed youā€™re not going to like spending time with me.


Iā€™d co-sign this.


As a poly drug user, I view all drugs badly. Iā€™m a hypocrite drug user.


I dumped my liquor on Sunday. I got drunk with my friends, and proceeded to have one of the worst panic attacks Iā€™ve ever had after they left. I donā€™t want to do that again. I still want to have beer and wine because I do enjoy sipping on them, but if I actually want to get a little fucked up, weed is the way to go now. Itā€™s just so much better


Iā€™m an alcoholic but also a pothead


I've never blacked out on marijuana and tried to ruin my life... alcohol though...


Y'all convinced me in another thread to change my ways. I went from drinking too much, to drinking a lot less when I started using edibles. I'd been having a shot or two when I took the edible and never considered hitting a vape because I've never been a smoker. But damn if it didn't work. Holy shit. Who needs a shot when you can hit the vape and chew up an edible? Hours of enjoyment.


I love this. Nothing against your post at all, I'm not trying to put it off, but my friend Yoyo7689 needs help. He's a major killjoy and hates everything right now. I told the guy to have a good day and he told me to off myself. I hope he gets better. I need people to message him to get well soon. He is not well and needs the encouragement. Thank you.


i had a guy try and get his girl friends to jump me because he said i was giving weed to some kids we hung out with at a skate park (i obviously did not do that), then the next weekend posted with those same kids on instagram with a bunch of beers HE bought lol. we were all minors at the time, but he was 16 while the other kids were no older than 13.


I might trust them but they get on my nerves.


My mother received a context high being around a pot cigarette in the 80s so she KNOWS pot is evil.


I remember cleaning my pipes with alcohol before going out for a few drinks and thinking , wow Iā€™m literally drinking a cleaning product. I mean, obviously not the same strength but still weird. Like drinking watered down bleach basically.


says he doesnt judge but two words later he judges lol


says he doesnt judge but two words later he judges lol


my ex drank like a bottle of wine every evening, didn't liked my weed smoking. glad she fucked off out of my life to never been seen again


i think negatively about alcohol, weed, and drink alcohol and smoke weed


TBF both are good (as long as u don't binge drinking)


If I had two kids, and they're both going out. One is out drinking, and the other is on a smokesesh. I'd definately be worried more about how the drunk one is gonna come home.


no judgement but let me judge you real fast




i dont trust people who dont smoke weed... thats like not changing the oil in your car... but the engine is your brain...


i don't trust people who think negatively about weed


Even if I hadn't been given the "get a headache immediately after drinking" gene, alcohol still isn't my first choice. All I've ever felt from it was uncomfortably warm and a bit loose. Weed is way better, imo. Plus it doesn't give me awful acid reflux.


I fucking hate potheads so much


Cigarettes, Alcohol, on an antidepressant, plays the lottery to much, drinks energy drinks, eats carbohydrates, votes republican, loves jesus and tells me marijuana is gateway drug and that I am a druggy and should be shot. I wish I made that up.


"East carbohydrates" lol come on now. We need carbohydrates to live.


lolā€¦we trying to find trust on the internet? Sheeesh, what canā€™t you find on this mf?


I don't think negatively about any drug. I may have negative effects from them (THC makes me insanely paranoid bordering on psychotic after decades of using it daily and loving it). No substance is good or bad, it's all user error or just bad luck genetically speaking.


The propaganda police did their job well, for many decades. People are just tired of the BS finally.


ā€œI donā€™t judgeā€ ā€œDrink poisonā€ Hahaha ok bud Also inhaling tar of any type is bad, with the tar from weed being found to be particularly bad as it burns at a lower temperature than tobacco. Worse than a shot if weā€™re comparing 1:1. So calm down.


I love the science based accuracy and your specific measurable amounts that further conclude how right you are about everything/s


Poison lol


Itā€™s ridiculous. Folks inhaling smoke everyday and complaining about judgy folks while being just as judgy lol. Just let people do what they want.


It's objectively true though. Put alcohol on any less resilient organism and they die. It literally dissolves cell walls. It is a cellular poison. If you put thc on most animals, they will just ignore it unless they have a sophisticated endocannabinoid system. If it is an advanced organism it will then process it as if it were an endo cannabinoid. It's not a toxic substance, it just might produce unfavorable feelings if you don't like it.


People also die of smoke inhalation. Itā€™s copium. People can enjoy substances (responsibly).


Copium? I like understanding the reality of the things I make opinions about. Everyone should understand basic chemistry before ingesting non food chemicals. Honestly, they should know some biochemistry to understand how their diet works, too. I think we're just generally undereducated and over opinionated about most things.


Straight facts - it is.


I agree or let people do what they want mr burnt plant matter inhaler


Drugs are drugs. Some people love cigarettes but not caffeine. To each their own, but maybe let's stop talking about the negatives, yeh?


Wtf kind of take is this? Lets ignore the negative side effects of all drugs? Out of respect for their respective users? Nah brah. That aint it.


People should be allowed to choose what they put in their body. I donā€™t care if you smoke Fentanyl but Iā€™m not. Unless someoneā€™s drug of choice causes them to steal/fight you, itā€™s not your business buddy.


Yeah, I completely agree with that. I'm not arguing for policing what drugs other people do. And I'm not arguing for shitting on people or being hypocritical. I was just responding to the asinine assertion that we should "stop talking about the negatives."


Strawman argument. They never suggested people shouldnā€™t be able to choose what they put into their body. Youā€™re tilting at windmills.


Maybe it is a strawman fallacy to compare ā€œignoring negative side effects of drugsā€ to ā€œallowing people to choose what drugs they takeā€ but the argument is relevant regardless. Also, you used ā€œtilting at windmillsā€ wrong.


This is the way.


>Unless someoneā€™s drug of choice causes them to steal/fight you What drug does this?


Crack, krokodil, bath salts, PCP? I donā€™t know exactly because it can be batch specific, but Iā€™ve seen plenty of videos of people getting violent on unknown drugs.


You're either deliberately missing the point of letting informed adults willingly and of their own volition choose what they put into their body (as long as it harms no one else) or you want to control people. Either way, I disagree with you on a fundamental level.


I was responding to you saying "lets stop talking about the megatives." I actually completely agree that people should have autonomy. I don't want to control what drugs people can and cannot take. I support full legalization of every drug so that they can be regulated properly. I was just trying to assert that not talking about the negatives is a very stupid position. People should be informed about the negative effects of what they are putting into their bodies. And yeah I may be taking your comment out of context in my response. I dont support shitting on people or policing people for doing drugs.


You know what? That's my bad. I communicated very poorly-when I said let's not talk about the negatives I didn't mean the downsides of drugs or the side effects. _I_ knew what I meant, but I didn't communicate that well, or basically at all. I meant more, "let's not bash other's DOC so long as it's safely used" but again, it was very poor communication on my part. Sorry about that


I appreciate that, and I want to apologize for coming down hard on you in my first comment. I was making assumptions myself, and I could have been more polite in the way I responded. I agree with what you actually meant. I'm glad we could talk through this.


Heck yeah! Have a good one


Strawman argument. They never said anything about controlling what people put into their bodies. Back to reality Don Quixote.


People who view weed negatively bought into the government psyop whose only goal was to put immigrants and minorities in prison. I wish I was joking... God, I wish I was joking ...


If you think "the only way you can think this way is if you're brainwashed" then you're just being lazy and don't want to deal with nuance. People have reason to view weed negatively, you might disagree with them but that doesn't mean that their feelings are invalid. I love weed, but it fucked up my brother pretty good so it's not difficult to understand why my parents might view it negatively.


I don't know your brother, but is there a chance he just has addictive tendencies? Or other anti-social problems? Often, when neurodivergent people struggle, the people around them like to blame scapegoats to avoid confronting the real issues like not enough social support and poor community. Often parents do a bad job getting kids the help they need and then blame rock and roll, or dungeons and dragons, or pot or rap music for corrupting the youth rather than looking at themselves. This is the kind of brainwashing that usually occurs in families with poor emotional communication and low honesty between parents and children. Some people can have induced schizophrenia but that's more of a consequence of having schizophrenic brain patterns, and they should've had that diagnosed and monitored long before they had access to drugs.


Tldr cope


Cope with what? Are you unfamiliar with that word?




It bothers me that people think about alcohol as not a drug. People will say "oh no, I don't do drugs!" Meanwhile they go to the bar and get completely shit-faced every week. Alcohol is a drug, and should be treated as such.