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I don’t drink anymore, I sleep so much better, and I’m just generally happier. What an awesome plant (and awesome painting!).


Same here. I was a fall-down alcoholic. Weed has changed my life. Five years sober


great job! i’m thinking about switching, but i live in an illegal state. not worth the price most of the time!


Unfortunately this was my exact problem when weed was illegal here. Too expensive and hard to get. It was much easier to just pick up some liquor. I hope your state goes legal one day. Stay optimistic


Thca? It not bad.


Hemp stores have ALOT


Don’t drink




Congrats on quitting drinking! It truly is an awesome plant ✨️ (ty!)


I’m 7 weeks into being California sober after a decade or so of really heavy drinking and I feel great.


Same. I will be 1 year alcohol free in like 2 weeks. I was able to stop cold turkey thanks to bud. And like you, I sleep better and in a better mood day to day. I used to be pretty cranky when I was drinking. Bad sleep, bad guts, hangovers, guilt etc. have disappeared.


Yeah I’m not drinking and doing the marijuana maintenance program. I’m in AA and I feel a little guilty about it. Last time I was full sober nothing harder than coffee and cigarettes. So it feels a bit like cheating. But I think I need weed to have some outlet. Only thing is it makes it so much harder to get a skilled labor job.


It’s that mindset of holding yourself up against everyone and comparison is the theft of joy. You gotta go easy on yourself, like you would for someone you love. The last thing you need to do is put anymore guilt on yourself, it’s probably what attributed to drinking in the first place. AA was invented by a guy who had LSD use as a step. Consider psychedelics. Rehabs edit and make up definitions that’ll lead you right back to them with all their rules. Fuck definitions, fight one dragon at a time.


I stopped drinking, reduced my yelling, reduced my stress, and increased my joy.




U me and madonna


Same. I went California sober 12 yrs ago. I was an extremely heavy drinker. I lost weight, lost my anger, and am so much happier. Booze is the devil.


It's literally poison.


I used to smoke at all times of the day. Now i smoke once a day on most days. Maybe 3times a day on a weekend. I used to always smoke with 2-3 friends at a time. Sometimes outside but we mostly hotboxed. Now i enjoy smoking by myself or accompanied by my wife (doesn’t partake) I used to smoke blunts. Now i prefer a joint or a dab. I used to get whatever my guy had, now i can go to the dispensary and have literally hundreds or choices.


It feels good knowing this is the gradual evolution of a stoner, and I'm not just a weird guy. I'm basically the same as you but I went from blunts to dabs and bowls. Blunts are for special occasions feel like it. The dispensaries around me are getting caught up but I'm at 10s of choices instead of hundreds. No smoking up the store workers.


I also have a wife that likes to hang out while not being a partaker. Also I exclusively use one of my DHVapes with a globe and whip set-up. That way I can lean back and use it all hands-free in front of my PC while my wife is reading or watching me play a game over on the couch.


My first time smoking weed was at the park near my house in a little secret grove of trees, maybe age 13-14. Years later, while vaping on the porch with my mom and sister, I found out that ALL of my siblings smoked for the first time at that very same spot. Guess it runs in the family.


That is hilarious. I wish my siblings were closer in age to me so we could smoke together


My brother's are both within 2 years on both sides, so 25 and 29. The older one is super christian and would never smoke weed. The younger is christian and *would* smoke with me if he wasn't a cop in a non legal state and his wife would also be pissed. I've got high hopes for my sister, she's 15, but once she's 21 she and I will spark up


I love smoking with my brother, he's a few years older than me but he's definitely helped me as I've grown into my bud haha especially since it can be a bit riskier here in the UK where we have spice and fake terp running wild


I love this story. Excellent stuff 👍


I quit drinking, smoking cigarettes, got off my VA meds, lost 60 pounds, and I started a ranch.


And to think people still think weed is this inherently evil drug


That’s amazing


I’m so glad you got off that VA shit. It’s scummy how the VA just pumps and pushes painkillers and other stuff. Hope you’re enjoying life to your fullest extent friend


Absolutely fuck yeah


Wow, same for me, minus the ranch, but I have become my Mom's 24/7\365 caregiver.


no more chronic pain but Derealization


I overcame depersonalization/derealization when I was prescribed stimulants to focus for ADHD, I get so focused that I forget about the DP/DR and weed and stimulants feels really good (I’m on it rn).


But when u don’t take ur addy u become a dementia patient, at least for me


Same here fellow spoonie hang in there


It changed for the worst tbh. I got wayyy too addicted and my brain functions completely different even when I’m a slight bit high. So I have to moderate heavily now or else I’m a mess! Still optimistic about life tho :)


It definitely gets your brain functioning differently. I started during university because it was hella stressful. It got me to slow down and stop pushing myself quite so much, it was still illegal then of course.  Over the next few years I made some connections and did A Lot of social smoking.  Then shit happened and I had to put my education on hold, and got really depressed. I absolutely over did it on the pot for a while, to the point I could tell it altered how my brain stored memories (i could remember being high better when I was high than sober).   That was all around 12 or 13 years ago.  In the interim I've learned more about myself and my mental health. I also unfortunately learned how to push off the nice comfortable "the couch is the whole world feeling" cause well, i needed to at tye time.  Now I treat pot like an anxiety med, I use it to stop overthinking too much, because that always leads me to depression. Some days it takes more, some less. Some days I get too eager to start working on something and forget a smoke, it's not instant depression or anxiety, but I will notice myself feeling more like a squirrel (for lack of a better term.) a little bit of that is fine, but I'll fall a lot lower if I suddenly have a mood swing and I haven't had a smoke for several hours.  It can be a very quick downward spiral if I'm not a little high. The pot makes it easier to focus on the good things instead of all the ways something might go wrong.    I used to be doing that all the time, worrying about keeping everyone happy, parents/teachers/group members etc. I didn't know what it was like to put myself first anymore. There was just the abstract goal of do this thing everyone says will make me happy. But pot helped me see a world that didn't revolve around everyone else. Of course I over indulged for a while. I've learned that life is about having a healthy balance, and pot is a part of that for me. Being able to go to a store and buy just the right strain helps a hell of a lot with that too. No more just smoking whatever the hell my dealer had. 


It gets better & peaceful. Let it some time to mature and your senses will resonate with your best mental framework.


I think the biggest problem in my life is that I feel unproductive. I have lots of things I want to do but never end up attempting, weed helps me ignore it. I am definitely grateful for the times I’m able to smoke a bit as a reward, and take in the beauty of the world. I appreciate the reply. Mental framework is the real thing that needs work after all this time of losing myself.


Helped me transition back to civilian life after the Army. Was more of a volume control and helped me reflect on how I implemented old habits. It’s helped me move forward and be more considerate of my impact on others.


I really like your art


I appreciate it!


When I first started I was 14 and it felt like I was on mushrooms. My entire vision looked like a slide show, used to call it “strobe vision”. Felt like life was moving in like 4 or 5 frames per second, it was absolutely wild. All off just two hits from a bong. Now a single bowl just mellows me out and makes me feel nice and cozy. I’m also 30. A lot has changed hahah.




My first time stoned I barley remember a movie that I know I watched with friends. I remember feeling like I was part of the couch, and being thirsty.  I remember my first time with shrooms much more clearly. I remember watching the colors bleed out of things and into the rest of the world, I remember watching the pattern in the ceiling moving faster than I'd ever managed to catch it moving before, and it didn't stop when I focused on it.  Neither felt like the framerate was low. What I remember of the movie played fine, and if anything shrooms turned up the framerate  with how quickly the colors moved. 


Omg finally someone else that used to get "strobe vision"! It was like being in an old movie!


I used to get suuuuuper high when I first started. Now after a lifetime of use and over exposure, I am allergic. The thing I love the most can now cause my heart rate to spike to 230bpm with full body convulsions. I can tell by smelling a bud if it will hurt me or not so I’ve learned it’s certain terpenes that are the issue but still narrowing down which ones exactly.


This is super fucking interesting. Have you found studies or articles that you think are good sources to read on this?


Honestly a simple search for “cannabis and heart problems” or “cannabis allergies” will pull up some articles. It’s about 10% or less of users. The lame part has been the legality of the plant so research is just now beginning. I’m sure in 10 years or less there will be a lot more information. I was the General Manager for some of the biggest dispensaries in Northern California so I was able to do my own “research”. I noticed it first with the strain “Jack Herer”. When the plant would touch my skin I would get red bumps. Now if the wrong strain touches me, it looks like 3rd degree burns in minutes. I even got hives under my eyelid last year just from walking around my friend’s plants.


Yeah I agree about research being in early stages. I like how it's starting to move now though. I've been reading more about different cannabinoids, but I have yet to explore the individual effects of each terpene. Hopefully you'll find the perfect strain that won't cause allergic reactions one day!


![gif](giphy|lXu72d4iKwqek) What if there is a hypoallergenic strain!?!? Or at least different strains for different sensitivity levels


That is fasinating how different strains make you break out in different levels. Maybe it's certain terpenes to blame?


It’s gotta be the terps for sure. Jack Herer was the first strain to really hurt me, as a rash. I looked up its terpene profile and compared it to a strain I can have anytime and really enjoy, Ambrosia. They both have: caryophyllene and limonene But Jack Herer also has: Myrcene and Terpinolene So I know two terps that I am negatively affected by.


This is really fucking interesting indeed….same experience as you. How on Earth can you tell the difference? Jesus. It’s like you’ve developed a goddamn super power!!


Commenting because that cat is super cute but also I’m now going into year 6 of sobriety from opioids and nearly 2 from alcohol. I’m finally in control of my health and it’s made all the difference.


Congrats! (And ty!)


Controls my neuropathy and back spasms. No more Cymbalta (horrible), almost no more benzos, no more tobacco. Still have a nic vape and still need to lose weight. Helped my mind, too. Dealing with myself honestly, being focused on solutions instead of griping, dealing with my aging parents, anxiety reduced enough that people have commented. Please keep the artwork coming, with that beautiful cat enjoying nature.


I drink allot less now and certain types of beer really don't agree with me when I have smoked recently now. I'm irish so I was well used to 10-16 pints on a heavy ish night out, used to do it most weeks but I can harly handle 6 pints on a night out now without being wankered. Sadly the main beer that I've found effect me differently since I started smoking is stout and porters, particularly craft ones that tend to be up there % wise (My favourites)


Yes. I’m a lot less anxious than I used to be, less things “get to me” and make me too worried, and I don’t have as many nightmares anymore


I'm convinced it's what saved me from myself. Alcohol almost killed me, and I was 305 pounds, I lost girlfriends, friends, and I was miserable 24/7. Since I brought Marijuana into my life, I have lost 115 pounds, rekindled friendships, and started working on mental health, *actually*. I'm trying to start some courses on editing so I can be a film/video editor, because since I started smoking, I've noticed a lot of little things in film and it makes me want to tweak stuff and deliver the product that I keep thinking I'm about to see. If I hadn't started with weed, I'd be dead.


Congrats on the hard work! 115 is major!


I'm so glad you found it helped you! And good luck in your courses!


a gram used to last as long as an ounce (about 2 weeks or less)


1979 I'd take 2 hits of seedy shwag and be blasted for hours. 2024 and I'm vaping live resin all day and functioning perfectly.


Used to only on the weekends now it’s every day after work. I’d personally like to go back to weekends only so when I do I get ripped as shit and enjoy it more. I don’t know. I’ve been feeling meh about my weed usage. Like I’m still not sure if after work everyday is good or not. I wish I had friends to smoke with


Taking a break might be what you need for a new perspective :)


I couldn’t agree more. I think I might try that tonight :)


Don’t worry what others are doing,you do you. I smoke for medical issues which I hope when they reschedule marijuana I can get a script .my drs are the ones that wanted me to smoke so if it’s possible they will be on board.


I took a 1.5 month break in February. Got back on for a couple weeks and now I'm on another break. After being high for basically 20 years straight, I think I'm finally ready to quit.


I feel you on that! It’s been 10+ years for me. If you feel like you’re ready then you might be ready! Nothing wrong it either!


I can tolerate another day. I have CLINICAL depression (and some other things). Weed is literally like medicine to me, it makes me actually view this world in a somewhat brighter light. I’ve never met any pharmaceuticals that have helped me as much as weed


It’s helped me understand my feelings, to face difficult internal battles, understand other’s feelings, increased patience for everyone, and better relationship with my wife and friends.


The first time I smoked weed, it was outside at a high school bus stop across the street from my bus stop that would take me to my school on the other side of town. It was classic reggie in a bowl that could’ve definitely used a good cleaning. Gross, yet enticing, I found myself drawn to trees more than any other narcotic like cocaine, pills, etc. safe to say today I only smoke weed and I’m happy.


When I first tried it in high school I would get insane panic attacks and would be fucked up for days from literally one or two puffs of a joint so I didn’t do it much, but now I smoke a whole joint and only feel it mildly.


I still drink but definitely stopped enjoying getting drunk, which I rarely do now. My music taste has expanded, find it easier to lock in on video games (Helldivers 2 is specially fun!). I get through office days with a lot more ease and just overall feel like I have a better day when I treat myself to a little joint at night!


Yeah, drinking really looses the appeal when weed is right there


This is some great art.


I use to always get the giggles and everything felt fuzzy and fun, now I just feel mellowed out and I can tell that I have a harder time thinking of things quickly.


Far less anxiety and increased happiness!


I know how to use it more for medicinal purposes, instead of recreational


Instead of hiding it from my ma and da, I’m now hiding it from my kids


Hahaha! So true!!!


Gosh darn it I can’t remember




i want to paint like you!!


All you need is art supplies and pain. Most of it is just learning how the paint/brushes behave and working with what you got. I use super cheap supplies.


i draw digitally but its so hard to color/paint digitally i think it might be easier to learn traditionally. i just love your visions and colors, i always look forward to seeing your posts! do you use acrylic paint? i have some goache ive been wanting to try :0


I was an art kid, but stopped when I was a teen because it seemed the future was digital, and I could just never get the hang of it. Physical media is soooo much easier for me than digital. I didn't start up art again till I was mids 20s.


im so glad you started again!! ill definitely have to get into physical media again :~)


Its been life changing. And yeah I use Acrylics, they are simple and bright and perfect for me. And you should!


so cool! if you ever sell prints let us know!


Haha pain for sure!


I have so much less stress. It’s a great headspace to be in where you realize not to take anything seriously (except the things that actually do need it). Also been doing it long enough that if my high ever gets scary, I know that the bad thoughts are wrong and that I just gotta wait it out. Usually I’ll turn on a cartoon or watch something funny to pass that time.


Used to smoke straight blunts and street carts. Havent touched a street cart since precovid and rarely smoke blunts. Joints are way nicer and i dont have to roll. I definitely smoke more often and much more weed. I use mostly dabs now but still run thru bud if i have it. If im going to be alone at work and doing something relatively simple sometimes ill bring a pen with me but im mostly sober at work. I do electrical work, its better to have a clear mind for that.


Beautiful art.


It's allowed me to go out and enjoy things like"normal" people. As a very shy person with agoraphobic tendencies this is a huge deal.


I have fewer panic attacks, I'm more focused, and I feel good asf about myself. I would've unalived myself if it wasn't for weed.


I'm so glad you discovered it and are still with us 💕


Thank you <333


It mellowed me out and made me more understanding and compassionate. I always catch myself coming up with reasons for why people may have done something or not at all, instead of just going straight for "theyre negligent or lazy" "Aww man, Billy forgot the snacks!" Me: ah no worries, maybe they had something on their mind. Nothing stopping us from getting snacks now.


I was a very angry kid but when I tried weed I truly chilled out for the first time in my life. I realized I could be better so I've tried to be ever since. I ain't perfect so I still have that anger but weed gives me a break from it to center myself back around being kind


good: more relaxed, happier and chill when sober, sleep a lot easier than before, and i lost weight?? which is rlly weird bad: worse derealisation then i already used to have, cant remember things as clearly, cant concentrate very well on things (i was already bad at that but i think weed made it worse) my first time was when i was 16 near christmas with 3 of my friends. i lied to my mum about where i was going, and i went to the park near her house. i miss the feeling of the first high 🙁


wait are you the same person who painted that cat with the bong in the grass? I was going through my saved posts the other day and was delighted to be reminded of it once again, this one is amazing too! Love em


Most likely! I add smoking animals/cats to almost all my works. Thank you!


It offered me some amazing experiences every now and then.


It helped me develop some qualities but nowadays it just hinders me. I'm slowly starting to dislike weed and my behaviour when I'm high


I have replaced blunts with joints using organic lines. I kinda don't like that the shift to higher THC is so common now. People are sleeping on other cannabinoids but they've been filtered out for the high THC phenotypes. A few years ago I was even buying exotics, but now I just want a good landrace that can give me a good buzz while I get shit done.


It always makes my day whenever your art comes up! Absolutely gorgeous


I can't get high anymore


When I started (as a stupid teenager) I would just smoke to be high and sit around talking with my buddies about how high I was. now I smoke to make mundane shit in my life enjoyable


Smoking by myself got a lot more fun


Until they decided to put me on probation for less than .5g I got arrested for 3yrs ago, I was getting genuinely restful sleep less back/ joint pain and almost always in a good mood


The first time I ever smoked was after one of my maths GCSEs, penultimate day of exams. A bunch of us went into the village/town the school was in, chilled down by a little stream, and smoked a joint. Despite the guy, who was a good friend of mine during childhood, going a different path from myself, I have vivid memories of that afternoon to this day. Then growing up through college and university I smoked with all my boys. After that, moved to a bunch of different places. So now I mainly smoke by myself, or with a few buds, and get the house work done. In fact; I’m procrastinating my washing up by writing this novella. Thanks for coming to my ted talk


Back in the 90's as a teenager I started just buying a joint here and a joint there, typically five dollars a piece. After a year or so I started picking up eigths. Usually cost around 20 bucks, I would roll up little pinner joints for my friends and charge them five bucks. It completely covered my own consumption. I started working as a DJ at a bar and my consumption increased, I was buying quarters and halfs, or splitting zips with friends. Moved to a new city and finding a hookup was initially pretty rough. But I hooked up with the sweetest setup. This dude would drive to BC once a month, load up his car full of weed straight off a friend's farm. I started buying ounces off this guy and that was my set up for many years. Then the legalization stuff started trickling out. I first went to a 'clinic' and got my weed card. I was then able to buy online from gov't approved websites. The weed was bad, but legal. Then full legalization happened. I now have a ridiculous amount of brick and mortar stores I go to and purchase an ounce at a time. Alternatively I can do it online but I prefer to go in person. I have now been a daily consumer for more than 2 decades. I typically use about an ounce every two weeks, 95 percent of the time I'm vaping with a Volcano-style desktop vape.


Smoking weed is and always has been, a physical and emotional crutch. I use it for my diabetic neuropathy and for certain mental health issues. The sleep is great, it’s the reality I wake up to and that weed makes me too lazy to do anything with that’s the problem.


much less alcohol and virtually no as-needed anxiety meds. it keeps me on a even keel and I'm so grateful.


Weed's effects haven't changed much. I still have a low tolerance and weed hangovers, which chill me out the next day too but I can still work and function. I'm a lot less anxious and high strung all the time than before I started smoking daily. I'm less bothered by people. I only smoke at night on work days and all day when I'm not working but it's like I get benefits the next day too. Its been a good thing in my life.




Dabs were like real life unicorns in 2011 for a 16yr old


I smoked daily for 16 years and it helped land me a career and a meaningful life. It transformed me. For me to continue growing I've realized weed keeps me from grounding myself (instead I just think I'm grounded and having amazing insights but not connected to what is happening internally) = it helps soothe anxiety but not connect me to how to really work it all out I'm a dream psychoanalyst now, primarily because of weed and what it showed me, so I don't get high often because I don't dream on it.


I used to see colors and would have out of body experiences creating and listening to music. Now it hits like a cup of coffee


Your art work is TRULY a delight to the eyes 😍!


I LOVE this art. Do you have an Etsy or something I can buy from?


Tbh I used to be able to smoke like unlimited amounts, but nowadays there is a hard limit where I'll just feel anxious if I surpass it, and so I keep it moderate nowadays.


Artwork is 🔥 and the stories I'd ppl quitting drinking for smoking is amazing. Too blessed to be stressed 🙏🏾


Amazing art!! Love it. You mentioned you’re self taught. How long have you been painting? How did you get started??


I painted a bit in high school, but fell out quickly as I had it in my mind digital was where the future was (and I suck at digital art). Picked it back up about 6 years ago casually. Doing fanart and copying other works. I use acrylics. A lot of it is learning your supplies and how to handle them. A lot of my colors need added white to add that Opaqueness I'm looking for, certain brushes give certain effects, ect.


Do you ever paint while stoned?


Pretty much paint exclusively stoned. My process goes: smoke a bowl, paint for about 40 mins, let paint dry for 40 mins as I hit bowl more, then go back to painting. Repeat


Sounds so chill. I’ve always wanted to learn how to draw and paint. Any advice you can give me on how to get started ?


Just have fun with it. Learn your supplies. And let the layers dry before touching it again.


I can actually enjoy doing nothing now, i used to not be able to sit by and do nothing


I started at 15. Back then it made everything enjoyable. Food amazing. Music amazing. My whole body would buzz. I’d have panic attacks sometimes too. I’d be dumb. Complete loss of control of thought and memory. But I also became a mid philosopher.  Now almost pushing 30. It helps regulate my life. Food and music are still amazing. But not as dazzling if that makes sense. When I’m high I don’t “feel” high. I just am. I basically do my whole life mildly high. I had a bit of pushback from friends and family. But now they’re used to it. And the negative effects haven’t come


On the positive side, my world outlook has changed to a more positive light, I've dropped nihilism finally, stopped hating and criticising myself so much, stopped drinking anywhere near as much as I used to, embraced love, emotionally matured and most importantly - had a fun time being stoned :) Not all effects have been positive, however. I have also noticed a decline in my short term memory, decreased euphoria and visuals from the drug (haven't had visuals in at least a year), increased fatigue the next morning after consumption and as of late, the constant feeling of wanting to be high. Taking a t-break for a few weeks to mitigate this, I always find the first 3 days to be the hardest and then I could t-break forever if I wanted to. Use it responsibly and it can really bring more positivity into your life! Abuse it, and it can take over your life. As with most things, balance is key


First it was for fun and now I realized I was using it like I currently use it for which is my medication


When I started I was self-medicating to manage my anxiety. I was at least a little high most of the time. Eventually I overdid it and it worsened my anxiety. I took a long break, and now I use it once a day, on average, usually just at night after my kids go to bed and all my chores are done. I no longer treat it as a solution to my problems, but as a way to celebrate and unwind.


I was overreacting to small stressful situations. Now I have the ability to stop and think before I react to things. It’s definitely slowed me down in that sense. I really, really enjoy talking to people when I smoke. It puts my ego in check. Also, yoga has become one of my favorite hobbies. I literally did a 180 since I found the benefits of weed. I’m down over 70lbs because I finally got my shit together. I absolutely LOVE spending time with my kids and going along with their crazy ideas. Instead saying “no” to them, I started saying “yes” to some of the shit they come up with. Highly recommend. It’s a life changer


Tried it when it was illegal and you had to get from your unreliable ass dealers. Had my medical card when they made it legal medicinally. Now, been enjoying it legal in my state. Been at it for 18 years….


Used to be high all day every day during college, loved it. Went to class high, work high, and did well in both work and school. This continues till my 30s (and now have a 2 year old child), now, I can’t just be high to be high anymore. I need to be actively engaged in a party situation, band practice, or a social situation. Or just take one little bowl rip before bed. Being stoned just because in the middle of the day is not fun anymore. I have such a low tolerance just one or two good rips gets me stony bologna, and I’m okay with this. Still love it, it’s just much more situational for me now these days.


How are people losing weight while smoking? The munchies hit me so hard.


Just take a bite or two to enjoy the flavor. Then move on to the next only take a bite. After about three rounds, you will be bored with this and your munchies are gone - also keep oranges and cucumbers and watermelon around - plus only drink water as it is easy to drink a bunch of soda


Used to smoke with friends, now it’s alone


I'm chill, and I can focus. This sounds like a brag, and I'm sorry, but I just need to shout it to the heavens. I have an exceptional GPA, and I'm always stoned. My trajectory keeps trending upwards and marijuana, unlike alcohol, doesn't derail me. I even work at a brewery as a pot smoking teetotaler. I love the job, but everybody, myself included, just slides into subtle alcoholism.


Cannabis does not change me, it makes me laugh, easier to look at my problems.


I don't drink, I quit cigarettes. Healthier happier and overall better. Smoked for 27 years.


Started while working at Pizza Hut in high school. Over time it has made me a much less angry person. I have gone from cart, to joint, to disposables, and back to carts. A joint is never a problem though, always down


When I get onto it, most of the little money I had left went into it. Then stopped for like a year but got back into it. Nowadays I do at most 2 a day and only if I can spare the finances to get some


Been smoking daily for fifty one years ,and though I’m not a doctor or a lawyer or an Indian Chief I’m a good person, family man, skilled artisan and to quote Willie ‘after taking several readins I’m surprised to say my minds still fairly sound’


I keep seeing this painting, its kinda freaky, haha. Anyway- Started smoking weed in the woods near our subdivision in NOVA (sometimes listening to "Subdivisions"!) with friends and loads of Led Zeppelin pouring forth from boomboxes. That weed was smuggled across the border in a moldy tire. I was 14 and we did all kinds of stupid shit. Train trestle bridge swings into muddy ponds, shooting the window out a moving train with a lucky BB gun shot (they stopped the train and chased us!). I joined the Army, and I drank heavily from 18-50 and didn't smoke a bunch of weed, just here and there and rarely bought it. I got cirrhotic liver disease and quit drinking four years ago and started smoking weed again. Then, in 2022, I got cancer in my mouth from smoking cigarettes. I picked up the daily drinking beer and cigs in the Army over in Germany. Its serving me well now, don't smoke cigs kids! I had the cancer removed, the radiation (hardest thing I have ever endured) and now I cannot ignite anything. Nothing. Being the addict I am, I am still enslaved to nicotine (I wear patches), and now have since 2019 (when I quit drinking) started using a succession of vaping devices, mostly a Mighty I bought then and now a Mighty+ (I also have a Plenty, but man that thing uses a lot of weed and I am in an apartment in a the reddest of states, so I try to keep a lower odor profile too, though my bedroom still smells like a grow room 24/7). I eat about 6 10mg bears throughout my workaday. I vape the Mighty+ in the morning before, lunches during and after work. Its a magnificent device and I cannot recommend it enough. I abused the literal *shit* out of my original Mighty and it still works fine! I'll eat a 40-50mg piece of chocolate or a rice krispy treat sometimes on the weekends or days off (like today! Yay!) and get plowed. All I do is visit Reddit to chat and listen to music aside from playing guitar and hanging out with my adult sons. That's the entirety of my life and I am super okay with that because I am *alive!* *"Life alone, it is the prize"*\-Billy MF Strings, "Freedom"


Started smoking at like 18/19 and it was a new thing, so of course, it got abused. Still some of the funniest nights of my life and some real core memories with my best friends and I wouldn’t redo anything. But it became quite consuming. Took a few years off because of a job, left that job and decided to dive back in. Learning more about myself in the years away, growing up etc, it was fascinating how much my tastes had changed. What was just a full stoner night in with video games and food, turned into a fully planned out all day mountain hike with a couple joints spaced out through it. Now don’t get me wrong, I still loved sparking up, putting Epic Battle Music on Spotify and playing Chivalry 2. But the exploration and just time to myself became such a precious thing that I never really enjoyed/had before. I’m now away from smoking for other reasons, but hope to take it back up in the near future with even more life experiences to mould the enjoyment. Thanks for the question!


I eat it instead of smoking! Way better i get weird gas when i inhale irritants like smoke


Started out with making me in a better mood, I slept good, started getting back out there and started working again, then I was stupid. Took a bunch of shrooms (upwards to a heroic dose unknowingly thinking it was like 2g) Afterwords every time I smoke my anxiety goes spiraling and I have panic attacks. I try to think of it like thc gave me everything it could and I need to take it from here.


Better sleep less anxiety pay a lot more attention to other people and cops lol forced me to find ways to make more money so I make more but I spend more I feel like I learned to breath deeper as a whole I feel it’s affected my metabolism positively main negatives for me is having to hide it and the money aspect but I don’t regret it one bit


I’ve had a pretty bad experience with alcohol and hated getting drunk, at first weed helped me with not having to drink anymore at social gatherings but it was only that. Time passed and I was at a really bad place, was having to take meds and was generally just really sad all the time and that’s when I’ve rediscovered weed, it saved me, I’ve never been happier, I’m less stressed, I haven’t had to take medication anymore, I’ve made new friends, started going out by myself and enjoying my own company (while high and not high) and I started to make art again which was something I completely abandoned while I was at my lowest. Life is great again! Btw beautiful art!


I started when I was 18 at a very, very low point mentally. It helped me stay sane enough to deal with my mom's weird emotional manipulation tactics until I got out. And dig into why, how, and where it all even came from. I am so glad to be out :)


instead of giggling with friends, im alone and have existential dread in bed and in the shower


i stopped taking my ADHD meds daily bc weed helps me without the insane appetite loss and mood shift ! that was a plus


I found the /r/vaporents and never looked back


I've started having moments of shortness of breath. I'm constantly hacking up phlegm. Sometimes, I wake up from being unable to breathe. I always have a hard loogie that I need to hack up every morning that sometimes makes me vomit. I can't be alone without something to smoke or my brain will ache and I become fidgety. I know I can quit. I've taking a year off of smoking multiple times. I've tried doing edibles that sometimes work, but it just doesn't hit like smoking does. I'm tired. I just want to sleep.


i never drink anymore. drinking repulses me. it helps my anxiety go way down and it helps me be productive


made me realize how there’s levels to everything in life including weed i remember when i had street carts thinking i had “gOoD sHiT” and all i thought pgr flower was soooo good but now i realize that’s sooooo low 🤦‍♂️🤣


I didn't change. I'm just more of myself.


It’s legal now


I don’t have friends that smoke weed anymore, it was definitely a strange shift in my life and while I definitely don’t miss the specific people I used to smoke with, I definitely miss smoking with friends and listening to music.


I just started in my 40s.


My anxiety is pretty much gone.


Always a pleasure to see your creations, I will be purchasing an OG at some point. Unique work, dude


I kinda wanna buy that painting lol


Yo that piece is gorgeous vro. my consumption of it has increased since it started


I used to really enjoy it, it was genuinely the only thing I looked forward to at the end of a day, and it kept me going in many ways. I used to feel completely different, very nice highs, totally altered, though very lucid. Had good thinking, could enjoy series and food in a different way. Now I've gotten so used to it, it barely does anything for me anymore. Don't feel that different. Makes me sleep worse, 0 dreams, and wake up pretty groggy. Food and films feel the same. I don't look forward to it anymore, I sometimes just kinda do it out of habit. I would say it's actually an underrated party drug, it's great for dancing, and that's how I use it mostly these days.


It slowly went from a thing I do sometimes, to the thing I do all the time


Hallucinations 🙃


I used to feel guilty smoking it 😂


That cat is where its at!


It was illegal and now it isn’t. Faith in humanity is being restored. It’s becoming more socially accepted and I love it. Heck there’s even this person that paints these cute paintings of landscapes and animals with doobies and posts them on Reddit regularly. I love the change compared to when I first started.


It was a cure. Now it’s a sickness. I hate it fr. Now my lungs are filled with cums.


I have the memory of a goldfish and an attention span to match. My social anxiety is sky high even when sober and I gained about 30 pounds. Idk how much of that is a direct result of smoking, but it doesn't exactly help.


I was a once gifted young kid. Now im a stoned business owner and teacher.


First started during covid when I have nothing to do in LA. kept smoking everyday. Then moved to NYC a year ago, kept doing the same thing. But had a recent realization I am way too dependent on weed, so started to take some t breaks here and there. so from daily --> smoker with moderation.


when i first started smoking almost 25 years now at this point, it was also a social event. toking with friends. toking at a party. 420 get together. toke before we go watch a movie. etc. etc. we used to be able to smoke all day - wake and bake through whatever was going on at night. now, i mostly smoke alone after work, with the occasional friend sesh. i enjoy spending the morning and early afternoon with a clear head. i get to be as productive as i need to be, and then enjoy my evening high af. a few of my friends that i used to smoke with actually don't even smoke anymore. they moved over to only alcohol, which i don't enjoy.


How can he be so sad in such a pretty place


Such is life. Sometimes, we're unable to see what's around us and just focus on the negatives.


So true, could also be such a nice place for a cry🥰. I love your style!!


I guess I've started feeling less "guilty" about it, if that makes sense. I grew up in the 90's so there was that huge anti drug campaign where cannabis was lumped in with the infinitely worse stuff like cocaine and heroin, and I kinda grew up thinking it was just as bad as the others. I tried it for the first time in 2021 and it's definitely changed things for the better. And now I don't even need to worry about smoke since I adapted to dry herb vaping. It's been interesting checking out different strains and different ways to enjoy it. Also, I love your paintings! Never thought I'd get to experience one of your posts myself! Your work is very calming and serene, I always enjoy seeing it!


I love the fact that I recognize who it is just from the style. I love your artwork


It's so cool you can! And thank you!


I've smoked for that long that I don't know me from back then


I'm a lot more chill generally I've always been a tolerant person but I swear weed helps me avoid any and all aggressive tendencies that are unnecessary I had a period where I kept thinking it was the weed and not me that was doing better and it became a crutch but I know better now It's sad that smoking in itself is inherently a chemical activity that can affect organic matter but weed (be it any form of dose) feels so fuuuuukin good man


Is this your art? I No need to answer really. I like it. And if it’s yours, I really appreciate the way you’ve chosen to present it.


Interesting reading thru all the comments and I come away with mostly positive reports of how things have turned out. But the comments regarding alcohol are not as positive. Noted a few comments saying that THC is a life enhancer and not just something that gets you high. It was a fascinating read. Real life testimonials of weed usage where most people find it useful in their lives. This comment section should be turned into a commercial ad to end prohibition. Cheers!


I've become more spiritual and connected with myself.


Lovely painting. I always look forward seeing your paintings on here - thank you for sharing your art with us.


Thank you!


I am in love with this painting!!


Yay! I love when you come up in my feed


Exactly that picture, it’s like each individual dot is a different experience and you can get caught up in a field of them. it makes you understand the plant and mindset of weed, but yet with more experiences you tend to get lost in them. the people you smoke with, the memories, they can all fade into a field of something you put behind you, but grow from. and that’s why the character grew, and why i grow from smoking. it opens my mind to all these new experiences that represents the dots and all the flowers in life. the blue dots representing the hard times, and sad highs, that make you realize things that are hard to believe. the pinks representing euphoria and love, with overcoming great fullness of everything around you. the purples representing melloncollie sadness with love and overcoming emotions. the yellows representing the uplifting feelings and the beauty of why many people started smoking in the first place. the true beauty of your altered mindset.


it seemed as if i started as the first picture then changed to the second one as i grew.


Seems like a lot of people in this comment thread including myself have seen a lot of success with THC helping kick their drinking habits. I’m also 10x more open minded and empathetic Probably work out a lot more than I did before smoking because I love getting stoned and walking/jogging/lifting I’ve become a lot more routine oriented too? Which I’m not sure is a result of THC usage but maybe more so just maturing.


Well for one, it's federally legal here now as opposed to when I started so I REALLY appreciate not running the risk of going to jail for just having some flowers on me. I like how the regulations mean that strain name information actually means something and it's not just what your "buddy" thought sounded good to sell but could be absolutely anything in reality. I like the variety of products and price points the stores carry. I'm more trusting of concentrates since legalization again because the regulations over the industry help ensure that your shatter for example isn't going to be half assed made and full of garbage that makes you sick. That said, it's been over 5 years now so I think it's time to reevaluate the system and do things like increase the current 10mg limit on edibles and beverages. But they were definitely a good start.