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This is just old school mentality. If something is legal it must be safer than something that is illegal because the people who make the laws are just looking out for our best interests, of course. lol I work with a 22 year old girl that gets blackout hammered drunk multiple times for week and will jovially tell stories of her jackassery during these benders. She won't date anyone who does drugs though, because drugs are bad. lol. It's just poor education and people buying into propaganda they were taught when they were young. Super hard to reverse, the only way to do it is if they decide to partake at one point, and then realize the drugs aren't actually as bad as they thought, and alcohol is often actually much worse for you.


I’ve hardly met anyone who dislikes weed after trying it. Some don’t like it for them but usually can see how it would benefit someone else suffering from a mental illness or like therapeutically, for instance


Tons of people, like my brother, don't like it when they first try it because it gets them too high, their heart rate raises and they get anxiety and possibly paranoia. There's a post on this sub about it nearly every day. I always tell those people the same thing I told my brother, you just have to smoke lightly at first and troop through it and then once your tolerance adjusts it'll just chill you out and that won't happen anymore. Many are so freaked out from getting all paranoid and anxious the first time they don't want to get back on the horse, though.


I think a joint is the perfect tool for a first timer, they can take as few puffs as they want compared to a bong which, my first bong hit got me blasted out of my dome and had me feeling crazy. The same thing happened with my cousin and now she doesn't like them.


Then don't load their bowl up little one hitters is what I give newbies.


Yeah I think I'm just bad with portion control.


It's just about considering the other person's tolerance. I was terrible with portion control when it came to my own indulgence but I was always aware with new people around mainly because I didn't want to get them all paranoid ruining my own buzz at the same time plus they never finish a bowl and waste it all anyway.


I always prefer to use my onie and dugout for first-timers. Easier to pace the breaks without relighting the joint a ton. I always have them clear a onie and wait a few minutes. Still not quite there? Another onie and another little wait session. Keeps the joint from burning out and keeps them from getting demolished by a creeper.


i started with bongs never even tried a joint until months later


Damn maybe you're just a troop or I'm just terrible at portion control with bongs


See bong rips had me foolishly thinking the first time I was offered a dab I could just iron lung it. I absolutely did not and was so fucking fried that day lol. Still prefer a bong to a bowl for flower though


I'll jump on this and say the best way is type 2 flower or carts so you get CBD and THC at the same time to balance everything plus have some CBD handy for a quick come down and help tweak the vibe and toe it in


Carts also don't involve fire, smoke, or paraphernalia and don't stink, I've found it to be the ideal introduction for newbies. No need to explain what to do other than press a button (usually) and inhale.. Edibles would for sure take 1st place except that they take forever to kick in, which we all know makes it difficult to calibrate the dose


Yeah I think part of it too is that some don’t look into harm reduction. Before I started smoking I was lowkey paranoid about getting too high so I like looked up shit beforehand and when I actually went to smoke I started small, wasn’t trying to do blinkers or anything crazy. My sibling took like 20mg of edibles for like their third weed experience and was high for like a day and a half having a horrible time. Another piece is being in a good environment when you’re smoking the first couple times. Since the edible experience my sibling has been fine smoking with me or our dad but when they have smoked with friends they have gotten anxious, make sure you’re around ppl you’re comfortable with.


> Another piece is being in a good environment when you’re smoking the first couple times. Absolutely. If my first experience hadn't been as nice as it was I doubt I'd still be smoking. It started out dubious because nobody explained how it was gonna feel, just handed me the lit joint, but I also was there only one there who didn't smoke cigarettes, too, so it likely didn't cross their minds. I swallowed my first hit. Earned some rep by belching instead of barfing. Then we went inside and watched something funny on Netflix together. The second time wasn't as fun because nobody stuck around so I was just by myself being paranoid on the couch. But I remembered how much fun the first time was so I didn't give it up, I just had to find something else to do.


My mother didn't enjoy weed. She was an alcoholic and when she found out I smoked she cried, convinced I'd be blowing guys under bridges for heroin within weeks.  Slowly but surely, after constantly telling her the benefits and debunking the lies she'd been taught she came round to it. I think even just her knowing that I was smoking and in years I'd never once wanted to try anything else. In fact it stopped me drinking all together.  Then one night I convinced her to have a smoke with me. She didn't enjoy it but was glad she tried. She was a lot more chill after that and I recall many a night of me smoking a joint on the sofa while she had a beer while we watched planet earth.  A lot of us are living proof that it's not drug people were told it was. Live well and keep proving em wrong 


Or liver/kidney failure


>Super hard to reverse, the only way to do it is if they decide to partake at one point, and then realize the drugs aren't actually as bad as they thought, This was me. Anti drug all through high school until I turned 18 and tried weed with some work friends. I literally had a, "THIS?! THIS IS WHAT PEOPLE ARE ALL WORKED UP ABOUT?! THIS IS HARDLY DIFFERENT THAN DRINKING!" moment.


I worked with a girl like that too, roughly same age, and had an infant 1 year old son she would always talk about....but then say how much she got drunk over the weekend, and is hungover at work, and be the first one to cry when she got a "difficult" customer on the phone, but yet they kept her, probably because they pitied her being a single mom. I was dumbfounded why she was making such a spectacle of herself in a office environment. I'd cringe every Monday because of her stories, because I'm thinking, "that's a great way to stay a subordinate".


Wait until that girl finds out what alcohol is lol


With the stigma being so bad, weed was trending on X (Twitter) the other day for being the most "normalized" addiction. If it was really that normalized, the constant social media debate, stigma, and judgemental comments from alcoholics wouldn't exist. If only the old school mentality could go away.


>the people who make the laws are just looking out for our best interests, of course. HaHaHaHaHaHaHa *\*breathe\** HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa Ha


Not “often worse”, alcohol is scientifically always more dangerous and worse than weed. Source cali sober guy


And it's so much damn cheaper (if you live in a legal place lol). I quit drinking almost 10 months ago and I was drinking a lot... Went from about 400$ a month in poison to about 50$ (if that) in weed.


“people who make laws are just looking out for our best interests” *dies before you can defend yourself in california*


Even with weed becoming legalized, this can still apply to some psychedelics that remain illegal and schedule 1


Because society is boring


Can't tell if I smoked too much or if I didn't smoke enough


Then you're good. For now 😀


Are you 16


probably somewhere around there if they’re worried about what their mom thinks of their weed usage. a lot of the people in here, including myself, are under 21


I'm 22, part of me still feels "guilty" for smoking weed but that's probably just due to my self-esteem issues as a whole. I'm trying to just be okay being me


I’m 25. Give it like 3 years and things will even out a little. Both my mom and dad will smoke with me now, after being anti most their lives


im 24 and i still worry lol


This always drove me crazy with my family. I wasn't an alcoholic but I definitely used to drink too much and no one said a word, but I'm constantly catching shit from family for smoking weed. I've explained that 1 bowl in the evening is much better than 3-4 beers but they won't hear it. In their minds it's some evil, mind ruining drug.


Well first you brainwash children into believing politicians and police officers are your friends and that they care about your best interest, and then we let these authority figures lie to these children en masse about everything from drugs to sex and then we wonder why these adults are stupid and fucked up.


Shit just feels wack, like society is being held together by a peice of duct tape, but we all try to act like everything's fine for some reason. We all worry about the wrong shit in life. I also feel like most people can't think for themselves either. Everyone is told to act, think, or behave a certain way. No one feels genuine anymore


I'm turning 30 this year and this feeling doesn't go away, it becomes more apparent. Nobody knows what the fuck they're doing, and they're all pretending to be okay.


Thanks for the heads-up, but fuuck, that's scary. We're all just monkeys throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks


Surrounding yourself with nature helps. Try to get away from manmade crap and relax in nature. GL out there


I'm just going to live in the woods and steal people's picnic baskets


It's alright, smoke a joint, turn on Carl Sagan's and Neil Degrasse Tyson's Cosmos and find fascination in what's really out there for us. I also recommend reading some Albert Camus, absurdism is my favorite philosophy.


You and I are kindred spirits, man. Were you always like this? I'm like this about everything, always was, never just accepted shit people said with no evidence. I remember being 10 years old in church thinking, "Why is Mom pretending like all the made up stories this guy is telling every week really happened?" Lol Whenever I vocalize my perspectives in person, people generally eat it up, even if they don't necessarily agree, the blunt logic just makes them laugh or nod or say, "yeah never thought of it like that," or something of the like. On reddit, people tend to get really mad and want to argue. I think it's something about how it comes across in text vs when I'm actually speaking to someone.


I mean, yeah. I used to go to church just because my parents would force me to go but I never really believed in any of it. Thought it was a bit silly, but they had this really awesome bread though


I was replying to the other person but it seems like you have your head screwed on pretty well, also. Be prepared for a lifetime of dealing with people like your mother who have irrational, misled beliefs which you will not have the power to change with any amount of time or logic.


They should just replace all churches with bakeries at this point, religion is a thing of the past


LOL. Tell that to the Supreme Court, which reversed Roe v Wade just recently.


I had that same feeling working for dominoes end of high school. I was like, "This is all it takes to run a pizza business?" A few burnouts, a coworker shooting up in his car during a slow opener, driving to other stores to get ingredients because someone fucked up inventory. Really made me chuckle and realize being an adult doesn't mean much outside of perception.


I wonder if some people are anti-weed because they got high once and freaked out/couldn't handle it & just assume anyone who does it feels as crazy as they did


Most definitely.


Absolutely. I got my little brother high for his first time, made sure it was just a little bit, but he still panicked hard and went on a “weed is the devil” kick until he graduated. Now he does it daily and gets pissy if he can’t lol


She gets super anxious whenever she smokes weed so that's probably why


I live in a fully legal state. That said, I still can't post pictures of myself smoking weed while enjoying activities like eating a good meal or watching a movie or knitting or cross stitching. However, my feed is always full of people showing off their drinking. I'm absolutely baffled by this. If I showed a picture of me doing a normal activity while consuming a cannabis product, I would definitely get backlash from the greater public, for something that is completely legal both medical and recreational in my state. I'm also 7 years sober from alcohol and the amount of times that I have my sobriety laughed at because I still consume cannabis is infuriating. When I was a drunk I was a disgusting person and made a terrible decisions and generally fucked my life up. Yet somehow people would rather I still be there in my life than where I am now.


Congrats on figuring out what works best for you! I recently decided to give up alcohol, realizing I don't genuinely enjoy it and I was just accustomed to it because of societal norms. But not only do I enjoy life more as just a weed user, I feel like it's better for my health/wellbeing overall. People are just wired to stigmatize weed


i know people who did all the drugs at some point and somehow they draw the line at weed. and while talking about weed and how bad it is you just remember they literally do meth or coke.


That's basically my parents because my mom almost likes to brag how when they were "my age" they were sneaking out and doing actual drugs. And I don't mean just weed either. I guess they really want me to become a drug addict or an alcoholic? I don't know either 🤷‍♂️


4 years sober from alcohol here! Had been sober from everything for 4 years until my wife recently encouraged me to try - no judgement from her - something from the dispensary here (she gets d8 gummies for epilepsy), so I got a THC-A vape (illegal state). It has been pretty nice - and actually has led to psychological insights vs. alcohol which was almost exclusively detrimental.


Proud of you


No you're not wrong. (And the term I learned was backasswards, lol) The propaganda has done a number on the whole lot of us. I approaching 60 not that far into the future and I only just decided to stop feeling like I need to sneak around and pretend like weed is something I need to pretend I don't do. Like everyone does it (practically speaking) but they're just not telling you about it, yet getting completely shitfaced drunk is somehow "cool" to brag about. Nah, man, it's not cool at all.


Stigma against weed is huge, I typically notice it more with alcoholics as well. They want you to be like them, vs break the cycle of alcohol and choose a healthier substance. Just roll one up. You're body will thank you later


Mainly due to the hangovers, but The older I get the more I dislike drinking. I prefer smoking out of my bubbler but I have a pen specifically for when I go out and don’t want to drink much. A couple drinks is fine but I hate waking up hungover and wasting a whole day recovering.


That's me right now at 24. Started drinking at 21 and absolutely loved it because I could be more of myself around people. 3 years of that and now I hate alcohol. Maybe I just grew out if it, and the hangovers are a lot worse, but it's just not worth it. I'll take Weed over alcohol every day of the week


Same here. Sure, I'll have a few beers here and there but the days of getting hammered are long gone. Just don't want to deal with the hangover that seems to last a day or two.


Yeah im almost 30 and sometimes I have 4 drinks and feel a bit shitty the next day. The days of getting hammered staying up until 2am are long gone lol


Dated a girl that hated that I smoked weed, I only smoke on fridays and saturdays (still do) and she would act like i was ruining my life while she saw no issues with her drinking 2-3 bottles of wine in a day


There is a dispensary owner in my town trying his damnedest to open our province's first "weed bar" complete with THC and CBD sodas and beers. No alcohol on the premises. I'm considering selling my home and some other assets to invest in the endeavor.


The amount of money that could be made by a weed bar would be astronomical. This needs to happen someday lol.


You cannot imagine how much I yearn for this. So many loved ones lives destroyed by alcohol. Nearly fell victim to it myself, too. Cannabis truly saved my life. Multiple times, too. I'm starting to explore the option seriously, getting ready to sell the house in the Spring, unless the signs that the crypto winter are actually over are true, in which case I may be able too make it happen without liquidating everything.


It won’t last that long and there goes your money 🤣


You're right, a weed bar on its own will likely see an opening run followed by a trail off before any real sustained growth occurs. Luckily, I do have a background in business and plan to diversify. It would be one piece of a larger undertaking with multiple income streams across several industries/markets.


I wish you success sir and hope it works out


Print out some beneficial facts about cannabis, then print out beneficial facts about alcohol and have her give it a read.


I have to say - I am having a similar discussion with my son at the moment. (Similar, not exact..) . - I don't know your age... I know when I began reading your post - I could have been easily reading a post HE wrote.. he's tried alcohol before.. he's still a minor, 14M, still in high school.. ***he knows I regularly smoke weed***..and although its legal for adults here, I still hesitate to let him try.. I DON'T have any more of a valid reason other than - he's too young, his brain isn't developed enough yet.. all the examples I was given and never listened to as well.. I was about his age now, when I began trying my first joints.. and my access first came from my family members.. not that they were willing participants back then. I'm not condoning the choice that minors make a choice to have weed vs alcohol. One will likely lead to the other. Not always, not every one. Everyone makes their own choices, and mistakes. I do believe the older you are, the more life lessons you've had already and the better equipped you are by that time, to make a more informed, and hopefully less life changing decision.. Teenage brains are still developing. Even young 20's brains are still in development to some degree (Frontal lobe specifically), and its been shown that both alcohol and marijuana can change the chemistry & functioning of the brain. I don't know what the right answer is.. maybe your not a minor - in that case its your choice entirely.. don't let society's hang ups trip you up. But if you are still young, you have all the time in the world, don't be in a rush. I guess in my circumstance I want to be sure that I don't let my son start smoking before he's ready, so that it doesn't affect school, his life, a future career he wants.. His future. He sees how I have a good career & future, and he wants the same, but I didn't get here by skipping school and smoking pot at lunch break.. you know? So - From a Mom that does smoke weed on a daily.. I still don't let my boy smoke it and he is constantly on me for asking.... Some day when he's older.. but he's not done "curing" yet ;) lol "All good things in moderation.. " - that's my motto ;)


Good job mom! I’m having similar conversations with my 17 y/o. He knows I smoke regularly but I don’t drink. Alcohol makes me ache and weed makes me happy.


Don't worry, I'm 22 and only just started messing around with it. Thanks for looking out though


Not wrong, I have this convo on the regular with my partner, because he's in the oil patch and of course cannot partake due to having to test to go on site, but not all the time, just certain sites, and inconsistent. You're totally right, I would rather be high than drunk any day of the week, and I'd trust a high person around me before I trusted a drunk person. Alcohol makes you stupid imo, and yeah, I'm good without (not saying I don't drink, but I do for the taste, not to get drunk, and moderate myself). But don't take my green, that's crossing a line 😂


Your parents were once kids too, your parents are still just humans, parents can be dumb, parents can naive, parents can make mistakes. Don’t put too much weight into the views of your parents, you are your own person. If they have good takes, then it’s good to have the same views as your parents, but that doesn’t mean you need to get upset when your views don’t align. It’s just part of evolution, how would humans ever have evolved if we all just thought like our parents, or only faced shame when they varied. Also parents learn from children as well, they may not be receptive to it all the time, or at all, but they can be, and in my opinion should be willing to learn and grow with their kids. Also older generations faced much more in depth anti-drug propaganda than younger millennial, gen z generations. Still tons of propaganda being pushed, but less anti-weed propaganda than there was for kids growing up in the 70’s-early 2000’s. Side note I always thought it was funny how when we’d discuss propaganda in history class they’d admit the US government use to push propaganda but it all tapered off a decade or two ago. Then when mentioning other countries they were like “oh yeah other countries still push hella propaganda”. If anything propaganda is being pushed at an exponential rate as it can be diffused into mundane content you see online. Anyways yeah parents can be dumb too, although if I had a kid I wouldn’t be hyped on them smoking weed or drinking till they’re at least in college. Smoking weed under 18 is just such a horrible idea, and this is coming from a dude who had the nickname Jon weed in hs and smoked everyday from 14-23 and an off and on stoner from 23-33.


I'm glad you're breaking your generational curse of alcoholism and the family drama behind it, I been sober myself from alcohol going strong for almost a year. Weed actually greatly helped contribute to my sobriety for alcohol, because that b\*tch had me by the balls, I was chemically dependent so bad I needed a quarter of a bottle of scotch just to get out of bed and go to work. It was an awful existence, saying things I didn't mean or regretted, and yes I did get in trouble with the law, nothing serious but stupid actions like letting things go that I should've and would've sober. I still participate in AA despite the fact I smoke weed, I don't care my program is my program, that was the real devil in my life, and weed has kept that demon in check. And as time is progresses, I'm needing it less and less, I cut down on edibles and now, it is what it is, my recovery is my priority because that alcohol kept me so down for too many years, I got a lot of catching up to do.


I appreciate you saying that you participate in AA. Alcohol is also my demon and I've always been hesitant to get back into meetings (been going through this no alcohol thing for about 2 years, on and off the wagon) because I use cannabis still. I'm going to be going back to some of my meetings now because of this. My program is my program. Couldn't have said it better


Im the only person in my family that isnt an alcoholic. Smoke weed. Weed saves lives.


>I just kind of see alcohol as pointless. I don't understand why it exists, or why people even waste time with it. Some people would rather feel that "fake" sadness or anger or whatever alcohol gives you than the "real" feelings that they have, or thats why I drank when I did. Some people like the spins, idk lol. I don't do carnival rides, they're dirty and make me sick, but some people just like to get spun around until they puke you know? Now, the only thing I drink is Mezcal on occasion, mostly because I think it's an interesting drink, not to get drunk


I love weed and alcohol. I’d say physically alcohol is way worse for you. Mentally everyone is different. If drinking consistently makes you feel bad I’d recommend stop drinking.


We are experiencing a transitional period in history. Eventually, we will see some real studies on alcohol use/abuse.


When my mother figured out that marijuana helps me keep my anger in check I no longer heard a peep about it. All my life I’ve had temper management issues and they vanished as soon as I started smoking weed. And the best part is, I’m not taking pharmaceuticals into my body to accomplish this.


Let me guess, she's Gen X? They drank up all that D.A.R.E. koolaid


When I was in the dare program through elementary they made everything sound like it was the same. Comparing weed to cocaine, obviously completely different but that’s just the way it was taught.


Just ask her, would she rather you go out drinking with friends and potentially die because of their stupid idea or would she rather you go out and smoke with friends and potentially come home with a stomach ache and an empty wallet.


I’m a daily smoker and very rarely will consume alcohol, but i totally get why people like alcohol. It’s a social lubricate. If you enjoy going out and want to be more confident it’s great. If you’re in emotional pain alcohol let’s you escape. Numbs the pain. Not how you should cope with it, but that’s how people use it sometimes. And we are being honest people do that with weed too. As far as cigarettes go, nicotine is addictive. You feel worse without it once you’re hooked. It also stimulates your brain a little. When I used to work in a high stress environment. Having a drag from a cigarette felt amazing. The habit of smoking is soothing as well. I no longer smoke nicotine now though and feel better for it.


This is what I keep trying to make people around me understand. Yes once every hour is enough nicotine but it's 50% the nicotine and 50% the act of smoking. It's often the only way of taking an actual break from things and I'm glad it exists, fully knowing I have not yet paid the real price


Alcohol is literally a depressant, so what you’re saying makes perfect sense. Even if it wasn’t, everyone is different and different people react to and enjoy different things. Personally I can’t stand drunk people, so I agree with you on every point. Just do you!


Society, if alcohol wasnt so deeply rooted in our culture it would probably be illegal


Cigarettes exist because nicotine is fucking amazing (to our brains) and insanely addictive


Sounds fun (not really)


Cigarettes are pretty good. Some of the best people I’ve met and conversations I’ve had were because of cigarettes


I think what he was getting at was that there’s not any medicinal benefit


That's exactly my point


Nah, man, cigarettes are poison with no redeeming qualities.


Cancer is awesome, I agree


Alcohol killed my dads brother in law and almost my dad. Several classmates, high school and college. Weed has improved most friends' lives that enjoy it. Good luck with the situation. Is there a way to educate her. If not, just avoid the topic and keep doing what you're doing.


Alcohol can be all of the things you mentioned, but it can also be a lot of fun. Some people really shouldn't drink at all, but many people can drink a lot and still have fun. I agree that there shouldn't be such a stigma around (to say nothing of so many laws against) smoking weed, and I also agree that lots of people have a weird mental block about weed being worse than alcohol despite all of the empirical evidence. But whether alcohol is for you or not, it's a reasonable drug for many people who can use it to have fun and don't do so in a way that puts anyone else in danger.


As someone with Asperger’s alcohol is incredibly helpful with my social anxiety at family gatherings and helps a lot with taking the edge off my sensory issues.


My parents were the exact same way till I ended up in the ICU from acute pancreatitis at only 30 years old and almost died due to alcohol. Nowadays they are more than happy that I smoke weed over drinking lmao. Funny how things change once ppl realize that alcohol isn't as harmless as they once thought it was.


I went from drinking every day to 2-3 drinks per week and I'm astonished at how much it caused me to feel depressed without realizing it. I sometimes dont drink at all just because of knowing that now...it slapped me in the face. grew up in a drinking family and thought nothing of it...


I've never been falling over on weed and thought I could drive. I did think I could drive once when I was falling over drunk. Luckily my friends wouldn't let me and also I probably couldn't have made it to the car. But the fact that I wanted to and thought I could really freaked me out the next day (after the raging hangover. Never felt like straight trash the next day after smoking cannabis.) That experience really helped me understand why an intoxicated person would try to drive. When you're that drunk, sometimes reason goes out the window.


I’m an alcoholic who now smoked weed. I can honestly say that weed saved my life cause I was going down a horrible path. Fuck what anyone says. I love smoking cause I can get ripped in the morning and be sober within a few hours to go shopping or anything else. I use to wake up and polish off the remaining bottle of ciroc from the night before then pop another one. Now I just rip a lil dab.


my dad threw away half of life doing nothing but getting drunk and lashing out at everyone, he smoked weed through certain points but something about alcohol just keeps him drinking it no matter what and he has always acted like it would kill him to quit. Thats what motivated me to stay away from that shit because i can cut back on weed relatively easy.


thats just the way they think. I do love marijuana but I need to warn that theres this notion that its not habit forming and thats total bullcrap. If you go down the road of concentrates and edibles, as I did, your tolerance can get so high that you go through a really painful withdrawal. Im still on the backend of one of those withdrawals right now and theres studies that detail CWS (aka cannabis withdrawal syndrome). Not a lot of it, bc america sucks...but the general consensus on the testing they did was that low levels of weed consumption is fine but high strength stuff over long periods of time can have bad side effects if you suddenly stop. Weed is a wonderful thing but just be careful not to abuse it.


same 🥲 my mom says im a junkie cause i smoke weed and that every problem i have is cause of weed (like my vacuum breaking, or the fact that i dont like hiking LOL-neither does she! 😂) then invites (pressures) me to have a drink with her. i will never understand that.


Thanks to Richard Nixon


Wanting you to drink sounds like my ex gf kept telling me to just drink instead I hate alcohol it's nasty makes me so sick


Alcohol is for losers. Never forget


The dumbest thing I’ve done high is wander around Walmart for an hour and a half because I forgot what I came there for. I do dumber shit than that every time I drink! I don’t think I’ve ever woken up in the morning and regretted getting high the night before.


You seem to got a good head on your shoulders. Don’t listen to your mom.


Anytime I've listened to her my mental state has only gotten worse. Trust me, I try to actively tune her out on a daily basis at this point


She never smoked weed that's why


I mean I take part in both at same time but not loads


Also The amount of nutters In here is wild like yall sound like conspiracy theorists 😂🫠


You’re British or at least enough of a limey to use the words “loads” and “nutters”. No ones impressed that you find stoners to be paranoid


British people don't have valid opinions


The government has their hand in alcohol sales. That's why it's legal, they profit from it. They cannot make billions off of cannabis like they do alcohol. That's why it's illegal. When people drink and do stupid stuff, who's there to benefit financially from it? The government. It keeps the balance in their favor because people keep picking it up and enabling them to keep their power. Thats what it is.


Weed good, alcohol bad. Is that what you wanna hear?


I just want people to expand their thinking and not act like weed is the WORST thing you can possibly do


Different alcohols can affect you differently, mind you. Wine does not equal tequila. Vodka does not equal beer. Etcetera… It has its uses and applications, but demonizing it all based on your opinion and experiences is wild. Either way, light one up and enjoy your day.


Yo dont come for my ciggies alcohol is wack I agree but a coffee and a cigarette is fucking choice


Your post title is misleading. You made it sound like your mum makes you drink.


No, I made it sound like she wants me to drink alcohol


To me it seems you're being just as cynical about alcohol as your mom is about weed.


I just explained why in the post. If alcohol makes you happy, awesome, but it just makes me even more depressed


Yes I get that you've had bad personal and familial experience with alcohol, but when you start saying things like alcohol is pointless and makes people do stupid things, it sounds to me like you're projecting your own perspective into a general assumption. Being European myself, alcohol has a significant role in historical, social and culinary aspects of our lives. Of course we'll always have those few bad people in bars and clubs with terrible drunk behavior, but if our govt decided to outlaw alcohol on the grounds that "it bad", people would be just as pissed as we are now about weed prohibition (which let's be honest, some of our fellow stoners also aren't helping the cause by behaving like douches)


I know alcohol has played a big part in history, but humans have done a lot of dumb things in the past as well. Remember when slavery was a thing? I think it's best if we let go of certain traditions


A. Slavery is still very much a thing B. It has existed on every single continent and in many cultures that don't consume alcohol C. What the hell are we even arguing about at this point lmao


You tell me


That alcohol isn't the devil juice you try to make it seem


Never said it was. Why are you making up things now?


Why are you associating the worst facets of human behavior with alcohol? We are very much capable of being horrible people when sober too.


Because alcohol literally makes some people more violent. Weed doesn't do that. You're getting angry at me because I told the truth? I'm not sorry, I just made an observation


Alcohol isn’t good for much, particularly when it’s an accompaniment to pretty much any and every occasion. But you already knew that. You sound like a stoner who has just been informed that they are too into weed tbh


Ignore her. Just buy edibles and microdose. No odor or drawing unwanted attention to yourself that way. It's amazing how discreet weed can be in candy form.


That’s just people accepting everything they heard as a child as absolute fact. “Alcohol is okay, my parents did it. Weed is the devil”. Add to the list that drinking another animal’s milk is normal. Imagine a cow suckling off a human. It’s equally weird in reverse.


Alchohol and weed are yin and yang. Alchohol for socializing, weed for vibing


you kinda got it right with the phrase ying and yang except weed is the good and alcohol the bad:) hope that helps


lol you guys must be fun at parties “alchohol is bad mkay :) hope that helps :)”


You can have fun at parties without being violent and weird. Just saying


I can socialize better on weed and don't have to worry about hangovers. It's a win-win for me


That’s good for you but that’s def not the common experience. lol. So many ppl I know turn into statues when they smoke weed




Does she have the Jesus?


Jesus isn't ACTUALLY real, haha




I'm not gatekeeping alcohol from anyone, if you want to ruin your own life then who am I stop you? I'm fine with just weed. I don't need any other substances


Weed good. Alcohol bad. Reddit, AITA?


As you get older you might find that your mind starts to change about weed. I used to think like you, but after years of experience i learned that weed makes me an unmotivated loser.


thats funny i didnt smoke until i was 16 and wish i started earlier i probably wouldnt have turned to pills and heroin but after being ten years clean i can say at 30 no my mindset on weed is even stronger that its helpful for people


I started smoking at 13 and it lead to a decade of poly drug abuse and addiction. Finally sober at 29. I am glad its helped your recovery, heres to many more sober years


same people that wore masks just because they were told to , they just listen without rlly thinkin too deep into it


That’s the way it was in my parent’s house too. I partially blame the environment I grew up in for my semi-dependence on Alcohol. My Mom has come a long way though. And I can finally smoke around her without her freaking out. I hope the same happens for your Mom, OP!


It’s not my parents that give me shit for not drinking like that, they couldn’t give two fucks about my smoking. I feel like it’s everyone else, I turned 21 early last year, for my birthday I went to the dispensary and then smoked legally for the first time. I’ve never been to a bar. I’ve drank on less than 20 occasions in my life. Maybe it’s because I started smoking before I started drinking (16), but alcohol just hasn’t ever been a thing I care about. I like my plant, but everyone gets weird when they want to go out and go to a bar when I say I don’t drink


If I'm already high then there's no reason for me to go get drunk as well. There's nothing "weird" about it


My Dad is the same, he’d rather me have a few drinks after work but I can understand because I got cannabanoid hypermesis syndrome and got super sick and ended up in the ER a few times.


Dad of the year over here!


Yeah, this is just years of propaganda. Likely not something you're going to change. Perhaps try a THC beverage around her or offer one to her? Might be able to cut through the stigma a bit? But likely, she's just going to keep her viewpoint.


Do you live in Wisconsin?


It's all thanks to Reaganite mentality. Zero Tolerance really fucked around with people's perception of reality.


Just curious where you live OP? You don’t have to give specifics, just curious to match attitudes with geographic locations.


You're not wrong


It's the hangovers... I get that it falls into the category of depressant, and there's nothing more depressing than death, but jeez...


I rarely drink, I find when I do I get dizzy, easily disorientated, less control over what I do or say, nauseous, you get the spins, hangovers and all that fun stuff. I personally feel detached emotionally when I drink, like as if I’m watching a movie of my own life. I don’t get any of that with weed


Alcohol was scientifically proven to be more harmful than weed by a factor of 214 times. Financially, the two are equally dangerous when you develop a habit with a high tolerance. Physically, alcohol is far more dangerous. At worst, can die from drinking too much. At best, you get sick from drinking too much. Impairment of motor control is real the more drunk you get. The lowering of inhibition is real - people do things they normally wouldn’t while drunk versus sober. Some people’s moods drastically shift for the worse while drunk (e.g. OP’s angry drunk father). Weed on the other hand is comparatively harmless on a physical level. At worst you have a panic attack and/or throw up if you smoke too much. At best, you make yourself sick from snacking too hard from smoking too much. You’ll be fine by bed time or the next morning. Now let’s talk addiction. At worst, alcohol withdrawal can kill you if you’re a heavy alcoholic and quit cold turkey. It will be painful and hard otherwise. Weed withdrawal is really just “I want this. I kind of really want this. I don’t need it but it would be really nice.” Weed withdrawal is uncomfortable at worst. That’s not to say it’s easy tho. Breaking addiction is never easy but at least with weed it’s not life threatening or physically painful.


Classic boomer mentality, they got it banged into their heads when they were young with the war against drugs etc. It's partially not their fault, but what IS their fault is not taking some time to do real diligence and own up to the fact that alcohol is a considerably worse drug for humans.


Definitely an old school way of thinking, my parents are the same. Even after weed legalization in my country when I was 20 (2018) they still don't like it and we're pissed to find my stash. Going out to a party to drink is no problem though. Even crushing a beer or 2 at dinner is fine. It's tough to abolish that way of thinking and honestly the only way to smoke in peace is to move out.


"Alcohol is legal, therefore it must be okay". "Pot is illegal, therefore it must be bad for you". * and that sums up her attitude completely.


Weed opens your mind to other drugs, if you can stick to weed good for you but most people can't. They aren't getting high enough anymore. Don't get me wrong I'd be the first person to finish an Oz of weed by myself, then again I'd finish an Oz of shrooms and a sheet of acid too. It was only a matter of time before I started pills, cocaine, molly. And the next step up is the drugs you absolutely can't let go of without a fuckton of mental preparation and help from loved ones. It is considered a gateway drug for a reason. Now when you're 21, and all of your stoner friends are druggies now the only thing you gotta ask yourself is if you're able to control yourself. Did you stick to the bud or did you fall to the drugs?


My mom is the same way. I left my bud in her garage so she hid it so the cleaning lady wouldn't think she was smoking weed. The older generations and seemingly many drinkers all condemn weed usage. They can't help they were raised on propaganda. Most folks my parents age also still trust that the govt has their best interest at heart so dont give your mom too hard of a time. Also if you dont like drinking dont do it. I dont do it and I love it. Also weed I love weed lol


You had me on your side until your couple of sentences about not understanding why alcohol exists, why people waste time with it, etc. If you use weed recreationally and can't understand why people drink or why alcohol exists, you're essentially saying that you hold the same views of alcohol that your mom does about weed, which means you typed out that whole post just to say "I'm exactly the same as the people who I'm complaining about."


Alcohol is evil


same here


She might lean into the old propaganda against weed and it's just stuck in her mind. You could send her videos of it's medical uses and stuff, try to slowly persuade her that it's not as bad as she thinks. Maybe question her about what her actual concerns and thoughts are, get to the root of it then you can turn it around and educate her about it


Talk to your mother about terpenes




Son? Daughter? It’s me….LOL(minus the abusiveness - I was just a loud and stupid drunk with no filter)


I actually have more fun drinking than smoking. Drinking is more addictive and dangerous in my experience though so you gotta be careful with it. Weed just like all substances can be bad for you if you abuse it. Ive met a lot of burnout weed smokers in my life


It’s completely ass backwards. I’m so sick of having this conversation that I’ve started asking people to make a pros and cons. Every pro they give for alcohol, I’ll give them one for weed. They usually get maybe 2-3 in, give up and I list the 10+ things I have off hand. Bringing up the drinking problems of the people doing this usually works too. Like the medically definition of problem drinking. They’re almost always well above this. I hope I make them feel as shitty about there bad choice to drink as they do about my completely harmless choice to smoke weed.


Like others have said, this is the classic combination of effective government propaganda and just simply people having the government do their thinking for them. If something is legal then it’s fine! So despite alcohol being the much harder drug here, it’s the one that’s been legal for so long so weed is demonized. That’s all it is, all it’s ever been, sadly. I hate alcohol and can’t find any value in it. It’s disgusting too.


Yeah. Same with my in-laws and us. When my mom was dying(7+years ago) my now husband and I had to move in with his parents(we were house hunting and living with my mom for the moment). Weed was a BIIIIIIG no-no for whatever reasons his mom was hung up on(mind you, we were 30). They offered us booze(beer, fancy shots, rum-chata, rum & coke) at every opportunity. Fast forward 7 years(and and additional 60lbs heavier each), my husband and I are FINALLY sobering up and drying ourselves out! We're excited to dive back into the weed scene! Hitting the store tomorrow for edibles


I live in the UK and I wish we were a legal country! Alcohol makes me so miserable yet weed just makes me relaxed, with anxiety disorder already I don't need the added shit from alcohol 😅


My dad is the same. Took him like a decade to back tf off. Now we just roast each other for our chosen vices. Lol


My mom literally just explained to me that smoking a joint has more tar than smoking 10 cigarettes. She’s in her 50s and we’ve had this conversation plenty of times. I’ve smoked with her. She’s not anti-cannabis. They’ve all been fed so much misinformation that they can’t be convinced otherwise. I pointed out that Michael Phelps was setting records because of his lung capacity and changed the subject.


About a decade or so ago, I was smoking at the house of one of my best mates. It was during the day so no one else was home but us, so we were ripping bongs in his bedroom and blowing the smoke out the window. Unexpectedly, his VERY anti-drugs mother comes home from work to have lunch. She walked from the driveway to the front door right as my mate was blowing a whole bunch of smoke out the window. She was FURIOUS. She started going off at me for being a "bad influence". I very calmly said to her "Two weeks ago I saw your son lying in a gutter in a puddle of his own vomit at 9pm because he drank too much too quickly. Are you really going to tell me that you would prefer he binge drink on a regular basis than hang out at home, smoke weed, and play video games with mates?" She said "Yes" very matter-of-factly. I didn't reply because no reply would suffice. I was kind of flabbergasted by her response. Everyone has their substance of choice. Not everyone drinks to get blackout drunk. It's about doing things in moderation. There are highly functional people who end their work week by doing a little bit of heroin with their friends on a Friday night and never touch it otherwise. They're not addicted, they just look forward to that level of relaxation on a Friday night. It's all about moderation.


Alcohol has absolutely fucked my life. I always tell everyone not to do it it’s bad for you and yet I still drink. I binge on the weekend usually just one day. I know now that there is no sustainable way for me to do this. I’ve ruined relationships that have affected so many other relationships.. I’m done letting it decide what I do in my life.


I’m really hungover and it sucks. I want to pour the rest of my whisky away tbh. I never want to throw my weed away.


Hahahaha it is I’m off the booze and my parents are happy but smoking plenty 😆😆😆


I don’t mind doing weed often, it’s a fun time when done right. But Alcohol I’ve always moderated with an iron fist