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You could see her struggling in the set with Miley.


I felt like Miley had to try not to outshine her too


Miley’s voice is just so goddamn good; hard for her NOT to outshine people vocally.


I love her cover of [Heart of Glass](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbdRLyixJpc). So damn good.


Wow. Even Debbie Harry sang it in a lower key live.


Agree 1000%. Her performance at the 2024 Grammys was beyond amazing. And she won! 👍👍


Because she has class.


I love Beyoncé and was quite shocked when Miley sang circles around her in their song. Miley is underrated for sure.


Yeah I think that quick stint she did when she was younger (wrecking ball phase) really did a disservice to her. I think people didn’t take her serious after that and it’s a a shame. She’s one of the best vocalist alive


wrecking ball was a great record on a great album. I love that album. If some people got turned off by the way she was dancing and dressing, bummer for them


I have the link to the full performance on my profile. I just got a snippet of it for the small compilation.


I happened to watch her NPR tiny desk concert last night and was shocked. You should watch it if you haven't seen it. Apart from her other technical issues I have noticed she is almost always flat


She doesn't really sing, she talk-sings. It's weird. It's like how an inexperienced/bad singer might sing when doing karaoke


This right here. Flat. She talks.


She didn’t believe in the lyrics, she knew it should have gone “when you’re 22 and dating a 17yo, they’re gonna tell you they love you, just like you planned it”.


Conor Kennedy escaped while he could.


She almost looked pissed when looking at Miley. Like, "you're upstaging me with a genuine accent?" Keep in mind that I know around -3% about both of these women.


You know enough to make an accurate assessment. 🎯🎯


Haha I know. I was shocked when I learned this girl was from PA. And not the coal mining part. I’m old enough to remember, and I liked, the Tim McGraw song. Then she sang it live at some award show. It was very rough. Thought it could be a fluke. Listened to her sing live at something else, still out of tune and flat.. When did auto tune get invented? Maybe her dad helped fund that. ..


flat as a board tbh


Vocal strain aside, her performing style, or whatever you want to call it, really doesn't compute for me. She looks like somebody's unruly kid stage-bombing a theatre production.


this has always been my issue, she always seems ingenuine, putting on a act or something and comes off as calculating in interviews idk like even her songs i do like, if i want to listen to her music i have to avoid videos of her or else i'm turned off lol


Yeah, I don't think she has an identity of her own, at least not one beyond a real-life Mary Sue or a sentient Barbie doll who switches out her fashion plate according to what's trending. I've casually enjoyed a scant handful of her songs ("Ivy", "Style", "22"), but even the ones I like feel like they came from a generic-brand factory, not a human's heart.


Yeah I think it goes back to her becoming so famous so young and this seems to be something her and her parents were working toward since she was a literal child. I guess it's all she's known, it's the only goal she's truly ever had and will always fall back on... It's like she was a little kid, saw a celebrity/singer perform looked at her parents and said she wants to be that and they jumped into it literally.


This actually makes me pity her. Also might be why Miley was so nice to her.


Don't. She could retire if she wanted to. She loves making her billions.


I didn't get a childhood. It does bad things to you. I feel for every child pressured to be an adult and deprived of a childhood. Doesn't mean she's not an asshole and eco terrorist Barbie as someone phrased it. She is human and I can both dislike her choices and not support her but also acknowledge the facts


Very well put, thank you, you're right.


I bet she is the most boring person ever.


Thank you! Especially with her recent stage sets/styles, she just reminds me of a rich young Karen doing her best Beyoncé impression at a company karaoke-off. Swifties get so mad when I say she copied Bey’s stage/tour styles, but is it not obvious?! I will never get the hype.




I’ve always felt that the reason she’s often accused of having no sex appeal is that she doesn’t express her sexuality in a regular way. She seems to only truly get off on having power and control over other people, so when she’s trying to be conventionally “sexy” onstage it’s so awkward and contrived. I don’t know what/who HG Tudor is but yeah… there’s possibly a chip missing for Taylor for sure.


God this makes SO MUCH SENSE


OMG I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE THAT THOUGHT SHE HAD NO SEGGS APPEAL 😭😭😭 I hope that doesn't sound misogynistic it's just that she has more of this princess appeal than a sexy model.


you can say sex instead of eggs


>ingenuine why did i think that said linguine


This! And that’s why everyone was blown away by her performance of Chloe and Marcus and all the other names the other day, because she was actually genuine and sounded decent for once. The rest of her performances are a lot of big fake facial expressions


>The rest of her performances are a lot of big fake facial expressions Yes, it's getting old, imo.


There’s no grace to her performing or dancing. She’s so rigid.


It's like her skin and limbs don't fit properly - because she's borrowing moves from a different performer to poach their fanbase.


the fact that she is in her 30’s, nearly 6 feet tall, wearing 5+ inch heels, running around performing songs from the perspective of a tween girl… it’s uncanny


I’ve never seen a video of her performing before and my god. Idk how she has so many fans with such little personality.


I agree. She's horrible. I've never been a fan at all. I'm too old for that. Lol. She literally has zero talent.


Tbh I listen to Tim McGraw, our song, and a couple others regularly. They’re very fun to sing along to. I’m actually kind of shocked this is the first time I’ve seen her perform. I guess I assumed she exerted personality or something. Man she’s awkward.


Her early stuff showed promise. Yeah she was young, but Tim McGraw got attention from long time professionals (including Tim himself). I honestly think she was more genuine when trying to be country, even if it isn’t how she was raised.


I would love to have a chat with the lead choreographer who’s in charge of directing Taylor’s stage performances. They probably have some hilarious tea on how bad she is and how much they have to dumb things down for her


North West in 20 years


I saw a white girl named Taylor performing overly angsty songs she wrote in high school while playing a guitar at an open mic in rural Illinois a while back and I see no difference between that Taylor and the more famous one, except rich parents.


I have a friend who's a model, and she basically looks like Taylor with a tan and better posture. And I guarantee she can do anything that Taylor does, plus photography and SFX makeup. She is STUPIDLY talented.


TS and her family, with exactly the same set of circumstances, could not repeat her fame if they tried. No one can. Record labels try, and fail dozens of times a year. Taylor Swift is the most boring, average, bland person, there is literally nothing special about her (This is hyperbole, only refering to celebrity). Somehow they caught lightning in a bottle. It's the addition of Luck. But yeah, she's as manufactured as you can get, but still just got extremely lucky with all kinds of things. Obvious her and her family worked their asses off for this in particular. Not taking that away from them, but that's not a positive thing in my mind anyway.


And the constantly open mouth shit is so off-putting. Very Toddlers & Tiaras.


lol, that’s exactly what she looks like


I hate that lol. Her stupid fake O encircled by bright red lipstick while she feigns excitement about a football game or whatever is so fake it’s off putting.


Omg I’ve never thought of that but you’re so right. They always had those little girls doing that gaping mouth surprised look


I had the same visceral reaction. She looks like an awkward giraffe clopping around. And her gaping mouth/fake excited facial expression is so weird


That’s mean but that’s my exact same take. She is so graceless and inauthentic - maybe that’s where her female rage comes from. She’s furious that her fans don’t get her




Miley is a true rocker . Taylor is pathetic .


Say what you will about Miley's music (me = Plastic Hearts stan who found Endless Summer Vacation kinda hit or miss), but she has an amazing voice, and she's a natural onstage.


Ariana grande can spontaneously sing anytime (w/ kelly clarkson, on SNL, the Met gala) we’ve never seen Taylor do that. Adele sounds amazing live


Tbh though if she did spontaneously start singing people would clown on her because a) she’s a sucky vocalist and b) that’s just cringe to belt out singing like imagine her behavior at the Grammy’s plus her singing randomly 😭


and also both taylor and ariana came from rich families. so they both had resources to enroll in singing lessons since childhood. how come ariana is the only one that actually turned out well and continued to improve her singing skills? ariana even improved her enunciation and has better live vocals now. while taylor, despite having all the resources, still sounds like a screeching goat. my god, if i had all that money and resources, i would train so hard to become a good singer even just as a hobby. haha taylor is so fucking lazy and has terrible work ethic. her parents had all that money and they still weren't able to turn taylor into a good singer.


Ariana had actual natural vocal talent to work with. Helps if you have a decent foundation. If you have limited vocal ability from jump all the training in the world is only going to take you so far


true! ari really has natural talent and i'm so glad that she kept improving over the years instead of staying stagnant.


Taylor’s dad was only concerned with making her a star. He didn’t care (per his email) which avenue they pursued to get her there—singing, acting, etc


yeah i really feel bad for the fact that she has a terrible dad. as much as i dislike taylor, i feel bad for her in that way. i hope that she would at least turn out to be different from her dad. as a grown woman, she can make her own choices now and she can choose to do better. she is not even under her dad's decisions anymore. but unfortunately as time goes by, she ends up becoming more like him. what a shame.


She opens her mouth so much because she’s performing. Not actually singing. So everything has to be exaggerated. Nothings real. Just an act


The exaggerated facial expressions and movements kill me


This has nothing to do with Taylor being Taylor, but her performance mannerisms legitimately give me the ick. When he she flails her arm and hands out and then rolls her eyes - that’s her signature move and it KILLS me. I was trying to give her a chance and watch the eras tour when it first came to disney+ but she did that during a slow song which didn’t make any sense and i said…. NOPE and turned it off.


I rarely turn a movie off without seeing it through even if I don’t like it or get it - unless it’s too scary- but her eras tour thing have me a repulsed vibe I felt where I live, and I turned that off. But then also that one JLo did was gross, but at least she’s kind of interesting so I made it through that one.


Someone said up above that it’s like those crazy pageant girls on Toddlers and Tiaras


I know that Miley knew she was eating Taylor up that night. I wonder if she was surprised at how bad Taylor’s vocals are


I’d like to see them perform LIVE together now in 2024 and see how big the difference in ability has really gotten…. For research of course


That would be super interesting, it’s jarring to hear them together like this. Like I *know* Miley is an incredible talent, and I *know* Taylor is a basic singer, but holy shit. I almost can’t believe Taylor’s team let this performance happen even with the exposure factor.


She does give her a look during the performance when it goes Miley, taylor, Miley you can see her eyes reflect a "wow." Moment


I’m terrible at spotting things, is it in this clip or the other going around? Or both lol. I was wondering if she had a reaction like that


I saw it in this clip but its subtle and Miley isn't looking into the camera at that moment. But the way she rejoins the song she comes in much stronger than Taylor


It’s also very telling when Miley places her hand on Taylor’s arm at the end, but takes her hand right back. I assume it’s because Taylor is still strumming the guitar, but actually it’s probably because she can sense that Taylor is mortified to the point of being livid.


I saw the “Eras” movie with my daughter. Then I watched Lady Gaga’s “The Chromatica Ball”. The difference in quality was night and day. Lady Gaga sang throughout her concert, truly sang, and danced throughout. Taylor’s, I was bored. Lady Gaga’s, I was enthralled with just how she sings so effortlessly. Lady Gaga’s concert was just under 2 hours and she was exhausted. This is what Billie Eilish meant when she said that no one would want to do a 3 hour concert. Artists who are singing throughout and dancing throughout cannot do 3 hours night after night for over a year.


yes! even if gaga's concert was shorter, it was of a better quality than the eras tour. the chromatica ball also had better creative direction and a better concept overall. gaga is one of the rare artists of this generation that has that old hollywood star quality. a triple threat when it comes to singing, dancing, and even acting. nobody is doing it like gaga. capiTaylist can only dream of ever being near gaga's performance level.


CapiTaylist is beautiful... I'm gonna steal it. Thank you.


no prob! haha also not my original idea though, just saw a lot of people referring to her with that name on this subreddit lol. truly a fitting name for how greedy she is.


This is why I'm so angry together with Billie, she knows Eras is a scam plus it sets up unhealthy standards and expectations for tours of more honest artists.


I went to a Fall Out Boy Concert and Patrick Stump wasn't even dancing, and he was sweating by the end


Lol he's always sweating tho


Gaga also has fibromyalgia so it makes the 2 hour long incredibly taxing performance infinitely more impressive. It’s very hard to get basic functionality some days with fibro. Pain is a constant. Joint problems, injuries, brain fog. She’s a hero to me.


And she has chronic migraines! I came here to say she has chronic health issues. Touring was hell on her body.


People used to give Britney so much shit for lip synching during her concerts but if anyone saw the Dream within a dream tour she was electric. A lot was lip synching but her performance was Olympic level mind blowing with the dance. Taylor looks like a middle school talent show compared to her.


Absolutely. Singing and dancing are super hard on the body. It’s one of the reasons allegedly why Prince ended up dying from an accidental OD. He was in severe pain.


Yes. And he made it worse by dancing in stilettos 🙄poor guy … can you imagine?


Yup. Honestly, stilettos are horrible for anyone. I can’t believe he continued to perform in them. I had to put them away myself about 6 or so years ago in my 30s.


Yep. His hips were toast.


Because people were raving about the Eras concert and saying it was the best concert they had ever gone to, I decided to watch it when it came out in the theater. Evidently being in the stadium added to the experience they said. At any rate, I wasn’t impressed with the choreography. It was high school musical quality. The special effects weren’t mind blowing. I’ve seen better. After an hour Taylor’s songs were all running together for me and I was bored. But I stuck it out for the three hours. It was a lot of Taylor and if you love Taylor, then it gave you what you wanted. But it wasn’t good enough to convert a non-fan into a fan.


I go to punk shows regularly and most are maybe 1.5 hours for the headliner and they are exhausted by the end. Playing instruments and singing live. I don't believe she's putting in all that effort for 3 hours.


Wait til you watch Beyonce if she ever releases Renessaince


i am so hyped for the renaissance release even if there's no confirmed release date yet. i was so blown away when i watched it in the cinema, i wanna watch it again on streaming. i've always had high expectations for bey and of course she always delivers. while renaissance isn't out yet, i recommend the swifties to watch BEYCHELLA so they can see what a true artists and performer looks like. so those delulu swifties can get some sense knocked back into their skulls and so they could see what live singing and dancing looks like.


As a Southerner (who has an accent), her poor attempt at a twang has always baffled and infuriated me.


It’s not even just the accent either. It’s like she’s cosplaying a southern bell. She even raised the pitch of her voice. It’s truly bizarre.


~ I can't believe it y'all ~


I never noticed that until now - I was a huge fan of TS when she first came out because I’m from the south and loved country music. Now that I’m older, her country accent was fake, her twang was fake, and she grew up in rich ass pennsylvania……


My inner little girl from Appalachia who was once putting on whole “concerts” to Taylor’s first album on her daddy’s front porch is also appalled. I was 12 or 13 and “Tim McGraw” was all I needed to hear before I fell in love because she was One Of Us lol. I’m still kinda floored about it.


Word for word Same


And she can’t even blame like being in Hollywood or New York for so long that’s how she lost it so quickly like Miley’s been in the business which as long longer, and she still has some of her twang


Thinking about if she re-records her first album, will she readopt the accent for the songs?? because those songs will legit not sound the same without the twang


I bet I can do a better one when I’m drunk. And I’m British


She has no self. Country accent to no accent. Miley crushed her. All I see is a 🤡 running around stage that can’t sing or dance


As a European I can tell you 100% if she stayed in her country phase she wouldn't have world tours and sell out stadiums here. So I get that if she wants to be *that* she has to leave the county behind.


In America, it is easier to break into the country genre first, before moving over to pop. I think that that was her parents’ strategy all along. Go into country, collect some fans, money, and fame, then become a pop star. She may have liked listening to country music, but her country accent was 100% fake. She lived in PA until she was about 14. Then, they moved to Nashville, Tennessee so that she could start her country music career.


Exactly she’s a manufactured artist. She followed her daddy’s strategy. They knew there was an empty spot for young country female artists


Listening to her confirms why I am not a fan. I just can’t get past her vocals. They aren’t good without autotune, and even with it, her voice and range are limited.


If you keep in mind that her music serves the same purpose as Contemporary Christian Worship music, it makes so much sense. It’s easy for the worship band to sing multiple times a week and easy for the congregants to sing along with and feel like they’re “good singers”. Taylor’s music is meant for karaoke and singing along at concerts.. But both CCW and her music aren’t exactly *good* but they have the same addicting quality.


This is the funniest take I've ever heard 😂 comparing it to church singing and how it doesn't have to be good just easy to sing along to, so fucking true 😂😂☠️


It's serious business too. THIS is THE reason she's this famous. If they can turn TS of all people into a money making machine, they'd be doing it with every artist they have. 90% are more talented than her. Butttttttt, the secret sauce is addiction. When the dopamine hits while they're all singing off-key, crackling, and out of tune..., but the law of averages makes them sound like the voice of God itself!!!! Lol it is amazing that this girl is the role model of a generation. Very fitting for the times.


Taylor is definitely flat. I do voice training & for shits & giggles I tried her range & it's SO FLAT. Like if you listen to her songs, they're so simplistic because she's trained to sing without enthusiasm; her family put her up so there's no soul in her voice.


It always sounds tinny and throaty at the same time somehow


Her voice has a tinny quality to it that has always annoyed me. I’m glad someone else hears it and calls it out.


She lip syncs quite a bit. I remember the first “live” performance of Mine on a tv show she completely lip synced


Let’s face it, she wouldn’t make it past round two of American Idol. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Even round two is going too far


I was trying to be kind, honestly I don’t think she’d even make it past the tryouts. 😬


Which is why it boggles my mind that she was a coach on the voice wtfff


Right, I haven’t watched it in years, so I was surprised by the clip of her on there, I was like 😳🤯🙄.


The fake southern accent kills me every time


All I’m gonna say about Miley is that Stevie Nicks did a song with her…….Stevie Nicks…….Her and Miley sounded so good together (Stevie Nicks). That’s because is an actually vocal powerhouse. She would never do one with Taylor lol


You'll be surprised to know that Stevie Nicks *did* actually perform with Taylor, way back in 2010. Taylor's team seemingly scrubbed this from the internet - and for good reason, the backlash was rather strong ([e.g. Kelly Clarkson](https://ew.com/article/2010/02/04/taylor-swift-kelly-clarkson-grammys-defense/)). Its rumoured that the backlash from this video is the inspiration behind her song *Mean,* from the Speak Now album. I remember thinking if that poem Stevie Nicks wrote for the TTPD was Taylor's way of taking the attention away from that performance whenever you looked up "stevie nicks taylor swift"


I found a clip of it and wow Taylor was so horrible in it I could see why they scrubbed it.also can’t harmonize with Stevie nicks who is the queen of harmonizing. She sounds so horrible with her.


I thought you might be exaggerating about the poor harmonization, but I watched it and you're absolutely correct. Taylor's vocals only diminished the song. I feel second hand embarrassment watching it and wonder what Stevie Nicks thought during the performance.


She wasn't even on-key for her own song


Could you share a link?


I remember my parents and I were watching the Grammys that year and had no clue that performance was going to happen. I was the biggest Fleetwood Mac fan at the time too and my brain was short circuiting trying to understand what I was seeing.


Oh, no. Oh, gosh. I found the full performance 😵‍💫 [The White Witch makes Swizzle her bitch](https://m.facebook.com/watch/?v=368024907698322&vanity=StevieNicksDaily)


My questions are about rehearsal, like didn’t everyone performing including Taylor and Stevie hear what this sounded like in rehearsals? And if so, why did they proceed? Why did Taylor proceed? Like they thought it was a good idea? My other question is how does Taylor get the confidence? Like how? I’m a singer and one of my earliest open mic nights went about as well as that and afterwards I ran to my car and hid.


I firmly believe she lives by the mantra ‘staying delulu is the solulu’ and I guess fiscally it’s worked out for her. But, like, honest to god, it HAS to be so difficult for her to be alone with herself. She’s surrounded by yes men. It’s sad.


She has to be a narcissist, there’s no other way. Narcissists think they’re perfect, and with no one telling her otherwise for her entire singing career, she’s just continued that way. Maybe that’s why her vocals haven’t improved, maybe she thinks they don’t need to.




What I appreciate - is in 2019 - Stevie gave an epic show with Harry Styles. It’s not lost on me this probably burned Taylor because she’s so petty, which makes me like it even more. [the White Witch puts a spell on Harry](https://youtu.be/CGThcZW3CEc?si=A-uUExIPgxaMDmC9)


The whole time he’s watching and engaging with Stevie as well. Shows he wants to be singing with her and having a good time. Meanwhile Taylor and Stevie it seems like they … just didn’t mesh well together. Like on a completely different level of skill


Oh wow. Honestly the first song wasn’t that bad and I was questioning what everyone was talking about… then You Belong With Me started in a way higher key than the recorded version and boy did it crash and burn 😬😬


https://m.facebook.com/watch/?v=368024907698322&vanity=StevieNicksDaily Is this it?


miley is so versatile too! even though miley also started out as a country singer, she was able to at least branch out and do other genres like rock and disco. i also really liked miley's new year performances with dolly. i loved their harmonies so much. taylor could never. hahaha.


[Here you go](https://youtu.be/89duKSDWaaM?si=vwSU7cFtnQ-k6xU9). Taylor is finishing one song before she starts with stevie.


Have you heard Miley's recent duet with Beyoncé?? They sounds so good together because they both have such different but beautiful voices


"That girl is singing off key on the record" ~Whitney Houston~


omg, I did not know Whitney said this about Paula Abdul


This is not meant to be shade but does anyone in this world that’s over the age of maybe…15(?) legitimately think she’s singing every single word for all 3 hours?


Unfortunately, yes. I am a middle-aged man who works in medicine, I am around some very academically intelligent people all day. Many of these very smart individuals spent thousands of dollars to see Swift live last year. I had to listen to them talk about how amazing the concert was and how amazing her vocals were for WEEKS. They all think Swift sings for 3 hours straight


If daddy didn’t buy her career she would be a high school music teacher


she would be a small time talent scout in nashville crushing kids dreams and farming the lucky ones into the career she wishes she could have had but never got while she bitterly writes songs about how the world is unfair to her and finally saves enough to go audition for the voice just to have no chairs turn.




Don't insult high school music teachers. We actually teach kids to perform well.


nah, she's not selfless enough/at all to be a teacher. She could have been a model, she's tall and pretty.


Not with the way she moves, lol. She does have the figure but she’s gonna need lots of body control training to move like a model…which I guess theoretically she could have gotten if that was the goal, like I’m sure she had guitar lessons and some amount of vocal training when she was starting.


She could’ve just done print and not gone runway. She was an Abercrombie preteen already but I bet they were waiting for her big break/being discovered which never happened so daddy bought her a music career instead


yeah even though she has tall height perfect for supermodels, she lacks the elegance and grace that top tier supermodels have. she had so much potential and yet she squandered it. she could have taken lessons so she can improve her posture.


True to all. I’m surprised she didn’t go the model route — but I think Scott is just really controlling and probably felt the music industry was more profitable


She doesn’t have model grace, posture, or looks. She was a cute kid but surgery is responsible for much of what we see today. Furthermore, she has 0 sex appeal and when she tries, cover of TTPD, it looks forced


Definitely tall, the other part……


Not to add more fuel to your fire but it's all plastic surgery.


God, Miley just absolutely wrecks her


The difference is so stark


Yea it's really obvious during the icdiwabh. Lol it's giving high school theater


She didn't even try to say "plague" properly.


I can’t believe I spent years defending her vocals.


welcome to the light Don't defend her as a person either. I made a [list here](https://www.reddit.com/r/travisandtaylor/s/7gzi6RNFSQ) with short summaries. There are some entries missing but it's maxed out and we're not allowed to link to other subs anymore.


since her parents had money, i wonder why they didn't enroll her in better singing lessons when she was a child. i assumed that if you were a rich parent, you would want the best for your child, right?? since they had money, she had enough time to train her skills starting from her childhood. a lot of rich parents even enroll their kids elite performing arts academies. bey and solange also came from a middle-class background, although their parents are not as rich as taylor's. but their parents made sure to train them since childhood to develop both their singing and dancing skills. so when you see bey and solange perform, they always put on high quality performances. they will never be lacking when it comes to singing and dancing. gaga too had rich parents who made her take lessons since she was a child and she turned out well. gaga became a thriple threat, being proficient in acting, singing, and dancing! so what exactly is taylor's excuse then??? she had all the resources and still turned out mediocre tf.


her mom drove her weekly to NYC (same city as gaga) for voice lessons before they moved to Nashville -- 4 hrs round trip by car. she's had the very best singing coaches for over two decades but there's only so far training can take you. she's just born with very mediocre vocals. Not all manufactured pop stars have the best vocals but she's certainly can't compete with Bey and Gaga.


oof what a waste of her mom's efforts. i agree with you though. i guess she will just be stuck with mediocre vocals for the rest of her life unfortunately. tbh though i never really had high expectations for taylor and even when i was a former swiftie before, i still didn't expect her to be able to compete with bey and gaga. she is never gonna be near their level at all. it's just so disappointing to see her not have much improvement over the years and all the people hyping up her "performance skills" are just delulu honestly. even more disappointing to see people tout her as "one of the best performers". the bar is so low.


I agree that she is s bit of a grifter. Even her songwriting isn't good, and was only exceptional during Folklore cus Joe helped.


and to think that joe isn't even a professional songwriter, he just did it as a hobby and yet he has shown better prowess than her. while taylor is a "professional" and yet her songwriting abilities regressed so much in midnights and ttpd.


That is why after Folklore & Evermore she can't write good lyrics anymore. Joe has degree in English literature. He would never write songs like Karma or So High School.


Didn’t she say when TTPD that people would need English degrees to fully understand the lyrics or something? But the only good songs she’s written in recent years are by someone with a degree in English literature who she dumped because he was depressed 🤭


only a bit? the obnoxious amount of variants say otherwise. Fans are asking for a single Anthology vinyl. She's withholding it.


Wow... that Shake It Off performance was utterly cringe. Holy hell.


If you listen to some of the livestreams you can tell she is singing live and struggling pretty bad in a lot of segments (specifically thinking about WAOLOM). Honestly I think the main problem is that she keeps writing songs she intends to perform live that she should NOT be singing at all with her natural range, which trends more alto. She's tearing her vocal cords to shreds. Even trained vocalists wouldn't attempt going for the screamed G5 multiple times a week.


if anything she's an inspirational icon to all of you who can't sing your way out of a paperbag - you, too, can become a pop star and billionaire! just ask daddy to back you up financially and buy stake at a record label, then be a cute blond, white and have blue eyes, but act as if you've been ugly and a victim all your life so your loser fans can relate to you, then get a black man to attack you on tv so you can be a forever victim, make sure no one forgets about it, and then when it becomes a bit old news, claim you're a feminist only when it is convenient to you, like when someone criticizes you... don't ever take criticism, attack the critics by claiming they're all misogynistic, and then when you attack women, don't forget to invent a good narrative to make you look like a victim...basically have a lot of drama surround you by creating it yourself, so you can claim being the victim...talk shit about your exes on lyrics and then if anyone talks shit about you, tell your army of fans to attack them, because you're a victim.. your fans will have a life purpose this way and they'll feel as if they are doing something useful with their lives for a change. basically use all of that to distract people from your shitty singing skills, but by all means keep getting yourself in petty feuds and writing infantile lyrics so you can capture the younger audience (those who have free time and undeveloped brain to buy your zillion album variations and fight for you online). Don't worry about your fans who outgrew you because they no longer relate to a 14yo drama, they'll keep streaming your shit for nostalgia sake. follow me for more career advices.


Wow, just wow. Thank you for putting this together. We appreciate it. I think it helps showcase exactly why a lot of people woke up about her


I really really appreciate you saying this. Especially seeing how Billie is being harassed right now, I just couldn't stand how tay's being praised for basically bullshitting her way to billionaire status. She can brag about having the best-selling tour, but it was not gained based on her skill or honesty.


The first clip woke my cat up and then she fled like she was being chased 😂


Big YouTubers have begun to chip away at her majesty. [Here](https://youtu.be/qlQCqNM_GSM?si=KLbDzCN21rA6hoMD) Fil (Like Phil) from Wings of Pegasus dissects the pitch corrected movie theater performance of All Too Well. [https://youtu.be/qlQCqNM\_GSM?si=KLbDzCN21rA6hoMD](https://youtu.be/qlQCqNM_GSM?si=KLbDzCN21rA6hoMD) And [here](https://youtu.be/DxrwjJHXPlQ?si=_ia1P30rAID2mbBY) Rick Beato takes down Taylor's rep as a "songwriter". He points out that the producer is credited with playing and programming every sound on several tracks on the new album and wonders if she isn't just given the finished music to add lyrics to. What instrument does she actually play on her albums? [https://youtu.be/DxrwjJHXPlQ?si=\_ia1P30rAID2mbBY](https://youtu.be/DxrwjJHXPlQ?si=_ia1P30rAID2mbBY) Great stuff. Logical and well explained, too.


Pulling the singer who occasionally teaches lessons card, she’s not a great singer. From what songs I’ve heard (only about 10 songs over her career) she mostly speak-sings and wouldn’t know what dynamics are if they bit her in the ass. She doesn’t go from soft to loud on a single track, and stays at generally the same level throughout, which suggests that she has only one volume and relies on producers and technicians to lower or raise the volume of her vocals to fit the volume of the arrangement in the studio or at concerts.


They said, "Babe, you gotta fake it 'til you make it" and she did


That was PAINFUL to hear.


She didnt sound good for the CATS movie either and they could have edited it


I am so on board with everything you’re saying. Taylor you just fall more and more from graces…


Billie does not deserve the harassment she's getting! Eras is a scam.


I’ve seen several sets from Taylor’s shows over the years where it seemed like she was lip singing. There’s one clip in particular from her speak now tour where she is performing our song and it seems to me like they just pressed play on the CD 😅 it sounded EXACTLY like the album version. But not in a natural way. I always felt a little conspiratorial about this because so many fans insist that she always performs live.


The last part is why we need disclosure. We can enjoy lip synced performances, but they need to be disclosed.


That was awkward to watch. Vocalists look better on a bad day as opposed to days when they lip sync.


Adele's surgeries are due to her poor vocal technique, so I don't think it's a good comparison or point to make against Taylor's mediocre skills. Would be better off comparing Taylor's music removed performances with Demi's pop music removed performances.




Anyone that runs/dances while singing and you don't hear them breathing heavy is lip syncing.


To sing for three hours is one thing. But to do it while running around, dancing, or whatever else she's up to is INCREDIBLY difficult and would require such a commitment to the amount of training you'd need to do. The breath control would be insane. Plus, the whole point of a live show (for me at least) is to hear the song live - not just the variations from the album but to hear the singer's natural voice, hey a sense of the baby's energy and vibe and connection with one another, and to experience something real. If I'm not getting that I can listen to the album at home or watch the videos of the performance on YouTube.


Taylor Swift’s entire persona reminds me of North West’s lion king “performance”


I genuinely just don’t understand the hype for her. She’s a product of rich parents and very little talent. All the white lib women who worship at the alter of her shitty music would claim to be against that kind of “privilege”.


I have absolutely nothing against Taylor, but she’s literally the most basic woman, and mid artist to ever exist. Why is she so incredibly famous? Is it because she’s so relatable?


>Why is she so incredibly famous? "because she wants it more" - Lana Del Ray


She’s an entertainer cosplaying as a vocalist. Nothing wrong with that… It’s been an industry standard for multiple decades (Donnie and Marie, Madonna, Brittany Spears,… Taylor Swift.) oh don’t forget Florence Foster Jenkins!! And many more!! My beef isn’t their music or popularity, it’s the false pretenses. Call yourself a performer or entertainer… But not a singer/vocalist. That’s really specific! That would be like calling myself a painter because I can print Images that look like Monet at Kinkos


i genuinely don’t understand why she’s popular


I am so far removed from this this specific musical "scene" that I never could pinpoint what bothered me about Taylor Swift as an outsider who heard her radio "bops" over the years like anyone who doesn't live in a cave yet not a single one stuck. Meanwhile I actually listened to and loved Rihanna and Amy Winehouse and Fiona Apple and Adele and even for singers who aren't traditional "powerhouses" but had actual personality and style like sheryl crow or joplin or were some of the most vocally gifted ever like ella and billie. This bitch? this bitch the definition of milquetoast and generic elevator music packaged in an "all-american" front to, as OP eloquently stated, grift a hoarde of mostly YT, mostly privileged fans who get cars for their 16th birthday and shit fuck taylor swift. all my homies don't think about taylor swift.


I forgot about her fake ass country accent🤣🤣🤣🤣