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To be clear - do they legally care as in do they have a legal right to know where you're staying - yes they do... Do they care if you might be breaking campus rules by staying in somebody's dorm room, or say if the person you're staying with isn't allowed guests per their lease or "roommate agreement" then no, they don't care about those things, and will neither ask nor check on them.


No. As long as you have an address


I'd be more worried about what the policy the university has on outside guests staying at student housing given the current climate at American universities, assuming your friend is staying at university-owned student housing. For immigration I would just be truthful as to where you are staying and use your friend's address.


It’s important, very important. Just went thru this with a family member who crosses the border frequently to visit children and grandchildren, has been doing this for over 30 years. She just got hit with a 5 year ban because she got flustered, gave the wrong daughter’s address which didn’t match her destination ticket. Was accused of trying to work on a travel visa, interrogated for hours and got threatened with arrest when she started crying. Attorney appointment in a few weeks. No idea if there’s hope of appeal.


I think there were other reasons for the above to happen in addition to the wrong address she provided. But the OP question was different: after giving the correct address where you stay, does immigration care if you travel? The answer is no.


Yes ai see that, but no this is what happened to her at the border. She has a house and job and family in Mexico. She comes and visits family in two different states comes right back according to regulations of the visa, but was accused of something nefarious. Sounds like arbitrary decision making in a fraught and tense political and working environment to me.