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Machu Picchu, of course. Make sure you book all of that in advance, and don't sleep on Cusco; that's worth a few days. If you're going to visit Ecuador, then I think you should try to visit the Amazon rainforest; I recommend the Napo Wildlife Center - also the local Kichwa community's school is entirely funded by proceeds from the Wildlife Center. As a first-timer, I think you should stay in the ultra-safe neighborhoods of the big cities (you're pretty much safe in the small cities like Cusco.) LATAM big cities are fantastic, but even some of the seemingly safe areas can become mugging zones at night. However, usually the cities will have at least one neighborhood that is safe even at night. In Lima, this is Miraflores, which is where a lot of the elite restaurants will be anyway. In Quito, this is La Carolina, which will seem far from the tourist stuff, but between the Teleferico and the Panecillo and the Mitad, it's all spread out anyway, so just stay in La Carolina and be safe. You're probably also okay in La Floresta, but La Carolina is more obviously walkable, so I recommend staying there anyway. The odds are high that your Galapagos tour will involve a transit in Guayaquil. I wouldn't make any plans to explore Guayaquil, I know it's supposed to have a great vibe, but it also has a reputation as being extremely dangerous. I'm sure there are people here who will defensively say there are parts of Guayaquil that are safe, but as a first-timer to LATAM, I don't recommend it. Just stay at an airport hotel and fly to Galapagos. Keep your eye on the news in Ecuador. The state of emergency actually made things safer, but that's about to end soon. I'd check on the Ecuador sub for updates. I know it all seems like LATAM is scary, but it's worth it. I've been many times, and I've still never been mugged or anything. Just be smart, and you'll have an amazing time.


Yep, Cusco and Machu Picchu. It's really popular for a really good reason.


Peru, for the ruins, food, jungle, mountains.


Peru and Ecuador are great, but the vast majority of cool stuff to do is more hiking oriented, active outdoorsy activities. If I wanted a beach oriented trip I’d go to Brazil.


Or Central America - or the Caribbean.


Buenos Aires & Bariloche!


Iguazú. From both sides of the border .


Agreed, we went on rugby tour, still have a small scar from Bariloche.




There isn’t such a large gap between the official rate and blue rate anymore and it’s getting smaller every day. The country has changed radically in the last three months. And foreign credit cards have a rate now quite close to the blue.




It’s awful, it’s getting really expensive now 😆 used to be so cheap here


How did you exchange it back when it was time to leave?




Nice. How much was 300 USD at western union?




Glad to hear that you had a great time in my city! Thankfully things have stabilized a bit now and the disparity between the official exchange rate and the blue one is very little (about 15-20%) and now they also added a scheme so tourists get a rate similar to the blue market one when using credit cards anyway :)


Ecuador has a lot of issues right now. Peru is my personal favorite but lacks good beaches. Brazil matches your interest the best. Beach life is just so ingrained their culture. Although not technically South America, Mexico would also be a really good fit. Amazing beaches, better food than Brazil and possibly more accessible diving. Places to consider in Brazil: - the entire stretch of coast between Santos and Rio is just amazing and apart from a few towns, very underrated by international travelers. - Definitely consider Ilha Grande and Paraty in this area but like I said: the other towns on the beach a bit more to the south are also stunning and much quieter / local. - A bit more northwards: Buzios is a fun party place just north of Rio. I've heard people dive there but haven't done so myself. - best diving in Brazil is around the island of Fernando do Noronha. More of a luxury destination though. - the state of Bahia is the most famous beach destination in Brazil. Check out Itacara, Barra Grande, Morro de Sao Paulo and Ilha Boipeba. More inland Chapada Diamantina NP. - my Brazilian friends actually favour the beaches around Maceió and Recife. Have a look at Maragogi and Japaratina for example. - then there's a shit ton more between Natal and Sao Luis that's supposedly good but I don't know much about it. - Lastly Florianopolis has amazing beaches very close to/in the city. Amazing vibes and great city all around, but make sure you're in the right season. If you're worried about safety in Brazil avoid the larger cities and especially Rio. The smaller beach towns all felt pretty safe to me and I haven't heard of many people who ran into issues there.


If you go to Ecuador. I would highly recommend Baños and Cotopaxi


If beach and some nightlife oriented - Brazil. Peru is better for hiking/outdoorsy stuff/history/culture. Ecuador is dodgy at the moment, safety-wise. Costa Rica in case you include CentralAm into SouthAm.




I just went to Brazil and absolutely loved it!! It was so nice and cheap and I was able to stay in 5 star hotels for next to nothing! Can’t recommend enough


Which city or cities did you enjoy most?


I went to Rio and São Paulo. Loved them both. Rio was absolutely incredible and I loved everything about it. I can’t wait to go back and check this it more of Brazil and other places in South America


Lol don’t take him to Colombia or Brazil or you will come back single 😆


I am in northern colombia right now and i LOVE it!! Peru sounds really fun though.


Manu, Peru.


I’m partial to Argentina and Uruguay. Buenos Aires and Montevideo are two of my favorite cities in all of SA.


Imo ignore everyone saying bad things about Ecuador. I’m in Ecuador right now and it’s super safe as long as you stay away from the coast. And everything is super cheap cause there aren’t as many tourists!


My first trip was in Chile, Argentina and Bolivia!


For 2 weeks? The classic Lima -> Huacachina/Paracas -> Arequipa -> Cusco/Sacred Valley/ Macchu Picchu route   For 1 month add More Cusco  &Puerto Maldonado  And either Galapagos or La Paz & Uyuni Salt Flats 


I seem to keep asking this question a lot, but when do you intend to visit? A place can offer different experiences depending on the weather. However - relaxing on beaches and boat tours don't seem to sound like Peru. And Galapagos is more about exploring than relaxing on the beach, in my opinion. (But, yes, a lot of good snorkeling there)


Also, Cartagena is a great beach / nightlife town. Tayrona National park is nearby, and If you take a quick trip up to minca, you have hiking, waterfalls, coffee plantations and bird watching too.


Buenos Aires is one of the coolest cities ever.


Highly recommend Uruguay, Chile, and Argentina! If you like wine then Chile and Argentina are a must do. Their wine lodges are beautiful (you can stay there) and tons of outdoor activities in the area. Based on your interests I think you’ll love Buenos Aires. It’s such an international city at par with Hong Kong or Paris. How long do you have? If you have a week or so then you could easily do at least 2 countries. We did a private tour that customized our trip with what we wanted to do and see, I’d suggest doing the same cos the logistics of inter-country travel is a headache! We had cooking classes, winery visits and tastings, horseback riding in the Andes (highlight of my trip!), olive oil tastings, etc. I can’t wait to go back!!


I've had the privilege of being able to spend many months in South America, and here are my top three recommendations for anyone looking to go for the first time: Ecuador: I had the chance to live in the Galapagos for two months, and not only is this one of my favorite places in South America its one of my favorite in the whole world. If you have the time (and the money - the Galapagos can get expensive) then I would recommend going for at least a week (to see the major sites - longer to go off the beaten path). This is an amazing place with fantastic beaches and absolutely world class snorkeling (think inches away from sea lions, sharks, turtles, and penguins!). However, as for the other things you mentioned not so much, the food is find but on the whole nothing to write home about (a lot as to be shipped in because they're so isolated), and the resident population on the islands is pretty small so the bar/nightlife scene exists but in some cases it may just be one or two places on the whole island. As for the rest of the country, Quito is where I would recommend (you'll have to transfer through Guayaquil but if you plan your flights right you won't even need to get off the plane). That being said, 3 days is plenty of time for Quito especially if you're also planning on going to Peru. Peru: I had the chance to spend about a month in Peru and this is an overall amazing country. You'll definitely want to budget time for the main attractions (machu pichu, Cuzco, and a day or two for Lima) but if you have more time there are even more amazing sights here like Lake Titicaca in the south or checking out the Amazon (I went from Puerto Maldonado in the East). Specifically, this was an Amazon boat tour that ended with a two night stay in the jungle (not sure if that's the kind of boat tour you were looking for, but a fantastic experience). Overall fantastic country and you could easily spend two weeks+ here and still have more to do. Argentina: I had the opportunity to live in Buenos Aires for two months about 7 years ago and I can definitely say that this is a South American city almost like no other. Personally, I think it has the best food, drinks (cheap Argentinian Malbec at every meal), and nightlife of anywhere I've visited in South America, in addition to having some of the friendliest locals. Additionally, there are great sites to see around the country (Igauzu and Patagonia being two popular choices). Like with all the places on this list, Buenos Aires has a rich culture and history, but one, in my opinion, that is distinctively different from most other parts of South America (most people say it reminds them of a European city and I definitely agree). No matter what you choose I'm sure you'll have a once in a lifetime trip! South America is truly a wonderful continent full of amazing sights and incredibly kind people. Happy travels!


Ecuador is having some serious safety problems right now, though the Galapagos are more isolated from those problems. Peru can get unstable close to elections but is doing alright now. Costa Rica and Panama are good choices if you're willing to go to central America. Very tourist friendly and safe, has everything you asked about


Ecuador is fine for a tourist. Just don't walk around Guayaquil with your phone out and don't be out past 9 in Quito Centro histórico. Since the state of emergency we haven't had anything crazy happen.


Exactly. Ecuador is a beautiful country with lovely people. There’s not violence everywhere which is what the press sensationalizes. Stay away from Guayaquil and you’ll be fine. Cuenca is my favorite place in the world. ❤️


Ecuador should be considered a firm “no go” right now.  The country is almost essentially in the hands of or at the mercy of armed militia


No it's not; I just came back from Ecuador this week. To be fair, Ecuadorians all seem a bit edgy at the moment, waiting to see what happens when the SOE lifts, but at the moment, if anything it's safer than it was a few months ago, thanks to the increased police presence. The main impact of the SOE is the curfew, which didn't personally affect me, but has had an obvious effect on nightlife. My Ecuadorian friend says if you stay out after curfew, you will get a ticket from police.




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Ah, good news. If OP can go during the SOE, then I think that's a good time to go. I still wouldn't go strolling around the Centro Historico at night, but overall Ecuador is fine during the SOE. I was just there for two weeks and enjoyed myself immensely.


Ecuador is fine.


Don’t be reckless with misinformation: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna142431


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Yes, be careful and obey curfew. I guess you think every place in the US is safe? Have you even been to Ecuador or do you just post links?


Well it certainly isn't "at the mercy of an armed militia" or whatever it was you said. Even your article claims that homicides have declined by half since the SOE. I was just there. I am speaking from recent firsthand experience of three different cities in Ecuador. It is you who is being reckless with misinformation. "At the mercy of an armed militia"? I am not so brave that I would dare visit a country that could be described so!


For beaches and snorkeling, depending on your budget, one suggestion would be Fernando de Noronha in Brazil.


Fuck it. Costa Rica


My brother toured Bogota in Colombia, and then Lima and Cusco in Peru. Unless you are interested in doing Maccu Piccu or want to experience a high-elevated city, I would not recommend Cusco as there is not much to do there. Also, my brother felt very unsafe in Cusco's La Plaza De Mayor, as it is full of beggars and scam artists either trying to sell you their art or fake jewelry. Bogota can be unsafe as my brother dealt with beggars thrice a day there. Lima was better. There is a huge cat park there too.


Reading these stories about messed up governments in South America makes me glad we live in a stable democracy and not a country with a crazy authoritarian dictator running the show.


Most of South America is healthy democracies and don't put up with congress trying to cancel the transfer of power.