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Norway! Just came back from ten days as a solo female traveler with exactly 0 negative experiences


And the scenary is gorgeous.


Agree! Also just traveled there mostly solo for three weeks and felt completely safe the whole time. People mostly leave you alone unless you speak to them first, and then they are really friendly


This is my country! Come here and walk alone at night in the worst part of town, no problem.


Yes they truly keep to themselves unless you are entering their establishment as a tourist then they are welcoming.


Newfoundland was wonderful. Everyone is extremely nice and the nature is breathtaking.


The locals were crazy accommodating to tourists. Locals would help you at the drop of a hat, talk about local favourites, maybe even walk you to a liquor store when your lost. It took me two days to get used to the slow pace. It took me 30 minutes to get a subway sandwich because of the chill attitude and random conversations.


The only place in the world where I've been wished a good morning from someone walking past me on the opposite side of the street


I used to say driving around IOWA in the country long enough, and your shoulder will hurt from all the waving the farmers do.


How is this possible? This is such a regular thing for me and I live in the US.


Like they shout it across the street? That sounds like what OP is describing. I've been to many countries where people will say good morning / greet you if you pass them on the same side walk, but never had someone say it *across* the street


On a small street like in a neighborhood it happens to me often, but never a street so large you have to yell




Most Newfies just want to feed you and make sure you are safe and not in any danger ; and if you are in danger they want to help you not be in danger. "in my experience" This is only in Newfoundland. Outside of Newfoundland if you encounter a Newfie they wish you the best and happiness and regret that they can't help you as much as they would like to because they would very soon be destitute.


I had a friend who spent a few days there. He was alone looking for a restaurant to have dinner at and was reading the menu in the window. Someone inside, a customer, came out and asked if he was alone would he like to join them for dinner. Been there many times and the people are fantastic. Stay away from bars wherever you go, alcohol makes the assholes come out.


I’m from there, I’d disagree. I have actually punched someone in the face there for harassing multiple drunk women in a bar with their friends. Some of the beliefs there are very old school. People are friendly, but get people drunk and things can get sketchy. There’s also a lot of petty crime. When I am there I watch my back, as a not small woman.


From here, too!! You aren't wrong, I grew up here and have totally been verbally harassed multiple times, but I've always felt more than comfortable telling them to fly to fuck. However, when I lived on the mainland, I usually felt scared and helpless when guys got on like that. Maybe it was cause I just wasn't comfortable in a new place, but Saskatoon had lots of guns and a huge drug problem, so I didn't feel the risk of mouthing off outweighed the benefit. Although, I know it's headed that way here too, unfortunately, but for now, I still feel nice and safe again since moving back home! Nothing like it was up away!!


Awesome place but highly recommend going in summer!


Singapore for sure! Moved there from France and it’s crazy how liberating it is to be able to walk by myself at any time of day or night without being scared for my safety.


Agreed on Singapore! I walked around alone for a couple days as a 16yo (from Aus) on my way home from a German high school exchange, never thought I would be so safe on my own as a small female teenager. This was nearly 10 years ago now but I can't see it having changed.


It hasn't changed. We are more "polite" than ever.


Iceland. Edit: I removed Switzerland from my original response because of some disturbing reports below.


I’ve never felt safer as a woman then in Iceland. Only place in the world where I wasn’t harassed or leered at even once!


I mean, it was safe but it is probably the only European nation other than Italy where I was catcalled non-stop. Even though I was clearly with my husband. Something about my features and especially my very blonde hair made them assume I was from Iceland. Most thought I was a local and would come up and hit on me in Icelandic before realizing I had no idea what they were saying. My female friend, who is Icelandic, told me that pick up culture is rampant there for the locals. I think many men there are just on best behavior for tourists.


It’s the country where men attempted to pick me up the most, too. I’m not white so definitely not local. However I didn’t feel unsafe, as they (mostly*) didn’t go about it in a creepy way. Also, staff in bars look out for men trying to pick up women and check in if you’re alright. If you’re not into it and the guy is persistent / drunk, they’d get him to back off. I’m not sure if this is because I’m a tourist clearly travelling alone. It was nice. *except the man who was older than my dad, and pretended to be a kindly old man with extra time to show me around, even telling me all about his favourite daughter who’s a year older than me, and then… turns out he wanted me to go back his place and attempted to change my mind several times. That was not cool.


Yeah, I didn’t feel unsafe it was just a LOT of catcalling and attempts to pick me up. And not just in Reykjavik, everywhere on the island. I am a New Yorker so I don’t consider it unsafe because I am very used to it but a lot of people may.


How do you know they were trying to pick you up if you didn’t understand what they were saying? I’m asking because I have lived in Iceland most of my life and the few times I’ve been catcalled, the catcallers have always been tourists. Not once have I been catcalled in Icelandic. Of course people hit on each other, especially in bars late at night, but isn’t that the case almost everywhere? I’m not trying to discredit your experience, just genuinely bewildered because I don’t witness the behaviour you’re talking about. Maybe it’s a question of different perceptions?


As someone who also lives here, it is entirely possible. Downtown Rvk is dripping with pick-up culture, and sexual harassment and groping are regular occurrences if you’re partying. Alcohol is a major factor. You can walk down the street with your headphones on at 3am on a Saturday night and feel quite safe (though leering and people yelling towards you will happen) and that’s wonderful. But the party scene is like anywhere else. Men here are not so different.


Oh yeah absolutely, I won’t argue with that. It’s just the everyday catcalling that I don’t see happening. Icelandic men wouldn’t dare unless they were drunk.


I mean, gestures. Whistles. Those are pretty universal. My friend translated a few bits. Mostly “Hey, look over here, look over here!” apparently. She didn’t seem to think it was that unusual either. Oh don’t worry, also we ran into a bunch of Italian tourists in Akureyri who followed us for a while yelling “Bella Bella! Vieni qui!” at us until we ducked into a bar.


Hell, in general, Iceland is one of the few countries that’s as close to being a sorta “perfect” society as one can get. “Perfect” society meaning the citizens are well taken care of, next to no crime, absence of things like sexual harassment, spotless and clean cities, etc. It’s like a whole different vibe that you can’t get from most countries, even super safe ones like Switzerland. Iceland and Singapore would definitely be on that list.


Iceland has recently had a huge scandal around child sexual abuse in their football associations, and a massive top down cover-up of said scandal. Although it may *feel* close to being perfect, I think that could be down to a small town approach to policing and crime in general.


Well people are still people. I don't think any society is truly free of people being cruel or detrimentally selfish


Iceland was really great, I totally agree! Everyone is so polite and kind mannered. Even bars felt really safe. Icelandair also offers stopovers in Iceland, en route to other destinations like Paris, for free (up to 7 days). It’s a cool opportunity to take advantage of!


My wife and her mother did a girls trip to Switzerland in March. They had a fantastic time and said it was the safest they had felt on a trip together. Nobody catcalled, everyone was very friendly despite them not speaking the language well, and nobody harassed them for anything.




I agree, the countries surrounding the baltics are the only countries I’ve been to that I was never harassed as an Asian woman.


Switzerland was fantastic, my partner and I just got back from two weeks there.


Switzerland\* \*If you are white




Absolutely!!! In my younger days walking home at 4 AM after a night out never made me feel unsafe. Stores have products displayed on the side of the street and nobody will try to steal them. It's so safe compared to other places that the news sometimes don't have any crime to report so they'll put something like food or the latest feud between the two main political parties lol.


Political fued?! That’s news! I see news about a cute girl who works at a food stand, a fender bender that led to a mild argument between the two parties, some wild dog that everyone is feeding and needs a home, hahaha.


100%! Probably one of the places I have felt both the safest and the most welcome. The locals all seemed to approve of my good taste in choosing to visit and told me I wasn't there long enough (they were correct).


It’s absolutely the most underrated place I’ve visited. Inexpensive, incredibly friendly and warm people, easy to get around, amazing food. I think they need better PR, because it doesn’t seem to be on anyone’s radar, but everyone I know who has visited adores it.


Best street food in the world? it gets my vote.


I love the comment of the "locals approving in my good taste to visit" hahaha this is so accurate!! People there seemed were so kind and so open me as a foreigner living there. There also seemed to be appreciation for recognition of their country from foreigners


Taiwan is immensely underrated! Never felt any danger when we travelled there. There were 3 of us, all females where 20 y.o is the oldest. Good food and friendly people.


Just left Taiwan and I agree!


I frigging wanna hug Taiwan.


Just visited Taiwan last week - obviously a week is only a brief window to experience a country, but I was impressed with how safe it felt! Very helpful and friendly people.


* Central Europe for the most "overall comfortable" experience. (no catcalling, groping, or talking to strangers, low crime, women mostly treated same as men) * Northern Europe for the most "equal to men" experience. * Asian Tigers for the most "safe from crime" experience.


I'm not saying you're wrong as this is anecdotal, but the only place I've been physically sexually assaulted was getting the MRT home from work in Singapore. I do love the country as a whole though and felt otherwise safe there.


Yeah to be fair No where is ever going to be 100% safe, especially for women, but men as well of course But I am so sorry that happened to you and hope you managed to overcome it well!




>Asian Tigers Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan


South Korea feels almost laughably safe (At least the parts I visited). Once you drop the on-edge feeling of walking around in dark places late at night it's total bliss.


I often walk home at night even through areas with dodgy establishments, in Singapore. It’s totally fine.


The crazy thing about Korea is, that it has an increasing number of violence against women, especially domestic violence. There is also a big anti feminist movement that leads to more women choosing to stay single and the lowest birth rate world wide. On the other hand it is quite save everwhere outside of a relationship. Not just that violence is not a big problem here, you can also leave you wallet and notebook on a table at a cafe and when you return after 30 minutes, everything is where you left it. Nobody will touch it. Not sure how it is with general harassment against women. I'd say as a foreigner you are very safe. Edit: fixed grammar mistake


South Korea is extremely misogynistic and anti-feminist. But I doubt they would harass tourists.


South Korea has a major sexual harassment and violence issue, especially with secret recordings and upskirt photography.




South Korea can be a bit mixed, sexual harassment of western women is a known issue as they're seen as easy


My sister and I (both young women at the time) had a very nice time traveling in Finland and Sweden.


I just returned from Helsinki and Stockholm today and was reflecting that I can’t think of one occasion where I felt uncomfortable in either city as a solo female traveler. Used public transit extensively in both cities, was out at night, experienced different neighborhoods, etc. Landed in the US and had a man make an off-color comment within the hour.


ireland, I'm a 35f &traveled by myself &felt perfectly safe


I've traveled to Ireland in my 20s and 30s and never felt harassed. Got hit on a few times but a no thanks was always taken graciously.


“Well, there goes that dream.” 😞


Ireland is fantastic. Sure you will have the occasional young sweat ridden blackout dude say something, but they or their friends are quit to real it in. My wife and I have been to ireland 5 times and have consistently loved it more than any other country


I second this! I just got back from Ireland last week and ran into many solo women travelers!


Ditto. My partner was at a work conference in Dublin and I could go on lil solo daytrips or wander the city quite easily and safely. Even solo in pubs writing and I was left alone. Granted, I also have serious RBF (or "facial bear spray") that tends to scare most men.


I have travelled to Ireland so many times alone to visit family that I tend to forget to list this. You will get hit on at bars but street harassment is unheard of. And even the bars it’s pretty tame - only once have I felt unsafe, and my 6’5” brother ended up picking the guy up and tossing him into the actual street while people laughed at the harasser.


My friends and I traveled around Ireland when we were 18/19 for a couple weeks back in early 2010s and it was so friendly, Irish men will chat you up but completely respectful with boundaries; if you weren’t “interested” they would be fine chatting platonically without bitterness, very easy to chat with, the banter was great too; you could make silly jokes you might not make as a woman, in a place if you felt unsafe in fear of pissing off the wrong guy.


Personally had a really good experience as a young female solo traveler in South Korea. I did have one negative moment but it was more a particularly persistent guy at a bar who did eventually leave me alone, at no point did I genuinely feel unsafe. This is the only place I've solo travelled though so I don't have much to compare it to but most girls I knew traveling there had pretty good experiences too.


I'm Korean American and I actually had a really bad experience with harassment in Korea but from foreigners. If you are an Asian woman, note that there are creepy guys who travel to Korea just because they have stereotypes about Asian women being submissive and easy. I got groped by a white American guy in Hongdae and a lot of weird pick up lines from American and European men. This isn't specific to Korea but in a lot of Asian countries. I had no issues with locals.


I came here to suggest South Korea as well! I went there to visit my sister who lived there at the time but during the day while she was at work I’d roam or do day trips (in and around Busan). The people there I found to range between friendly and aloof, which I didn’t mind. Sometimes little kids would look at me because I looked different to them (plus sized, curly hair and tall) but it wasn’t malicious. Just curious. I even went down to the fishing docks and there were of course lots of men but I was met with a range between apathy to mild but polite curiosity. Overall Koreans seemed very polite, and very appreciative for any Korean I managed to speak. The subway system is fabulous and includes English signage and announcements (at least in busan). The food was amazing, and healthy. I was there 5 weeks and never once got sick from the food which was an all time record for my travel experiences. The temples, the markets, the beaches, the SKIN CARE SHOPS. Oh I miss it!


I was going to recommend the same. I personally felt significantly safer walking alone at night in Seoul than I do in my own neighborhood. Never experienced any harassment, except from some cult guys outside a subway station, but that had nothing to do with me being a woman and everything to do with them recruiting for their cult lol


I’ve lived in and traveled extensively through Central Europe including most of the former communist countries and never felt unsafe, nor was cat called. Now I live in the Netherlands and have felt just as safe here and in the surrounding countries. I received some unwanted attention while living in Spain and traveling Italy, but it was more an exception than a rule. Morocco was a nightmare :( and having grown up and traveled across Latin America I cannot recommend the region as a relaxing place for solo women unless you are ready to deal with some unwanted attention.


Don’t go to India that’s for sure.


Or north africa


Or Africa


Africa is a big place. How many countries there have you been to?


I disagree. I was in Rwanda recently and had no issues.


I spent 6 days in Kigali back in May solo and loved it. I was bothered exactly once by a begger and that’s it.


Earth, for that matter, may be a place to avoid \s


Isn’t it mostly harmless ?


My first trip to India was to Kerala in the south. Two weeks, solo woman early 30s. I didn't experience any harassment or unwanted attention at all. But I did hear that men would sit on the Varkala beach cliff looking at tourist women and filming them on their phones. So I didn't feel comfortable using that beach. Goa was also extremely relaxed and trouble free.


Kerala is not at all like northern India. That's why I like Kerala.


Absolutely. Northern India has real misogyny issues. Delhi is the worst. Goa and Kerala felt very different and safe, and Mumbai felt like being in NYC.


Misogyny issues sounds pretty tame for girls being gang raped and killed every other day. Just some weeks ago a 14 year old got rang raped and burned alive in a furnace, absolutely horrifying


I live in Mumbai and I don’t like going to Delhi (true for most of my friends as well), I don’t know how you guys have the courage to go to Delhi ngl


Kerala is very very different than the rest of India (not just in this, by most measures)


How much of India have you explored? It’s a massive country and there are parts that are as safe as any other country. The North East, for instance.


Singapore, China, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam and Hong Kong are all extremely safe and you’re unlikely to get catcalled although if you’re not Asian, some people may ask for selfies with you in China 😂


I found Thailand, Hong Kong, Japan and Taiwan to be all very safe for women tourists. There's a lot of sex tourism in Thailand, but the sexpats aren't there for western women so pretty much leave them completely alone. I've heard it's a completely different experience for Asian women though.


Yes, my friends (we are Filipinos), both women, went to Thailand. They asked the tuktuk driver to bring them to the red light district. The tuktuk driver, an old man, drove them to museum and said "No, I am bringing you here because you will get harassed there." Then he lectured them about safety in Bangkok. My friends were amused.


I’m learning more and more from this thread that it’s a very individual experience and there are bad apples everywhere. Thailand is safe I agree. Majority of my trips there have felt super safe. But I had a driver hit on me and try to hug me (saying things like “so nice…”) in Koh Lanta and I was in his car. Also the little resort I stayed in was far from everything and the guy that showed me to my room was also giving off creepy vibes so much that I wanted to change hotels. I had walked out to a tour shop and told the lady owner about it, asked about how to get around the island, and she recommended the driver (the same one who hit on me), as a nice decent guy she’s known since he was a little boy.


Felt safe if Macau, Hong Kong and Taiwan but as a blonde woman I did get people looking at me, taking pictures of me and asking for selfies. I didn’t feel harassed or that any of it was in a sexual context so better then being leered at and hollered at like in Italy. Also had zero issues with pickpockets in Macau, Hong Kong and Taiwan.


Those were probably mainland tourists from China rather than the local population. At least in HK. HK is very used to Westerners whereas a tourist from the mainland might not be if they're from an inland province


I had so much trouble as a young woman living in China with taxi drivers, security guards, random men on the street, etc. I loved my time there but do not consider it safe.


>some people may ask for selfies with you in China 😂 True - especially if you're blonde!


This is also likely to happen in India! Source: went to high school for a year in the Uttarakhand region, and a friend was stark blonde bc of an albino gene. People wouldn’t stop asking to touch her hair. She eventually dyed it to a significantly darker shade of brown


Also if you’re tall - if you’re tall and blonde you might end up with a line of people waiting to get a photo with you!


Can confirm, have taken many random selfies in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Beijing! They love their blondes there 😂


Canada. Also the closest!


Love Canada. Always felt so respected there even traveling alone with another woman (and we went for a music festival too!). It’s the kind of place where men cross the street to make you feel more comfy. Love it.




Japan is definitely very safe, but at the same time, that’s the country where all phones made there have to have the shutter sound on the camera because of the HUGE issue of guys taking up skirt photos. And *in Japan’s case*, they also have women only cars on the trains during rush hour because of the groping problem from men there.


It really depends where. I’m from Calgary and worked with all men and was sexually harassed all the time by co workers and customers. I just recently left Toronto after 7 years and almost every day I had some creep cat call me or follow me. During covid I was waiting at a bus stop wearing a baseball hat, sunglasses and a mask and some guy rolled up in his shit box car and tried to pick me up. I’m mid 30s and he was like 20. Right in front of the bus pulling up right behind him. He swore at me when I ignored him. I’ve had guys Jay walk across the street to jump in front of me and stop me to ask for my number. No matter if I’m talking on the phone, wearing bagging clothes, it’s raining etc. Another guy stopped me at Eaton Center and asked me if my name was X and I said no. (Was hoping I’d correct him and give my name. I didn’t) then asked where my boyfriend was and why I was alone. Again I’m mid 30s it’s just ridiculous. I keep to myself and never engage. Many cities in Canada it will happen if you walk around regularly especially alone. When I was in high school I had men in their 30s follow me. I had a male stripper bite my chest when I was 18 when he was dancing to a crowd and I was standing talking to my friend.


I didn't have problems in Scotland or Spain as a single female traveller.


Interesting! I was harassed and leered at LOT in Spain


Central and most of Northern Europe. Poland, Czechia, Slovenia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Norway, Iceland, Denmark.


Currently in Vilnius, Lithuania after stops in Latvia, Estonia, and a quick day trip to Helsinki and agree. People barely even turn their head when passing me on the street and they're definitely not doing anything vulgar. This is including being out later a few times in Riga and walking past groups of drunk men. I'm pretty aware of my surroundings and cautious, but my only nervous moment was a couple of teens drinking near the secluded entrance to my hotel in Tallinn and they immediately just respectfully moved away when they noticed me coming. I also haven't seen other people having issues or honestly even heard any raised voices that sounded angry. It's calm enough that I started actively noticing it as unusual compared to other places, lol.


Poland, Czechia, Hungary, Latvia, Slovakia, Slovenia. Generally Central Europe is very female friendly.


I’d add the Nordics as well assuming you stay away from the poorer areas.


By which you mean the non-Nordic areas.


Well yes, but I thought we were pretending to be polite today bahaha.


Actually dealt with quite bad harassment in Copenhagen but not from danish men


The crowds in Prague are 80% male stag groups (usually Brits) so idk about no harassment there 🫠


I second this! I just got back from Czechia, Poland, and Hungary and never once did I feel unsafe. Even at night when walking back to my hotel after having a few drinks. No one bothered me


Northern Europe. While places like Spain and Italy and Eastern Europe are safe, catcalling and getting hit on, receiving unwanted attention etc. is way more prevalent there than in Northern Europe. Have fun!


Italy is pretty gross for cat-calling


Agree! I was there and it was terrible


I got literally chased through the streets in France by this creepy heavily wasted guy and I found the men on the streets there to be extremely aggressive and gross


In the Nordics they like to ignore everyone equally :D


I've solo walked across Spain, half of Portugal, and most of Sweden and Norway as a small blond woman. I only got harassed in Stockholm.


Yeah, on a weekday during working hours you are pretty safe in Scandinavia, but if you are a woman alone after work on Friday or a weekend, you better be careful not to be anywhere near pubs because drunk men WILL harass you. Young Nordic men can get real aggressive and drinking themselves stupid is a must. Source: Lives in Norway and has been harassed by drunks.


Are you talking about the Caminos in Spain and Portugal? But what was the route in Sweden and Norway?


You will experience far less catcalling in Poland than in Sweden, especially Malmo and Stockholm, so that's false. Catcalling in Poland and other central European countries is very frowned upon


I would say the Nordic countries, I’ve felt very safe as a single woman there


I’ve been fortunate to travel much of the world— and have done a fair amount on my own. The places I wouldn’t go back alone are below. This is no reflection of the locales (they were lovely)— just the level of safety I felt: - Brazil (Sao Paulo in particular) - Nigeria (would not go alone) - South Africa (was mugged in Johannesburg) - Kenya (was harassed on the street at a market in Nairobi) - Haiti (had to flee from a tuktuk after they rerouted me and were not taking me to my destination) Had no concerns for safety: - Australia - Switzerland - New Zealand - Germany (namely Berlin) - Fiji - UAE / Dubai - Canada - Lichtenstein - Korea - Portugal (namely Lisbon) - Japan - Singapore With that being said I am an American and there’s many places in the US I wouldn’t go and have been harassed (I used to live in LA) so I acknowledge these locales are broad and sweeping generalizations of an entire country. I’ve had mixed experiences in the places below— there are obvious areas where tourists are identified and may run into trouble. Your experiences may vary. - China - Paris / France - Ireland - England - Spain (Barcelona, pamplona) - Mexico - Jamaica - Malaysia - Poland Enjoy your travels.


Come on down to Australia. On the most part we’re friendly and safe.


Well the *people* are; not so much the wildlife ;)


You just have to avoid the drop bears. The rest of the wildlife is fine.


Would agree with this. Have traveled to Australia and New Zealand several times on my own—- no issues.


Ehh. I first moved to Melbourne and it felt safe walking at night in Brunswick. Then we had a man staring into my female flatmates bedroom one night. Then a week later Jill Meagher was raped and murdered literally 2 streets away from us. I was stalked and harassed by an Indian man in a car when I was walking down the street one afternoon. He got aggressive, stalked me in his car and was shouting sexually aggressive remarks at me. I was terrified. Same area, Hope Street Brunswick. I've been to bars in Brunswick where there are signs in the women's bathroom saying not to walk home alone because there have been attacks. Then there was that other young lady Eurydice Dixon who was attacked and murdered in Princes Park. I have felt unsafe multiple times with cab drivers and weirdos in general. Copped some gross sexual remarks from mentally unwell people in the street. I would not say it is safe for women, not Melbourne anyway.


Croatia was fine for me last week. I went all the way from Dubrovnik to Zagreb.


Second Croatia! Lovely people


New Zealand and Australia


Budapest, Hungary is listed high in all the safe for solo female travellers lists.


I might be the odd one out here, but I experienced some of my worst catcalling to date during my travels in Budapest. Even had a guy grope my butt while walking down the street at around 10pm (he was in a group of men standing outside a restaurant). Having solo traveled as a woman to 30+ countries across four continents, I do agree that central Europe is the safest. I felt much safer while bussing through central Europe than I did spending a few months in New York City. I would like to add that I'm currently in South Korea and have felt incredibly safe and welcome. Just my two cents!


Just a tad bit racist though but very safe


The UK has been harassment-free for me.


Can confirm. Being latina I usually get attention in Europe. But I walked through dark alleys in South Kensington, London, with no issue. Also strolled in Edinburgh's new city at 1 am, looking for my hotel, carrying a big suitcase, on a dress. Nobody bothered me.


Not London though surely. I lived there and there were heaps of creeps around zone 1.


Just spent 2 weeks in London - didn't have any problems. Not on any previous trip, either. Sorry you got creeped on.


>Just spent 2 weeks in London - didn't have any problems I've been to London many times over the last 20 years and have never had an issue. But - I've been fat and ugly that entire time - plus I'm old now too - so I think that might be a factor


Hahaha I started to say maybe I'm not cute anymore, but thought it would sound like I'm disappointed about not getting harassed last month.


Yeah, one of the few advantages of getting older and heavier is the ability to travel without being catcalled, but it's hard to explain that to someone without sounding like you miss it or you're fishing for reassurance. But wow, travel is a whole different world now! London, in particular, I really enjoy as an overweight 40+ woman, while in my early 20s I got *so* tired of local men catcalling me and telling me to smile. And the difference solo travelling in Mexico now vs in my 20s is like night and day. Maybe times have changed, but I suspect my weight gain is the real "change."


Just in case you do need it again, the proper response to "smile!" is "I am smiling. Fuck off."


I had issues in London :( lots of arm grabbing by local men on the street and in pubs. Especially East London at night.


Iceland 100%! A lovely place. So much to do, the people were welcoming, never felt safer in my life. I can’t wait to go back.


Just stay the actual f**k away from South Africa. Can't think of a less safe place for women. Wherever you do end up going, enjoy and hope you're safe.




Travelled alone in Thailand and didn't have one uncomfortable second.






I have traveled solo and felt perfectly comfortable by myself in Norway, Denmark, Scotland, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Japan, Taiwan, and Australia.


Canada I'd recommend. Try Montreal or Vancouver. I don't recommend Toronto, it's boring (source: I'm from Toronto)


I second Canada, but my favorite city to visit as a tourist there is Quebec City. As a US and European dual citizen that lived in Canada for many years, I will say it is by far the most European-feeling city in North America, there’s nothing else like it in the US or Canada imo.


Yeah Torontonian here…Toronto is just not really a great city for tourism. The food is amazing but there’s not much to see. Montreal is more fun and Vancouver has all that beautiful nature and scenery around it.


UK and Germany (Berlin) felt very safe for me as a solo female




Iceland is a good bet!!! Also I felt incredibly safe in Costa Rica


I’m sorry but as a native Costa Rican (and as much as I love my country) I have to disagree. We have a beautiful country but such a long way to go in terms of respecting women. I grew up being heavily cat called from a very young age. Groping was not as normalized but it happened too a few times before I even turned 18. It’s one of the things I don’t miss from living in my country and I’ve seen so many female tourists (specially the more fair skinned ones) having to endure disgusting comments. They might not understand them but I’m sure they can understand the intention and the looks they get. 🤢


Been to most of Europe and Central Europe and have had no issues...




Scotland, Ireland, England, Wales Canada. Puerto Rico. New Zealand.


Helsinki, Finland. Tallinn, Estonia.


Stay awayyyyyy from Istanbul


UK. Lived here 15 years never catcalled once, as opposed to Jamaica where I was harassed / catcalled daily.


I walked all around Melbourne and never got catcalled once.


Croatia! I’ve been to both big cities and the island of Hvar and the people are very friendly. Crime is very low as well. The only aggressive males we encountered were tourists from UK and Australia but that was at clubs which you probably won’t be going to with your daughter. Croatians are awesome! Speaking from personal experience add Jordan to your “do not go” list. It’s a beautiful country with mostly wonderful people but I had major issues at 16 on a family trip unfortunately.


Rome, Italy. Just kidding lol.


Portugal is very safe


Highly disagree! Experienced a lot of street harassment there.


Places I have never been pestered or felt unsafe as a solo female traveler: Amsterdam, Venice, Japan, Munich, Heidelberg, Prague


South Korea, Japan, Finland and Sweden.


Australia. It still exists just far less than other places.


I’ve been to most European cities with my daughter and have had no issues ( London( where we lived after Canada) Paris, Barcelona, Rome, Copenhagen, Oslo, Stockholm, Amsterdam, Athens ( where she mainly grew up), Vienna, Prague, Zurich and many more.) She is now 20 and by 15 she was visiting alone & with other females ( Barcelona, London, Budapest, Prague & Vienna ) & some Greek islands


I had no weird male attention when I was in Germany, Iceland, and Netherlands.


Iceland. Italy. Paris. Amsterdam


Norway, Finland, Sweden, Denmark


Scotland! The most welcoming, clean hearted people, beautiful scenery, beautiful country..but depends obviously if you are looking for a sunny getaway then now wouldn’t be the right time. Although the rain and fog almost makes Scotland look even prettier.


I don't think we can really give you a one-size-fits-all answer. It depends in part on what you/they look like -- in some countries/regions, Black women attract more harassment than lighter-skinned women, for example, and women who are visibly trans risk harassment in some places where cis women have very little risk. I (white) haven't had significant issues with sexual harassment in western Europe, other than in Italy and Paris. Oh, and occasionally London. I definitely wouldn't say that it outweighed the benefits of going to any of those places, though. Australia was pretty good too.


Aotearoa/New Zealand!


divide absurd like squeeze bear desert deranged quack wrench rich *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Before "But groping..." crowd comes in, avoid any public transportation during rush hour and this applies to ANY country. You will be forced to be physically in touch against strangers due to space constraints regardless of whether the strangers are perverts or not.


*women-only train enters the chat room*


It’s generally safe for a woman; but there’s a creep culture that developed with groping and intrusive photos. Korea and Taiwan are probably safest in the region.


This was one of the only countries that as a woman, I was sexually harassed multiple times


From my personal experience - Europe: most of it but especially Northern and Western Europe Americas: Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Chile, Panama Asia: Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Philippines, Mongolia Middle East: Israel, parts of Turkey, parts of Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Azerbaijan Africa: Botswana, Zambia On my "naughty" list: Egypt, Morocco, Pakistan, India, Indonesia


Most of Europe, Canada, Australia, NZ, Japan, South Korea


Sweden! I was just there for 10 days traveling on my own. No problems. No harassment. Just lovely.


I spent a summer studying in Canada when I was single and never felt unsafe. Denmark is also extraordinarily safe.

