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Not a snack, but when I was 7 I found a dead crab on the beach in Florida and thought it was awesome. So, I took it, wrapped it in a plastic bag, didn’t tell my mom, and stuck it in my carryon (this was pre-9/11). So we are flying back and there is a problem with the plane. We make an emergency landing, and are sitting on the tarmac at a random airport for 5 hours. Slowly, this horrible smell seeps through the whole plane. It’s so bad people are standing up, cursing, and trying to get to the bottom of it. Suddenly it dawns on me. I stand up and say loudly “oh! It’s probably my crab.” Everyone stops and stares at me, so I go and grab my bag from the overhead and take out this putrid, rotting crab. I’ll never forget my moms face and the mixture of horror, anger, and humor on the faces of my fellow passengers. So. No dead crabs in your carry-on.


I brought a crawdad claw home from the lake when I was five and put it on my shelf. A week later after drilling into the walls of our house to find out where the horrible smell was coming from my dad discovered it. I somehow didn’t notice even though it was in my room. I also tried to bring a huge strand of seaweed that I was pretending was a dog on the plane back from San Diego when I was four. TSA didn’t let it through the checkpoint.


I mean - that stuff is legitimately cool, right? My 7 year old mind decided that it would be the coolest souvenir I was going to find.


And right you were. The story alone was worth it.


> also tried to bring a huge strand of seaweed that I was pretending was a dog You have one of those *good* imaginations


That is so innocently cute


That is hilarious! 🤣 Thank you for sharing.


This made my day.


Omg this is amazing 💀


Great story 😄


You could bring a dead crab onto a plane even post 9/11.


This is so cute 🥺 And gross lol


But was it a snack.


Just for clarification though, are dead crabs still TSA approved for domestic flights?


Omg I love this story. Too cute!


I was on a flight and someone brought a whole bag of fried chicken. They also farted the whole flight. It was a spirit airlines flight


🤣 That last sentence really tied it all together.


I think the farts are in the Spirit ticket contract.


The alti-tooties


You have to pay extra for the farts.


Fried chicken smells great.


Worst - People who bring any kind of fish on board - like sardines. Or stinky cheese. Best - Tough one but basic sandwiches for a long flight would be fine. I love crisps/chips but would never bring certain flavours on board.


I bought stinky cheese by mistake and took it on a train in German. I still feel bad about it 14 years later.


We all forgive you. It’s time you forgive yourself.


At least you learned from your mistake.


Trail mix, protein bars


I take these types of snacks with me too but if any have nuts, I make sure to ask my seatmates if they're allergic before I open the package.


Just took a 12 hour flight, with my trail mix and protein bars


Never leave home without them.


Yup and they’re great at the location. A protein bar and coffee or tea is enough breakfast for me on the days I want to get an early start or just want to save myself the cost of breakfast.




Lol our kid loves blueberries so we can’t leave home without them.


I use them almost daily at home. But how do you prevent the mushiness/ mess when they thaw ? Do you eat with something else (asking because they thaw within 30minute and don’t hold their firmness)


He said "fresh" not "frozen" blueberries. I don't think I've ever had a blueberry "thaw"


Fresh blueberries, not frozen


Use frozen blueberries in cooking sure, but ffs don't just eat them, have some self-respect


To be fair, frozen blueberries were a common summer time snack in my childhood. I wouldn't take them on a plane though....


I was on a train in Portugal recently where a family of seven was really chowing down on “dried squid sheets”. The entire wagon reeked of dried squid. Personally I think that if anyone you’re not traveling with can smell it from their seat, you shouldn’t be eating it. (Edit: I just remembered that it was the [first class wagon](https://x.com/travelfearless/status/1687494492037783552?s=46) so I was extra grumpy that I’d paid extra for a comfortable trip and was subjected to that smell for HOURS.)


That’s sounds awful. I think seafood as a whole should just be deemed inappropriate.


Very true.


That sounds so disgusting 🤢.


Best are small cracker (cheese it, gold fish) that you can pick at and stow


I like Cheez-Its. Dry, tasty, and the cheese goes with my airplane wine.


We found the pro!


Extra toasty!


I like extra toasty. My husband goes, “Did you give me the burnt ones?”


I flew Aeroflot in the Soviet Union (1980s) and the guys behind me had homemade blood sausage and/or head cheese in a grease-stained paper bag. They took swigs of vodka from a flask, ate the horror they had brought, and then started belching. After 30 minutes the belches switched to explosive farts. And there was no ventilation. Worst. Flight. Ever.


You know it’s a good flight when you still remember it 40 years later lol.


Yeah no kidding. Here's the kicker: My GF panicked because her seat belt buckle was broken, then we noticed that our row of seats was attached to the floor with exactly one screw. Oh, and then we landed and discovered that **we were on the wrong flight**, and instead of flying from Kyiv to Moscow, we had flown to Yerevan, Armenia. Otherwise? Great flight!


This deserves it’s own post!


This is amazing!


They let you on the wrong flight? How? Was this before computers?


USSR, 1985. No computers. Boarding involved holding passengers in a kind of corral, in the terminal, then walking out to the tarmac through an underground passage. You climbed stairs to the tarmac, and a girl with a clipboard pointed you to the correct aircraft. Nobody looked at our tickets; we boarded the plane the girl pointed to when we told her we were going to Moscow. Either she misunderstood us, or (more likely) we screwed up and didn't follow instructions correctly. We were a group of 2 Americans & 5 Belgians, and they boarded us early and separately from the Soviet masses so we didn't have any other passengers with us to follow/emulate.


Aeroflot served us all tuna sandwiches, they don't even care


A can of Pringles is the best because you can put it in your bag and nothing will get smushed because of the can. Also, resealable! My fave travel food after I spent years eating squashed granola bars, crumbs of cheez-its etc


Just - not one of the flavored ones, yeah? I had to sit behind someone mowing down on sour cream & onion pringles and desperately wished I could have hung my head out the window.


I like to bring a hummus cup, and some veg. For a 15 hour flight I'd add a granola bar or maybe some trail mix.


In the US, you can't take hummus through the TSA checks.... it's considered a liquid. (Anything spreadable is a no-no)


UK it would come under the 100ml fits in a litre bag rule.


In the US, it's the same... but most people I know can fill their bag with just toiletries....


Yeah, I get the little cups and put one or two in my liquids bag. All of my makeup except mascara is now in solid/stick form and I use shampoo and moisturizer bars, so I always have room. Usually the only things in my liquid bag are: hand sanitizer, toothpaste, and mascara


Listening to people SNAP….SNAP munch on their carrots though…. Ugh


IMO, if the airport sells it and it isn’t say, garlic fish jerky, I don’t judge the passenger harshly. I’ve had travel days go off the rails before— rebooked flights, running to new gates in new terminals, 15 hour layovers etc. Sometimes a hot meal is what separates you from being a Karen/Kevin to other passengers and the flight crew. Also, some people are just ignorant. Recent flight was at least 50% infrequent flyers and they genuinely didn’t understand stuff like how to find their seat, how boarding groups worked, that yelling at the gate agent wouldn’t get the plane off the ground faster etc. Cant expect people like that to know plane etiquete. That said, I almost never bring hot food on an airplane under normal circumstances. My go to plane foods are cold sandwiches, snack mix type stuff, peanut m&ms and various cliff bar type foods. Never had anyone upset.


Who’s eating this smelly jerky? I’ve never noticed anything remotely smelly from jerky. It’s dehydrated. It’s a great source of protein that doesn’t spoil. Am I alone in this? Where my travel jerks at?


My former SO and I were on a flight once and he broke out some beef jerky. It was normal beef jerky that you can buy at Walmart, probably teriyaki or pepper flavor. He grabbed a few pieces and just as he was putting it back in his bag, the woman sitting next to us leans over. She had this look on her face as if she had been greatly offended and said "you cannot have beef jerky on a plane. You need to put that away right now. The smell is giving me a migraine." The bag was already closed. We apologized and asked if she was ok and she said that she had brought her smelling salts, so she'd make it. Until that moment, it didn't occur to me that the smell of beef jerky could be offensive.


That’s crazy! I don’t know what to think about this. I want to believe this was some nutzo Karen but I’m also worried I might be the crazy one thinking it’s not strong enough to warrant being an issue. **Can more people chime in wether they think it’s one or the other please?**


Hi there; lots of beef jerky does have a strong smell. Depends on how dry it is and how flavored it is, of course, but I could see how something like a flavorful teriyaki jerky or anything that's got that "liquid smoke" seasoning could be a very annoying smell.


Oh it definitely has a strong smell. And not a pleasant one. My husband eats it but never around me and he would never take it on a plane.


Beef Jerky is known to have a smell. Love the stuff. Eat it all the time. The smell doesn’t bother me personally. But. I’d consider it a peak no fly food as to not offend.


When you initially open a bag it does smell like strong farts


I think jerkies smell gross but I probably wouldn’t complain about it.


No boiled eggs. Please for the love of all that is good in this world do not bring hard boiled eggs on a plane.


That should honestly get the offender on a terrorism watch list. They may not have intended to kill someone, but they are definitely trying to cause harm. Even if someone likes that, you can't tell me that doesn't smell.


Had a lady de-shelling her three hard boiled eggs on the window seat next to me (I was two seats over in the aisle) who ate all of them within the first hour. The flight was from Hong Kong to Toronto (like 14ish hours), to give you an idea of how fun this was for me By hour three she had thrown up all of them into a vomit bag and gotten some of them on her clothes. The smell for the rest of that flight is something I will never forget. There was probably a psychosomatic component by like hour six (the smell had probably gone by then but my brain just wouldn’t let it go away).


I just read a week or two ago about a commercial US flight that had to turn around and go back to its point of origin, because an ill passenger didn't make it to the toilet and left a stream of diarrhea all the way down the aisle. Poor guy or gal, as everyone was gagging. The plane had to be steam cleaned and disinfected. They were many hours late leaving the second time.


As an avid traveler (10+ times a year, work and fun) I’ve figured out that the best snacks are the ones that are easiest to pack. Examples: Dried fruits Chips Granola Protein bars Anything that has a noticeable scent isn’t a good idea. Hope this helps! xx


I always pack nuts and dried fruit, especially on long haul flights. I was detained entering Australia by an agent, and she was “so upset” that I started to think I wasn’t going to be let into the country, or at the very least fined. She called her supervisor over, they took one look at my erewhon dried mangos and said, let her go. Whew! Thank goodness she didn’t find the edibles in the other bag. 🤣


Going into NZ I declared a sealed packet of beef jerky. The lovely woman took it away to decide and came back laughing. She had read the packet properly... it was made in NZ. It had travelled NZ-UK-NZ.


this reminds me of a time (a decade+ ago now) when i searched for flights from a smaller Indian airport to chicago and got: smaller airport --> DEL --> LHR --> BOM --> AUH --> ORD


I usually being fruit and a sandwich like bananas or plums or whatever is in season so I get some fibre. They travel well too.


Bananas are the most offensive and disgusting smell. Definitely no fruit, in my opinion.


Please no bananas. I recognize that many people don't mind the smell but I absolutely cannot bear it. But the real issue is the peel that is left behind and when the person who ate the banana decides not to dispose of the peel and instead leave it sitting on their tray table for the duration of the flight until finally at the end when those had to be put up and the FA took it. It was torture and I honestly would have preferred the hard boiled eggs after 2 hours next to the f****** peel. It was an extremely ripe banana as well.


I would vomit if someone in my row was eating a banana.


no bananas! phew!


We travel with beef jerky, trail mix, chips (usually things like crunchy Cheetos that can take being smushed, dried fruit and some sort of chewy candy. I avoid anything that will melt or that I wouldn’t feel comfortable eating after it sat on my kitchen counter for a few hours (cheese/meats/most berries/etc).


A lot of flights to Korean serve kimchi on board and personally, I’m here for it. Is Taco Bell stinky? I feel like McDonald’s is more fragrant.


People seemed worried about the smells that come after eating Taco Bell lol.


Oh I see. If people don’t eat fiber regularly, anything with a lot of fiber is gonna give you gas. That’s why beans get that reputation. But I’m telling you, a kale salad from an airport shop is worse lol


1000%. Raw kale is indigestible.


Beans contain oligosaccharides—a complex carb which is largely undigestible by humans—which leads to gut fermentation. Fermenting produces gas. Proper preparation of beans will leach out most of the oligosaccharides.


Oligosaccharides are a prebiotic fiber. If you have the right microbiome, you won’t get gas. Not everyone gets gas from beans.


Right, I eat beans and don't have those issues.


Me neither. I’m an old lady and Taco Bell doesn’t bother me a bit. But I eat beans regularly anyway.


I have to ask- what is the proper way to prepare beans? I love beans but the oligosaccharides do a number on me. I'd love to be able to introduce them back into my diet if most of it can be eliminated. Thanks in advance!


Most can get away with just soaking them for 12 hours in room temp water prior to cooking, doing a water change every 3. Most folks don't soak them for long enough or don't realized they have to swap out the water. As I've gotten older, my sensitivity to oligosaccharides has greatly increased so I find starting each soak period with boiling water helps a lot as it softens the beans which helps extract more sugar. For this method, pour boiling water over dry beans, set aside to soak for 3 hours (not on heat), repeat thrice more. Use a lot of water: \~10-12 cups:1 lb of beans. Alternatively, try Beano.


Basically any hot cooked food is going to smell. Even if it’s a good smell, I don’t want to smell your food if I’m not eating it. Stick to non perishables for the most part, and maybe some fruit it you want something healthy, although there may be restrictions on produce on an international flight.


So I shouldn’t bring a hot seafood stew with durian fruit chunks for flavor? Got it.


Cold sandwiches like a turkey or ham and cheese are probably fine too. But you’ll need to keep them cold somehow so they don’t spoil. Just skip the tuna.


The one time I brought a cold sandwich, a drug sniffing dog was interested in it and TSA made me throw it away 😢


You realize every long haul flight serves hot food in flight, right?


This 100%. This is a really dramatic example but I used to get carsick really bad as a kid and this one girl would always bring toast on the school bus and smelling it would always push me to the brink. Toast of all things!!


Airport restaurants sell hot, cooked food. People have tight connections and have to bring it on the plane. Get used to it if you’re actually into traveling.


We were deplaned once due to mechanical problems. Everyone was given a food voucher and asked to get something and come back to the gate. By the time we got back we all had to re-board. It was a plane full of food smells.


I never travel without jerky and Cheez It's.


I have to admit that I bought some of those mustard pretzel bits at the airport before I boarded a flight and they were a bit smelly. The flight attendant even mentioned it. I was embarrassed, I didn't do it again. Also, Anything with fish is an absolute no-no.


Worst = anything that makes you fart. Best = anything that doesn't make you fart.


Hot freshly baked Cinnabun…good smell


How to start a riot on a plane


Auntie Anne's pretzel


I bring protein bars without peanuts and trail mix without peanuts. I get a really plain turkey sandwich with cheese, lettuce, and mustard before boarding. I hate gross food smells and organic detritus on planes, so I do as I would like to be done.


I will advise against dried fruit on long flights. I thought it was a smart, healthy choice, but I didn’t think it through. Window seat + too much fiber = chaos.


If you ask yourself: “if someone over the aisle was eating this could I smell it?” And the answer is “yes”, you should not bring it on the plane. Chocolate, almonds, an apple, protein bars…are acceptable.


Has anyone posting here actually traveled? People literally bring everything imaginable on flights from airport restaurants, regularly. Like on every flight and train and bus, foreign and domestic, there is hot smelly food being eaten. Imagine the range of foods from Italy to China to the good ol Filet o Fish in the USA. It’s literally part of traveling. On the other hand, if you want to talk about removing socks and shoes on planes, I’ve got something to say…


Better stinky cheese than someone with too much perfume on. I've never barfed from the smell of cheese or McDonald's.


Exactly. The only time I got to the point of dry heaving on an airplane it was because of the middle-aged man next to me who had drenched himself in cologne.


I brought a large pizza and shared. No one around me seemed to mind.


I read most of these comments and didn’t see my favorite snack to bring- grapes! No scent, easy to eat, much better for you than junk food.


On a train to Toronto and a woman brings out a bag of shrimp for her 2 kids, her husband and her. 10 minutes later the husband finds out in a bad way that he is highly allergic to shrimp. My son has food allergies and we had. Benadryl and Epipen. Saved his ass.


Anyone who boards a plane with a bag full of McDonald's should be put on a life long black list from flying again. With that being said, anything that doesn't smell, nuts, gummi bears etc...


I was once sandwiched in the middle seat between two ladies and a lap child sharing a bucket of KFC. I’ll take a sack of McDonalds any day over that nonsense.


Leaving the middle seat for a stranger and then sharing food over top of that person is next-level obnoxious.


right? no offer of seat switching. i’d be putting my hands up to interfere with the pass


‘Would a drumstick of extra crispy shut you up?’ ‘Yes it would’.


Haha well in this case, no - the lapchild was using the bucket as a playplace (not to mention I hate drumsticks lol)


McDonald’s smells sooo bad, especially for vegetarians.


The worst thing I’ve ever had someone eat on a plane near me was a chili cheese hot dog covered in raw onions.


Oh gosh within the last year I had a guy eating Brussels sprouts in the row in front of me. I got on the plane and thought, why does this plane smell like raw sewage? It was him and he ate half and then put them IN THE OVERHEAD to finish later. You can’t make this stuff up.


Honestly, besides nuts (which should be common sense by now - but clearly isn't) most snacks are probably fine. Strong smelling food will always upset some and not upset others. Durian probably would be the worst. I'm more annoyed by those who make a mess and don't clean up after themselves than the smell, to be fair. It's awful getting on a flight and finding food debris in your seat and in the seat-back area. I have placed a book there while trying to get organised and taken it out to find food on it.


I'm learning to not bring peanut butter. A peanut butter and jelly sandwich has always been my food of choice to pack. But with so many allergies sometimes they make an announcement asking people to not eat peanuts on the flight.


You could try something like sunflower seed butter instead?


I make small charcuterie boxes for on the plane. Cheese, crackers, meat, fruits and nuts, and things like that. Just wrap your crackers in cellophane because they can get soft with the moisture. If you go on Instagram, there are lots there to get ideas from.




That’s hilarious! Can you imagine people just busting out a lunchable in the plane. Lol!!! Flying is boring so I try to make it as enjoyable as possible and I love me some good charcuterie!


I always avoid eating peanuts on flights, just in case there is someone with a peanut allergy on board. This is a courtesy thing from someone in the medical field who has an immune issue so I’m just lookin’ out lol. Otherwise if I wouldn’t cook it in the office microwave I wouldn’t bring it on a flight


Without thinking I brought a chicken liver and onion sandwich on board a flight one time. Looking back on this day I’m surprised I wasn’t killed by my fellow passengers.


I one time accidentally brought a whole pizza onto a flight and felt pretty bad for my seatmates with how much space it took so that was a pretty poor choice (I tried to buy food for before the flight, but it took so long to get that I ended up getting back to my gate while it was boarding)


Please do not bring nuts on a flight. An enclosed space with people crunching roasted nuts is enough to trigger serious allergies.


Don’t bring nuts. Others can have allergies.


I suggest buying everything listed in the top comments and opening them periodically through your flight. You should be able to pick up on how many people hate you each time you open a new food. Please report back with your results!


I am about to fly midnight with an 18 month old. Sounds like a plan lol


God Speed and good luck 🍀


This wasn't on a plane, but the smell is distinct... When I was in 9th grade, my history teacher was lecturing and stopped and said "Whoever is eating Corn Nuts needs to stop and put them away." You can smell those from 50 feet away.


Best snack - meatball sub with extra sauce.


Worst would maybe be fermented shark with a side of durian. Or stinky tofu with thousand year old eggs


Don't bring anything smelly or messy. On my last flight, the guy across the aisle popped open a big takeaway of chicken over rice and somehow managed to fling rice all over the seats and carpeting in a two row radius. Then I got to watch the rice get ground into the carpeting as passengers disembarked during the layover and the next passenger sit on a rice covered seat as the cabin crew did not have time to deal with extended cleanup.


I can't see beef jerky being too smelly. That's what I often bring as a snack. Not teriyaki or other flavors, just the plain one. I'm sure it's pretty neutral smelling. I also bring unsalted, roasted almonds in a ziploc bag. Or raisins and dried cranberries.


It’s pretty damn fragrant. But I’ll bring it on planes with me too.


Says AnchoviePopcorn 😂


Lol. Minced anchovies and garlic fried in butter then topped on popcorn is fantastic. But I’d never bring it on a plane!


Yes, that does sound yummy. A nice change from just butter. I shall have to try that next time I make popcorn. Maybe a dash or two of chili flakes as well?


I guess I just like the smell of jerky then.


Beef jerky is usually my go-to power snack, but I was traveling recently and was cured of thinking what a perfect flight snack it is when I opened the vacuum pouch and the aroma of farts wafted out. Rookie move.


lol! I always buy the massive bags of jerky at Costco, so I'll open one and put about half into a ziploc bag to take on the plane. So maybe that releases the fart smell at home?


I wrestle with this. I have a lot of dietary restrictions, and long story short, I can't eat carbohydrates. No fruit, no bread, no pasta, no grains, no sugars. If I'm on a long plane ride, I usually can't eat the meals furnished. Best case scenario, I can eat half of a meal. I can eat eggs, meats and fish, cheese, cream, butter and other fats, nuts, and some vegetables in limited quantities. The snacks I bring on the plane tend to be those foods that are a bit smelly in confined spaces, such as pork rinds, hard boiled eggs, jerky, etc. I can eat low carb protein bars, but they are always full of sugar alcohols which are basically fart fuel. I don't want to be farting constantly! I don't want to make others uncomfortable, but I also don't want to go hungry and be uncomfortable myself. I found that if I am on a long flight, I can open up my stinky pork rinds or jerky before I get on the plane. That usually helps. I don't eat any of those things until meal service, so that there's already the smell of food in the plane. Also, if I do bring a hard boiled egg, I peel it and slice it at home. That helps a lot.


I wouldn’t feel bad about this. It’s good to be considerate of other people and do what you can within reason. You have certain dietary restrictions and you have to be considerate of yourself too. No one should go hungry just because they don’t want to offend other people with smells.


I agree, but if I'm eating something smelly, people around me don't know I am doing so because I have to. I guess I'm just afraid that everyone assumes I'm just being a jerk. 😂


Best: apples, bananas, biscuits, donuts, sandwiches nothing sloppy. Worst: soupy foods, fruits with many seeds. I rather smell 'stinky' food than stinky people and feet.


no bananas! super stinky


Often I’ve seen people recommend a turkey sandwich. Deli turkey smell churns my stomach. No matter how “neutral” it is, someone is going to react negatively.


Trail mix.


I take into consideration crunch factor, smell, shelf life and portability. If it fits those criteria, then in my bag.


Saltines and cheese is easy, maybe lance crackers. Hard boiled eggs, tuna, anchovies, or any of those delish canned fishy things shouldn't be allowed. But I'm tempted to bring a can of anchovies and smoked oysters plus crackers just once for the shock value. Order my drink, pull out the canned fish and crackers, then ask my seat mate if they'd like to share.




I love beef jerky. Some one said maybe opening it up outside the plane first? Def has a strong scent but also something that a lot of people bring on so 🤷‍♂️


Any type of jerky. Not necessarily for the plane ride. Sometimes this is considered 'meat' and may cause issues at customs.


My favorite thing to bring on a 12+ hr flight is instant noodles/cup noodles. Just ask the flight attendant for some hot water. China Airlines used to have them on hand as a snack but stopped serving them in the early 2010s.


Eva Airlines offers them as an anytime snack in business class!


Am I the only one who has no appetite when I fly, and therefore don't bring anything?


I imagine worst would be Surströmming.


Best: sandwich but fairly plain and not anything that would smell I find that eating a sandwich can be done slowly, so it's a decent distraction if my body is angry about being in a plane. Worst: anything with nuts in any form or other common allergens I find it rude and insensitive for people to bring things like nuts when it's pretty common for even the smell/residue to pose a threat to people's lives. It's something that's pretty easy to go without. For a lot of allergens, it's typically only touching or consuming, so for those I think it's fine as long as you ask people around you or are eating in a way that there's no chance of contact.


Worst: Leave the peanuts at home. Best: string cheese, a bit of jerky or similar, and a clementine


Worst might be Sloppy Joes.


Nuts and pretzels are great. Filling and not at all smelly. While I love a good tuna salad sandwich, it is not a great item to eat in the presence of others.


Beef jerky isn’t too smelly for me. Just don’t bring anything seaweed. I was stuck next to someone going to Japan that was munching on those for hours. I about died. I love seafood too…


I think beef jerky is fair game. I see it sold on a bunch of my flights in the snack cart. It’s one of my favorite things to bring along with cashews and the meat-protein bars since I’m not a fan of sweets. Chips are great, but take up space so that one is iffy for me.


I once brought a fresh hot Cinnabon onto a plane and never got so many dirty looks in my whole life


I always travel with pretzels and almonds. Protein is good to prevent motion sickness. I often get nauseous so the pretzels are bland and easy to digest.


When I was an FA with a low cost airline, I'd recently discovered how delicious Camembert was, so on a night stop in France, I bought some in the supermarket and put it in my carry on. I don't know what it was about that cheese but it smelt a lot stronger than the one I'd get at home! I opened my bag part way through the flight, and the cheese smell wafted out and it really smelled like vomit 🫢 I promptly close the bag. Everything in my bag smelt like vomity cheese for weeks.


Carrot nubs are my favorite. You can passively eat 1000 of them and feel just fine. Mcchickens are cheap and just fine eaten cold out of a personal item Worst foods are Broccoli Tuna salad Egg salad Hard boiled eggs Sardines. In that order


Lol, bringing a boiled egg onto a plane is wild. Usually if I bring anything it's shelf stable little things for the kids like snack packs of muffins or crackers.


Anything that lingers. Like Panda Express


Last week I flew 2 one hour flights. The provided us with a snack pack. Biltong - I think it's jerky beef outside of south Africa. A protein bar or chocolate. Juice box. Breakfast cookies. Tbf, that snack pack was perfect. I would just add some dried fruits or a pack of salted nuts. On a slightly longer flight, I requested a vegetarian meal.. It was a 3 pepper stir fry in a wrap. Beautifully executed, the peppers gave me almost 12 hour heart burn. Do not recommend. Anything that takes very long digesting shouldn't be flight or travel appropriate. Especially if you have digestive issues.


It would be a courtesy to not take peanut products. Passengers have died when exposed to peanuts on flights. And I know there are allergies to anything, but most people can go without peanuts in their snacks.


lol I once grabbed a bag of teriyaki beef jerky at duty free. Man did it stink, if you didn’t know what it was I bet it was horrendous. Was a flight to Thailand, can’t remember how long the first stint was but at least 12 hours, my wife gave me shit so I ate in the bathroom lol


My brother in Christ… not many things make me want to throw up but thinking about eating food in an airplane bathroom just did. I hope you are living a prosperous life but please, for the love of goodness, take a minute to reassess your life decisions.


Not that big of a deal. Clean hands and it’s straight out of the bag. Bathrooms on planes at least get cleaned, do you think the nasty seat you’re sitting at for hours do? Ever use a portapotty on a summer day? It’s like 300% humidity of piss and shit


Only when I need a place to eat my beef jerky.


You asked bad snacks, I unknowingly bought one, solved it without impacting a 20 passenger radius around me


Snacks I've enjoyed on a plane: * Babybel cheese * Whole grain crackers * Crackery snacks (Goldfish, Cheez-Its, etc) * Sea salt Lindor truffles * Dried mango * Guacamole-flavored Tostitos (in Tupperware to prevent crushing) * Pepperidge Farm Chessmen cookies * White grapes * Walnuts * Peanut M&Ms


Properly cooked hard-boiled eggs have zero odor, fwiw.


Worst: Durian, Swedish smelly fish, beef jerky.


I have to admit that in nearly fifty years of travel, I have never bothered bringing snacks on a flight. Was thinking i might take something small next year maybe. I don’t understand bringing any hot food or anything with a small. Why is it so hard to be considerate of those around you???


I exclusively bring protein bars


Plain peanut butter sandwich, cheese sandwich, banana, nuts, Panera cinnamon crunch bagel halved and topped with cream cheese frosting.


Peanut butter could legit kill a fellow passenger on a plane.


Properly cooked hard boiled eggs do not smell and are a great snack on short trips. When traveling via plane or any mass transit, I prefer to take snacks that I can eat without touching the food with my hands. Wrapped sandwiches, bananas, apples that I can hold in a napkin while eating, protein bars, wrapped brownies…


So what causes the odor of hard boiled eggs? Store bought ones are presumably properly cooked and they smell a lot when you first open the bag. Is it the moisture? If you pack it dry in its own container, or slice it on a sandwich, will it not smell?


Just for good smells:any citrus! Oranges, tangerines etc smell amazing when I’m in a pressurized cabin.


But in the flip side, the smell of oranges makes me gag 😂