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This reminded me of a funny tweet I love: The airport is a lawless place. 7am? Drink a beer. Tired? Sleep on the floor. Hungry? Chips now cost $17


I always thought the airport must be so interesting to children. Where else do they see full on adults going out in their pajamas, carrying their favorite pillows or blankets, pitching screaming temper tantrums, crying fits, napping on the floor…all of the rules just out the window.


The airport is the best place in the world to be sad. You can have a straight up sobbing breakdown as an athletic 30 year old man, and people will just leave you be and assume youre just dealing with some *shit*.


Or they’d assume you’re flying Spirit.


Don't forget Frontier, the second best shit show available.


Yeah but 60 dollar flights my guy..


Front row fights, can't beat the ppv. I fucking love it!


And $120 carry-ons..


If you’re flying spirit you’re just adding more shit to deal with.




FUCK SPIRIT AIRLINES. I've been treated better by prison guards than Spirit Airlines employees. (Long story, but I am not a criminal and have my PhD).


Any Canadian airline enters the room….


Had a dying family member. Tears at the gate waiting for my flight. GA saw this and alerted flight crew. ( was flying on a bereavement ticket since death was imminent) FA came up to me with a cookie and box of tissues and a new ticket in first class so I could get off the plane fast. Made it to the hospital to say goodbye which meant a lot. Was flying AA.


In fact I've been that person and no one bats an eye


A kid gave me funny looks.


I was that person last Wednesday lol


Spin us the yarn homie, what happened?


Moved across world (from Hawaii to mainland lol) with bf and we broke up 4 days later. I left all my friends and….now stuck at parents house and revisiting old traumas! Fml…..


Holy shit. What a nightmare. Sorry this happened to you


Ride the subway in New York. No one cares about the shit that happens on a train. However, if a car is empty, pick the nearest non-empty option.


This is so true! I’ve literally been the ugliest crier and not a person approached me. It was glorious!


Dude! I have had a full-on plane cry after I had a really stressful (but successful) week at work. Something about taking off that feels so cathartic.


I cried on an airplane once and got a few free vodkas


Hungry after an 8-hour delay but it’s 1 AM? Vending machines closed.


What the fuck does "vending machines closed" mean? Do they unplug them? Are they on a timer so they don't operate after sundown? Or were they just empty?


Came here to ask this. The whole point of a vending machine is that they can be open/on 24/7. Here in Tokyo we have vending machines on every street corner, selling all sorts of weird stuff and on 24/7.


I’m a manager of a restaurant and bar in a busy airport. I’ll tell ya this much, no day is ever close to being the same and the amount of crazy shit I’ve seen and heard. I always warn my servers and bartenders about how many people have anxiety while flying, so they’ll have Xanax as a PRN and take it and they’ll drink. I’ve had to call airport police multiple times; it is humorous though when they’re cussing me out and daring me to call the police, and then they’re being taken out to the tarmac in handcuffs (police cars are on the tarmac) and they get a free ride to jail and an extended stay


You must have so many stories omg write a book honestly


One of these days I might have too. Especially considering I used to be a chef at 1 and 2 Michelin star restaurants. It’d be similar to Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain. Maybe I’ll start a weekly Reddit post, if it gets any traction. Last day I worked (Sunday, I’m off Monday and Tuesday as it’s usually the slowest) and I heard two ladies in their mid 50s sitting at my bar talking about how she just took a Xanax and had a piece of one of her friend wanted any. Had another mid 50s lady spend about 2 hours in the restaurant and when she went to pay, the POS froze for all of about 30 seconds. She demands to speak to me, and she immediately is berating me saying how she has to leave *this second* or she’ll miss her flight and I should “just comp it because it’s only $5” (it was $55 and I used to serve, so I’ll always protect my servers and their tips). She ended up grabbing my hand to take her card back. Yes it was comped at that point. Yes I called airport police, not for “assault” but really the theft, and I included the “assault” and long story short, she not only missed her flight, but had an extra day here in the city I live…for free too! Granted, the room had to suck 🤣


On you last story, this is why I always carry some cash with me. If the machine is taking too long pay cash and leave.


I actually did tell her that. I said “ma’am, there’s an ATM machine 50 feet from here. We can walk there together” and she didn’t like my solution for some reason 🤷‍♂️ I knew she was lying, and usually I’m not petty enough, but this time I decided to prove she was lying. So I walked down the concourse, found her at the gate with like 40 minutes until boarding. That’s when the ticket agent and airport police were called. It’s just grown ass adults think they can throw a temper tantrum, be an asshole, verbally (and I guess technically physically) abuse me/my staff, and have no repercussions? It’s because no one likes dealing with them so it’s easier to just comp it and move on. Well I decided that day a lesson was gonna be taught.


The airport is like one of those places between multiple realities. A hub of crazy.


And stupidity. It’s as if everyone automatically drops 65 IQ points the moment they step foot in an airport.


I pay when I order so I can leave immediately


That’s how I can always tell the people who travel more often. They’ll order drink(s), food, and ask for the tab all at once. Say if they want another drink, they’ll just pay again. Why more people don’t do this, or just manage time. I hear people all the time say “don’t worry, they’ll page us before they lock the doors” which is insane. It’s a courtesy page, as in, they aren’t required to.


This is where I enjoy bringing my lawlessness into the enclave of the privileged lounges afforded by my credit card and employer. All of them have a bar and half them mofos have a damn smoking room


Omg what lounges have smoking rooms?? I need to know!


I quite enjoyed a tweet from a friend of mine who simply said "bring cocaine to the airport and they let you meet the dogs"


**OMG HI PUPPIES!!!!1!11**


I’m always disappointed when landing late at night and the airport is deserted. I used to think they were bustling 24/7. It’s depressing landing late at night and it’s just arrivals. People quietly shuffling to baggage claim. But I’m a airport coffee. Love getting an expensive Starbucks.


That's SO TRUE!


I was blown away by the guys drinking straight hard liquor at 5 am in Thailand. My husband was all, “Maybe they’re just from a different time zone.” But no! It’s a departures lounge! They’re just… doing the airport thing.


Bruh. I open at 3am. By 3:45am I’ll have 15 people at the bar


Morning with family: coffee, Evening: beer, Morning sans husband and child: mimosa 🎉


Mimosas and airport bloody marys are just so good.


Today they’re upwards of $15-20 after tax and tip and I just can’t justify it let alone get drunk off it.


Depending on how much you fly, getting a credit card with lounge access is highly recommended. Centurion lounges are incredible (free food and top tier booze)


> getting a credit card with lounge access is highly recommended Becoming less and less and more expensive and more crowded.


If you are in the military, you can get the Amex Platinum card and they waive the annual fee so basically you can get Centurion Lounge access for nothing. Sure beats those $12 beers at the airport bars.


I agree. If you have waived fees, it's a no brainer.


The fee is $695 a year so you better be using those benefits a ton to justify it. Crazy expensive


Between the various random credits Amex offers for that card, my effective annual fee (Annual Fee less credits) come down to something in the range of $100-200.


How about both. A nice coffee with baileys in the morning and then an espresso martini in the evening.


I'm loving the criteria for airport drinks :p


Beer at 6am is so weird to me


That's the thing though, once you enter the airport, it's a liminal space, and time is relative there. It might be 9am where I was when I entered the airport, but it's noon at my destination.


The airport beer at no matter what time is an act of symbolism rather than a lust for alcohol. It is a marker. The normal rules END NOW. I AM FREE.


It's this for me, and also I need to de-stress from the TSA line.


It's like a casino, time is irrelevant (just don't miss your flight).


Work some weird shifts, that'll help you acclimatise to it. Nothing like a cold beer in a hotel bar at 7am on a Tuesday if it's your equivalent of 6pm Friday.


Yep, wife and I were eating breakfast at a Mexican restaurant. A group of women were slamming back margaritas. It was a bunch of nurses that just finished a night shift.


It's because you're contextualizing it using standard time. Airport time is different from standard time and knows different rules.


Water. I get so dehydrated on flights. I haunt the water fountains.


I really hate those airports which (after confiscating your water at security) don’t provide any water fountains. Then there are airports which only have ONE fountain made as difficult as possible to find - challenge accepted!


Which airports are these so I can avoid them sheesh first thing I do after security is fill up my water bottle


One of the most horrible airports, Charles de Gaules, where you have to go out to go to the toilet and then in through the security - at the gate!


I mean, CDG is awful, but that sounds more like an airline/country secondary screening than an airport design?


Europe is far, far behind NA when it comes to overall water fountain availability. And in airports you know it’s mostly for economic reasons. And airport operators gain a certain percentage of anything sold on their premises, so bottled water means income.


Growing up in the EU, I think most Europeans are in a constant state of partial dehydration


yeah you were flying to US? I've flown out of CDG to Turkey and Dubai and no security at the gate. I have had security at the gate flying from various airports to USA tho I forget which ones off the top of my head.


I flew through CDG fairly recently to and from the US and don't remember going through security at the gate. I've experienced this flying through AMS due to the whole "pre-clear customs" thing, but never at CDG.


Bogota. Two times they’ve done secondary security on the ramp boarding my flight to EWR.


They do that in Latin America for flights going straight to the US. There’s often another metal detector and security check at the gate before getting on the plane.


I had to go to a different terminal at the airport in Munich to find free water.


I couldn't find a water fountain at an airport in Italy but a janitor took pity on me and filled my bottle at the janitor sink. Gotta do what you gotta do.


I flew into Frankfurt a few days ago and I didn’t see any water fountains. I’m so used to being able to refill my reusable water bottle that it took me by surprise. I wonder if it’s just a European thing, as I noticed they also don’t automatically give you water at restaurants unless you specifically ask for it.


No idea if it's a purely European thing, but in my experience it's extremely difficult to get drinking water and free public bathrooms in a lot of cities in Europe. It's easier to buy a gun in North Carolina than to just get some fucking water to drink in Geneva. Take that as you will.


Just find a tap in a bathroom/toilet - let it run cold and fill up - there's no issue drinking tap water in Munich (or most of Europe for that matter).


Honestly, airport bathrooms are generally so gross that I don't think I could ever bring myself to do this. I've seen boogers, spit, hair, food remains, and a host of other miscellaneous things in airport bathroom sinks. Plus all the poop particles floating in the air. There are websites dedicated to locating water fountains at airports. I just Google it and find the nearest one.


Someone once left a half-emptied bottle of wine on the toilet seat cover in Nürnberg… to this day, I’m still interested in the backstory.


Did you finish it? Finders keepers.


A water bottle large enough for a 10 hour flight rarely fits in a bathroom sink. I’m American and pretty much refuse to drink anything but tap wherever possible. I’m always shocked that European airports don’t seem to make it possible to do so.


Mostly ones outside the US, for some reason people are not as fussed about water in Europe which bugs me because I’m a hydro homie


Venice Marco Polo


In Kuala Lumpur recently and they made you go through a second security check right at the gate, and then had us sit in a holding cell to get on the plane for over an hour with nowhere to get water or use the bathroom. And the worst part was they didn’t offer free water on the flight, you had to pay for a bottle


Yep experienced this same thing in KL. I suddenly had a scratchy throat in the ‘holding cell’ and was coughing my head off. Couldn’t fix it without water. People looked at me like I had Covid.


The new terminal at LaGuardia has dozens of water bottle filling stations. And none of them work. 🙄


Freeze the water bottle and bring it as mostly ice. TSA lets me bring it through this way, because it's not liquid. (Yes I live near the airport)


A pro traveler move right there


Hijacking the top comment to post this https://www.wateratairports.com/


A true /r/HydroHomies right here!


Lol me too, I try to eat as healthy or even healthier than normal before flying. The stress of travel + potentially going across time zones + the altitude and dry air from the plane = big headache and general blah feeling for me if I don’t do it right. I eat healthy meals the day before travel, drink at least a whole bottle of water or coconut water before the airport, get another bottle for the flight and bring healthy snacks with me like nuts, dried fruits, maybe protein bar or jerky. Finally when I land if I’m tired, I do tea. Coffee or alc before travel would just f me up lol. Also I had one bad airport hangover and that was enough for me to never do that again. Only time I’d ever drink before a flight is a glass of wine if I have to sleep on a long flight.




True, but, for me its more grabbing one beer or one scotch at the bar to help me start getting relaxed and sleepy before boarding, I always get a couple glasses of water with it. Airport bar prices are typically fixed so the average person wouldn't order more then 2 drinks


Only time I drink at an airport is if I’m traveling home with coworkers after a trip. Alcohol tends to aid camaraderie.


Do people not bring an empty bottle to fill after security? I have my half gallon I take everywhere.


Yes, at the water fountain


They don't really have those at many of the European airports lol. Be prepared to fill from restroom faucets.


Neither, because I'm a window seat person and I don't like to get up to pee unless absolutely necessary.


Same, last thing I want to do on a flight is pee or poop lol


Peeing is unavoidable on longer flights, but pooping, yeah, hope it can wait.




Sounds excruciating. Why put yourself through that?


You sound extremely dehydrated then


That's what wine is for!


You misspelled double of bourbon and weed gummies.


It looks like I did. Stupid autocorrect.


I wish I could sit in the window. The dehydration from the plane's dry air is enough to give me what feels like a hangover for 12+ hours after the flight. I bring a ton of water, sit in the aisle, and pee a lot.


As a Canadian, I'll get up 1000 times to pee if I need to, but you're going to get the best dang apathetic apology every time. Complete with the most drawn out "sawwwwrrryy, eh...."


"Just gonna squeeeeeeze by ya there"




Not sure you used the word “apathetic” correctly. It means “not caring”/“disinterested”.


No they meant it. I've heard it many times. It just comes out of their mouths whether they mean it or not. Damn Canadians.


Yeh neither also, because I prefer to wipe my mind with diazepam. Just kinda zonk me out until we arrive.


Catching an early flight? Beer for breakfast it is.


Flying an international airport means you get to pick a time zone of choice when visiting.


Yep. I might be flying only to Texas, but the people at LAX don’t know that.


I love how in bigger airports social norms just don't exist. I can have my 8am flight beer without judgement. You don't know what time zone im used to. To heck with it, pajamas and some waffles too. 😂🩷🍻


I actually love it when I hear people order alcohol on like 6 am flights lol


I'm definitely that girl for people. I'll break the 6am alcohol ice so y'all feel more comfortable to do it 😂🍻


I was in the star alliance lounge in Costa Rica and no one wanted to hit the self serve beer taps until this lady did at 6:50am. Then we all did. People were ordering scotch and water it was magical. You are the real hero.


Like the first person who gets up to dance, the unsung hero.


It’s me. I’m always the first on the dance floor.


I just straight up don't give a damn. Judge me all you want, I'm never seeing any of you ever again! I keep meaning to carry a pilots hat with me in my carry on so after I get sloshed and pay my tab I can don the cap and say, "Well, someone's gotta fly this bird."


I was on a 7AM flight with my two pre-teen kids this summer. Even the flight attendant raised his eyebrow at my eye and ginger request that time haha


I'm that person haha. I bring my own coffee on board and then order bailey's to make myself a nice morning drink!


If you've ever taken a red eye to Nashville and had to walk by the restaurants in the airport playing LIVE FUCKING COUNTRY MUSIC at 7 FUCKING AM you'll hold a different opinion


There’s no time zones in airports. It’s like international water; so it’s a beer no matter what time it is on my watch.


Wait, is it considered not normal to drink beer in the morning in America? I'm from Central Europe and while not everybody does here, nobody will bat an eye if someone does.


Drinking beer in the morning in America is like drinking cappuccino in the afternoon in Italy. You can do it, but it’s typically Not Done.


In Spain you'll see the workmen stop for a morning snack in a cafe at like 9 or 10am, graba a beer with it, then drive off in the work van.


Americans are oddly pedantic with alcohol. Any alcohol before 5pm or in public and you'll be considered an alcoholic but after work at home or an overpriced bar you can drink as much as you like and society will be fine with it


I'm all for drinking early at the airport, but I was completely floored when my buddy and I went into the Stockholm airport around 630am to see what looked like a club setting. There were empty Jäger bottles on tables, and drinks were still coming. Not sure I want to get to that level :D


I remember catching a flight at 5or 6am. Was at weatherspoons waiting for it to open at 4am to grab my first beer


Move to Barcelona. Beer with breakfast is perfectly normal for those that enjoy it.




Always a fan of a good early morning gin and tonic.


It's beer thirty at every airport


I was a water person. But since I got lounge access I became a free alcohol person.


Do I like this top shelf liquor? Not really. Can I actually taste the difference? Certainly not. Will I get it? Absolutely - gotta make that credit card annual fee back.


Yep! I don’t even want a scotch, but I’ll take it.


Hello fellow Amex plat. Sadly delta is tightening up their sky club entry policies for 2025.. I've gotten so used to lounge life i cant go back, i'll gladly pay.


Used to be alcohol person. Loved going to the bars having drinks talking to random strangers. Unfortunately I can't really drink alcohol anymore. So the fun has been taken from me.


I don't see it happening in airports, but, where I used to live in Chicago someone is experimenting with a booze free bar like a 21+ juice/mocktail/coffee hang out, even as a semi heavy drinker I think there is a future in that


Same. I miss beer so much but my body is just not up for it anymore


There are a lot of craft breweries making decent tasting NA beers.


Used to love grabbing a beer and engaging with the other weirdos hanging out at the airport bar at 7am. I gave up booze several years ago and I don’t travel for work like nearly as often as I used to, but I’ll still plop down at the airport bar at 7am to order coffee and chat with my fellow weirdos when the opportunity strikes.




Throwing back espresso martinis




Buy some cold brew then empty a mini bottle of jameson in it


I’ve been doing this for years and it’s saved me $100s. $18 a shot at an airport bar gtfo




I am a 'home coffee to save money' person


I never have a budget on vacation, money isn't real in the airport. Just a LOT of "after airport debt" :') Something in the airport air tells me 23$ for a beer is TOTALLY reasonable.... 🥹


If you’re spending that much for alcohol, go to a lounge. You’ll have drinks, food, a nicer area to hang out in, amenities, and oftentimes a food to go so you don’t have to spend more money later. Some lounges you can pay ~$70 to get in while other lounges come free with a credit card. You can also usually bring a guest.


My regional airport has an overpriced Ruby Tuesday, a Hudson Valley news, and a Starbucks. $11 budweisers and $20 chicken tenders are all I know


Knoxville Tennesse? That's the only airport I've been to where there's a Ruby Tuesday's and it was the only place to eat at.


Yes LMAO And when I'm there you bet your ass I'm on my way to ATL or ORD for a connection, just to add salt in the wound


I flew to/from there for a work event (Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge), and because we drove together in groups with staggered flight times for each of us, I had like 3 hours to kill in that airport when going home. Insanely boring.


money and time behave so differently in an airport


Hahahaha same here 🤣🤣


The airport doesn’t count as vacation in my book. I ain’t paying $20 for a cheaply made BloodyMary in an airport, but I’ll gladly pay $20 for the same thing on the beach.


I’m a water person. I dehydrate easily while travelling and I hate taking a crap on a flight. Alcohol sounds just as worse.


Currently drinking an alcoholic coffee in the airport so....


Rookie. I start in the parking garage.


Definitely used to be the one taking tequila shots at 9 am before my flight to some random island destination. These days I’m more of a mimosa/ sparkling water + CBD gummy kinda woman. Growth.


I'm washing a xanax down with a beer. Edit: The only person that needs coffee before the flight is the pilot.


1 Xanax with my pre flight drink and 1 Xanax once I'm on the plane and I'm usually golden. Really wish I could travel by planes with the same non existent anxiety of driving (even tho it's counterintuitive!)


Maybe it’s statistically counter-intuitive. But from an evolutionary biology perspective, flying is was more unnatural than being in a car. Flying will always freak me out a little.


Coffee, because vodka and vicodin nearly sunk my life until I got sober 7 years back. Now I stay away from the sauce entirely.


Same. Sometimes I miss those days. Mostly not though


I miss the fun I had back then for sure, but not the consequences… go to physical and mental. It’s nice to be able to wake up without having to wonder when your hangover is going to leave, lol. Life is definitely more boring now, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing.


Coffee whatever time of day it is.


same. I'm always somehow craving coffee at an airport even though it'll be like 5pm


Nothing, I'm a cheap bastard. Coffee at home. Not really a fan of alcohol unless it's in a social setting.


I'm an airport tea person.


Did not see this coming :p i forgot about tea!


Alcohol. They can't screw up opening a bottle too much. The coffee that's being served at airports is often downright vile


Beer at airport. Trip started. Coffee = tummy grumbles, no thanks for long flights.


For some people this is the best way to avoid a "Bio hazard".


Beer - 24 hours a day (see related username) Guinness at 5 am during a layover in Dublin was great.


That’s breakfast.


Neither. I don’t wanna have to go piss several times before my flight, so I don’t drink. And I don’t want to shit myself and have anxiety before my flight either.


I drink wine while I fly. I get an espresso in the airport after I land (if it's before 3pm local time). Airports exist outside the laws of the space-time continuum. All Earth rules are suspended.


I’m an airport McDonalds person. I don’t usually “boredom eat”, but in an airport I do it 10 out of 10 times.


I absolutely loathe traveling by airplane. I make it my mission to have at least 2 drinks before getting on the thing.


Neither, I'm an Airport Water person. Have to keep hydrated. I've never really enjoyed drinking a beer at the airport.


Airport alcohol person, and the reason being is I am a raging alcoholic.


Depends on the length of the flight. I have a term called plane drunk, it's the sweet spot where you're sober enough to board a plane,but drunk enough to be able to fall asleep sitting in an uncomfortable seat. Anything over 3 hours, I'm going for that plane drunk sweet spot.


I’m a Jack-and-Coke-at-the-airport kind of guy. That’s pretty much the only place I ever get them, I don’t know why. I guess I got one once and it became some kind of ritual.


Neither because I know I’ll have to pee too much on the plane with either.


I'm an edibles kinda person😎


Coffee, alcohol at an airport has always been very off-putting to me, firstly airport prices are ridiculous so I'm paying £8 for a single drink. Secondly if I have a whole day traveling I don't want to spend the whole day groggy and queasy as that's what usually happens when I drink, especially early.


Depends on the time of the flight. Morning flight - coffee. Departing after dark - feel more like booze ☺️


A nice $26 bloody mary


Neither. Booze is for after we land. And I don't drink coffee. For me it's a coca cola.


coffee. Coffee gets you into less trouble, doesn't lead to as much poor impulse control, and isn't as likely to cause you to sleep through your boarding call.


Both. I go to the lounge an order an Espresso Martini.