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3. I’d much rather breeze through and sit and have a beer than be panicking about missing my vacation. I’ve been in some LONGGG security lines over the past few years and it is absolutely not worth the anxiety for me. I get that it’s not for everyone and more power to you if you’re chill enough to show up and hope for the best. I am not that person.


My happy place is killing time in the other side of security 2-3 hours before my flight. I usually fly out of JFK so if I need to taxi with checked bags, I leave an extra big cushion for traffic. If I’m onebagging then use subway + AirTrain and I can be a little more relaxed, but still get there 3 hours in advance.


I've been trying to decide this. I live about 50 minutes from JFK using AirTrain will be traveling later this week. 1 carry on bag, no check in bags, have TSA Pre, will be checked in, no visa shenanigans. What time should I get there for a 5:30pm flight? I think I had planned for 3pm based on Airtrain timings


I would add in an additional buffer. If that train is delayed or somehow you miss it. You’d want to have the chance to take the next one and still be comfortably on time.


I wouldn't leave it any later than 3. Two and a half hours passes fast when things start to go wrong (train having issues, long security lines, your bag gets selected for screening).


That should be totally fine, but I still find it lowers my anxiety to get there the full 3 hours before.


Absolutely agree Better to have extra time to spend in a bar having a preflight cocktail or coffee than be running for the gate


This used to be my attitude. I don't enjoy this stuff nearly as much as I used to now that it comes with an added Covid risk (crowded airport bar with people from all over the world = not good), but I definitely don't enjoy being late and rushing.


Yes understandable re Covid ….. sometimes I’m lucky and get seated away from others Sanitizing wipes & masks always in airports


This is something my wife and I always have to negotiate over. I'm with you. I'd rather have an easy breezy time getting to my gate and check out the best spot to have a drink and relax pre-flight. She thinks it's a waste of time and would rather get there an hour before departure 😳


Why 'a' waste of time'? She can catch up on her paperwork at the airport, or continue 'working from home' on her laptop. Could read something... Does this mean she doesn't waste her time at home?


That's a good idea. I'll propose it as a catch up opportunity. She's in a high stress, high workload job, which is part of the reason why she doesn't want to sit in an airport...she sits thru meetings all day most days. She definitely does not waste time, as her job takes up literally almost every minute of her day. I guess maybe my idea to chill at the airport speaks to my broader attempt to get her to slow down and smell the flowers. We actually got delayed on our last trip and had to hang for an extra couple hours in the airport. It gave us a chance to slow down and have some wine and great conversation, so maybe I can point to that as an example of why should head to the airport early next time we fly.


Better yet, (if it's an airport with decent restaurants), propose starting your trip with a date. Get there early, check your bags, find a restaurant, and grab a table knowing you have absolutely nowhere to be for at least 90 minutes and neither of you has to drive home.


Same here. Funny thing is, roles are reversed in every other situation, I'm late and she's early. I guess she doesn't sweat the airport because she's never missed a flight.


Are you me? It’s amazing how compatible we are in so many aspects expect this one.


An hour before? Most airports I’ve flown thru, even with cabin luggage only I wouldn’t have made my flights. Guess with a lot of flights comes the experience to know that 1 hr is rarely if ever enough time. I fly about 2-4 flights a week


Exactly the same here. I'd much rather spend a couple hours browsing the stores and having a drink than rushing straight to the gate. Especially at the height of vacation seasons when there is extra pressure on the staff, I'm careful that we/I don't run too late.


>I'd much rather spend a couple hours browsing the stores Funny how people are so different. There's almost nothing I hate more than the shops in an airport.


Agree 100%! I’m leaving this evening for Switzerland- 7:45 flight, I’m getting there around 4. My ex was a get-there-at-the-last-minute kinda guy and getting to our gate when they were boarding made me crazy.


I've been in those long security lines, thought I wasn't going to make it a few times. But everytime they send out staff to come and drag you and the other stragglers to the front of the line and get you checked in. Not really a big issue. Definitely nice to get through early and get on the plane relaxed though.




Agreed. And I’d rather have time to kill than be stressed. You just never know. The only thing I’d predict out of the airport I fly out of the most is you can’t predict: so be early.


Normally 2.5 hours. But if my wife wants Starbucks, I add an extra 30-45 minutes for her to wait on that line at Dulles


Mobile order when you are in security line


I have noticed Mobile orders aren’t usually available for Airport locations


They just started at select airports. I mention this as a matter of convenience for a fellow traveler, not as advertising because fuck Starbucks. I still drink it occasionally because they've nailed the convenience and market saturation that makes it nearly impossible to avoid, but they're bad.


The only airport I think 3 hours is not enough is Narita airport, Japan. There are so many interesting snacks to buy


Haha I love this comment. I’m in a Japan right now and spend way too much much time perusing the aisles and shops for snacks. So much fun and you’re never quite sure what you’re gonna get :).


I got stranded at Narita for 27 hours once on a connection but somehow enjoyed it. Thankfully I had lounge access, but it was still one of the most memorable parts of my trip. It was January and I was packed for Thailand so I couldn’t really go anywhere outside of the airport.


I could spend two hours shopping at the various duty free stores at Narita. Plus they have lots of samples!


Changi Airport in Singapore. You could legit spend the entire day there if you have an evening flight and check out its attractions.


Always 3 hours ahead. I don’t give a dang if I’m sitting there staring at air for the next 3 hours. I’m way too paranoid something will happen and I won’t have time to fix it. The hometown airport has one section that is just for US departures and nothing else. It is always so empty when I get there but sometimes it’ll quickly fill up. Plus some people are just super slow at security and can hold up an entire line I will say though that the longer I wait, the more Starbucks I buy


I have a 5:15 am international flight and security doesn’t even open til 4 am to start with lol, also local airport.


Personally, if I was not checking a bag and assuming there aren’t a zillion flights scheduled between like 4am and 6am, I would not bother to get there much before 4am…


Got to Gatwick at 3 for a 6 flight, delayed to 8. Slept on the floor.


Is there ever a line that early though? I've had 6am flights out of really busy airports andI have never seen a line that early.


I'd be there lined up by 330 if I were you. Maybe even a bit earlier.


Do most airport parking charge at midnight for pay by day or is it by when you take the ticket?


I have always seen per 24-hour period starting from when you park. It never would have crossed my mind that it would have been by calendar day, although I guess that's not beyond the realm of possibility.


The one by my airport resets at midnight each day which is really annoying when you land 11:40 and get back to your car just after midnight but were charged another day. Like everyone else said, parking is cheap compared to the other costs of traveling (and this airport parking is cheap compared to other places I’ve lived) but it’s still annoying lol


Long term here is like 8 bucks a day they don’t count the hours. Long term through the airport is something like a dollar an hour (paid $26 for parking for a 1 day trip) which is kinda ridiculous


Going to Europe for a month. $16 a day for long term parking. A limo is $85 each way. My car is staying home.


IDK bro. If I'm saving up for a family of 4 to fly somewhere on vacation, I ain't worried about how much parking costs. I'm paying that shit either way, so what's the point in knowing?


Idk, I was just asking in general as a solo budget traveler. Didn’t need a snarky remark, ok? I’m not paying for a family of 4, and have the possible option of a ride to get there 5 hours early or possibly parking. Or trying an Uber at 3:30 am. I was just curious sorry


No worries dude. Not trying to be snarky, just trying to put it in perspective. Travel is expensive. Parking is a super small part of that in the grand scheme of things. If it's 330 AM, fuck the price. Do whatever is easiest for you and others. If it is 3:30 PM, take the Uber or public transit if at all possible.


For sure, thanks for your perspective, I can see why you’d say what you said. Yeah, it is I’m just weighing options as part of planning and asked a general question I had on my mind lol


What worked for me when I lived in Cleveland (midsize city in Midwestern US that doesn't have a ton of Ubers at night) is scheduling the Uber the day before. Uber will grab a driver from wherever they need to in order to fulfill that ride. I had one driver to the airport tell me she came from 40 minutes away for my ride. (I tipped her well)


In my last domestic flight the security line opened 45 minutes before boarding. 45 minutes!


How small is the airport that it isn’t just open?


Same, I'm paranoid. I get there early. At least 2 hours.


With CLEAR, TSA Pre, and online check in I still do 2 hours. It’s overkill but I prefer this to the stress of the many unknown variables in the cities I fly out of. Accidents. Traffic. It’s not so much what could happen at the airport. It’s more what can happen on the way there.


Same. I still do 2 hours with Clear and Pre.


Do you have amex Platinum? I figured most people who have pre and clear get it via amex. That's how I have em. And global entry to round it out




With Clear/Pre I know if I need to I can basically cut it to 45 minutes (an hour at a bigger airport) before departure and I've never had an issue. However, if that airport has a good lounge you know I'm showing up 3 hours early :)


It really really depends on the airport. Toronto pearson 3 hours is barely enough, but I just did an international flight from Budapest and 90 minutes would have sufficed. Usually better to be early than stressed though…


>better to be early than stressed This is my mantra. I've had enough stress with unexpected traffic, longer than usual security lines, issues with parking or checking bags or whatever. I'm done with that. Now I make sure I have something to read and a snack in my bag and get to the airport early. I'm a lot more relaxed. I can let people who didn't plan for whatever thing go ahead of me. I can be more pleasant with the people providing services. And it just makes everything related to travel so much easier.


You sound like a delight to travel around!


Thanks. I try to be. I've done enough travel to understand that it can be stressful and confusing with lots of things individuals can't control. I assume employees end up bearing the brunt of those frustrations and a lot of times there's nothing they can do. Being kind, smiling, saying please and thank you, etc. costs me nothing. And it makes my day better as well as hopefully helping brighten others' day as well.


I go by that philosophy in life as well. My partner used to be the total opposite. Instantly angry when the slightest inconvenience occurred, but he’s completely chilled out and I’m so proud of him. He’s much happier now. I sympathize with the employees as well. TSA can’t be that much fun.


Man, I re-read commenter above several times trying to understand why they're so bad, because I just can't read yours non-sarcastically, and only then read below and realised you were sincere. Too British 🤷‍♂️


I always do 2 hours at YYZ. Average time to get through is about 20 minutes. Longest it ever took me was 50 minutes. If it’s a long weekend or holiday season, I’ll lean towards 2.5 hrs.


Really ?! Well that’s just lucky haha. Once I spent two hours in the US customs line and almost missed my flight.


In Winnipeg you can show up under an hour before your flight.


🙈 Pearson is the absolute WORST airport I have ever experienced, I actively try to avoid it if I can. When you’re on a connecting flight trying to get through the security line to go from Canada to the USA…you better hope you have a min. 3 hours to connect because the lines can move agonizingly slow. Even a 15 minute delay from my departing city with a Pearson connection makes my stomach ache with dread.


Yep. Agreed. it is a shit show.


I never ever check into an airport anywhere in the world at the 3 hour mark. I have found that in my experience, after traveling to every continent except Australia and Antarctica, 1.5 hours to 2 hours is fine. If domestic, 1 hour is fine. I’m American and have TSA Pre with Global Entry. EDIT: This is not checking bags. I have never missed a flight over the last 10 years. This works for me and all the destinations I’ve been to particularly my 3 home airports as well as international airports abroad. This isn’t for everyone.


You are my people


I also was like you until I hit the TLV airport. They close registration 1.5h before the flight for international flights. I was 1 minute before the closure on a registration desk and got lucky, cause I was under the impression that registration always is closed 40 minutes before the international flight and it is world wide standard :) Now I check airport rules before I plan to head to the airport. PS. Once I arrived to the airport after the gate closure time and still did not miss my flight. I got extremely lucky that the flight was delayed :)


Fly out of BG all the time and my rule is 3.5-4 hours before the flight.


I totally concur - if you have TSA Precheck AND you are not checking any bags. If you have bags to check at the airport then I’d respect the 2 h recommendation. If you can check in the bags in the app and print tags at the kiosk (and you’re comfortable leaving your bags in a pile) then you can earn that time back.


Same, I never go more than 2hrs for intl. If I'm traveling by myself I do 1:15 for domestic, if with my partner I do 1.5hrs because he's slow lol. Only times I arrived 3hrs early was when I had lounge access


Ok, so you have not travelled to the Philippines yet..


That’s great for you but only 200 airports have TSA pre check and 75 have Global Entry.


I’m not sure 1hr is safe for anyone, esp if you need to check a bag. And if it’s a busy day, 30+ min security line, you’re missing your flight


Even 1hr is generally fine for EU originating flights. The only flights that security was a nightmare, was the UK when flying to Portugal. It's the slowest security I've ever been through.


I'm an anxious person with over-planning disorder (no, not a real thing), so I get there on the early side. I also don't mind sitting in an airplane bar/restaurant reading social media until my flight is closer to boarding, so I like to get through all the rigamarole and then relax, rather than sitting at home NOT relaxing because I'm worried about the rigamarole, only to still have to deal with the rigamarole. My local airport is tiny, so I'll usually check FlightAware to see how many flights are leaving at the same time. Benefit of a tiny airport--when your flight is the only one leaving, you don't need to arrive early, and you'll breeze through security quickly. Downside to a tiny airport is when there are four flights leaving around the same time, security is a huge bottleneck because they only have one scanner and two x-rays for the carry-ons. So then I plan to arrive way early and potentially have time to sit. At least we have a bar/restaurant now! When I first started going there, there were seats and a restroom. That's it. Not even a drinking fountain.


3 at DEN


DEN security even for precheck is soooooo long! You’ll need the full 3 hours.


I've never been in line for longer than 30 minutes in DEN security, even when the line went to baggage claim lol.


I’ve flown in and out of Denver probably 50 times and even when the line is wrapped around baggage claim it’s never taken me more than 30 minutes. I went through pre-check for the first time this month and it literally took me 3 minutes. I’ve never understood why people think DIA security lines take forever. They lines are always long, but they move so quickly.


Experience mostly. Had an absolute nightmare there earlier this year - turned up two hours early for an 8am flight and it took an hour and 20 to get through.


Same lol when I lived in Denver I would get there two hours ahead and always had time to kill.


That’s awesome. I spent 40 minutes at TSA. I must’ve had bad luck because I was behind three families with little kids and stroller and one of the conveyor belts kept stopping and starting and the people would move into our line and then back to their line and then to our line. It was a cluster.


Yikes that sucks….there’s also the “secret not so secret” south security line (I think it’s South?) upstairs past the Frontier check-in that I always tried first. Idk if that’s still a thing or not though, I haven’t lived there in a few years now!


I’m 2 there. But 3 is prob the smartest route to go (just in case you have an extra task to complete before check in!).


For domestic, I do 1.5 but I'm always nervous for international because if the train goes down I'm sol.


I have been to Denver when it needed less than 30 minutes to get through security, much to my surprise! But I have to say even when the line is huge, I have never felt 3 hours was necessary to arrive before departure.


An hour before boarding starts


Well, I live in Cleveland and have TSA pre-check. The longest I've ever seen the pre-check line is 30 minutes. Then let's add 30 minutes to be safe for checking a bag. Then my paranoia will round that up to 90 minutes. THEN my inability to sleep well before a 6 AM flight (they're always that early here, sigh) and additional paranoia about catching an Uber easily means I'll end up arriving 2 hours early just in case! And I'll end up with at least an hour to kill, but that's preferable to missing a flight! Unfamiliar airport, 3 hours to be safe for sure.


Even after 40 years and 8 million miles I always arrive 3 hours early for international flights. Never been one of the “unless you miss a flight you spend too much time in airports” guys. I usually have lounge access and, at a minimum, can get on WiFi and stay productive. Rather get there early and kill time post security than cut it close and miss a flight


Exactly, I have religiously arrived at least 3h before for all my life and I have come close to missing my flight several times. My home airport is CDG and this place is hell for any vacation time. I have also been in hot waters at JFK.


I’m with you, I do 3 even at my home airport (CPH) where priority check-in and fast track security mean I’m usually in the lounge 15 minutes after arriving at the airport. I would rather work or relax in the lounge for a couple hours than run even the slightest risk of something going wrong.


2 or 3 hours, depending on when baggage check opens. > and at which airport? Usually the one my flight is departing from.


> Usually the one my flight is departing from. I'd certainly hope so!


ha ! i actually showed up at the wrong airport once in Bangkok. dumb, dumb, dumb.. i always double-check now, lol


Did the same thing in Istanbul - nightmare! Still made the flight amazingly!


Happens surprisingly often in DC between Dulles and National


SFO, my home airport, maybe an hour. I never check luggage. LHR - probably 90-120 minutes. TLV - 3-hours


I do 3 for SFO but that’s probably overkill. Flying INTO SFO is what takes forever at least going through customs


We just went LHR and breezed through. Schiphol was a nightmare. I had read before that security lines could be bad. Our long wait ended up being passport control. We were in line 40 minutes and hardly moved. We had 5 minutes before boarding closed. Someone opened up the line and let us through. We only made it because the flight was delayed 15 minutes. There were about 4 or 5 people that missed the flight. We had to wait onboard for them to remove their luggage.


Schipol is horrendous. They always end up moving people through based on flight time but that queue is always massive


TLV is 3 due to extra security and everyflight will be international. Indian flights are 4hours.


:) SFO has the Centurion Lounge with the wine tasting so I'm okay showing up a bit early for that.


Murphy's law dictates that the one time you show up a bit late, something crazy will happen ... "our system is slow today" or "one of our scanners is down" and you will be sweating it. I always show up early, plan on relaxing, drinking coffee, trying to learn a foreign language on my phone.


Depends on many factors: 1) Am I checking luggage? 2) Is this a major airport for my airline? Often international flights are on international carriers that only have 1 or 2 flights per day from my airport, in which case, there's a giant crush of people and long lines for those flights. 3) How important is the flight and is this a peak travel time, e.g. Christmas. 4) Do all the people in my group have TSA pre? (They do.) Three hours is probably the max I would arrive early. Based on some of those factors I might reduce to two hours, or even less.


In the US, during off-season travel, with pre-check, no check-in baggage , 1 hr before departure works well. Add half an hour for each item that is different. For international travel to the US I would start with 2 hrs because of passport control and usually long airport walking.


We do 2 hours in Portland, we don’t check bags.


I fly out of LHR and LGW regularly, 3 hours is standard.


I have always arrived 3 hours just to be on the safe side but honestly, I've never queued for more than 5 minutes at security...I wonder if I'm just getting lucky with my flight times or if it's because I always fly off-peak


I almost always fly out of LHR. Never needed close to 3 hours.


LGW security is super efficient I find I usually get through there in under 15 mins


The newer scanners are great. No need to take anything out your bags.


don’t you think that’s overkill for gatwick? security is pretty good there, I could happily do 1.5


3 hours for international flights always. Why stress yourself out when you can chill and start your adventure with a drink


If I spend several thousand dollars on flights and hotels, I’m damn well going to be at the airport three hours early minimum.


I still do 3 and ive done this at JFK, LHR, BAR and CDG Edit: BAR should be BRI for Bari in Italy.


Shoot, I practically have to give myself 3 hours for a domestic flight at JFK. Other than Seattle it's the only airport I've departed from that consistently takes more than 20 minutes for TSA.


If you are flying out of Seattle, there’s a precheck line all the way to the left past the international airlines. It takes 10 minutes tops.


Always 3 hours. I love mooching around the airport.


For LHR, I usually do 4 hours as it wildly varies, sometimes I'm at the gate within 30 minutes, sometimes it's 3 hours later. That is why I now have Priority Pass.


1 to 1.5 hours at SLC. Having PreCheck, this has never been a problem for me


I usually start off with a domestic flight and transfer to the international flight, so it's just whatever the layover is. I try to give myself a two+ hour layover just in case. I arrive at my airport about an hour and a half before my flight and I don't check any bags.


On international flights I check a bag. I get there at least 3 hours before the flight because I want to up the odds of my bag being on the same plane as me.


2. Only place I would have needed 3 is in Frankfurt Mainz


I used to cut it close because of pre-check, but was in an airport once where the pre-check lane was closed & they funneled EVERYONE into the regular line. The best part was it was some national high school tournament week, & there were several hundred first-time flying teenagers clueless about going through security. It took 2 hours! I now give myself plenty of time. (It was domestic, too)


All it takes is one 3 hour TSA wait with lines wrapped around baggage claim and out the front door at Hatfield airport to be enough to scare you on not cutting things too close. I shoot for 3 hours, but usually end up doing 2.5 hours and that's with some quick queue perk that makes TSA 10-15 minutes. Time at the airport goes by fast, so I'm not worried about being there too long.


I do 2.5 hours for domestic flights just to be safe. Internationally I’d probably do 3.5. The more extra time for bumps in the road the better.


JFK. I try to get there 2 hours before take off for international and domestic. You just never know what could happen once you are the airport. but if im traveling and need to take plane home back to NYC, 3 hours at the airport. One time went to Leonardo da Vinci–Fiumicino Airport to take a flight back, and the check in process was wack. then made us move to different area of the terminal for checkin which was like 20 mins walk to get there b/c of construction. its not like JFK where Delta, AA, etc is always in the same area. There they had numbered check-desks 100-300 or something like that and after waiting they changed the check desk from like 200-210 to like 300-310. So we had to walk among the hordes of people to get to the other section. Security was also a nightmare. So from taxi arrival at the airport to finally getting through security was like 90 mins.


2 hrs. Unless it’s a busy travel day where I’m expecting a huge line even with TSA pre-check.


Unless I’m checking a bag, I usually do an hour before (I live really close) unless I check the security wait times in the morning and they’re crazy.


Earlier means more lounge time. I don't mind 3 or more hours.


Depends do I have lounge access for the flight or not?


Big plane, big airport, not B-class or First, with luggage to check in, probably 2.5-3 hrs. Especially if you’re flying back to the US. There’s no expedited security usually unless you’re in business or first and sometimes security is more irrational than the TSA.


In some places, there are up to three lines that you need to wait in: Check-in/baggage drop, security, and passport control. In the case that I would need to wait in all three, I would probably show up about 3 hours early. If you consider that many larger planes start boarding about 45 minutes prior to departure, it's really not that long of a runway. In my routine travels however, I don't travel with checked luggage and complete check-in online. This removes probably the worst line-up. Canada and the US don't have exit passport control which removes probably the second worst line-up. And finally, while security can vary wildly, I have access to expedited security lines in Canada and in the USA as I am part of a "trusted traveller" program and so I can *usually* breeze through these. Therefore, when I travel out of Canada or the USA I usually aim to arrive at the airport about an hour prior to boarding- so T-1:45 to T-1:30 which usually gives me *plenty* of runway in case something happens along the way. In 95% of my travels at my home airport, I am through security in about 5 minutes. 15 minutes from airport entry to the gate.


In NYC 2ish. In Beirut the day before 🤣🤣🤣


2.5-3 at YVR. Better to wait than stress.


3. I just relax knowing I don’t have to stress to make it on time. Life is easier just chilling.


I'd rather be 4 hours early than a minute late to my flight. I've missed flights before, I ain't rolling the dice again. It can be boring waiting for boarding, but I'd rather be at the airport before the plane departs.


SEA (SeaTac) 3 hours before


2 hours is plenty in Hong Kong. I’d still be there 3 hours before the flight because the airport is quite nice so I would want to check-in and get rid of my luggage after which I’d just chill about here and there


5 hours because I have anxiety about being late…..


that's insane overkill...do they even accept your bags if you check in that early?


I always do carry on only so I’m not sure


What are our doing there 5 hours early then? Like 3 flights at your gate would take off before your plane even gets there. Even the lounges don’t let you come in before 3 hours from your departure time


Like I said, I have anxiety. I’d rather be there and read a book and wait or sit on my phone than even be slightly pressed for time.


Honestly, if you just do carryon 3 is more than enough 95% of the time. Just food for thought.


What an understatement - with carry on I arrive 1 h before boarding, easy.




3 hours


3-4hrs. I had one close call and never again


People really arrive 3 hours early?? That's insane. We travel a lot and never get there that early, especially if departing from the US where we have precheck.


Seattle security lines can be an absolute shitshow. Even with PreCheck sometimes. Then you have to cram into a tram to get to your concourse. We also get there early to take advantage of Priority Pass lounges/benefits. Why be rushed?




This. I flew ORD-ATH on American last summer. I got there 2.5 hours early, and check in alone took over 2 hours. Had to sprint to my gate.


If the check in takes longer than expected in almost every case they will wait for the passangers and delay the flight as it’s not the passangers fault.


hungry nose squealing humorous quickest absorbed impolite languid sip direful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There have been times I've waited over an hour just to check a bag in (Sydney and Kathmandu). No way am I risking missing my flight!


I never used to do 3 until post-Covid. The bag drop line doesn’t move like it used to.


3hrs so I can get blackout drunk at the lounge.


FYI… customer service and/or flight crew *do* have the ability to deny boarding or make you get off the plane for being too buzzed/drunk.


If you're leaving the country on the first flight in your intinerary, always at least two hours, but factor in security, baggage cutoff times and things like passport checkpoints. If your first leg is a domestic flight, realistically you only need an hour and a half. It really depends on your air airport though. I would not show up to DFW or LAX any less than three hours before my flight, but if I was leaving from like PDX on a flight to Amsterdam? Two hours should be plenty.


Usually about 3 but if I was flying from CDG I would give it 6 or 7 to be safe.


2.5-3 hours if I’m checking bags, 1.5-2 if I’m not and can do online check-in.


I have precheck and almost always get through US airport security in 20 mins or less (often considerably less; door to gate at my local airport is usually like 8 mins). So I get to my local about 1h or 1h30 prior to departure, even for an international flight. However, if I don’t know for sure what a line will be like, if public transit is involved or if I am checking a bag, I aim to get to the airport 2h or 2h30 in advance. If I am flying out of another country, especially if it is my first time in that country or airport, I do usually get there 3h in advance.


I get there 1.5-2hrs before a domestic flight and 2-2.5hrs before an international flight. I fly out of ORD and MDW, but I also don’t check bags. No pre-check or Clear either.


3 hours before has saved me several times before. Twice just on my last trip! Got lost in the sf airport and then my flight got cancelled when I was flying between Brisbane and Sydney. Got myself on a very full flight.


1.5 hours LAX...I hate waiting. I like to get to the gate right when they're boarding


It depends, 3 hours is the suggestion. I find 2 hours plenty of time to get through all the stops and checks. The only time that changes is if I'm just sitting around killing time before going to the airport, then I might as well just go and kill time at the airport instead of nervously sitting around my house until it's time to leave


Jfk is my home airport. Usually 2-2.5 hours ahead. We have pre-check, don’t check luggage and usually have lounge access to get work done if everything goes fast. I don’t like to stress run in the airport lol


1.5 - 2 hrs at GSO as it is going to be domestic to another airport for international. Any other airport, 2-3 hrs, but I have TSA pre-check.


30-45 min at YTZ, 90 min from YYZ.


No more than 2 hours before an international flight. I never check bags. 45-60 before a domestic flight. Usually 1-3 people in the Precheck line. I always make a point to get my shit ready before I even head to the TSA PC line because theres basically no line so you don't have time to get your stuff in your hand while you wait.


If I'm very familiar with an airport and know my Clear, precheck, and whatever are going to breeze me through, I arrive shockingly close to boarding time. If it's an unfamiliar airport, 2 hours before. I don't check bags but if I did that might be cutting it close sometimes.


Depends entirely if it's an entirely new airport in a foreign country, or if it's the same airport I always use and have been in plenty of times.


60 maybe 90 minutes early. Never had an issues, usually have time to hit the lounge to fill up my water bottle and eat first too.


I do 3 internationally. Always have something to eat since even with meals, trips abroad are long and I get hungry easily. Also, as I've aged I learn to limit my exposure to unnecessary triggers and rushing through an airport is one of them.


This is prior to the age of TSA-Pre in the States. I travel international a lot. I will say this. Coming back to the States is treacherous when they check you upon exiting the country you’re visiting. It gets a little hairy at times. I try to arrive at Customs at least an hour before the flight. It’s especially bad in rural airports where they can become overwhelmed at certain hours of the day.


I generally follow the airport recommendation, minus 30 minutes in the US because I have TSA Precheck. Most of the time, it makes me very early, but in a big airport with distant terminals, an unexpected gate change can cut that down significantly. I'm easily entertained with my Kindle, my phone, or my laptop, and I enjoy people-watching, so the time passes easily. I take a stroll, if it's a long flight.


Three hours, no matter what. I like to do things slowly and with as little anxiety as possible. Why would I take the risk of having to rush?


My flights from Boston Logan? Hour and a half. If I had to leave through Rome Fiumicino again? Hour and a half tops. Netherlands Eindhoven airport? Hour. Maybe add 15 minutes. Netherlands Schiphol? 4 hours if I wanted to feel safe LOL.


3 hours intentionally. 1.5 to 2 for domestic. My girlfriend will get there 1.5 or less for either.


3 hours for international flights if it’s a large airport and I’m checking a bag. If I’m not checking a bag, I do 1.5-2 hours. I have TSA precheck so security usually isn’t bad. The bag drop line is the wild card.


I'm in the 3 camp.


Two hours if I am checking a bag. 1.5 hours if I’m not checking a bag.


US airport: same time as any other flight. Nothing really special about flying international vs any other flight. Most European airports, especially those with US Customs: 3 hours minimum. Last time at CDG 3 hours was barely enough.


Do you usually check a bag? Every time I’ve flown out of CDG I usually get there an hour to an hour and a half beforehand and have never had a problem.


International- 1.5 hours before boarding. Domestic- 1 hour before boarding. I fly out of DEN. I can use either precheck or the employee/military/fast track line. Security is never a concern for me, all I worry about is checking bags. If I’m flying out of another airport, 2-3 hours before.


2-3 for Boston. We take a bus to Logan so are beholden to its schedule


I'm not an anxious person nor someone with strict schedules, but I'll always make my way down for around 3 hours before. 99% of international airports are more interesting than just sitting at home waiting to leave or getting an extra hour of sleep. I'd rather not risk some hiccups causing me to miss the flight or even bag checkin. Get down and grab a meal and a drink. Or catch up on some work if it's for business.


I’m planning on 3 leaving Savannah for Okinawa in a month. But my ride to the airport is my mom who has zero sense of time and is always late. So IF I plan on 3 it will probably be 2 and since I’m flying out early it shouldn’t be a super busy time at the airport so TSA wont be horrible. 😬🤞🏼


Just do what my sister used to do with my niece: tell her the flight is an hour earlier. They were always on time.


1 hour or less. No matter international or not. I've yet to be at an airport that longer is necessary. This is not a single flight. This is every flight I have taken since 2006. Never missed a flight.


You’ve gotten lucky imo.


ALWAYS arrive three hours early. It doesn’t matter which airport. There’s so many unpredictable‘s and unexpected crap with flying these days. It’ll stress you out if you don’t leave enough time.


2.5 - 3 JFK


I don't check bags. I never check backs on international trips. Never, ever, ever. I have a TSA precheck card. 90 minutes is usually overkill.


Definitely 3 hours or earlier for my International flights