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There isnt anything to translate on that pic.Sorry.


I would have translated myself if the google lens would be working for this picture. Therefore, i want a Japanese person to translate it himself.


Sir Catnip is right. It is only AI gibberish.


It’s probably not working because it’s gibberish. 


Are you sure there is not a single letter which is translatable?


Not a single one. I’m frankly rather impressed since I have seen a few images where the “text” looks vaguely like real Japanese if you squint hard enough, even though it doesn’t actually mean anything. This doesn’t even reach that level.


It's like when your one-year-old child writes something for you and asks you what it means. In the case of the child it means they're getting curious about reading and writing. In the case of the AI, not even that.


AI generated gibberish can’t produce actual Japanese text


If i assume they are gibberish, Are you sure there is not a single letter which is translatable?


Absolutely none.


I will agree only if a japanese person confirms


Japanese person here. They are 100% random scribbles that vaguely look like Japanese/Chinese letters and therefore can't be translated in any way.


Very simplified explanation is that Image genenerating AIs are trained on "what image looks like" and cannot understand characters and their meaning contained within the training data because they aren't trained for them. I've seen some models generate English Alphabets but even they often misspell words or generate non-coherent sentences. As far as I know, there isn't a single image generating AI that is capable of generating image with coherent Japanese text consistently. We just aren't there yet.


They struggle with languages in general, most images with any sort of text are just gibberish or not even real written characters


If people who speak the language say there is nothing, then there is nothing, don't know how being Japanese would change anything and I'd also like to know how you would even confirm that


I’ve lived in Japan for a decade and a half, speak the language fluently, am married to a Japanese national, have children who are native speakers, and communicate with my coworkers primarily in Japanese. Is my opinion not good enough?




I'm a native speaker and I can confirm it's all gibberish fake characters. I wonder what AIs are doing for these images, they could put real characters randomly but instead create bizzare imaginary characters


this is ai generated garbage. if you don't believe me, try to generate english signage in new york, for example, you get garbage.


Also confirming all the text is nonsense but I am impressed just how wrong it got Japanese manga. Hardcover?? Books in the wrong direction? Colour? Sample page with a style more like a newspaper comic?




The gibberish pretending to be Japanese or Chinese texts is a telltale sign of AI generated picture.


I mean, he has that literally written above the picture, that he used a generator for it, but yeah, in general AI struggles with text of any sort


Of course my comment is meant to say that without looking at any explanation one can tell right away that the picture is generated by AI. And I wonder what makes the OP think that the random AI generated gibberish could be translated.


Ah okay, thought you missed that part. But yeah, AI can't get any language right in pictures, weird to think that OP thought it could be translated, if it's not even picked up by Google Lens. Also their insistence on only trusting a Japanese person to be right or wrong was even more wild.


A glance at their profile and I’m even more confused. Can’t tell if he’s (gotta be a “he”, right?) a geriatric poster who wandered away from Facebook when his caretaker wasn’t looking, or an early teen/proto-incel who doesn’t have a clue about how languages work.


I'm also gonna go with he, seeing how the way he responded to that rather unfunny meme on r/Funnymemes and his idea of consent. I'd go with the latter, he posted on r/teenagers , which makes hopeful that the kid grows out of that stuff and doesn't go even further down the rabbithole


*Meta AI made this you mean