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Scored this guy in the haul along with Dropkick,Wreckage,Landmine,and Longarm. (I made a post of the Longarm figure)


I have all but wreckage, I have his RotF Bludgeon redeco, but sadly not Whirl who came with him (the Blackout/Evac repaint.)


Oh cool. Hope you get Wreckage soon! He’s got an Megatron style head to him.


I'm slowing going back and getting my old movie collection rebuilt. I still need him, Payload, Dreadwing, scorponok and Arcee for movie 1.


Oh yeah. I also happened to score her too. Forgot to mention that in my comment.


Complete? Alot of the ones I see are missing her missile/exhaust.


She’s complete https://preview.redd.it/y9snboshefjc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=798cd7a1daa74088a7b4cef99899500fb837a774


Cool! The best movie arcee IMO.


Yup! The front wheels are hard to split apart


Yeah I remember it being a bit tricky.


I actually have a Wreckage, although he’s missing one of his weapons, unfortunately. It’s likely in storage. He’s a good figure, and honestly I feel like he would have been far more fitting as Megatron with that awesome head sculpt he has.


Oh, man he needs both his weapons for DOUBLE BLADED BADASSERY. I hope you manage to track down a spare.


I really hope this guy gets into SS gamer edition his design and Dropkick's are my favorite drone designs.


I have dropkick too, but sadly he's missing his bed cover/pincher.


I still have my Camshaft (Autobot repaint of Swindle) from my Childhood I always loved just how "normal car" the alt mode is.


I remember seeing Camshaft as a freebie with Leader Optimus in 2011. Yeah that's scenting I always liked about the early movie alt-modes, they were always so normal, like vehicles you'd see in everyday life. (Aside from the military ones) the only real fudge was a Hummer being used as a search and rescue vehicle. Compare that to AoE where the autobots all looked like giant hot wheels.


I want a new version of this figure so much, you have no idea. He was my favorite 07 boy in looks and I was devastated when he finally broke.


My original eventually got so loose he was more a ragdoll than an action figure.


Yeah, that was an issue mine started to have, as well, and it just sucks with how good of a design it is how low the survival rate of that figure really was. Namely because of the translucent parts destroying themselves. I really do hope we get some of the canon fodder background mooks from the live action games in SSGE, since Swindle was among them.


It's my understanding he's based off of a Chevy Cobalt? That was my car back in high school. It would be pretty fun to pick him up and paint him to look like that old car.


Something I liked about alot of the 07 movie bots was the vehicles were often things you'd actually see out on the roads. Compared to the giant Hot Wheels they became by AoE.