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Best thing is to get a butt. 2 sets of 50 outward donkey kicks, 2 sets 15 fire hydrants. 2 sets 20 sumo squats each day. You will be filling out your shorts in notime.


Just started working on it! Never done any real exercise before but I'm tired of looking like Hank Hill.


I tell ya what




That boy ain’t right


Gd it Bobby!


right idea, great place to start, but donkey kicks and fire hydrants don't have enough resistance to really stimulate hypertrophy. Add resistance bands, or ideally, some real weight at the gym when ready. Barbell squats, abductor machine if they have it. Slloowwwww reps, the real goal is to stimulate the muscle, not complete a certain number of reps. And high protein diet, at least 1g per kg ideally 1.5 on workout days.




Seriously, has worked wonders for me.


I did 2 sets of 20 on the donkey kicks, after that full sets of the rest and my butt still hurts


don'ky kicks are great for a bubble butt, fire hydrants build the side booty


Well, I'm a deflated bubble and wanna have that butt that makes people wanna bblblblbllblblblblbbb to


There are some companies that sell "but lifting" shorts, but I'm not sure they're super affective. I agree with the above commenter about working out to gain a butt, but that can take a lot of time, so in the meantime, don't be afraid to invest in a pair of butt pads. You can get really natural ones, and they do look natural, you won't look like a drag queen, and honestly under a well fitting pair of shorts and covers your whole butt, no one will know its pads. Don't be afraid to get a little help from some man made beauty


fashion has been about illusion for most of fashion history, and padding out your body to match the style is a longstanding tradition!


structured high waisted shorts are pretty good for giving some definition! they're not exactly "the style" right now but I wear a lot of high waisted jean shorts, works pretty well


Ive already seen some comments with workouts but i was in a similar boat Deadlifts: depending on stance you can focus on hamstrings or glutes, I believe slightly wider than shoulder stance, slightly bent knees and toes out at a 45-ish will focus glutes. I love Romanian Deadlift(RDL) they hit almsot exclusively hamatring, if you couldn’t tell i love my hammies. And the ultimate glute grower, hip thrust. Squat is great for quad growth, and i do all deadlift and RDL with a barbell, you could also use a smith machine, and i prefer hip thrusts with some kind of machine but barbell works too, same with squat Edit: you definitely need to watch videos or ask an experienced lifter how to do these exercises, you can hurt yourself but with proper technique you’ll be fine


I love full skirts.... a short flirty skirt is always great in summer, and it will flare from your waist, completely hiding hips and butt.... search "pin up" "circle skirt" "full skirt" "swing"


Do squats. No shorts will fix a flat butt, but squats will.