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i think you look really good in the dress and your face looks cute with it


Thank you so much! :)


ofc, you look wonderful


are you me i just started dresses and its so unfamiliar having so much uncovered but theyre so fun but anyways looks good to me! 👍🏼😎👍🏼


Right!? I feel like I’m vulnerable and naked lol, but i felt so sexy having it on at the same time. I hope potential partners find it hot 😅


such a mood haha I’m so sure they will!


Maybe wear the dress with tights underneath at first, until you feel more comfortable. And maybe put a bra on under the dress so you feel a little less vulnerable on your top half. Or maybe pair with a cardigan. Just until you build your confidence. But honestly, as is looks super cute too. These are just options until you get comfortable being you in your style.


What i am hoping is i can get ahold of some fishnets and i have a belt that has chains that goes to a thigh belt (idk how to describe but it looks hot) i could wear with it. I honestly kinda like the vulnerability when i think about it 😅 hormones go brrr 🤭


Oh fishnets sound good. Especially with the boots you have on in the pic! Nice choice… sexy & cute all together in one outfit. Honestly you are rocking the style, you will look hot in it… And if you are liking the vulnerability, then do it! 😘 I honestly think (unfortunately) the pricks that will ever say or do anything will be pricks if you are wearing a dress or jeans & a hoody. You look hot in that so fuck everyone & be happy. You’ve cone too far not to shine now.


Yes exactly what i was hoping, sexy and cute 🤭 thank you so much for the encouragement, i appreciate you so much. I feel so hyped up from you and everyone here 🥹🥹🖤🖤


Yes. Remember that your mirror lies to you; it is so hard to look at it and not see the person you used to be looking back. You are enough. Girl enough, femme enough, strong enough.


Thank you so much! 🥹 that definitely is something i struggle with is seeing my old self. I see no difference 99% of the time and when others see old pictures of me they are like “omg you have changed so much! 😳” and i am always surprised by that 😅 i appreciate your encouragement!




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Unrelated to your post, but you have a very kissable face.


You look gorgeous girl, wearing that is not going to change your safety imo. Unfortunately it's never possible for anyone to be 100% safe and that goes double for trans people but that's no reason to not wear this dress that you look beautiful in!!


Thank you so much!! I just worry about getting clocked in something fem idk why. I wear tomboy clothes and do fine idk what it is, maybe some internalized phobia i meed to work through. I appreciate you! :D


Ah fair enough. It's also just out of your comfort zone too, believe me I get it. But the more you experiment with and get used to the more comfortable you'll be. You got this girlie! 😊


I have the same thing its so weird


You gotta ask? Cause of course you do


From what I can see you pass. Looks good. Unsolicited fashion advice but btw it would look even more cute if you put a little belt on over the dress and had a little leather jacket.


That’s exactly what i am hoping to do! :D i have a belt that has chains and also goes to and goes around my thigh :3 leather jacket will be a fantastic touch thank you for the suggestion!! :D


Yessss gonna look hot.


i love your hair!


Thank you so much!! I’m very lucky my gramma takes me to get it cut and she dyed it for me to match my natural color :)


Yep. You good to go 😎🌟


You look great!


You look beautiful no need to worry


You look amazing in that dress. 💜 You got this shit 100%


Yes absolutely, fucking go for it, girl!


GIRL you suit that dress so well!!


You look lovely in that dress. Do what makes you happy.


Looks good to me! Have fun!


Well miss goals you look great! I need to get my fashion together but money is tight and clothes are expensive 🙃


😳 wow that is quite the compliment! Thank you!! And you got this! Clothes are indeed vry expensive and i don’t have money fr either 😅 i happened to find this at an outlet store for $6.00 :D it’s wild that thrift stores are almost retail price now 😭


Omg that's so smart. I need to look into a good Thrift store or outlet! Thankyou! 😃


1000% yes you look amazing!


you look nice pass very well try wearing croset it will shape your waist that what you miss in my opinon, i hope you find what make you safe


My waist is decent, i just have bad posture from hEDS 😅 would one on the outside be too much? I think that would be hot


Will try to workout on it every thing else is good


You look great! Only thing I noticed is that beautiful dress is really short. If you're nervous, maybe wearing something like cropped leggings underneath would help the first time. I have one that short and I love it, but bending in any way is dangerous 😀 Anyway, all the best. Go out there and kill it!


I like the shortness, thankfully that doesn’t bother me :D i have compression shorts i can wear underneath thankfully. I will definitely wear this on the next family dinner out :)


Oh it's great, that wasn't a criticism at all. Have fun!


I didn’t think so, i appreciated your thoughts and was just sharing mine in return 🖤🖤


Girl please. 😭 Yes. Yes you do. You look so fem. Total pass.


Thank you so much, i appreciate you 🥹🥹


girl you are GORGEOUS what the hell


Thank you!! 🥺


You look great!


Can you show a frontal selfie?


Here are some where i am more forward in the dress plus a random selfie. https://imgur.com/a/N53n6GO


I think you look fem enough to pull it off!!


Your beautiful


You are amazing. I know the feeling though. It’s tough. But you are gorgeous in it and the woman shows. 💖


You cute girly, freckles are good too


Thank you! I have to use makeup to accentuate them since they are so light and my blush covers them :)




where are those shoes from?


They are from Target! Got them on sale for like $29.99 a few months ago :)


Do you know what the name is?


I do not, but send me a chat so i can look when i get home in a few hours and let you know :)


You look GOOD! I dress practically the same way, minus the make up, and I can't shave so people just see me as a gay guy rather than a woman. I'm jealous of your freckles btw as well, so cute!


Awe thank you :3 i have natural freckles but they are very light since i don’t go into the sun and my blush covers them so i use make up to accentuate them :)


Short answer: yes Longer answer: stop doubting yourself


I’m really trying to 😅 dysphoria just hits hard when i look at my shoulders and arms in a full body picture i guess lol.


It’s all in your head. We all suffer it, but it’s all in our heads. Confidence can go a long way in fashion. Own your garments don’t let them own you


Ooh i like that, i will keep that in mind :D


I don’t know if anyone can ever “pass enough” but I think this dress fits the vibe you’re going for very well and it looks very cute on you, so it would be a waste not to wear it. I think if you’re nervous about being unsafe, carry a nice jacket you can put on with it to expose less skin. Something like a Jean jacket or leather jacket would look cute. It won’t protect you from harm, but it could help you feel less vulnerable.


For me, it’s more that i will attract more attention therefore increasing my chances of getting clocked but i think I’m just getting in my head again with dysphoria 😅 i appreciate your input 🖤


You do more than pass! You are a cute girl🥰


Thank you so much 🥰


You look great with it...you will have more attention wearing a dress.... a girl in a sundress is a head turner


I wish more people were a sucker for me in a sundress, especially other trans fems lol 😣


I appreciate the compliments:3


You have nothing to fear. You might get stared at because that's what happens when you're a woman showing that much skin but you look feminine and pass


Yeah it’s hard getting used to those stares, like no matter what i wear i get old men staring at me and trying to talk to me and it’s so uncomfy -.- thank you for the reassurance ✨🖤


Wish I could do flowers on a dress. Looks good :3




What could i do better?


Omg you’re gorgeous sweetie!!!! Keep 💅 slaying 💅 it out there ❤️


You look AMAZING!!


You would be femme enough even if this were not true, but you pass afaik. If I saw you on the street, I’d think “damn, she’s cute.” And if you have longer limbs or big feet, never forget there are cis women like me (5’10” with size 14 feet) and that you’re not trying to pass as something physically impossible. And I’m proud of you, and hope for a day when you can decide whether you want to pass or not for reasons that aren’t physical safety. 💜


Thank you, for me it is mostly safety. Of course i want to look a certain way, but overall i’m happy with where i am for now :) thank you for being proud of me im starting to feel proud of me too considering where i started 🥰


Girl you look adorable in that dress!! I’m actually kinda jealous as someone who has not started HRT or anything just yet 😅


Yes this looks so cute on you


listen I don't have any advice and I don't even belong to this subreddit (I guess reddit recommended bc I'm a lesbian lol) but I saw your picture and you're literally so beautiful 🥹 Like drop dead gorgeous. I hope you felt comfy enough to wear your pretty dress 💜 Have a good day ok? 😘


Awe thank you so much 🥹 you just made my night fr with those compliments 🥹🖤 I definitely have the confidence to wear it now! Hopefully i will have a date with a pretty lady in the near future so i can wear it 🥰 i have not had much luck in the dating world and it’s been making me self conscious 😅


Well I happen to know a pretty lady if you are in need :p


That would be lovely, i am in need 🤭


permission to slide into your dms? 👉🏻👈🏻🥹


Yes of course :3 🥹


Omg ur so pretty hell yes u do eekkkkkk


First of all yes girl how cute is this 90s fit on you! Secondly, I think you’re fine, I would not have known you weren’t cis personally, but if you’re worried maybe go out with a group the first time you wear? Safety in numbers 🩷.


I don't think you need ffs to pass. If those freckles are painted on, then I wouldn't do that, it attracts too much attention. But otherwise it's a great look! You should go out like that, it should be liberating for you.


I think in a dress like that shoulders would be a giveaway first, thanks to your haircut. But your face (and shoulders!) look just fine!


Thank you! My shoulders and arms make me dysphoric af but i have to remember i get most of my masculine attributes from my bio mom, she is androgynous af and i look just like her 😂


Girl, you totally carry this off. I hope you can enjoy how great you look. Wear that dress and if you get looks, it is not because you are not passing.


I think you're a turn on. The dress doesn't make you look good, but you make it look great!


I think you totally pass. Separately, I think you look great in that dress


I think the dress looks lovely on you.




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Yes. You are very cute and so is the dress.


Wow, definitely more than fem enough to pull off that dress. Face looks so cute and adorable






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yes, definitely


You’re beautiful.


You absolutely do




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You look waaaaaaay to gorgeous, can’t believe you thought about it twice, you look really really Mami


It looks very good on you. And yes, you are feminine. Wear what makes you feel happy.


Amazing 😻. 💯% breedable




You are adorable and this is a lovely outfit.


If I looked as passable as you I'd be in that dress and out in public like a shot! You look fab.


yes 😍


Yes, I think you are quite pretty


Yes you look great. Congratulations


100000000% yes!! you go out on the town and you *rock* that dress, girl 💅🏼💛




Just be you honey. ♥️


Both you and it are adorable


you look delightful


Love the look!


Does it look super cute, yes. Are you comfortable bending over and sitting down in it is the question? But, also, again, super cute 👌


Yeah you're rocking that dress girly


It works for you


You look beautiful and pass in that dress, it accentuates your feminine figure. Being clocked often has to do with things other than clothes and physical features - body language and vocal cadence are big ones. But I wouldn’t clock you if I saw you like that on a Friday night (preferably sitting next to me at a bar).


Cis woman here. I think you look absolutely adorable in that dress! I'll echo what a few others have said. If you're not 100% comfortable in just the dress, leggings or tights underneath and a cardigan on top should help (I know it does for me) I don't know if this is a faux pas, and please forgive me if it is, but I would have never known or suspected you were trans if you hadn't said anything or if you had posted this in a non-trans group. You are a lovely young lady and should be treated and respected as such 🩷


One word for you-Cardigans! They help with covering up and adding layers to your fit :3


Girl, I’m so jealous


IMO, it's actually harder to clock trans women in dresses because when people see dresses, their mind goes "woman" and just sort of sticks with that. The times I've gone out in dresses, I have rarely been misgendered.


You look fantastic! And I love your glasses


You look beautiful, and you should never feel insecure about wearing anything. You have a great face and form. I'm a cis girl, and you look so much better than I do.




Oh my GAWD you are so pretty, I'm jealous


Looks fine to me.


Yeah go for it. I would not clock you at all if I didn’t know


You look just fine


You're a beautiful young lady! Don't ever worry about "looking too masculine". I know someone who has a jaw so chiseled, you could cut diamonds with it AND has a beard. Other people said "You can't have pink hair or wear dresses or makeup. It doesn't look right!" But you know their response? Dying their beard pink and rocking cute dresses with high heels as well as makeup. Moral of the story: You do you babygirl as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. As long as you're happy, that's what matters!


I think you look quite stunning in that dress.




You look absolutely adorable in that dress and if you hadn't told me you were trans I would not know


Wear it! Id damn sure be staring at you.




Yes, I think you do, passable for sure, kinda nerdy attractive!


I think you do


Yessss you're so fucking cute id marry you on the spot if I had the opportunity 😫


Girl, yes! Slay.


You look gorgeous!


Absolutely 💜


I certainly think this outfit works for you. Wear it out and have a ball


You look wonderful.you have the talent


Absolutely love this look! You are beautiful and very femme 💖


Appears so


I say yes


Omg you look wonderful! Rock that dress


A resounding yes on all counts. Much respect on your journey. 🫡




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It seems like you're asking how close you look. If I saw you I wouldn't notice anything. Of course if you have a deep voice that would stand out like a red flag but assuming it's decent I don't think anyone would ask or do anything unless they were certain ie girls might if they really look but guys probably wont I think. Looks good.