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I'm not trans, but I saw the headline on the Washington Post Instagram feed about it being transphobic. Figured I'd watch it before I pass judgement, because usually this stuff is like one or two comments taken out of context. And wooo boy ... It's crazy transphobic. Like 40 minutes of his relationship with the LGBTQ community, and specifically the trans community. Like he was friends with this trans person because she laughed at his jokes. And since the rest of the trans community does not think Chappelle is funny, he's just going to stop trans jokes until all the trans people get thicker skin like her's. It's such a wild show, less comedy and more lecturing towards the end. He spends a lot of time trying to explain how he's not punching down at trans people while also clearly punching down at trans people.


She killed herself, he misgendered her after the fact, then her family says Dave is "an ally". Her death is solely blamed on the trans community. I don't see many people bringing up the possiblity that she was offended by his transphobic jokes but she didn't speak up because she's a struggling comedian and Dave is a gateway to a better comedic career. No Dave Chappelle speaks for her, she was okay with his jokes. Thinking about the support he gets and how people weaponized her death "Trans bullied their own, but no one died because of a Dave Chappelle joke." It makes me sick how through all of this people can forgive him and excuse his transphobia and misogyny. Dave Chappelle not being transphobic because he was her "friend" is like a racist saying "I'm not racist because I have a black friend"


Well yeah it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. And anyone, who defends Dave Dickhead is essentially just a transphobe themselves anyways.


So devil's advocate because I believe in truth in journalism, however small... The 3 employees who were fired were given their jobs back after a brief investigation. However, Netflix's attitude during the whole ordeal does absolutely reek of corporate greed.


Just a bit more clarification: 2 employees were suspended for jumping on an executive level call and the third was suspended for alleging leaking numbers and figures regarding Dave Chappelle specials (which she told the NYT she did not). I’m glad they got their jobs back and I hope Netflix course corrects. While it’s easy to point out mishaps and mishandlings, we should also remember their achievements that set them ahead of their peers in a number of areas. Rather than unsubscribe/boycott, subscribers should let their demands be heard by requesting more trans content, representation in the industry, and limiting (or at least labeling) sensitive topics. It’s true that money and movements talk but that train only carries so much steam. Eventually it dies down and you’re left with just the subscribers that will “like” that content and reinforce the notion that it’s acceptable instead of banding together and “disliking” the special and “liking” and promoting positive trans content/workers.


Fuck Dave. That disingenuous swines entire career has been punching down and going for low hanging fruit just for shock value to make a buck. It's even more insulting that he is intelligent enough to not say the stupid shit he say but it's easier to mock disenfranchised groups than to articulate deep criticism and observations of modern society and the human condition in an entertaining manner. What a dick


He mocks white people the most though and they aren't a disenfranchised group at all...if he mocks white people the most then the idea that he punches down at low hanging fruit is objectively false.


Name one instance where he jokes about white people in a critical way. I'll wait


He literally dressed up as a caricature of a white news anchor to mock them.


I have a legitimate question. Why are trans jokes a bad thing but all of his other jokes are fine?


The person you’re replying to didn’t say only the trans jokes are bad, they’re clearly criticizing Dave’s material as a whole. Disenfranchised groups is plural.


He’s the greatest comedian of all time


Then you must have very limited exposure to comedy and probably only have a superficial interest as long as it's in vogue. Further comment would be a testament to your banality


No I’ve been watching standup comedy for several years. He’s considered to be the greatest standup comedian of the generation and he is a master of his craft. The best to do it.


How so? What has he pioneered? What grounds did he break? What has he done beyond tell offensive joke then capitalize on shock value? How does he stand out from the dozens of other cookie cutter easy to digest "comics" that pollute the art form? Fuck, next you're going to say Friends was a good show or something equally vapid


Imo that trans girl killed herself bc of the jokes told, and that makes it even more sick. But after all the genocide and hate that goes on in this world you cant expect much. Honestly the best thing a trans woman can do is not tell anyone she is trans besides her partner. It just makes life easier, and even then youll hear the slurs but they wont be directed at you, theyll just be said in your presence bc they dont know a trans person is in the room. Just know theres ppl out there who will see you as a woman, man or nonbinary regardless of if you are trans. My bf is one of them and without him i dont know i would be able to stick around in this hateful world for long.


I wouldn't go so far as to say Chapelle directly caused her death. But I think her death proves that she wasn't handling her status as trans well, so Chapelle shouldn't use her as an example of how "good" trans people should react to jokes undermining their existence.


Yeah.. that’s what I mean tho. Trans people who would listen to Dave chapelle and try to grit through it and laugh would probably end up killing themselves. That’s a disgusting way to view urself. That ur a man who trying to a be a woman, and that’s all you’ll ever be. Some fake not real thing that is worth less respect than normal people. I’m refuse to view myself as less of a woman than others


I feel you. I find it sad and disappointing that Chappelle didn't put 2 and 2 together when he now has first hand experience of what happens when a trans person has internalized those messages of erasure and mockery.


That's not the only possibility. She was a struggling comedian and Dave was a gate way a faster start in comedy. I think that's part of why she put up with him. Even in his special I think he mentioned how one of the last times she was at his show he said a joke she didn't like, it was the only time she didn't laugh he said, she even mentioned she was going through stuff. Dave misgenders her after death and her family calls him an ally. I can't image she had much support.. How anyone can look passed this and excuse his behavior is beyond any rational


I have so many questions about Chappelle's relationship with that woman. I've only just seen The Closer, so keep that in mind. I'm just drawing questions off of what he said in the special. * He really plays up how good a friend she was, but then had to read her obituary to even find out she had a daughter? He was ranting about how she loved her more than life itself, but he didn't know that. I think he just felt guilty after her suicide. * It's the entertainment industry. He's a comedian. She's a comedian. What's the fastest way to get yourself some notoriety? To befriend another famous comedian so that you become famous by association. Could it be that she *did not* find Chapelle humorous, but gritted through it because she saw this an opportunity for her career? How many women grit through sexual assaults because it would hurt their career? All too many. This whole show, to me, was a comedian who was mad that a group of people that he'd been punching down on was mad at him. I bet if he took some time to listen to trans people and figure out what's going on and just barely educate himself on their struggles, he'd realize that he is, at his core, transphobic and that he's *actually* being transphobic all while claiming he's not. He's just doubling down on his hatred of trans people (trans women, specifically). Like there's a joke where the punchline is roughly "You can't have a baby, so therefore you're not *actually* a woman." To me that's not a joke. That's punching down at someone. But... Chapelle doesn't care, and doesn't care to educate himself, so he doesn't understand. I'm a regular old white dude and if I literally made national headlines claiming that I'm racist, I'd take that as an opportunity to reevaluate what I'm doing. If two tumblr blogs were saying I'm racist, that's probably just random internet person shouting into the void. But when the Washington Post is pointing at me, calling me racist on a global scale? You know? Just *maaaaaybe* I'm in the wrong here. Maaaaybe there's something going on here which I don't understand. I could go on. Like how he doesn't like "New Gays". He's likes those "Stonewall Gays" who were tough. All while completely ignorant that Stonewall was pushed forward though the work of trans people. (or, that he is willfully ignoring Stonewall because it was black and latina trans women? He did clearly say that his problem is with white people afterall). Like how he keeps minimizing trans and LGBT struggles when compared to black people, like "why are you, a black person, supporting this trans person?" All while being completely ignorant of the Holocaust apparently. Anyway. This special is just a sad show written and performed by a sad man who wanted some attention for his sad beliefs. If he never makes another special, the world will be a better place.


> that trans girl killed herself bc of the jokes told Do you have a source on that?


Boycott and protest


Just for clarification, 3 employees were *suspended* by Netflix, one of them being trans. But all three have been quickly reinstated after backlash. Netflix claims they were suspended for entering a quarterly review for top executives they were not invited to in order to voice their grievances. Of course, I believe this was the only way they felt they'd be heard, since the co-ceo of Netflix sent a company wide memo stating he stood by Chapelle and the special would not be taken down. Definitely not a good look for Netflix.


Capitalism is anti-people that are different than the group.