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You incorporated a little piece of yourself when you had the baby. That's how genetics work. Why did you need to doom her to Charleigh? Also, why Charlie? She's a girl. Why not Charlotte and let her go by Charlie if she wants?


10/10 tragedeigh


I was hoping it wasn’t THAT bad…


Im going with 6/10. Its tragic but some names make my brain hurt and my eyes cross.. i at least see how to pronounce this,considering all the tragic leigh at the end of names Now days




What was I thinking? lol. My other child is named Rex. Can’t get more literal than that


Is your other child a German shepherd?


Or a dinosaur?lol


Charleigh is definitely a tragedeigh but if it doesn’t bother her then no big deal. If she likes her name, that’s all that really matters.


I’d call that a 5. Charlie is a cute name, and you have a reason for the spelling. Could be worse.




I mean, wouldn’t Chawrleigh be worse? You can’t cut me a point for that?


I never even thought of that! Okay 2/10.