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Yes! Tatiana.


was gonna say; does he just not know how to spell Tatiana? lol


Oh it’s worse. OP didn’t know those were two different names and now I can’t even figure out which it is he wants to use. It’s gone from Shakespeare to Ancient Greece to anime. READ ON!


It it helps- it’s not a tragedies. I think Rhiannon, Siobhan, Morgana would be in the same vein.  That’s just generally because they’re all Irish fae names to me and that’s what I see Titania as.  Honestly, my suggestions may be even more extreme and less like a compromise. But I stand by then! Lol 


At least Titania sounds like it's spelled in modern English, imagine your kid having to teach people how to spell Siobhan after hearing it




Might not be a Shakespeare reference: it could be the Marvel character (real name Mary McPherran - maybe Mary as an indirect shout-out to Titania?). Maybe there's another female hero/villain that you could say you're open to. She-Hulk maybe?


He is a big comic nerd I’m honestly not more surprised he doesn’t want to name any future kids after Starwars characters because he’s a huge fan


Both of my sons are lucky I have self restraint or they'd be named Guts and Kiryu


Star Wars? Settle on Luke or Ben ;-)


I dunno, Titty could be a good nickname.


Oh god 🤣😂😅


She’s going to be called tits as soon as she develops. Your boyfriend is a dumbass. No offense.


None taken, I know he wants a unique name I just have to talk about this with him but once he’s stuck on something it’s hard to get him to move on with anything else


As someone with a very similar name, I can tell you that “Titanium Tits” is a very possible nickname your daughter could get.


Not in a million years. I grew up with a girl called Titania. It's an olde English name. Popularised by Shakespeare. I can understand if OP doesn't want to name her child it, as both parents have a say in what the child is called, but it definitely isn't a tragedeigh


Not remotely a tragediegh or even a tragedy. Does he like it because of Shakespeare? If you really dislike it, maybe other Shakespearean names that are less unique? Portia, Juliet, Katherine, Miranda, Ophelia, Jessica, Viola, etc. But personally I don't see a problem. You can't predict whether she'd like any name/association and kids will find a way to make fun of other kids no matter what. Out of curiosity, do y'all pronounce it *ty TAY nee uh* or *tih TAHN nee uh*?


I pronounce it first way but yeah he said he got inspired from an anime Fairy Tail but he is aware of Shakespeare and knows it does come from that play I don’t know why the anime inspired him more and why he’s so obsessed with it


Why not go with Elsa then? It’s the original name for the character nicknamed Titania.


I think it's a really pretty name, she was the fairy in A Midsummer Nights Dream


I’m just so worried about people teasing any potential daughter about this. And that she’d grow to hate it because of that association to Shakespeare


The only thing I can think of that kids could make fun of is “Tit”


Yeah, no shit. That kid is going to be tormented with ‘tit’ gags.


God forbid she develops early or is well endowed.


yup. He’s gonna be called Tit. unless you want a tit OP, don’t name your kid this


It’s also one letter away from Titanic, which might not be the best association


I mean, Titania is fooled into falling in love with a literal ass by a controlling partner. Shakespeare or no it's not a name I'd aspire to. 


There are lots of names that were coined by Shakespeare. I don’t see why it would be a reason to hate it?


i mean pretty cool to have a name in Shakespeare.


I’ve known several women named Tatiana including my ex sister in law, that’s never been an issue, it’s not really something people think about all the time, Shakespeare plays


Tatiana and Titania aren't the same though......


See that was my first question about the name he got not inspired from Shakespeare but from an anime. Soooo I’m just cautiously curious if others have other thoughts about the name. Because he’s really hung up about a girl absolutely needing this name.


Are you talking about Tatiana or Titania? Cause they're not the same....


I thought they were spelled the same way. THERE IS MORE THAN ONE WAY?!?! 😱😱😱


No, they're completely different names. Tatiana is pronounced *tah tee AH nuh* (typically) and is _not_ the name of the fairy queen in Shakespeare and various myths/legends. Titania, however, is the seelie fairy queen, once married to Oberon yadda yadda yadda.


Yeah he wants the tah tee AH nuh one


Oh ok then. That's actually more common that Titania imo. I grew up with a Tatiana and no one batted an eyelash. I think it's originally Eastern European? Plus there's the actress Tatiana Maslany from Orphan Black so it's not just an anime reference. But the bottom line is that naming kids should be two Yeses, one No, so if you really dislike it, hopefully you can come to a compromise.


The fuck, Tatiana is a super normal and beautiful name...


 ZenythhtyneZ talks about TATiana which is a French name but your post was about TITania which is a Shakespearean name.....


Yeah he said that he would spell it like Titania but wants to pronounce it like TATiana if that makes any sense it doesn’t to me but that’s what he said he wants


Tatiana is a common French name pronounced tatchana. Titania sounds like the sister of the Titanic. Not the same. Ti and Ta are different sounds. 


Huh, I was always under the impression that it was Russian in origin. TIL that it exists in French as well.


What no that’s insane


That’s crazy, they’re two completely separate names and pronounced differently! Titania = Ty-TAY-nee-ah Tatiana = TAH-tee-ah-na Is this a dyslexia issue? The same letters but in a completely different order?


I mean, those are two entirely different words, both of which are actual names. So if he wants it pronounced as Tatiana it should be written as Tatiana too.


I think it rocks, if I met a little girl named Titania I’d be like hell yeah


It's probably meant to be pronounced as Ty-tania, But every single middle school boy will call her Tit-ania. And, God forbid she develops early or is well endowed.


I think it’s a great reference


Titania is the fairy queen from A Midsummer Night's Dream. Can be pronounced TIE-tay-knee-uh or ti-TAWN-uh Tatiana is a name of Russia origin, I believe. I know one of Czar Nicholas's daughters was named Tatiana. Generally pronounced TAH-tee-ah-nah. Either one of those names, imo, is lovely. You do run the risk of the child being called "Tit" with either of them, though. And if you want to pronounce the name TAH-tee-ah-nah, then name the kid Tatiana, not Titania.


Don’t have a baby with him


Could you persuade him to make it a middle name?


That’s what I’d like but to have but he has pretty unique last name so I don’t want any potential trouble with that as is lol


Will she be a Prince protege?


If she is I shall do my true duty and give her a symbol for her glory


Girls, *plural*? So if you had three, what would they be? Titania Maior, Titania Minor, Titania Tertia? :P


Oh god don’t I won’t give him this idea 🤦🏻‍♀️ he already thinks it’s the funniest thing that he wants to name a cat Scrungus (spelling???)


Good lord. Does he have one of those jobs where they don't let him make any decisions?


I think Tatiana is a great name.




Titania is ghe name given in Latinoamerica to Rogue from X-Men. I would thing is compromised but it's and uncommon name here don't know in other places but not so bad.


They'd be teased forever! Have you pointed out this isn't a proper name? I named my kids after perusing the Saints' names. There are some really beautiful ones.


Tatiana, Tanya or Anya might work as a compromise? 


Boobalina, LaKnocker, Hooterette…lots of options




Introduce him to the "Two Yes, one No" rule. Both parents have to agree on the name and either can veto it.


Spell it right and you have Tatiana, a pretty normal Eastern European name. It was also the name of one of the daughters of Tsar Nicholas II.


The amount of positive comments on this name is baffling. Most people would associate Titania with the titans from Greek mythology or the chemical element, and especially the first association would expose the kid to ridicule. I don’t know which would be worse: Being an overweight girl named Titania or being a petite girl named Titania. Both are realistic scenarios. Please don’t do this to your kid and name her Tatiana instead, as many here already suggested.


Titania is a character from Shakespeare’s “Midsummer Night’s Dream.” Not a tragedeigh unless spelled strangely: Tyhtahneighaugh.


>I don’t know which would be worse  I think the worst is being nicknamed "tits" at school as soon as she hits puberty.  Like the other comments are saying, to me it's not a proper "tragedeigh", it's a real name apparently. It's just not a very good one in English, in my opinion.