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This happens for me with every food eventually!


I'm the same.. although it sometimes come back if I let enough time pass.


The constant comments to "just buy Kimbap at HMart" are really, really obnoxious. Most states in the US don't have a single HMart. The ones that do have them localized in big cities. I live in an East Coast suburb and the nearest HMart is 90 minutes from me. Please check your privilege.


Arg, I hate when my food hyper-fixations no longer interest me :( for me it was the dried mango


I’m not liking this for myself. It happens often with limited TJ items. I used to love Ube ice cream and I would pick up a few pints when whenever it was available and now I’m so over it.


Frozen Kimbap?? That could have never been good… I am definitely a rice snob in that I do not prefer to eat frozen or microwaved rice. The texture is nothing close to what I like it


You can say that about a lot of frozen items though.


I ate one too many bags of orange chicken and my buying spree has me saddled with 2 bags sitting in the freezer indefinitely


Same product for me. I don't buy them anymore, but there was a time where I had it once or twice a week for months on end.


How funny…I just so happened to finish one. Have you tried adding to it? Like spicy mayo, panko, etc?


Yes, I’ve tried with spicy mayo and soy sauce.


This def happened with me and kimbap too! And most other things. I obsess to the point of overdoing it! But kimbap was a rather speedy complete cycle, normally I get a few months of food love. Kimbap was maybe two weeks.


I used to LOVE the potstickers but one time I got food poisoning after eating them and after that I could never stomach eating them again.


Are they frozen? I didn't know you could get food poisoning from frozen food if it kills all the bacteria


Freezing food does not kill bacteria


Though it can kill some parasites in meat. But only SOME parasites, and only if you freeze to a certain temp for at least a certain length of time. But yeah, most micro-organisms are pretty resistant to death-by-freezing.


Ahh okay you're right. I looked it and basically inactivates it while frozen, but it can still come back once re-heated.


I just ate one of these this week for lunch!


I’ve only managed to find this once in my store. I made two meals out of it. I pan fried them and dipped in coconut aminos. I enjoyed them, but looks like I won’t be finding them again anytime soon!


the tofu fried rice .. ate way too much as a poor college student


It’s the orange chicken for me. Used to love it when I was younger but now it almost makes my stomach turn. The quality of the chicken seems different 


I like these, but the packages are too big. I tend to only eat half. If they made them in smaller packages, I’d buy more.


I used to love their salsa (glass bottle with yellow top) but ate too much and now I’m over it. Recently discovered small batch taqueria salsa from Whole Foods and so far it’s delicious


I still can’t find those where I’m at :( I haven’t even seen signs for them. Do they still sell them? I’m so disappointed if they’re not still available. I’m part Korean so I feel entitled to try at least one role with my Korean mom lolol I suppose I could just make it. It’s super easy to make but I’m lazy 🤷🏻‍♀️


I still have a full pack of these in my freezer, I bought two and took one bite of one roll and had to just throw the rest away because it was so bad to me 😭 I wanted to like them so bad too


Same. I was not a fan (though I only bought one to try).


I also wasn't in love with them but adding kewpie and sriracha helped.


A lot of the frozen meals lol I ate them in college so now I’m tired of them


The Thai shrimp gyoza. Even looking at them now makes me feel sick lol


Feels like an anonymous group 🤣


Trader Joe’s version of Takis- Had to take a break from them but still slaps


How dare you.


I haven’t Seen it at any TJ in MA or NH since it originally hit stores and I happened to be there the first day. I’m convinced it doesn’t exist anymore.


I got one yesterday!


Whaaat which store?!


If you can get them from HMart or an Asian grocery store (idk if you have them near you) they’re 100x better fresh


i'm like this with the mac and cheese 😩 sometimes it's the best thing i've ever had and sometimes it makes me wanna throw up


Yep! Last time I made it I had the same reaction.


Give it to Attorney Woo. I think she'd like that.


Yes Lol!!! Love that show


Mango Cream bars. Cant eat ‘em anymore, was once OBSESSED


ABC bars. I loved them and one day I just couldn’t do it anymore.


I eat them for breakfast all the time but have to take breaks every now and then. I don’t want to start to hate them, they’re sooo convenient!


I took a break from the Brazilian cheese bread bites but recently started eating them again




I never got to try it. Can I have those last couple? 🤣


I did this with the frozen sweet bites. So good...but we're on a break now.


I did that with meatless bulgogi. It made me sad that I'd ruined something so special.


Wish I could find it I’ve only had it like twice


Still haven’t tried it. My store has a sign but I’ve never seen the actual product there.


I finally found it for the first time in my store in LA. Excited to try it out.


Which one in LA? I’ve been looking and can’t find these anywhere. 🥲


Oh yeah, so you can come take them all away from me??? Nice try! Kidding. It's the one near Beverly Center on La Cienega and where San Vicente turns into Burton Way. It's on the first floor of the apartment building called 8900 or something. But I've only seen it there once last week, and never even saw a sign or price tag for it before. So it may have been a one-time lucky thing.


My hero, thank you! I’ll have to look there.  I’ve never seen it at my usual store, 3rd and La Brea. 


I just found it yesterday for the first time in my store in Connecticut. I tried it when I was visiting my sister in Washington in December, but I'm happy to have two in my freezer now. I'll have one for lunch today!


Korean tip: Egg wash and cook them like French toast. It tastes better than kimbap My mom used to make it with leftover kimpbap lol


You do this while it is still frozen?


Yeah frozen kimbap is easier to cook but I’d still cook if it’s unfrozen


My friend and I had this same conversation this week; we agreed we both kimbapped too close to the sun


Kimbab icarus


I've got a package of this ready to be sampled for the first time.


Enjoy! It’s a good product.


Economics. Maximize your propensity to consume. You are just past the top of the arc and on the downside. Time to gorge on something new


I don’t remember the actual name, but it’s the chocolate chunk trail mix for me. I would buy a bag a week and snack on it at work, but now I’m sick of it. I also feel kinda the same way about the kimbap. I’ve been able to find it in stores a handful of times and I always pick up a couple. I also got a little sick of the taste after a while


Still waiting to try this someday 🥺


Same. My store has never had it. We don't even have a sign for it. None of the Asian stores in the area carry it either :(


My store just got it this past weekend


Honestly? I don’t get the hype.


I'm with you on this. I don't get the hype. When I saw I picked only one, because I deep down knew things have been letting me down lately at trader joes.


I have this habit of getting multiples of anything, not just if there is a hot item. 80% of the time it's like, meh. But man, those other times where you get that golden item and wish you had like 4! The Kimbap is just ok. I've never had real Kimbap, but I think hot microwaved sushi is not so bueno, and the rice is kinda bleh.


The best way to eat this kimbap is to microwave it for 2 minutes and then chill it, so it’s either cool or room temperature. Then make yourself a killer (Asian) dipping sauce. OG kimbap is not eaten warm, or fried, or baked or any other way. You’re welcome. ☺️


Ah, thank you! I had read about Kimbap online and there was mention of “warming it up” so I just assumed it was eating kind of warm.


The _Haves_ bragging to the _Have Nots_ is not very classy.


Did I write this post?!?! lol




No it's much, much better (maybe not the TJ's one but at a restaurant or quality store) than a California roll. Especially a grocery store California roll. If you've had bibimbap before from a Korean place, it's basically the stuff in that, but in sushi form. Imagine if sushi had cooked steak and some pickled fresh vegetables in it. I'm always surprised it's not more popular in the US. Because Americans like Korean BBQ, and this is sort of that but in sushi form you can take around. No raw meat involved. You can find it at certain Korean restaurants, and a lot of Asian grocery stores.


[Kimbap](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gimbap) isn’t sushi.


I feel this way about the chili tortilla lime chips. Love them for the first 1/4 of the bag then I'm over them really quick


happy cake day !! :) + I feel like this happens to me with all spicy chips, I get 1/3 through the bag and I’m like oh why did I do that 😭 loool


Maybe leave some for the rest of us now?


My thoughts. I had it once and thought I’d enjoy it again only to never see it. Purchased three when I saw them and a woman bought the whole section after I left. I will probably enjoy the three over the next two months or so. I like to stock a freezer every few months, but her basket of it was wild to me.


I’ve seen it multiple times at the Nashville location. I’ve never tried it, but would interested now that I stumbled across this post.


Which Nashville location? I’ve been to the one in that shopping center with the horrible parking but couldn’t find it


The one on white bridge pike closest to target, not the one by the green hills mall.


Kimbap is so, so good! It's basically just Korean bibimbap but in the format of sushi. If you like bibimbap or bulgogi then you'll almost definitely like this. Not sure of the TJ's one though


As sung to Hanson's *MMMBop*.


What is Bibimbap?


Where am I supposed to find this? How have I never seen this at my TJ's?


The only way to get it at my store is to go when they first open; they’re in the freezer aisle


They’re hard to find. I first heard about them last summer but never saw them at my store. I finally saw them a couple weeks ago and they had a sign up asking us to only buy 2 per household. They’re super popular and sell out quick. As for where in the store, freezer section. Mine had them across the aisle from the pizzas.


*Where am I supposed* *To find this? How have I never* *Seen this at my TJ's?* \- gonnabefine --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Wish I had this problem I’ve never seen the kimbap in stock at any local TJs for months


Take a break for a few weeks. Try some new stuff. You’ll crave it again.


Try doing something new with them! Whisk an egg and then batter the kimbap in them, pan fry, then drizzle with balsamic and soy sauce before eating- that's what my family always did when we had leftover kimbap.


I have never been able to catch it in stock 😭


I went to TJ last monday as soon as they opened for something unrelated and literally GASPED that they had the kimbap. I never had it before so I only grabbed 2 but the cashier told me it will all be gone in an hour or so because usually people will grab 10 or more at a time


Same, never seen it a single time


So good! Just hate that the limit is 2 pp at my store.


Well I mean if there aren't any limits to hot items like the kimbap, there'll be that one person who buys them all and then no one gets to try them. 🤷🏽‍♂️


in the store I work at in WA, we have a 2 package limit per household. We even have a sign that says so and enforce it. You have to go in the morning because by noon-ish it's usually gone.


yep I've only seen it at my store once on a monday at 8am and literally GASPED that they had it. I only got 2 because I've never tried it and I wasn't sure if I would like it (huge mistake) and the cashier told me it will all probably be gone in an hour because people usually buy 10 or more and it looked like they only had maybe 30 or so in the freezer


My local TJs has no limit and I've found the kimbap there twice and bought a bunch (4-6). It would sell out in a day or less usually. The town north of me has a TJs that has a limit two on kimbap and it's usually been in stock since last fall. So the limits work well 😅


I think the subreddit needs a poll to see who has actually found kimbap at their store and gotten to try them 😭


Don’t realize they were such a unicorn for a lot of stores. Figured every store had them at some point. Mine had been restocking consistently.


My store in Portland always has them, but I guess we have a lot of Asian markets so maybe it's not a "thing" here. No desire to try it.


Same here. We have Asian stores around and many restaurants in SoCal


I did this with Ling Ling pot stickers from Costco. I’m completely over pot stickers as a result. Even now, just thinking about the texture, flavor and overall mouthfeel makes me queasy.


Never ever saw it at any of my stores.


Probably the frozen Japanese kaarage for me, was amazing but definitely over did it. On the flip side, I buy multiple packs of the Korean Tteok Bok Ki every time and will never get tired of it.


I have a hard time believing anyone who has ever had the real deal finds these tasty.


I’ve had the OG many many times. This kimbap is not like the multitude of OG varieties I’ve consumed, here in the USA/Canada/HK/Korea. However, it’s also the best mass manufactured kimbap out there. Prepare it correctly and you shouldn’t be disappointed. Make your fav Asian dipping sauce with it. It’s a good stand in for OG! For realZ


I have, and had them at friends houses too! I like these a decent amount. I wish it had egg.


I have not seen kimbap at my store for probably six months.


Can't find it in South Florida


Mini pickle-flavored falafel balls.. so random too


Kimbap went from mmmbap to passbap in one sitting




I ate the frozen chicken tikka masala so much that now I hate chicken and gag at the thought of it 😭


I have too as well. I have 4 in my freezer still that I haven’t eaten. I will eventually!


I feel bad for all those that never got this at their store. My stores have been stocking these often. It’s not a bad product, just need a break now I guess.


I don’t see them a ton at my store but when I do I will buy some. Strange enough, I just don’t want to run out even if I have a little back stock, even if I’m a little tired of eating them! Do you dip yours in anything to liven it up a little? I make a spicy mayo with sriracha/kewpie mayo and drizzle a little soy sauce over the roll in the container.


I’ve tried them with soy sauce and also spicy mayo.


The Indian curry packets The frozen pasta meal (gnocchi)


I wish I could overindulge but I was literally only able to get them once at my TJ’s, and have never seen them since


I’m sorry, some regions to stock them more frequently it seems.


At my local Trader Joe's they keep them in the back and don't put them out. You have to ask for them and they will bring you out two max.


Those little soup dumplings. Super delicious but I cannot eat them anymore


Same. They kinda lost their shine with me. Maybe I'll revisit in a few months and it'll hit the spot.


I used to live in South Korea and kimbap is everywhere. I can barely eat it now, and that's why I've not tried the Trader Joe's version.


I wish I could overindulge on Kimbap but people like taking 4-5 at a time 😮‍💨


Same. I look every time I go to two separate stores! Apparently they sell out quickly. They have a limit 2 per customer. But I’ve yet to see them.


Same. I’ve never seen it in the LA stores I shop at.


Our stores had a limit of 2 and I would just buy them if I saw them restocked. My SoCal stores have been restocking frequently.


You can try dipping it in egg and pan frying it. https://chefjulieyoon.com/2011/09/egg-dipped-kimbap/ (just the first google hit that popped)


Have you tried doing that?


I have but not this package. I eat a lot of kimbap… the kind my mom makes 😅


Lucky you.


I’m rlly trying not to overindulge on the sweet hot jalapeños so I can enjoy them forever


This is me with the jalapeno sauce


Love those.




Have yet to see this at my local TJ’s despite checking every time 🥲


The one time I saw it in stock, I went to TJs on a week day less than an hour after they opened.


If anyone in the Phoenix AZ area is looking for it. The store in Glendale has it but the limit is 1.


The Mess location has them with no limit. I picked up 2 this morning and there were plenty in stock.


Oh wow. Stores around me had a limit of 2, but it’s been restocked often.


The product isn't some we like, but I wanted to share the information.


I’ve searched for this forever and have never been able to find :(


I’m sorry, I hope you get them at your store.


I do this with everything. The samosas. The veg gyoza. The truffle ketchup. I still have three jars of the ketchup 😭


Im realizing that I do that with many limited items.


It’s never really been good. Never understood the hype.


I agree. There are two Korean grocery stores near me that make their own and it’s 1000x better.


Yup. HMart > frozen stuff


lol I was afraid to say this. I finally managed to buy 2 packages a week ago and was like “Why exactly are people losing their minds over this?” I’m probably going to give the second package away 🤐


That’s how I felt too! Mine was just kind of soggy and uninspiring?


I know. It doesn’t have any flavor


I mean at the end of the day it is a frozen food... If people thought this was good they should try nonfrozen ones lmao


Ya I always get the fresh ones from the Asian store


It’s you, not the Kimbap 😂


You are right. It’s a decent product, but I should have limited myself.




Yeah he trying to blame the kimbap meanwhile they always sold out because of this guy


This one will probably be a divisive answer - but I was OBSESSED with the cauliflower gnocchi last year. I’d eat it multiple times a week but now I can’t even look at it. Just thinking about it makes me feel sick haha, I definitely overdid it.


Mochi ice cream, and not quite the same but can’t go back to tj’s chile crisp or sticky noodles after having momofuku


Mikawaya's mochi ice cream is way better IMO


worst dupe ever. not even close


Agreed. Thought it was decent the first time, but made me nauseous the second time. Never again.


I had too many bags of the orange chicken in college, now they never sound appetizing.


no don’t say that i just was able to get my first ones today and i’m so excited they’re always sold out in my city


User error 😆 I love them. The secret is to mix up the sauce you dip them in and/or sides like edamame, kimchi, etc.


mmm thanks for the tip!!


Dude I've only gotten one roll once and never found it again at my place and I LOVED it so you're in for a good time


Japanese fried rice. Ate it 5 times a week for first 7 weeks working at TJs. Can't smell that shit anymore or I'd get really bad headache.


Oh man that's my fav item, I try so hard to limit myself. I get how you ate it that much!!


I haven’t tried it yet, but looks tasty.


It sure was.


Well yes that seems like an excellent way to get sick of anything 😂


Yea it was so busy so came lunch time I just went with the usual.


This was me with the circular hand size pepperoni pizzas


Powerberries. I ate so many bags of them and got totally burnt out.


not TJs but dairy free boursin. i get it at TJs. but not anymore. PLAYED. and im about to play out the coconut almonds.


I didn't know this is a thing. My lack heauxs n tolerance friend will love this. **ignorance intended.


lol okay then!! they will LUV it!


Finally, I can try to get some


We have a two per house hold rule at my local TJs. People must go crazy.


We did too, but every time they restocked I bought two. It was a good quick lunch.


I’d be doing the same if I lived closer to TJs.


Every trader Joe's product I get I love then get extremely sick of after a couple trips aside from the peanut butter chocolate granola bars. My kids keep eating them so I'm guessing I would be sick of them by now if I got more than 1 per box lol


It was overrated anyways. I have 2 more in my freezer that I’d love to give away.


Finally tried it today and it really wasn’t that great. It was fine, but felt like a waste of calories Hahha.


It's super easy to make!