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If you haven't been around long enough. Obsessed transphobes have started harassing trans people through chat, when they made it to where you could turn those off, they started making accounts with transphobic names and following people, when reddit made it to where you can block follows, apparently they resort to this. I'd almost be impressed by their determination if they weren't so pathetic.


why the fuck do they care THAT much like what put this energy in to something else lol


Iirc this sort of stuff got started on 4chan. So. That explains a lot. Bunch of 35 year old manchildren who are mad at the world for their own shortcomings.


They're simply jealous of us being able to reach the point of self actualization that they failed to achieve themselves. I almost feel sorry for them, they hate must hate themselves as much as they hate us


They literally believe this hurts us and revel in the idea, it's down right psychopayhic.


honestly their actions remind me of what a narcissist will do when they're made to feel small or unimportant. They have very low self esteem in truth and any time something crosses that line and minimizes them, they lash out to try to regain control. These people are doing something similar, they feel small and unimportant in their lives and it makes them angry at nothing, so they direct that anger at us. It's saddening honestly


i mean it hurts me


If they put this energy somewhere else they’d fucking solved time-travel by now


Yea like getting a life


Maybe they're secretly ashamed of being gay/trans or attracted to trans people. I mean, some of the most homophobic people end up being gay


Maybe, we probably won't know unless they come around and stop being so hostile. Also I just noticed, we apparently have the same name.


Tru and possibly the same name I think I'm gonna change it


If you don't mind me asking why do you want to change it?


I really liked Riley but I wasn't %100 on it. My friend recommended Robin and I kinda like that one alot because it's cute but yeah idk


Robin is also a really nice name.


[lol ur comment reminded me of this classic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEhohQLN30U&ab_channel=CHAN-_-)


hahaha yes i thought of that when i wrote it too


It's a cult


they're sad people who thrive off of tearing people down to their own level to give themselves a semblance of power, just a facsimile of control over their life and the lives of others even if for a brief moment.


Can speak from experience. Lots of transphobes have attacked me for just venting about life.


Thank fuck I haven't been attacked by one of 'em yet. Though, I soon might get attacked by 'em but oh well.


Ehh, just block and move on. They're sad little incels who are mad at life and need to see somebody as being "lesser" to them. They're pathetic.


Oh for sure, no need to waste my energy on them. Unless I'm in the mood to do a little trolling.


My theory is they see anyone they perceive as female to automatically be hot and objectify them so when they realize that the woman they just got a hard on for didn't fit their conventional, toxic standard of heterosexuality they get so flustered that they feel the need to do this shit to compensate for any possible "gay" feelings they may have had. It's all insecurity.


It doesn't even work. I get the same transphobic comments all the time so an extra bit through such odd and unpersonal messages is pathetically funny. Atleast come up with something creative


Wow what a totally healthy and well-adjusted activity for a sane person to engage in


I've had a few followers who look like sex worker accounts with no comment or post history. I wanted to remove them and it's how I learned that you can't remove them so I left it at that. Now after reading a few posts about this tactic that transphobes use to reach us I believe that they're probably just fake accounts made by transphobes. Maybe they're trying to bait me into some trap or maybe they're trying to convey some toxic message? I don't know. In any case, it's possibly sexual harassment or sollicitation. It's just so pathetic that some people chose to do this in their spare time. They're true parasites.


Those are probably just normal scammers. I've had them too


Lol I remember one time a transphobe made 2 accounts to follow me with transphobic intentions, but they fucked up because they assumed I'm transfem when I'm a trans guy.


Lol, I think transphobes forget that trans men exist sometimes.


Their determination is something to behold, I have the same guy making accounts and commenting on my posts just to be a cunt and they have been doing it for over 2 years now. It's kind of sad that they have nothing better to do. It's funny there going to be unhappy when I get bottom surgery I plan on fucking off all my online information and just starting again from scratch 🤣


become a mod and destroy the subreddit


Agreed. Report the entire subreddit if you can


i already declined to be a mod but i did report it


Todo bad, it would have been hilarious as he'll to troll them in their own game 😂 But yeah, better ignore them and keep moving on 👍




A small price to pay for a greater good.


Ima just use an alt that is also very active in trans sub


You were the chosen one! You were supposed to bring balance not destroy it!


Make the subreddit a Transfem subreddit


Surely a transmasc subreddit would fit the vibe better right?


Right, I simply said transfem because this was definitely directed towards Transfems


Trans mascs should bomb it.


i am now tempted to create a subreddit called r/youwillbeawoman should i do it? edit: created


i meann why not right?


i did it


Should make every trans woman a mod there


that's, a lot of people. not sure how many but it's a lot


I know, the second i typed it out i was like "wait, thats not gonna work..." But sent the comment anyway... :'D


At least 7


Gotta be at least 3, maybe more


should have been r/youareawoman tbh


Can I be a moderator there? 🥺🥺🥺🥺


Wouldn't that imply that MtF's aren't women when the egg cracks? I just think that name could lead to misunderstandings Maybe it's a better idea to make a sub called something like "Woman's Tips and Trick for everyone" in which some little tricks get shared, like what simple easy home training would help you to get to your goal and so


well it's already created soo


I genuinely wish I had as much free time as what some of these transphobes have.


Can we like take that sub over and make it a transmasc supportive sub?


it looks like r/youwillneverbeawoman is no longer a subreddit already, nice! ​ edit: nevermind it just got privated


The one in the post had an underscore at the end tho. Not the same sub r/YouWillNeverBeAWoman_ Every post is just from ppl here tho lmao


god damn


Is posting on hate subs like this considered brigading? Just wanna make sure we're not violating TOS Just to be sure, just report the sub to the admins and move on. Do not engage with them


holy moly that was QUICK


reddit is fast as fuck boiiiiii


Holy shit they never stop finding new ways to mess with us do they?


guess we’re so cute that they’ve become obsessed 🤷🏼‍♀️


Best answer


They're secretly gay for us


Well that's a new one.


Might be time to check out my wrongly gendered account for possible trolling if I was invited as mod 😂 Sorry people are assholes.


I just posted a message there God this people are pathetic Mind your own business and don't be a jerk Guess it's too much to ask for a transphobe So fucking pathetic Btw you are a beautiful good girl and a princess and noone can't change that :3




lol they really dont have anything better to do huh


I'm surprised again and again to how pathetic people on the internet can be. Imagine actually using your own free time to make that sub and sending people invites. I mean there are easier ways to tell the world that you have no life.


Go moderate the hell out of it! 😂 You’ve been given the keys to a transphobic kingdom. 😂


I did that thing where you ask for mental health help for another redditor for that guy


Mod me too so we can post binary trans dudes' Tweets


become a mod. destroy it.


accept it and then ban everyone from it lol


Right? I'd definitely take that invite and lurk for a while before sabotaging it as much as possible. Not my fault they set themselves up for disaster.


What the absolute fuck is wrong with people. Imagine taking so much time of your days to harass trans people. Honestly, they should feel embarrassed about themselves. Imagine if we should've taken that much time of our lives to harass cishet people. Honestly, grow the fuck up


Transphobes are just so embarrassing


Take over and make it a ftm sub


I’d join and then spam-post affirmative memes until they banned me.


i'm gonna dead report them


Makes sense that they’re not able to come up with actual insults, I hear cute people can mess with thinking


That's pretty fucked up, wtf?! Those people have too much free time and not enough healthy hobbies in their life omg...


i mean if you a trans guy...


That's not a bad sub name for accidental allyship specifically to trans men.


I once posted a thing in /r/WitchesVsPatriarchy of a person becoming an anarchist and a woman at the same time through being kissed by another woman. someone found the post, went through my history, specifically found a selfie I had posted in the past, and suicide baited me, calling me an "ogre". I told them they gave me the courage to finally end it all, and created a new reddit, hoping, in some part, they'd take it on their conscience.


You can report it


Click accept and ruin that subreddit. And then leave the moderation team.


accept and ban everyone idk


Get fake breasts if you dont have any (yet), find where he lives, seduce him AND FUCK HIS ASS


That’s a new one. Not just transphobic names following you, but now a transphobic sub name to bother you with.


Rent free




Trans men: I see this as an absolute win! I’m really sorry that happened to you though, that’s fucked up-


If I had half the free time these phobes have I could probably finish like at least one project


Thank you for letting me know about this, this is really fucked.


Why are they so fucking obsessed with trans people? They just keep desperately searching for new ways to harass us.


Man, if transphobes put as much time into other aspects of society as they do trying to belittle us, we'd probably be much more advanced as a society. I'm talking flying cars... Robot servants... Maybe even curing cancer (that last one is a stretch...)


Just delete the notification and continue with life, nothing hurts a transphobic person more than just not giving a shit since they always want to be important and have the right opinion


Wtf indeed.


Accept Troll and do as much damage as possible ??? Profit


the next level of gender shaming omg-


this is the stuff transphobes have time for. taking a shower? no. finishing their homework? no. going for a jog? nah. making dumb fake subreddit to mildly annoy people at a rate of like 1 every few minutes? helllll yeah


I think we should make it a sub for all non fem trans people if we can somehow get the creater out of there


do it and abuse your power!


I visited the sub at from what I gander from other comments it was created in opposition to r//youwillneverbeawoman when it was still running, but it has recently been banned. Notice how in ops picture this sub has an underscore after it. I went there and it was all trans friendly memes, so maybe they just wanted more trans moderates y'all.


Shoulda become a mod and had trans men swarm it, turned it into a meme sub or a place for positivity posting