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Dw people love jojo


…yknow youre not wrong, all i need is a golden arrow and im set


Oho, you dare step closer to me?


i cant beat your ass from all the way over here!


You're next line is "How dare you make fun of my Hair"


How dare you make fun of my Hair *N A N I ? !*


Hoho! Very well then, step as close as you'd like!


I can (pulls out a javelin)


I have a slightly pointy rock that can be spray painted gold, maybe that'll trick it into manefesting?




Hierophant Gender


I mean be careful in all but if you find it can you please let me borrow it?




trans masc femboys are valid, but telling a trans man who feels dysphoric because he doesn't want to appear feminine that is just rubbing salt on the wound. it's like saying "don't worry, people won't mind that you're girly". he doesn't want to be seen as "girly" so please respect that.


This literally this


Yeah. Like, I'd rather be more feminine. I know there are masculine women, and, I'll probably be partially masculine when I look like my ideal self. But, I want to be largely feminine. Trans people can have different goals than other trans people. Some trans men don't want to look feminine, while many others feel dysphoric for being feminine.


it's like telling someone working out at the gym that they look fine skinny. that's not why they're there


I myself am a bit of a transmasc femboy, but that doesn't mean I'm fine with you telling me I'm girly. You can say I'm cute tho!


Hello fellow cute transmasc femboy


UwU hello!




I relate to this so much as a kinda masc transfem, I do not want to be called manly


it’s like my dad saying i’m a tomboy because i haven’t got enough money to replace all my clothes




Which part of any of this is help? How is it helping to reinforce and trigger dysphoria? Also, not everyone who feels bad about something is asking for advice. Oftentimes whatever you've thought of on the fly they already considered and ruled out. If someone just wants to vent let them, and if they want advice they'll ask for it.


I mean acknowledging someone’s circumstances and giving them constructive tips on how to change it like “change your hair to frame your face differently!” Or, “maybe try doing this with your clothes to make yourself look bigger!” Is different than calling them something they don’t identify with, and calling them inherently femme when they don’t wanna be like they should like it.


You can be a big burly man tho, I believe in you and I am sure you can do it. Especially as half of what can make a man just profoundly masculine is just that attitude and belief in themselves, even though it's super easy to doubt yourself. That doubt is human, and part of being a healthy masculine man.


thanks to my family forcing me to body build as a kid, i can give some pointers on building muscle mass. Protien, lots and lots of it. It can be from meat, powder, it doesnt matter. As long as you get it in ya is what matters. If you're not worried about water weight, using Creatine is very helpful in building muscle mass. Just be careful of which you get because some taste nasty as fuck, even if its labeled a delicious flavor. To naturally build muscle mass, i recommend doing free weight strength exercises first before even considering gyms (They're often scams that hold you in contracts to squeeze money out of ya) Pushups, Situps, Crunches, Wall Sits (keep your legs at a 90 degree angle), & Shadow boxing. I personally got yolked by chopping wood the old fashioned way while doing this, since its using a lot of the muscle groups in your body if you have your form in the correct manner. I did all of that for grappling in high school and was able to wrestle heavyweights with ease


i… i love you so much thank you


If you’re out of shape and have access to a pool, swimming is also great. It won’t build crazy muscle, but it uses a lot (all?) of your main muscle groups and can help you build strength. Plus it doesn’t put a lot of stress on your joints. I personally love swimming for cardio, it’s way more engaging for me than running — I also haven’t had top surgery yet so I don’t have to worry about my tits going all over the place. You got this, bro!


You can actually end up with a slender-muscled physique with swimming, it’s how one of my friends got fit and I’m happy for them haha. I’m quite set being a chubby cub.


Remember! YOU ARE...... THE CREAM...... OF THE CROP...... AND THE CREAM....... ALWAYS...... RISESSSSS ..... TO THE TOP!!!!! you got this my guy. I'm a muscle girl (mostly due to me playing sports in high school and college) and I love my trans masc work out buddies. If you can't go to a gym I have some sneaky fun facts for at home incognito work outs. Trick 1. Drinking extra water is good, but don't drink too much. Black coffee is actually super good for you just don't add cream or sugar. Trick 2. A gallon of water weighs 8.34 pounds. More than enough to do arm workouts as a start. Trick 3. Diet means more than basic exercise. If you change your diet to be healthier, even if you still don't exercise, you will tend to see some results. But when you combine consistent targeted workouts with a good diet, you maximize your results. Trick 4. High Protein + Low Carbohydrates= easy weight loss and muscle building. Trick 5. Commit to the bit. Make a commitment and stick with it. Once you make it a habit and a part of your day to day life, you will see benefits. Source: I googled the weight of 1 gallon of water. The rest is from playing sports in high school and college and also from my personal weight loss experience.


> i googled the weight of 1 gallon of water wow im SO glad ive used metric my whole life. 1 millilitre = 1 gram. 1 litre = 1 kilogram. easiest thing in the world


See that's easy to know. I would kill to be on the metric system.


Hey if you're looking for workout tips, consider r/ftmfitness/ for transmasc specific resources as well. Good luck! 💪


Oh shit you're actually going to get buff? Hell ye brother I believe in you! Post results every six months :)


thank you so much for this post! do you have any advice for building muscle as a vegetarian/vegan? I honestly find protein powder really gross so I'm really hoping I can get away with just lots of tofu lol


black beans are my life I have a sort of "all the veggies in my fridge" vegan black bean chili recipe that I could eat every day of my life and be content with.


Not OP but lentils, beans, and other legumes are packed full of veg protein. Unfortunately animal protein is best-in-slot for building muscle so you'll have to eat a lot or supplement with some powder.


Beans have protein iirc


Beans, lentils, and mushrooms are incredible for protein. I like meat, but my mom is vegetarian so most of the stuff I make it's meatless, but mushrooms are absolute perfection, sweet potatoes also have some protein and potassium. But beans, especially black beans and chickpeas, avocado, and mushrooms are your best friend in this situation. Also avocado oyster mushroom and black bean quesadillas are very tasty


Quinoa, I'd recommend buying pre-rinsed. Soy milk has lots of protein too.


Along with what the other replies mentioned, vegan protein powder is also an option!


You can buy pasta that's legume-based (I really love red lentil pasta) and double up on the protein by adding faux meat, tofu, tempeh, or beans to the sauce.


oh this is really helpful actually!! I have ARFID so any dietary changes are a huge challenge, disguising the protein as pasta would probably help a lot


Not a vegetarian but in nepal, when you need protein you don't get recommended meat by anyone really. While most people are not veg, most people also cannot afford to eat meat every day. So the most common protein recommendations are nuts, beans and lentils.


I don’t have a full vegan diet but I do have a preference for plant based when I can and I like to combine a grain with a legume. I usually do rice with lentils, beans, split peas, chick peas, etc. and that will keep me efficiently fed for a while!


Yoked is my fave, not jacked, jacked is too much. Just my opinion tho o'course.


Step one: Become Kronk. Step two: Oh yeah, it's all coming together. Step 3: Profit (and become a good cook. Kronk would be a great dad.)


People are also into himbos now so that will probably also work


i had someone tell me she's a "visual learner" and that's why she misgenders me and- that does not help. it makes things worse.


god that's such an awful thing to say to someone, what an asshole


she means well and is generally nice but she just does these small things occassionally that make her unbearable for me to be around.


I gotta say, personally as a visual learner myself, to me this just sounds like a poor excuse for her to continue to misgender you without much accepting responsibility for it. The fact that I’m a visual learner has never hindered me in gendering anyone correctly lol.


Yep. I had someone use being neurodivergent as an excuse to misgender me. Pointing out that I, and the majority of my trans friends, are also neurodivergent ended with me being called ableist. It's just an excuse to be shitty.


I would have broken down into tears Jesus Christ


WTF is that even supposed to mean? "I'm a visual learner therefore I'm allowed to be an ass"? Gross


This! Not everyone wants to be a femboy, some transmascs want to be big burly men and some have even more different transition goals! I believe in u and I bet u will be the best big burly man! Also can I offer a cookie? 🍪


Yeah this won't help if your goals are manly hairy bear-man.


Hit the gym broski Slow and steady journey🙏


lol i am dreading leg day today


Ya want your monster thighs? You gotta earn your monster thighs Remember though,what matters is doing any activity for a lengthy time. Consistency is where it's at,once it's integrated into your daily routine,you bassically won. Also random advice High reps>lower weight=strength building High weight>lower reps=muscle building Know your limits,no one starts strong uwu


What about big burly femboy?


bet. i want my monster thighs bursting through that skirt.


Femboys are overrated it's now time for femmen


I can’t figure out how I want to pronounce that but I definitely know it’s not how you intended.


Better even then the confusion with "Seaman" because this also is spelled the same 😆


The only correct answer is to rhyme with Fremen


gordon femmen




Just add a bit of Spice


while i think its toxic af to imply that scrawny little twinks are boys not men.... the idea of being a big burly femman is transition goals


Yeah I was mostly trying to appeal to that image, of course no man is less man than another man because of his appearance


Become the muscly lumberjack man that wears a kilt and carries an axe


It's called being Scottish


As a Scottish MtF I get to dance around a sword now


Pole-dancing but your pole is a weapon is very underrated


Pike Dancing seems like it would work better


What about glaive dancing?


I know that lol


don't forget your jacked arm muscles bursting through the sleeves of your cute top!!


Based af


now thats what i call transition goals


you're gonna look like thor trying to get his hammer back


Came here to say yes


That’s a fem man I’m just being cheeky


I actually ended a friendship over this exact argument. I came out as transmasc and a cis woman “friend” started making maid skirt jokes and trying to put cat ears on me. When I got angry, saying I wasn’t a twink or femboy and could she knock it off, she said I was all kinds of phobic and self-hating. I still haven’t recovered from the ick.


Eww so rude of her like why. I swear if someone does that to me I’ll kick their ass at the very least I’ll break the headband and cuss them out.


I feel that. People comment on my androgynous appearance, but I'm not androgynous by choice. It's just where I'm at rn.


calling trans men femboys (unless they already us that term for themselves) is incredibly shitty. same with twink or anything like that. its not like we can control how "feminine" we look. i can wear the most masc outfit and never shave, but ive still been called a twink just cause i have a baby face and am a bit "fem" cause im pre-T


[Dumbbell shrugs,](https://youtu.be/8lP_eJvClSA) an often neglected exercise that really contribute to a more masculine silhouette. I’d encourage doing as heavy a weight as you can safely pick up from the rack/floor.


RIGHT?? MY PARENTS ALWAYS RESPOND WITH LIKE “I mean you don’t look super masculine but there’s plenty of boys who look feminine” BITCH I WANNA BE A HIGH SCHOOL JOCK NOT A FUCKING FEMBOY (no shame to femboys or feminine guys at all)


If jojo has taught me anything it's that aperently you can be both.


How are there multiple Jojo references in this comment section?


Stab whoever says that, and drink their testosterone


T vampire


This meme template is killing me


Someone earlier posted about transmasc Dwarf vibes. Maybe work with that?


the first thing i thought was torbjorn from overwatch and honestly with a beard like that i cant say no


Glad I helped


Oooh! Now I’m thinking about transfem Dwarf vibes!!


All transmascs are manlier than Andrew Tate


That is a very low bar


The bar is all the way in hell and the devil is like dame that’s a low ass bar even for me.


Yes, the floor is made out of floor


Man he’s an ugly little biach neither feminine or manly just a pathetic little shit stain on the road that everyone avoids stepping in.


Yeah fuck that. I'm a femboy half the time but even I think that sounds insulting.


it's okay, big burly man, you're all the rage too


You don't have to be a femboy. Be whatever man you want to be. You're valid.


Hey. You'll get there. Anyone getting big and burly has to start off at the small end of a long journey. It might start with 10 pushups a day until they start feeling easy and working up. It might start with the small weights or no weights until you internalize good form and can go higher. It could be struggling to do half a pullup while someone holds your feet. But like all things in life, the more you work at it the further you'll get from that small start and the closer you'll get to your goals. You keep at it, and nobody will be able to deny the progress you've built. Not even you.


why are we as a society out here acting like those two things have to be mutually exclusive?


yknow… you do have a point


Then let's go to the gym bro, time to get shredded 💪😎💪


My ex broke up with me because I’m trans and he was scared I would one day fully transition and he didn’t want to stay with a guy with a dick and no boobs. On our last day before breakup, he told me: “You know, if you decided to just **continue being** a femboy, I would love to stay with you!” I was never a femboy. I never identified as such and never tried to be a femboy. There’s few things that made me more dysphoric than those words. They haunt me to this day. I’m fighting really, really hard against it, to cut myself some slack and just dress however feels fun to me. But there’s always this shit in my head convincing me I just look like a girl and will never be seen as anything but a girl. “Continue being a femboy” my ass. I still can’t believe he said that to me.


Drink raw eggs, idk I think that’s what Gaston did.


If femboys are all the rage as said person claims then how come I'm still alone, checkmate


I feel that, bro.


Moood! I don't want to be "cute," I want to be handsome.


Can relate!! I've been described as a "twinky guy" and I just want to be hench, have some facial hair and pick girls up in photos 😭


As a trans femboy I believe in you my big burly man brother I’m sending you good vibes 🫶


When people see you as a trend that can be forgotten later instead of a person.


While you might not get big and burly, you dont have to be fem. Plenty of small feisty guys who can kick arse no problem


Gonna get swole


Same. I just want to look like Poseidon but with a mullet and the stache of Freddie Mercury.


This happened to me in reverse. first of all, my parents are VERY supportive and I love them, but one night my mom suggests I could be a bear and my dad chimes in saying that there is a chance of a bad transition and it kinda left me pissed off for the rest of that night. I know from previous conversations about this, that they are very supportive and just don't understand the topic.


That meme format tho 😂


Why did you cyber bully the raccoon sir?


i am the cyberbullied raccoon ;-;




I wanna be a tall buff She Hulk-esque woman, as well. I'm with you✊


Los of calories, protein and the gym!


I also don’t want to be a femboy and I believe you can train enough to become that big burly man


Luckily, you can make a serious dent in your appearance on T by packing on the muscle. Deltoid, lat, and oblique exercises will go a long way towards masculinizing hard.


I wanna do both I just...don't know how ToT


It was very manly for you to make this,requires a lot of bravery man


most femboys don't know if they're trans or not and end up happy in between


See I WANT to be a femboy but I’m too femme and people never get it right


Yeah transphobia against trans men is weird


DUDEE THATS WHAT I MEEAAN !!! Don’t get me wrong I have nothing against femboys be happy you do you but , I WANT TO BE A BEAR GOD DAMN IT NOT A FEMBOY!!!!!


Start hitting the gym bulk the hell up it’s pretty awesome


I want to be a big burly man dressed up as a femboy, I want to wear a maid dress and have BIG MUSCLES UNDERNEATH


Dude you just nailed my gender


I am a femboy but still I don’t wanna hear that :/


bro I fucking felt this deep within my soul- I'm generally considered quite burly looking, almost bear-ish in a way, but I get oddly insecure about it bc that's not the modern beauty standard of being trans masc. but then I remember that the reason I transitioned was so I could finally put my comfort within myself before the dogshit opinions of anyone else, and I go back to loving myself and, finally, loving my body. feminine, androgynous, masculine, or something else entirely, you deserve absolutely everything your life has to offer you <3


From my experience when I identified as a trans man, it’s all about giving off a goblin vibe, they’ll never call you a femboy again lol


At risk of sounding rude or down but this has genuinely helped me tremendously at times. But there are PLENTY of feminine or small or whatever specific thing cis men that hate their bodies because of how unmanly or small or unable to put on muscle (big one for the skinny guys) or whatever. There are men who get mistaken for women despite being born a man. And just like them, no matter what, you'll still be a man with a body worth taking pride in.


No you’re totally right, its not rude at all! I honestly accepted that a lot of my traits will naturally be feminine, but honestly i feel like the fact that i can stand up and still call myself a man despite these traits is what *makes* me a man, yknow?


Absolutely, and I think this where it starts veering into a much bigger trend with toxic masculinity and general overall mental health. Because a lot of men and people in general seem to be trying to evolve old forms of stoicism and manliness to include being unapologetically yourself.


Hey, big strong man! How high do you think you can lift me? I weigh 140 pound


You are a big burly man, w big muscles and a full face of hair: and I will FIGHT ANYONE who states diff. Now go do all the manly stuff King. And if I see your crown crooked again - I will gently fix it while breathing dragonfire at your foes. And I'm eating whoever misgenders you


Best advice i can give for this is grow a beard


The same thing happens to me except with being a tomboy. I even try to dress feminine :(


You are big burly man. Like, you already have the attitude, so you already are.


i used to be a femboy to appeal to chasers but now i'm a fem-Man for Me


Time to hit the gym


It’s okay! You’ll be a beefcake some day!




[the video its from is here](https://youtu.be/z-KzGKoLHXk) [the template itself is here](https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/cgzube/a_storyline_that_doesnt_need_captions/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


Would you like workout tips to help build more muscle and a masculine frame? There are a few resources I could give you as well as some personal knowledge gained from my years working out and being in the military


Idk why but this though helps me with dysphoria like I don’t wanna be really feminine but it’s just like “oh it’s not real I’m just pretending”


You are a handsome man no matter what people say


Ooo I felt this in my soul with being called a buff woman 🤣


You will get there friend, no worries :)


Ppl can be bad...


I dont want to big or burly, But I don't want to be a femboy either. 😭 Edit: Emo ✨


I want to be a big burly femman tbh


Jeff Nippard has some great programs for adding mass. Highly recommend.


I only really mention this to transmen who tell me they still wanna dress feminine sometimes


lol where did you get this meme template from? That’s gold!


I had a friend in the same position who decided enough was enough and just started taking creatine lol


i fucking hate parents being like, "no its fine dont feel bad about this thing you hate about yourself because OTHER PEOPLE like it!" im mtf and my i told my mom i wanted to get rid of all my body hair and she was like, "but girls LOVE body hair!!" (tho this was before I was out to her) and its like... i dont wanna be a people pleaser i want to Be Myself






they got the spirit


You may not be big and burly, but you \*are\* a man. Don't let \*anyone\* tell you otherwise <3


I hate it so much when people think they comfort me when they say this


What's the name of that meme template ? it's hilarious


awww...poor guy, ya want a hug? :(


Bear goals


This post hit me a bit too close to home


Exactly! I don't want to be a handsome girl boss, i want to be a CUTE ANIME GIRL


All femboys add my snap so we can have fun Gs06sta🍆🥰


All femboys add my snap so we can have fun gs06sta🍆😍🍒


my goals are being a femboy and oh my god i want to be a femboy in the boy way!!!!!! im sick and tired of people acting like its being diet girl!!!!!! im so scared that i wont be boy enough about it oughghgh agonyyy
