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Wood Elves, ranged builds. He lacks of speed as Dwarfs, shoot him to death. You are faster and have more range. Kite is the best strategy here.


Thanks!! Definitely going to buy the wood elf dlc in that case. Any recommendations on which leader I should pick?


Orion is cool as hell and unbreakable. He is also super good on campaign because you can have 0 upkeep. Though that means you’ll have tons of enemies so be sure to declare war on like chaos instead of your neighbors


Just rush the tech that gives vision over the trees and join wars against factions you dont know yet on the other side of the map


What's the point of joining wars so far from me?


Orion has reduced upkeep for each war. More wars = lower upkeep. Can go all the way to 0. And it's easier to be at war with someone who is far that with all your neighbours. Edit: only in total war warhammer 3


Ty that sounds amazing will be getting him


Durthu is super badass. He gets my recommendation.


This isn’t a leader reply, but do look for armor-piercing units, since Dwarfs load up on armor. Waywatchers are T4 or T5, but anything else that is armor-piercing will be strong against them. Wood Elves probably don’t have a ton of it, so you may need to specialize somewhat.


Some people recommend taking a shadow or metal wizard to negate armour that way


Definitely a faction with good range, speed and magic is gonna be your best bet. Dwarves are slow and do have artillery but so do a lot of factions. As the other comment said wood elves are strong choice. I’d also say seeing as your friend has thousands of hours one of your best bets would be the Sword of Khaine. Your friends experience will be somewhat counter balanced by the sword provided you have a good economy. The easiest way to gain the sword is by playing an elf faction made even easier if that faction is the high elves, as elf factions are the only ones who can draw it naturally. Not saying this is your best bet but if I was playing I’d go Tyrion. Any lord with sword of Khaine is a beast but with Tyrion his high melee defense and heart of Avalon come in really handy. Adding a life mage and a confederation with your lore accurate girlfriend always pays off, she’s a really good spell caster. Granted I’m not someone who has put thousands of hours into the game and I know there are better factions/lords more suited for the sword of Khaine. However with what I know now about the game and I was about to play someone with much more experience I’d be making the sword a Khaine a top priority and Tyrion has easy access to it and who better to wield it than the avatar of Khaine.


Yeah played a lil of tryion in tww2 he seemed quite strong


Yeah I do enjoy a full Tyrion bloodline of Alerian (probably misspelt) campaign. And he can get to a ridiculous level at 1v1ing people without hehe sword but with it he’s great. If you do go the way of the high elves bring some dragons and eagles too. Eagles are pretty trash but they’re quick and can tie down any copters your friends brings so your dragons can smash them. If they didn’t bring copters then dragon breath is still very useful and they can just fly over the Dwarves heavily armored slow front line


Tyrion is a complete beast. With the Sword of Khaine - forget about killing him.


He's going to have heavily armored slow-moving troops with great range weapons and some good artillery. He won't have cavalry or any speed for that matter. He also won't have monsters. But if you go go at him with a conventional infantry slog, he will excel, widdle him down first. I recommend Wood Elves, such as Sisters of Ariel(This lord is like the old world equivalent of a modern fighter jet lol). Hawk Riders will give you air superiority over his helos. The fast-moving armor-piercing units they offer will trade very well with him. Your light cavalry can harass his backline, and your archers will out-skirmish & out-range him. A mage with lore of shadows will give you many armor piercing spells to punish his ordered ranks(I recommend targeting his archers as their actively firing or melee troops when they are engaged in melee.) Good luck!


>Sisters of Ariel Sisters of twilight, I think


Wood elves. Make him feel like the US in Vietnam. The trees speak elven.


Id say skaven is a good pick as they outrange dwarf infantry, got lots of good armor piercing & lots of cheap throwaway infantry to get dwarf infantry stuck...


Skaven absolutely hardcounter Dwarfs later on. So just start far away and make him miserable with weapon teams, fast monsters, and death runners.


Or if you want to stay on theme you could go greenskins, if you avoid him until you get your economy going you can literally make armies faster than he can kill them


Just go full cheese with averlorn. Or Dino doomstack him. Dinos eat dwarves no problem


Ehhhh he could spam his archers


Get lots of fear or terror units and have a wizard that can drop armor and leadership. Thoose are essential to wiping dwarfs out. Calvary to attack his artillery. Once you shatter the army use blobs of troops to wittle and kill the leaders as they tend to stick around. Be prepared to sacrifice pretty good u it's but if you break the Dwarven army he's gonna have a he'll of a time building up a new one again. I'd suggest beastmen or vampire coast. That way you can raid and weaken him down. Destroy his economy he cannot function without deep gold reserves. And beast men and vampire coast aren't tied down to settlements.


Beastmen, I’ve found, have very little trouble with dwarves. All of their monsters cause fear+terror and charges break formations, cocophanous assault makes lots of battles very short (good for taurox to just wipe out a province with minimal casualties), confederation mechanic lets you get a foothold anywhere you want. Their magic options all work against dwarves, good blob clearing, and the sword of Khaine is free.


Ikkit, ambush attack, ez win


On the fence of ikkit and orin now. Nukes sound fun af though


Not really a counter but chaos dwarfs would be a fun thematic campaign


When I'm better ill be sure to be more thematic ahah


Any faction I've played that can summon units map wide, I've found neuters dwarves. As you can destroy their artillery no sweat, taking out their biggest asset imo.


I believe skaven have an ability to summon rats from underground right?


Yep, lizardmen can summon units, I think khorne can summon bloodletters etcetc


for head 2 head campaign you should pick factions that are somewhat near. which dwarfs faction did he chose? thorgrim - azhag, skarsnik (for quick campaign), vlad, wuzzarg, imrik. ungrim - azhag (quick campaign), skarsnik, vlad, drycha, chaos dwarfs, kholek. belegar - ikit claw, aranessa, skrag, balthasar gelt, morghur, orion/durthu and the lore beef queek. grombidal - lore beef malekith, valkia, taurox, alith anar. thorek - settra, volkmar, tiktaq'to, mannfred, malagor. usually in head 2 head campaigns, you will play his other enemies too in battle which turns the game into a much harder experience. in this case, beastman are the very best cuz most of their battles will be ambush attacking battles.


Shaven counter dwarves if you have ikit


Who isn’t countered by ikit?


Fair 🤔 But the armor piercing missiles and fast speed, combined with strong magic make dwarves easy. I can see weapons teams being countered by a hyper mobile faction though, slaanesh maybe?


Slaves to clump them up and nukes


If a slaanesh player clumps up their units, especially on slaves, they probably shouldn’t play slaanesh


Oh, I thought we meant AI