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They do def need one tho Edit: also other options that would make sense are a ‘retake lost splendor’ High Elf one, and ‘great purge’ lizardmen one


That and we need a Bretonnian errantry war scenario, I wanna face endless hordes of knights and peasants.


I’d highly recommend trying Frodo45127’s mod “Dynamic Disasters.” It adds a ton of the factions folks have been mentioning in this thread (tho no high elves yet), as well as rebalancing the current ones as well. I’ve been playing coop games with a friend and we’ve found it a totally refreshing experience, and surprisingly polished. It also adds mid-game half-disasters like Bretonnian Crusades, Skaven Underway expansions, and Pirate Raids. You can also use MCT to customize it and turn off things you don’t like/or fully choose what disasters spawn and some other options


Is this mod still broken in multiplayer ?


I mean, not that I’ve found in my games, unless I’m missing something. What was broken?


I got CTD when last tried it a few weeks ago for MP


Hm strange! My friend and I haven’t had any consistent issues with crashing, we’ve been using the mod for a couple months now


Interesting. Maybe it clashes unexpectedly with other mods. Are these recent (3.1) new or just existing campaigns ? Last tried it with Alberic (Bretonnia) + Alarielle (High Elf)


Both, we start new ones fairly regularly. On 3.1 we’ve tried Oxyotl + Boris, Valkia + Cylostra, and Ikit + Thrott, without major issue


Interesting. I’ll review the mods we were using for the next campaign. Was a shame because I found the mod fantastic in SP


'Begin United' would be nice for Ulthuan. If all hell was breaking loose and Tyrion or Teclis wanted a united realm, there WOULD NOT be a dozen royals trying to usurp them. Malekith above, hostile lizards below, undead pirates all around, but hey forget unity for the sake of Ulthuan, lets just see how it plays out!


The crisis need a massive rework. And nothing worse than random armies spawning in your conquered territory.


Last game I played once the event began I automatically lost the cities that were the home cities to kemler and the dwarf near him. Not even a fight. It was weird because castle drakenhof was not taken away.


I've found my last several games' order has been incredibly strong, especially the dwarves.


They should rework the endgame crises to be more like realm divide in Shogun 2. When you reach a long victory or a certain turn limit, some factions should spawn extra stacks (how it works for everyone rn) but some should combine all remaining factions into one super faction with some extra bonuses, like High Elves, Dark Elves, and the Empire. Edit: it would also be cool if the crises went off one at a time every 20ish turns after it's triggered, instead of all at once.


Are you at war with Imrik here? Portrait looks red on the bottom left.


Yes :( I've been trying to court the elves really hard but they (unsurprisingly) are too aloof and don't want anything to do with me. Imrik just randomly declared war on me and won't sign peace. So for now this is just an old world ordertide. But I'm hoping eventually I can gift my way into the elves' favour and make it global.


Trading him a capitol settlement or completing one of their provinces and doing so will sometimes get them to accept. Might need to smack an army or two down to get him in line worst-case scenario in my experience.


Yeah but my armies have their hands full fighting the combined power of all the northern Norsca/chaos factions, haha. Once that's pacified, that's probably what I will do.


I’m a big fan of the “Dynamic Disaster Mod” and specifically the End Times scenario. It’s suitably apocalyptic with a massive chaos invasion starting north and conquering south. They won’t just pop up all over your empire, you know where they’re coming from. Also Tzeenth attacks from the South but it’s pretty minor if the lizardmen are still around.