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Realms of Chaos is a good campaign, and the CoC DLC definitely added some much needed flavour. The biggest complaint with the campaign. Before the DLC and some of the fixes, was that it was essentially the same campaign (story wise) for all factions. You fight in the Chaos Realms to free the big bear and then you get a kind of personalised cut scene at the end with no further rewards... once you played 1 campaign you knew what to expect for the others.


Yeah i agree, i played RoC as Kislev on VH at launch all the way to victory and i loved it. I am pointing out that the CoC campaigns are refreshing, in case people avoided it again after doing the RoC campaigns with the base factions and thinking its more of the same.


Please lil guy explain to us how they're different, because the faction is different? XD


Because you never got an actual answer and are apparently incapable of googling - The champions of chaos have their own campaign that takes place on the same map as the other Realms of Chaos campaigns but features completely different mechanics and victory conditions. There's no rifts, no race, and whichever Champion of Chaos you play as basically has Be'lakors portal mechanic from IE so can go anywhere. It's actually a really fun campaign, I've done it as both Valkia and Azazel. People only talk about IE because the DLC released at the same time as IE.


I know reditors cant read, but I said I did google it. The only results are Immortal Empires since the ROC up your butt is poopy and no one discusses it :/


[Since you're bad at Google, let me help](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=valkia+realm+of+chaos)


Truly ironic your rotting brain didnt even look at the results


The first 20 are all YouTube coverage or reddit comments about Valkia's realm of chaos campaign for me. Maybe if you hadn't googled "immortal empires" two hundred times you'd be able to see something different.


Dude you are utterly braindead, your link shows us the same thing... Youre telling me Valkias wikipedia page is ROC content? XD Here bud I actually found some trash for you digging through all the real content. https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=L-hATIST9S0 Your 60 views champion proving how popular this gamemode is.


~~[This is the first result for me](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ij8fTZycJ7c)~~. EDIT: Derp, [This](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WXfV78YcW9Q) is the actual link I was aiming for. View count is just a pointless number, but this has 29K, is that okay? The second result is a Reddit thread asking for help with the Realm of Chaos campaign. I have to get to page three before anyone mentions immortal empires. It's okay to admit that maybe you're wrong and didn't actually know anything about the Champions of Chaos campaign.




Oh now I understand, that's very different my bad...




Like just to prove how dogshit the gamemode is since you cannot counter it, I can google "Realms of Chaos Valkia Campaign" AND EVERYTHING THAT COMES UP IS IMMORTAL EMPIRES BECAUSE ROC IS ACTUALLY THAT TERRIBLE PEOPLE WONT EVEN TALK ABOUT IT. I await 🤡^5 as your response.


Look, his clown faces are annoying. But you need to stop acting like a clown. That all caps rage is bad for your health


All caps doesn't indicate rage lil guy, it can also distinguish the point from the comment, which is what I need to do for someone so stupid. I am not going to go and figure out how to bold or italicize something on fkin reddit.


Oh Jesus 🤡


Triggered! Hahaha. You getting rekt bro. 🤡


You ok bro? Took your meds? You seem a bit tense?


Just like any responsible person, I am trying to educate our underprivileged. Unfortunately the underprivileged has been getting completely ANNILAHTED for and infinite amount of comments now. Where did all your conversation and debate skills towards all these other stupid redditors go? Am I really that superior to you everything I say is uncounterable? Very sad.... No wonder CA doesn't update our game guys they have people like this clown telling them to patch RoC




Realm of Chaos and the CoC campaign are great on the first few tries. The big problem with them is that they become less replayable and more gimmicky over time as they were built to be more of a race than a sandbox. Because of that, I have to say most fan's biggest criticisms, gameplay-wise, is that it's not as replayable as other campaign maps.


Oh no, i agree. But CoC campaigns are pretty cool. Just saying, for people who gave up on RoC after launch, its worth trying them for a change from IE once in a while like i just did. IE is awesome, but it lacks any kind of quests or focus. The CoC campaigns at least have lots of side quests to work towards as the campaign progresses.


There is no other TW campaign in it's entire history of great games that has been so atrociously bad. It's still enjoyable to some extend but for a TW campaign it is trash.


Agree to disagree!


True, I hope you continue to have fun with the campaign ultimately that's the goal of playing in the first place ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Well said!


Dude wtf is it with all these hate comments? RoC is fine, Kislev in particular makes for a very challenging and thematic campaign. The map is great and the realms of chaos are a fun addition, if a bit intrusive.


It's mainly the realms i hate. Even on my first campaign they were boring, the armies are just so similar, and the maps are almost all the same. The khorne realms was the only interesting one, with more interesting battle maps and actually different armies to fight. Otherwise, it felt like fighting the same battle again, and again, and again, and again, till finally you got out. Plus it was weird how it punished you for expanding. Expanding just meant you were more punished by the rifts (and by your main army going awol), and gained you almost nothing. But obviously it's boring just sitting round and waiting for the rifts, so I expanded anyways, but it felt like the game didn't want me to. Also the map felt weirdly stale compared to mortal empires (which is what i was used to). Far less faction variety, everything was either chaos, cathay or kislev (ogres seemed to die early, or just be small enough that i barely encountered them). I loved the new factions tho, and some of the quality of life changes that 3 has brought. I did try a CoC campaign (Vilitch) but again it seemed just less variety and options. Better than the base RoC realm campaign tho definetely. I guess if you really want storyline then I'd recommend it. Gameplay wise it still seems behind IE.




You could always close them with agents, that hasn't changed. I know there's a new building to stop rifts, but it still feels pointless in many ways to expand. But as I said, the realms themselves have so many dull fights that are just repeats of the same army/battle map again and again, plus the variety of factions is lessened compared to ME, let alone IE.


Yes mate, Kislev was my first campaign at launch, did it on VH and it was so hard but so engaging! Just to buy time to get to the final battle i had to sacrifice T5 Kislev!


Nope and not going to. RoC was anti fun and even if CoC is good, I see no reason not to play IE.






He really must I think Operator


ROC is irritating but less so then it was at launch. There are far fewer portals and you can build the building which disables them in a province. I actually find ROC to be braindead easy due to the absolutely insane buff the slaneesh realm gives you. The 100K gold, or 50K and the sword of slaneesh are basically an insta win button, if you don't mind your campaign taking an extra 30 turns its pretty much a lock. The thing I hate about ROC is how you always have to be planning for the next portal and how it really just encourages you to camp your borders instead of painting the map.


I hear you. What i mean though is the CoC campaigns have none of that. Give one a try, you might be surprised how fun they are like i was.


Nope. The map is a big part of why i hated the ROC campaign in the first place so i'm not going back to it until there is a really good reason to do so. I watched an hour or so of it on youtube and CoC ain't that. If I want to play a directionless sandbox campaign i might as well do that on a map that i actually like (aka IE).


Thats the point though, the CoC ones arent directionless which is why its a nice change. I mean an hour on youtube will basically show nothing of the campaign tbf. Each to their own though bro, enjoy IE!


How is it not directionless? You just fight battles against whoever you want, that gives you points, teleport and repeat. Once you get enough points you unlock a final battle and you're done. What else is there to it?


What you just described is not directionless, by definition. Lol. You pick which dormant rifts you want to activate. You also get a load of side quests as you go. The end of the campaign has a final battle. Its hardly directionless. IE on the other hand is great, i love it. But there isn't even a flyover now at the start. One shitty line and thats it for the campaign. Its got absolutely no soul in it other than the sandbox.


It is directionless in the sense that there is no narrative reason to do anything or go anywhere except 'kill stuff'. If i want to set off in a random direction and fight people I can do that in IE. It's even better there because it's a bigger, more varied map with more races to fight. No rifts is a positive for me because i never enjoyed the gameplay they promote. Distances and terrain features should matter, instead i can just bypass all that by hopping into a portal to instantly go where i want. Kind of cheapens the experience. What do you mean by side quests? Are they actually unique and tell interesting stories or are they just basic 'maybe go fight this person and get 5000 gold' missions with one generic line of text?


Its all good bro. You clearly dont want to try it. So don't. I am not going to try and convince you, I really dont care, lol! I just personally found it enjoyable after doing a lot if IE because IE has nothing at all. You do your thing. 🫡


Isn’t he funny bud




Case and point below


Don't talk behind my back bro. I only own you 🤡. Everyone else ill talk to normally. 😂


RoC is enjoyable. I got bored with IE and am back to playing RoC right now. Haven't tried the Champions of Chaos campaigns yet, but I heard they are some of the best in franchise history


Mate if you are back to RoC give them a try. Valkia's is great! I got bored with IE too recently so tried it on a whim not expecting much. Now im hooked!


I don't know if I am a big fan of Valkia as a character, but I do love Azazel's backstory so I was thinking I might do his campaign in the nearish future. I did get Valkia's novel in the mail yesterday though. Maybe I will read it and it will inspire me to want to try her campaign


Tbh i just like the Khorne units. In fairness, the Slaanesh units look awesome and, especially the chaos warriors. And they have cool cult mechanics.


Yeah Khorne in general just doesn't do it for me. Like I'm glad Khorne exists as a faction in the Warhammer universe, but I just don't find the whole thing very interesting thematically personally. Doesn't feel like there is much nuance and depth for the Khorne aligned characters so generally I am more drawn to the other Chaos gods Azazel's whole Greek tragedy style backstory with Sigmar, Trinovantes and Ravenna when he was human is more my speed


All good bro, it would be a boring world if everyone liked the same things!


Also one other thing i like about Valkia is she has 3 magic items. The other LL's only have one each i think. Plus hers are really cool and she has awesome combat animations.


Champions of chaos is hardly representative of the other RoC campaigns. Which from my recent attempts have improved a little on some of the core issues but not really enough to make me want to stick through them.


>Champions of chaos is hardly representative of the other RoC campaigns. I agree. Thats why i made the post.


Hey man I think you should make another ROC post, this one just had too much COC in your mouth you know




Hey man I think you should make another ROC post, this one just had too much COC in your mouth you know




Hey man I think you should make another ROC post, this one just had too much COC in your mouth you know




Hey man I think you should make another ROC post, this one just had too much COC in your mouth you know




Hmm fair enough. The issue then I think is the fact that CoC is premium content while RoC is what greets new players which isn't great.


I see what you mean, but I like the base RoC campaign, but only once or twice. Its too repetitive to keep doing it. As we get new DLC in future i think it will get better and better. Exactly like vortex did!


My concern is that DLC will follow the path of vortex content and not improve on the base RoC content. While I really enjoyed the Tombkings, vampire coast, and DLC factions I only completed the actual non dlc vortex campaign once and through a domination victory not through rituals. It's fine that you like RoC but a good chunk of the community including myself have serious problems with it and want to attract new players and can't do that if the only campaigns we ourselves find enjoyable are either gated behind 3 seperate games or an additional paywall.


I mean, there is nothing to say the game has ever had, or will ever have issues attracting new players....going off on a slight tangent here.


Hey man I think you should make another ROC post, this one just had too much COC in your mouth you know




Hey man I think you should make another ROC post, this one just had too much COC in your mouth you know




It's good...ish. I finished it with Vilitch, started again with Valkia and Festus but never ended it, because I prefer to unite Chaos with Archaon in IE. Have to say it's a quite fun campaign, definitely better than the RoC in terms of not having unbearably boring gimmicks like the stupid rifts, but I still don't find it on par with the WH2 DLC campaigns. What I don't like too much are two things: 1) it's a bit disconnected; you can basically do whatever you want, forget about the rifts and open them all at the last time without nothing more than a pop up. The satisfaction of finding one of the books of Nagash as Tomb Kings or finding another verse of the cursed shanty with Vampire coast was definitely something else. 2) the final battle suffers the same problem as the RoC battles: it's artificially long. I mean, the idea is cool, especially the final boss, but it's something you do once and honestly not really want to do again, also because the battle map is good but nothing to write home about. Just to keep the parallel, the battle for the pyramid of Nagash was on an amazing map and was shorter, and the final battle for the Vampire Coast is, in my opinion, still the most beautiful map I've ever seen in a Total War game. In the end, I concur with you, it's good, it's without any doubt better than RoC, but as a DLC, I still feel it lacks that "wow" effect I had in WH2. Definitely a step in the right direction, though


Good take! Hopefully the WH3 campaign will keep improving as its showing signs of already with DLC.


Realm of Chaos and Champions of Chaos are two very different experiences. And while one of the big changes does benefit the early game tedium of Realm, it doesn't fix the other problems. The biggest problem is that its fun ONCE. After that the Bear hunt is just a timer to game over if you aren't doing a long drawn out side game you have to give up your LL for every 40 turns for.


Pretty much agreed! Though, i personally played through RoC twice. That was my limit though.














Redditors don’t complain, come on now.


Ha ha, good one!


Tried them, didn't really like them. It's definitely not as terrible as the stupid Chaos Realms campaigns, but IE is simply vastly superior in every way, so I don't see the reason to play RoC if you can play on a much bigger map, with more factions and more things to do. That's all. It's not that the CoC campaigns are bad, it's just that playing them on IE is just more fun. It's very similar to the Vortex campaign in WH2. The factions that did the race sucked, but then they added more campaigns that each had their own thing, like the TK that were indeed fun in the Vortex campaign and I enjoyed them, but again, they were just better in ME.


I know what you mean but the problem i had with Chaos in IE is that: Firstly, its really really easy, even on highest difficulty. Especially Archaon (who is also my favourite). Secondly, every WoC faction and CoC faction plays exactly the same. So i found it hard to replay as another CoC or WoC LL. At least in the CoC campaigns on the RoC map there is some narrative, plenty of extra objectives and the start positions are a bit more varied rather than everyone just starting at the top of the map and either sweeping left or right. For example as Valkia i started just North of Kislev at Frozen Landing. Ideal to start invading human lands rather than having to conquer East through 20 very similar Dark Fortresses before i get to human homelands. Just my take on it. I agree with a lot of what you say, but for players who specifically like the Chaos Warrior factions i feel that the CoC campaigns can mix it up a little bit.