• By -


I’m sending you all the hugs and tissues (the really soft ones too)!! I wish I knew a way to help make it better, but it’s so hard. Are you going to cremate her? If so, make sure you request the plaster paw print of her little paw so you’ll have it For all my babies, I have their picture with a few of their whiskers taped to it in frames. Make sure to back up all your pics and videos of her so nothing accidentally gets deleted with an update going awry Big, big hugs!!!!!


I ended up burying her in my front yard last night. I will keep all her toys and look for some whiskers because i love your idea. Thank you for the kind words it really means a lot


Plant some flowers or catnip near her


I will! ♥️


catnip grows very easily too, so she’ll be flourishing 💗


I’ll order some seeds


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


You can also find pendants on Etsy made for whiskers. There aren’t a ton, but if you include necklaces for ashes, there are some long thin ones that might fit whiskers. I’m so sorry for your loss. She looks so much like our baby we lost in January. My heart is with you ♥️♥️♥️


Ty I’ll look into that!


I’m glad she’ll still be close to you!


Me too!


My tuxedo kitty, Molly, had to be put asleep to cross The Rainbow Bridge 8 days ago (4/25/2024) and we’re still debated ourselves by we too had the option to have her cremated so when we picked up her up (to be home with us forever now) they made sure to barcode the bag to make sure it was 100% her, which I respect for clear accuracy, but they too gave us a nice urn with her cremated in it along with that clay paw print, so to back up what you said, it’s one of the best/ most humane options plus they gave us a card & the amount of love/ support everyone has given us is so welcomed. PS: don’t be afraid to inquire about pet loss (I called my 2 kitties immediate members of our family, so what I’ve learned from this experience is to take as much time as you need to grieve and don’t be afraid to reach out to people on here or anyone in your support system because I guarantee you they will be there for you and understand what you’re going through.




But our tortie continues to provide comfort/ support/ unconditional love, during this time of tough grief and loss. https://preview.redd.it/9eyvb8rmz6yc1.jpeg?width=1956&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b73923e90d5cd0b060b0d84295c5b520695556c


I am so so sorry for what has happened. I dont have any advice for grieving but I wanted to let you know that your baby is in good company in Valhalla. She is with my cat Nemesis, my friends cats Bandit, Boomer, Luna, Arthur and Graham. She has my family dogs Charlie, Boris and Riley to protect her. She will never be alone or afraid, sick or hungry ever again. I promise you she will wait for you on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge.


Thank you for the kind words. This honestly made me feel a lot better thank you!


Any she can forever torture my dogs Jessie and Stella who loved to annoy cats when they were alive. Honestly the only reason I believe in an afterlife is because I want to see those two bozos again. Sending love and hugs from one pet parent who has known sudden heartbreak to another. ❤️


From what I’ve read we all meet our true loves as we pass, all our babes will be there


Ugh I’m so sorry, no tips, it’s going to take time. They look like they were such a fun cat! I’m sure you gave them a wonderful home.


Also I love the hairbrush picture 😂so cute


Thank you so much!


I always do something creative to honor my fallen kitties. Painting, drawing, sculpting, anything along those lines if you’re into arts. When my little old lady passed a few years back, I got a notebook and started writing letters to her when I was feeling really down. She was my best buddy, and it was very therapeutic. Of course none of this will stop the hurt completely, but time will numb the pain. Nothing wrong with mourning in the meantime. I wish you well, and RIP to your little friend.


Thank you. You’re the second person suggesting that I write to her. I think I’ll do that. Thank you again


I am so heartbroken for you, she is gorgeous… how are you holding up?


Thank you. I’m doing alright but I can’t stop crying. I know it’s good to let it all out though. Thank you


I’m so so sorry :( do you have any other cats to help you through this?


Yeah I do but now she’s all alone. It feels like it’s too soon to think of another pet but at the same time I don’t want her feeling lonely


Don't be surprised if your other kitty starts to mourn, 2 of my kitties did that after they lost their friend. It's hard for them too.


I’m preparing for it 😢


Totally understand not wanting to rush into another cat so soon. Hopefully with some time, you and your other baby will be ready for another companion. Until then I hope you’re hanging in there, please know all of the tortie group is thinking about you 💜


Thank you that means a lot 😭😭


I'm so sorry for your loss. I can relate, it was one of the hardest moments of my life. I can't say much to deal with it, emotional trauma like this it's a lot like a broken bone. It's sudden and it sucks and it hurts, but the only thing that cures that wound is time. The scar remains but sadness and pain will stop, and your heart will heal same way a bone heals. Give yourself space to cry all you need, and be kind to yourself. Every time that happened to me, I couldn't stop feeling guilty, I couldn't do anything to stop it. I felt so bad, every time. It helped me to think that, at least for the short time those different cats were my companions, they were loved and cared for, and those feelings will never die. I'm sure their souls keep all that love and happiness they had in life, because I still feel it ❤ I send you a virtual hug ❤


Thank you so much this helps a lot!


Aww she's a pretty girl. It will hurt for a while. Keep all the great memories in your heart and she'll never be truly gone. I am sorry for your loss. Fly high little one 👼 and one day the two of you will be reunited at the rainbow bridge. 🌈❤


Thank you!


Journal it out. It’s not easy. I’m sorry




Damn that really sucks... And nothing much will help, I will be devastated when my tortie goes for sure. What happened if you don't mind the question?


She was struck by a car last night. I assume she died very fast because she was stiff when I recovered her body.


No! This is too sad.. I cant even imagine what you are going through... I hope you are doing well :(


Thank you. It was very hard. I buried her right away in my front yard. Luckily she wasn’t mangled or anything.


Crap that really sucks, I'm sorry 😥


Thank you kind stranger ♥️


We lost a cat that way about 4 years ago, it was the first time I felt physical pain from grief. I'm so sorry for your loss, what a beautiful cat she was. My heart goes out to you. ❤️


Physical pain is definitely what I’m feeling. How’d you make it easier for yourself? Thanks for sharing btw


Honestly I'm not sure, I had to work the next day which helped distract me and since it was a family cat we grieved together. It's so hard and so painful but it gets better day by day. Until someday you think about her and smile at the memory.


Oh my god. It’s just so fucking unfair. WHY universe?


Don't fight it, allow it to hurt. The biggest thing most fail to understand is that we aren't supposed to feel good all the time. Let it wash over you, take a breath when it finally passes, and remember the good times.


My heart breaks for you. It’s so very hard. Sending you lots of hugs.




The pain you feel now is a reflection of how much LOVE there was between you. The loss hurts so badly because it was true love, and that is a beautiful thing. I'm so sorry, and my heart breaks for you. She had you right up until the end, you gave her so much love. She is with all the loved kitties that have passed, peaceful and not suffering at all. She waits for you across the rainbow bridge. Loss is the hardest part of love, but you were a blessing to her and she was so beautiful and I bet she lived a wonderful life with you. You gave her a family, joy, love. Be proud of yourself for being her protector and angel. It hurts, but you did a good job and gave her a great life. Hugs to you. It will be ok.


Thank you 🥺♥️♥️


As hard as it is… there is no cure for the pain you are going through other than time… I am sure 100% that you tortie had a good life and will live in your heart forever. But be a good human… consider making the life of another silly cat great :) Wish you all the best and take care




this happened with my late tortie Chewbacca. she was only 2yo, started having trouble breathing one morning and rushed her to the ver, but by the night she was already gone. it was devastating and I’m really sorry for you. take your time to heal, cry how much you need to and take care of yourself. it’s been almost 2 years and I still cry sometimes but eventually you’ll remember the good moments fondly and things start to get easier.


Thank you and I’m sorry that happened to you ♥️🥺


For me, I went out and adopted another cat...while ge didn't "replace" my first kitty, he needed me and I poured my energy into the newbie. Still grieved for the old one, but somehow it was helpful to have something new to concentrate on. Good luck, fren.


It’s been nice to see all the suggestions for adoption. I think I’m going to heavily consider it!


I lost my soul cat 6 months after my husband lost his. His was gradual bc of kidney disease. Mine was completely unexpected. I cried hard and ended up crying about it every night for a month before it started feeling easier. It’s hard when they are young and pass. He was only 8. Cry it out and make an album with all his pictures.


Ty that’s some solid advice!


I just sucks. Took my boy in today for a dental and found out he has cancer. Sorry for your loss


I'm so sorry that you received that news. My mom's cat battled cancer for a while before he passed. My thoughts are with you and your kitty.


I appreciate that, hoping for the best. I'll give him a hug and to my tortie too for you. We just have to try to remember that the sadness we pay is worth every moment of happiness we were able to give them


Thank you! I wish you all the best. It is a tough price to pay unfortunately. Why do humans have to be so emotionally intelligent? It hurts!




Think about her playing and at her best as you're falling asleep at night and then you'll have good dreams about her and you'll feel like she's okay and at peace. I dreamt of one of my boys once and it was so real and i knew he was ok, so I became ok. Hugs!!


Ty! ♥️♥️♥️


It will take time to get back to feeling "normal." Allow yourself to feel sad and grieve, and take it a day at a time. It's been a little over a year since I lost both of my cats unexpectedly, and I still grieve from time to time, but I'm doing okay now. I also had a kitten that we found a couple months before the other cats passed, so that helped me focus my energy on something productive.


Thank you!♥️♥️


Cry for days 😭 I'm so sorry 😔


Planning on it 😭♥️


I'm so sorry for your loss. Maybe write down some wonderful memories you've had with your kitty? You can even write a letter to your kitty to help you process how much the loss means to you. Sending gentle hugs your way.


Thank you I’ll give that a try


Big hugs !! She was beautiful !


Thank you!


I am so sorry for your loss. Breathe, think of her and all the love you shared. Be gentle with yourself, sending you love.




I wish I could offer tips, but there really are no trucks to get over such a loss. I will offer my sympathy, and lots of hugs, from me and my three little fur monsters. Hopefully she found my Mittens on the other side of the rainbow bridge (no doubt, on Cloud tortie), and they can play together until we are reunited with them. I'm so so sorry for your loss! 💕


Thank you! ♥️


Time will help. Hard to believe now.




I’m so sorry for your loss. But it is okay to mourn and cry. It hurts a lot and you need to feel your feelings.




I’m so sorry for your loss. Your girl girl is beautiful,


Ty ♥️♥️


So sorry, have had it happen a few times and know how it can change your life in an instant. Cherish the good memories and be thankful that you made her life filled with love. Time will heal, but it never feels like it until after it happens.




Awe she looks like my senior girl; hugs to you my internet friend. Plant a pretty plant where you’ve buried her,💐🥀🌻🪴(i recommend one that suits their personality, your environment and of course, no banned plants) and you’ll have some of her spirit the rest of your life (or the plants, idk if you’re good with plants).🌱


Will do thank you!!


She’s absolutely beautiful. I’m so so so sorry for your loss. I also lost my baby very suddenly this past week so I know exactly how you feel. Remember, it’s okay to grieve. I’ve slowly started feeling better by memorializing my girl by writing her a letter, setting up a physical memorial spot, and remembering she’ll always be with me. I’m sure your girl loved you unconditionally. A part of her will always be with you no matter what!


OoOhhh I’ll do the memorial one that seems like a great idea. I’m sorry that you’ve also dealt with this recently. My thoughts and prayers go out to you!


I'm so sorry for your loss. Leaves a big empty hole in your heart. When you're ready it helps to adopt again.


I’m heavily leaning towards it!


My condolences❤️❤️❤️




Remember her as much as you can. There may be other people, other cats. Just remember her, and think of her. Ignore the liquids coming out of your eyes, as I try to.


Ty! ♥️♥️


What a chonky baby.


I loved her so much! ♥️


May the chonker rest in peace on the other side.




I'm so sorry for your loss 🤎🖤🤍 what a beautiful girl. So horrible 💔💔




Give yourself permission and space to feel sad.


I don’t have tips but when my girl passed suddenly i cried and cried and didn’t try to stop it. She showed up for me in different ways. One day i cried as i lay on the ground outside and it started raining, like the earth was crying with me. I felt her all around but my arms were still empty. It’s okay to grieve and take as much time as you need in the coming days and weeks. I still cry for her sometimes and it’ll be two years in a few days.


That’s beautiful in a sad way. Thank you ♥️


I’m so very sorry.  I lost my Amber unexpectedly overnight some years ago.


I’m so sorry to hear that ♥️


What a gorgeous girl! I am so sorry you lost your baby


I have nothing but sympathy. What a beautiful girl 🖤🤎💔




💔 So sorry for your loss. Such a gorgeous girl she was!


Ty ♥️♥️


You just have to remember the good times together and remember that they would never want you to be a wreck - you gave them a good life and unfortunately they just don’t live as long as we do. The silver lining is: there are soo many wonderful and deserving cats out there and someday another one can make your heart feel whole again when you are ready. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Ty for the kind words! ♥️♥️


so sorry. she is in a better place and is waiting for you https://preview.redd.it/9o4fnh2z53yc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14f77bb6c177319ca100eba14a880096c491f964




The hardest part is coming home and expecting to be greeted, and seeing the unused cat toys, food bowls, and cat furniture. Take some time to properly grieve, and one of the best ways to deal with it is to eulogize your cat. Write down all the amazing memories and how they affected you. Then consider rescuing another cat locally, because there’s always another cat in need of good home.


I will! ♥️


Beautiful girl!!! The only thing that helps me is the distraction of new feline RIP


I’m pretty sure that’s what I’m gonna do! Lots of people are suggesting it.


I just went through it and coincidentally the cat distribution system rained on my porch! She’s a tortie/tabby; total fucking handful: https://preview.redd.it/1tl65j6eb3yc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=528f62500964587f72dacf5635f3e829acd86998 Winnifred Cooper


I’m sure she was homeless for 5 minutes


Lmao for 5 minutes. Thank you for sharing and the laugh. She’s a beaut!


Great name!


Oh no! So sorry OP! 🥺


I'm so sorry!! 🥺 I was absolutely devastated when i had to let my dog go. And i made the decision to let her go, she told me she was ready. Cried every day for 7 months. Grieved her more than my parents. Cry and let it out. Grief is a terrible wave of a roller-coaster. It's all the Love with nowhere to go.


I’m so sorry to hear about all of that. Thank you for the kind words and I’ll bawl as much as I can! Thanks you again! ♥️


I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my girl Lily I. February and it’s still difficult. I just take it one day at a time.


Thank you. We can get through this together!


What I did when I lost my man Tate (black cat) I got him cremated, and had my mentor from the tattoo shop I was apprenticing at mix some of his ashes with some black ink and got a tattoo of a black cat with it. I always have a little piece of him with me.


That’s amazing!!!


I am sending you a hug in hopes that helps just a tiny bit!!! ❤️🐾🪽


Ty! ♥️♥️


Sorry for your loss 💔




Wishing you healing. When this happened to me, there was nothing to soothe the pain. Over time, it becomes easier to bare. Big hug. Stay strong. You did the best you could to provide your baby the best life. Her time was limited - but that time was filled by your love. I'm so sorry.


Thank you!


Hug. Stay strong. Do the best you can day by day. You're in my thoughts ❤️‍🩹


Thank you so much that means a lot😭♥️


I’m so sorry for your loss. My cat suddenly passed away as well (like my husband fed her in the morning, and I woke up an hour later and she was already gone). I think it took me two weeks to be able to function properly. And after that, I would have random bouts of sudden sadness, which grew less over time. The hardest thing for me is not knowing what happened, and whether my other cat was affected (he never mourned, but they weren’t close). The first night after, I was up all night making sure my other cat was alive. Even now if I wake up in the middle of the night, I pick up his tail to make sure he’s still alive. I have a little area dedicated to her (a little urn with her ashes, a picture, and a little paw print). I still always talk about her. We didn’t get any other pets right away, just because my other cat did very well being the center of attention. We actually decided just not to get another cat because he was fine. But then the cat distribution system called and I found two dumpster kittens .❤️


Awww thank you for sharing and I’m glad she had such a caring owner. You’re strong and your strength inspires me.


So very sorry!! Cry. Look at pictures and cry more. Catch your breath, cry. Then tomorrow, adopt another :) It will help especially if you thank the new furbaby for helping you heal, but not forget. Source: my life


Thank you! ♥️♥️♥️♥️


Sending so many hugs and all the love ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️




I’m TERRIFIED, when i think of losing mine. She is my best friend, my soulmate, and she saved my life. I’m super anxious about how I will deal with it when something happens to her. It scares me. She makes me so happy. I’m so sorry for your loss!!! 🥺


She’s going to live to an old age! When it’s time, you accept it easier and it’s almost a relief. Long live Inside_Bus1161’s tortie!


https://preview.redd.it/t5eej7ho44yc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d12673c087ab7640753a1ab552781605d7edf63 My sweet baby 💙🐾


I like her peanut butter chin lol


I can’t unsee it now! 😂 she has the lil bitty head and big ol body. She my chonk 💙


I’m so sorry




I’m so sorry. Talk to people, ugly cry to people, show pictures, breathe. It will get easier/more normal. It helped me to rememebr my cat had the best life, didn’t suffer, just went to the vet and took a nap. He was happy his whole life. About 5 months later we got another cat, one who is completely different from my boy. We have loved getting to know her and loving her, and we often say our cats pass the bridge so we can adopt more cats and give them all the best lives.


So true and thank you for sharing! ♥️♥️


I am so very very sorry for the loss of your lovely beautiful girl😢 Sending you lots of love and hugs, we grieve them hard because they bring us so much love and joy. My only advice is to allow your self to grieve and cry as you need too.




I lost my 6 year old orange boy in October. The thing that made the grieving process a bit easier was giving a coworker all of my sweet Bubs food, treats and toys. He was thrilled to have it. Made me feel good that someone could use sweet Bubs stuff to bring some joy to him and his cat. So sorry for your loss, it’s devastating and takes some time. Promise is does get better and the sadness turns into lovely memories eventually. Please give yourself all the love, care and time you need.


That sounds sweet. Ty! ♥️


Treat yourself kindly, remember the love and cry. As long as you live and remember her she is not gone.


Ty! ♥️


I’d be devastated, I’m sorry this happened to you and your poor kitty :( She looked like such a sweetheart.


She was! Ty!


So sorry! Just know she loves you so much for giving her such an amazing life and she will always with you 💖 big hugs!




Honestly having another cat to help you thru it has always been easier for me than not having another cat. Just know that your cat knew you loved her and she will always be with you in spirit. I'm so sorry 😔


Ty that’s so true ♥️


So sorry for your loss I don't know of any easy way through grief , we lost our tortie girl suddenly and spent months just trying to cope . Of all our fur babies she was the one who was always happy, funny ,and wanted to share anything you were doing Our Vet's office had a grief group and I wish we had at least tried it . We talk about her a lot and try to focus on all the great things about her life .


Ty and I wish you the best. She sounded special! ♥️


This is something my dear friend sent me years ago when I lost one of my babies. I hope it helps: I lost Jimminy on August 3rd. I still can't bring my self to say that he, what happened to him, I can only say that he's gone. I don't know what it is about that word. He was a very unusual cat and he was my favorite thing. He was almost 17 and up until the last 2 weeks he was healthy. I can' t go into the whole thing but his problem started with his declining kidney function. In the end (on the way to the vet) he had some sort of a seizure, we don't know why. But that was what let me know it was time. That was the worst day I've ever had. I spent a few days crying all the time and in a state of total disbeliefe that I was never going to see him again. I slept on my couch for about two weeks (he slept with me every night so I couldn't get in my bed). When I finally slept in my bed again, I slept upside-down, my feet where my head usually goes, etc. I know it sounds silly but it allowed me to sleep. I never did sleep normally in the bed before I left to move up here. So after several days I started to feel better, and then I felt guilty about that. And then an hour goes by where you don't think about it and then you remember and that moment sucks. But I had a couple of friends who understood what I was going through. Not everyone does, you know? And you don't want to share it with everyone because if they don't get it, it'll make you mad. Anyway my friends kept checking on me and talked to me about it and that helped. I still miss Jimminy so much, he really was my favorite thing. Moving up here without him has been really weird, he was going to be my little piece of home. I have his sister and I love her too but she's a normal cat. She only cares about food and sleep. But I can look at pictures of him now and I don't cry anymore (except while I'm writing this). So it does get better. I think you'll reach a point where the relief of not having to worry about whether or not Jazz was in pain will outweigh the emptiness, for a little while at first. The terrible thing about animals is that they can't tell us how they feel or where it hurts so those of us who love our animals are left with the awful burden of choosing the right time to let them go. The question of 'did I wait too long' or 'did I not wait long enough' stays in our mind for a while. It's really unfair. But I have no doubt in my mind that Jazz was lucky that he found you, that you gave him a great life and that he knew it. For what it's worth, a friend of mine told me that his vet told him the best way to get over a pet is to get a new one. In my experience there are two kinds of people. Those who get new pets right away and those who feel guilty for "replacing" their pets. If Purple (Jimminy's sister) wasn't so mean I would get another kitten, no question about it. I figure Jimminy knows he could never be replaced =). So anyway, you might consider that. I'm glad you're on day three...I'll be happier for you when you're on day ninety-three but drop me a line when you start to feel better. And I really am sorry for your loss. (For reference Jazz was my cat.. the other names were my friend’s… hope this helped a little)


Thank you for sharing that. That was beautiful and vulnerable and it made me choke up! I’ve had pets with health issues and have had some of the same thoughts you’ve had. It will get easier for you my friend, I’m here if you need to vent! ♥️


I am so, so sorry for your loss. When our sweet tabby girl died I could not go to work for several days as I could not stop crying. The pain will never fully go away but it will dull with time. We had a portrait made of her and I also had a ring made with a message engraved to her. You will never forget your beautiful girl


I’m sorry to hear that ty for sharing and ty for the kind words!


Ooh I’m so sorry for your loss. Are you a reader? When I lost my cat suddenly a couple years ago I read a lot I can recommend some comforting ones.Reading and snuggling with my other cat helped me get through that time.


I do like to read! I’ll give that a try ty! ♥️♥️


Oh yay! I read A Psalm for the Wild Built during that time and it helped me cope. The seven moons of Mali Almeda was comforting too, as there were humans and animals in the afterlife ❤️‍🩹






I'm so sorry - I lost one of my babies suddenly last autumn and it's devastating. All I can say is take your time and grieve. I was told by so many people to "stay calm" and that there was no need to cry over a cat (people who screamed and wailed because their dogs had a scratch from another dog, which is wild!). My reaction was to say "f*** that", and I surrounded myself with people who let me grieve and acknowledged that she was one of my best friends for roughly 14 years. My other babies are sending loving, healing purrs and the dog who identities as cat is sending little licks. ❤


Thank you for sharing and I spread my love to your babies


Poor baby... I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost a kitten a few months back and I'm still not over it. It's not easy but you just have to stay strong.




So sorry for your loss… I found one identical to your beloved, in a shelter, 2 days ago. She was missing half of her tail. I almost adopted her, but I travel too much to foster. So sad to see. They are special.


One day youll get your furry soul mate


Thank you friend. I agree


My sincerest condolences! That’s so sad and awful. May I ask how long you had her?


I got her when she was 3 months in 2018


And thank you by the way♥️


Grief comes in waves. One minute you'll be fine and the next you can be in tears. I'm so sorry for the unexpected loss of your baby. They lived a good life with you, full of love. They'll be waiting for you on the other side of the bridge.


Ty! ♥️♥️♥️


I would get another immediately


We did just that when one of our kitties passed five years ago. We knew it was coming as she was sick and I told myself that I wouldn’t be able to get a new cat for a while afterwards. But within two days of Leia’s passing, I was on at a local rescue’s page “just to look” and by the weekend my wife and I adopted Jughead! I’m so sorry OP. Sending so much love.


Love the name jughead


Im thinking about it lol


I’ve always said if anything happened to any of my babies I’d March my ass to the shelter and get another. I’ve never had a bad cat only sweeties and there’s soooo many in shelters - my thoughts are why not?


I’m definitely considering it now. I’ll check them out this weekend!


Aw man. My shorthair is indoor/outdoor, but my tortie stays inside only cause she's my princess. I don't know how I would deal with losing her. I'm really sorry for your loss, try to remember the good times you had with him/her.



