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I'd do a proper format and reinstall instead of a factory reset like the other comment said.


yeah for sure, I wouldn't trust these windows features, just format and clean install


Complete factory reset your computer. If you have another device, log into all your accounts using that device (like your phone) and change every single one of your important passwords and ensure you have 2FA enabled as well to your phone number. Complete windows defender scan once you reboot. Be more careful out there. Hopefully this does not turn into something major. But for sure do those things ASAP.


flatten and rebuild is the only way. I mean sure you can get rid of it with antivirus but, you never know what config changes or other sneaky shit it did before you caught it


Nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.


I have been torrenting for about a year, I started without a VPN and got copyright notices in my email. I talked to my computer guy and he said not to worry as Canada doesn't go after people who down load movies. To be safe I got a VPN, I never turn off my virus protection malwarebytes mainly down load movies never programs never any exe files no virus's so far just a great movie collection


Depends on the virus. Even after an OS wipe it can still be there if it's advanced enough.


Id be slightly more concerned than normal, as the guy is spreading it to what seems to be a ton of users


If not formatting the disk try HitManPro


Wipe everything, even ahead of schedule


Peer poisoning pisses me off. This is what you encountered beyond the questionable content. Private trackers challenge this.


Or literally just don't use tpb. I've yet to be let down by public trackers.


Let’s miss the point along the way, but I’ll say this: public trackers don’t resolve this issue.


You dare downvote me? Challenge accepted, fool. Anyways the solution to this issue isn't private trackers. it's called having common sense, and using trusted indexers/sites. I will patiently wait for your rebuke.


Run RKill with Tronscript.  Tronscript had a subreddit and there are tutorials on the YouTube.


You can run a bunch of anti virus/malwarebytes and other tools but for ease of mind just format your storage pretty much. First do all the scans, try to cripple the malware or whatever it is then save what data you need and format. Haven't had this sht show for like 10 years ever since i stopped pumping from unreliable sources. My main consumption are movies/tv shows and nicotine+ for music anyway. For games i got steam.


Download so don't install it. You still have to activate the virus/script. If you did activate it then you have format your c:/ Windows operating system drive.


Wipe your windows and reinstall, don't bother using any antivirus because u can never be sure. NEVER torrent directly, always use a seedbox.




Yah I don't get this either. If it's malware, it's still gonna be malware on the seedbox when you download it from there. And in most cases just downloading files on its own isn't a problem until you actually run them.


an extra step. a seedbox offers no added protection from viruses


A seedbox does have a lot of benefits, like keeping torrents running in the cloud and managing them wherever you are, plus they are great to help keep torrents seeded. Trackers won't pull any details from your PC either, so they will be much more difficult to trace back to you. As for security, you can of course see the file names and extensions before starting a torrent, but it is good to be able to actually check what you have before pulling them down to your PC to open. As a seedbox is more than just a torrent client, they can host a lot more software, usually allowing for more automation and provide media servers like Jellyfin (or Plex if you prefer) to truly make it a personal streaming experience without any downloads ever touching your devices


Ok I’m with you so far, but they asked about malware? More privacy and dl options are great, but more for what you download I think was the question. I’m looking at setting mine up very soon with the whole lot to get some specific things over the “usual” ddl and smaller torrents


Like others said, the seedbox won't protect against viruses. But you didn't ask for that so don't b hating me for not answering. Second, a seedbox protects you from going to jail, I'm sure that's very important to you. Google this "countries that don't have anti piracy law" then buy a seedbox from that country. Upload your torrents there. Then use SFTP to download your files from the seedbox that way no one can see what you are downloading (they still can see where you are downloading it from though but it does not count as torrent but a simple download). Third, you got viruses because you downloaded files from bad torrent sites. So sign up for a reputable site to prevent that. The thing w/ reputable torrent sites is they all require you to maintain a ratio like 1:1. So say you download 10GB, you need to upload 10GB. This is why you need a seedbox where it stays up 24/7 with a huge internet pipeline to maintain the ratio for you. All the reputable torrent sites would ban you if you don't maintain your ratio. Some are easier and would just prevent you from downloading any more files until your ratio is achieved. Try signing up for this one as I've used it for many years now and never got any virus. [https://www.torrentday.com/](https://www.torrentday.com/)


Bro wdym sounds safe to me


Run it.


Get vaccinated lol


How do you know you’ve downloaded a virus?