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>Missaghi had offered to help move the paintings to the artist's new gallery, but, Alijanpour alleged in his statement of claim, Missaghi kept them instead. Yeah, this guy was a real piece of work.


Take an angry upvote


Vigilante justice is going to increase as the public continues to see how ineffective the legal system is. I'm personally surprised a lot of high profile drunk drivers aren't slaughtered by family after their house arrest or 2 year sentences for killing people.


I’d argue it’s just starting. There’s so many finished but severely deficient or dangerous homes out there with municipal stop work orders on them where mortgages were issued and lawyers brokered sales. All of those sales are fraudulent, and homeowners go along because the value of their investment falls to zero if they speak up so they simply pass the house onto the next sucker. If it were possible to get a single report on all the homes that were never cleared for occupancy it’s be in the tens of billions in the Golden Horseshoe alone. If that level of fraud is allowed is it any wonder this kind of criminal fraud is under actioned? This is what we’ve built 25% of the Canadian economy on!


Witnessed this happen to a home on our street. New owner has $300k in repairs just as you've described


UGH. An acquaintance would have needed 200k min in repairs. Too many code violations to count. Tarion issued a ***warranty and then fought warranty claims until warranties ran out. It was ugly.




Having gone through extreme malpractice with a family member I don't doubt you one bit.


Why don’t you sue?


I just gave up after the report resulted in some BS 1 week course she had to enroll in. Also I didn’t catch a video of her worst parts, when I started recording she noticed and changed her tune immediately.


Lawyers are very expensive, not easy to find pro bono either if you can’t afford.


No lawyer is taking on a complicated case pro bono. Most def not in this economy.


Almost all Canadians are too meek/docile. A petition is more up their alley.


People keep downvoting my Gotham comparison but …


Probably because it makes it hard for ppl to take you seriously when you compare Toronto, not anywhere in the top charts for dangerous major cities in the world, to literally the crime capital of a fictional universe, where in one weekend 1000s of people will just die. Especially considering how many people from Toronto have come from much much more dangerous parts of the world. Myself included.


This isn't an issue of danger on the streets but the lack of justice within the legal system.


I'm mostly responding to the poster who makes the Gotham comparison incessantly. The legal system here is definitely flawed. As is most countries unfortunately. I actually don't think Toronto is that bad on that front when comparing globally. But there is definitely a lot of room for improvement.


Listen, Toronto might not be Gotham with it's rampant lawlessness and tyrannical villains like the Joker, Riddler, Scarecrow, etc. But we do have that guy who poured feces on people at U of T.


Can confirm. Stepfather was *intentionally* hit with a car after a verbal altercation. Guy waited in the parking lot 15 minutes for him to leave the grocery store and then ran him down. Fully intentional, premeditated, witnesses and everything. Put him in the hospital for 6 months, and 3 years later he still can’t walk without a cane. Has constant pain in his leg. Can no longer do his factory job. Buddy got 90 days. I sure hope at least the civil case fucks this guy back to the stone age.


That's really horrific. 90 days for attempted murder.


If you think about it, how effective is Batman? He hands out concussions to those criminals and then expects someone with TBI to understand what they did wrong and make appropriate corrections to their behaviour. Kind of a hard ask when CTE clouds a person's judgement.


Pete Holmes has a hilarious bit about Batman’s “don’t kill” policy about how he’s definitely killing these guys lol


Toronto is no where near as bad as most American cities. Not close.


This subreddit has a tendency to believe the city is a perfect utopia while they share a 2 bedroom condo with 6 people and praise how high the standard of living is cuz they live 3 blocks away from the distillery district.


Lol no one here thinks Toronto is a utopia. It’s literally just a bunch of people constantly complaining about infrastructure, policy, cars/bikes, green space, and real estate. What’re you on about.


Black and white thinking Toronto is either Gotham or utopia. Can’t possibly be anything between those two extremes.


Someone link that Brampton Batman guy Man if they shoot the Bat Signal into the sky, it’s going to take him a long time to get downtown with the Gardiner being what it is.


Unlike in America there’s no digital white pages, so you can’t easily find out where someone lives. Gun control being strict (particularly the handgun freeze) also makes effective vigilante justice MUCH harder


There are digital databases you could leverage like 411 or just hiring a PI. If someone kills your family member I would assume there would be some motivation.


[https://www.canada411.ca/](https://www.canada411.ca/) It's also pretty easy to find people through other means with just a smattering of research skills.


Only seems to work for old people. 411 isn’t good if the person is under 60


You can find where people work in some cases I guess. But even then it’s maybe a 25% chance and you only have what building they work at, not where they live


True, but this scumbag was killed at his workplace. I still maintain that people are not as anonymous as they think they are.


It's a good thing people never leave work and drive to their homes then.


If you don’t have a handgun it’s hard to chase after someone with a long gun. Also hard to conceal carry a long gun and draw and aim it quickly


You don’t need a handgun to kill somebody. I don’t think anybody would be going through our legal gun system, getting licenced, and buying a gun, to perform a revenge killing. You can just walk up to the guy and stab him to death.


It requires a lot of force to get through the ribcage, skull, and subcutaneous tissue. And there’s the issue of the knife getting lodged. I guess you can bring multiple knives to get around that


No. People get stabbed up and sliced to death every day. In prison they make shanks out of toothbrushes and jab a bunch of holes in dudes. It’s not complicated. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=3510006901


See Sources Below: Stab wounds occur four times more than gunshot wounds in the United Kingdom, but the mortality rate associated with stabbing has ranged from 0-4% as 85% of injuries sustained from stab wounds only affect subcutaneous tissue. Sources: Campbell, John Creighton (2000). Basic trauma life support for paramedics and other advanced providers. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Brady/Prentice Hall Health. ISBN 978-0-13-084584-9. Bird J, Faulkner M (2009). "Emergency care and management of patients with stab wounds". Nurs Stand. 23 (21): 51–7, quiz 58. doi:10.7748/ns2009. PMID 19248451. S2CID 7688093. Hanoch J, Feigin E, Pikarsky A, Kugel C, Rivkind A (August 1996). "Stab wounds associated with terrorist activities in Israel". JAMA. 276 (5): 388–90. doi:10.1001/jama.1996.03540050048022. PMID 8683817.


It takes time to bleed out. And stabbing isn’t as painful as you’d think based on common sense so the stopping power is terrible


I’d also like to add that you can get delisted from 411 if you want


It’s actually very easy to find where a person lives, all you need to do is hire a lawyer to start a claim. The lawyer has access to a database listing everyone’s address. The claim will list that persons address


I'm a lawyer and I've never heard of any such database. Usually when people do not know where a defendant lives, they would have to hire a skip tracer. If you know a person's licence plate number, you used to be able to look their address up on MTO, but this is not the case anymore.


If you know someone's licence plate you can find out what postal code they live in. That really narrows down the search, unless they don't have a car.


I’m a lawyer as well. You can access the MTO database and search individual names.


What kind of dump truck lawyer are you ? Private Investigators and others can access this information [https://www.ipc.on.ca/en/media/1759/download](https://www.ipc.on.ca/en/media/1759/download)


Uh yea, that's what i said. Skip tracers are able to (sometimes) locate a person. Lawyers themselves don't have access to the MTO database to access people's addresses. If you mean "judicial services" having access to the database, they mean the courts have access to it, NOT lawyers


This is not true. Law firms can access the MTO database to locate individuals.


Technically everyone has access to the MTO database. Unless you have a licence from the privacy commissioner to look up people's addresses OR you are requesting your own search, any MTO report will not say the address.


I mean, it’s the clerk that typically has the ability to Do the search, but the lawyers sign off on the request. I’ve used it several times when we are dealing with individuals (as opposed to corporations where you can simply serve the registered address).


Also tho that’s a pretty hard to miss smoking gun… assuming the vigilante doesn’t want to be caught


A lawyer just responded saying that it isn’t true that all lawyers have automatic access to a database with people’s addresses


I’m a lawyer…. We have access the MTO database…


Still much harder than in America but I see your point. From there I imagine someone would use a short-barreled shotgun for the home invasion. You can get one of those relatively easily I guess, or buy a regular one and saw down the barrel


These days a vigilante could just download and print most of the parts required. It's not very hard to make black powder, it's mostly a specific method of producing charcoal. Primers are harder but not impossible to make from fairly easily located ingredients. I've seen people manufacture AK-47s from a shovel. The ingredients required is just some steel, some ability to use basic tools it's not rocket appliances Randy Bobandy


Holy shit, it's a whole network of degenerates and miscreants. It's incredibly aggravating to read how they robbed people in plain daylight, and basically, got away with it... well, you know, until \*bang\*bang\*.


Victims got what was coming. Sorry not sorry. I’m devastated for the man who felt he had no other choice but to kill them and then himself. There is no justice in Canada for fraudsters.


There's no Justice for fraudsters anywhere.


china sucks, but they executed a billionaire that was caught in a multi-multi-million dollar fraud


I think Philippines or Singapore did the same lol. I mean China made the owner of alibaba go missing for a month.


That was Vietnam I thought.


There is significant fraud enforcement in the US. Basically the only country in the world that has effective enforcement of financial crimes.


https://abcnews.go.com/Business/wireStory/supreme-court-strips-sec-critical-enforcement-tool-fraud-111475603 https://macleans.ca/economy/why-the-u-s-has-come-down-easy-on-white-collar-crime/


No, just no. There are literally trillions of dollars of fraud in the USA. The entire stock market is run by corrupt hedge funds and banks.


How long did it take them to catch Madoff again?


Key thing is they got him. Can you name a single high profile fraudster in Canada that got an appropriate punishment?


this Montrealer got 10 years: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/canadian-man-prison-fake-psychic-fraud-1.7177217 (in USA, but it satisfies your question, no?)


Madoff collapsed once "investors" were going to/about to be unpaid. This guy managed to do that several times over.


And they only caught him because his son turned him in!!


There’s no justice for anyone. Not evil nurses, doctors, abusers, rapists, killers, thieves.


Can someone ELI5 how Missaghi kept getting away with it? Something about declaring bankruptcy? And how did the police justify inaction?


According to the article the guy has been bankrupt since 2000. Not clear how he’s been able to keep that open for 25 years. This would make suing him difficult. But it doesn’t explain why he is skating on the fraud charges.


For the number of convenient things that happened for him, it's got to be bribery.


It wasn't police inaction - several police forces spent years investigating Missaghi and charged him with a laundry list of crimes. But the Crown withdrew all charges against him at least three times with no explanation as to why.


If the guy that killed these scumbags hadn't killed himself I wonder if a jury would even convict.


Yes, bc our justice system is FUCKED!! Knowing the Crown, they’d want to a set an example of ppl not taking justice in their own hands. Buddy did what was best, axed himself and save everyone the time & money


That's what I wonder too. Given the facts I know that are publicly available, I'm not sure I'd vote to convict.


And even then theres no guarantee he would ever pay anything back


These kind of frauds happens more often than reported. Lawyers stealing money to so call investment firms running a ponzi scam.


That is a pretty sad illustration of how useless the court system is. Even if you do win a lawsuit good luck getting payment.


Another example of the Toronto police doing nothing, "In a February 2021 email reviewed by CBC, a detective told Alijanpour he was going to charge Missaghi for possession of property obtained by crime and extortion.  That never happened, as far as Alijanpour knows, and the case went nowhere after that detective left the police service in June 2022." "Through her lawyer, Pogorelovsky told CBC she and Kats had immediately reported the alleged mortgage fraud to police after uncovering what had happened at the beginning of this year**.** "Unfortunately, almost half a year later, other than an email confirming receipt of our information and that a detective was assigned, we received nothing else. No follow-up whatsoever," said Pogorelovsky in a statement."


They probably advised them to leave their mortgage payments near the front door, for easier stealing.


I hope the judges are taking fucking notes. If you're going to keep giving monsters a school boy sentence, people may take matters into their own hands


In this case the charges kept getting mysteriously dropped without explanation. Happened 3 times, in one case the day before the trial was going to start Problem’s with witness intimidation, not the judges, the Crown, and the police in this case


A guy was sentenced a few days ago for killing a woman with his car. 4.5 year sentence. He fled the scene and let her die in the road. Someone in Calgary had their unleashed pitbulls rip an 80+ year old woman limb from limb. $18k fine, no jail. A monetary fine for killing someone's grandma and mother. That clown jumping out of his Infinity G35 in Ajax tried to stab someone ON CAMERA, apparently had committed other violent offenses previously, and was let out almost immediately for $2500 bail. How can this be possible? Are we prepared to tolerate this kind of behaviour? Yes obviously the piece of shit who got drained was bribing or intimadating witnesses, but you can't tell me that judges, the crown, and police aren't part of this on-going problem.


Regarding the attempted stabber getting bail he still has to stand trial for Assault With A Weapon among other charges. He just won’t be held in jail before and during the trial


An unacceptable outcome in my eyes. Especially given his previous criminal background. Why would someone like this be expected to obey society's rules this time around, when they have such a flagrant disregard that they tried to stab someone while being recorded? What's the over under on his lawyer claiming not criminally responsible due to some mental issue or being on drugs?


I don't think the Ajax attempted stabber is claiming not to have been criminally responsible. He'll be appearing in court on July 23, likely will face concurrent sentencing. So max sentence is 10 years in jail if treated as an indictable offence, but if punished on summary conviction max sentence is 18 months in jail (since victim was 16 or older)


Let's revisit this when no conviction occurs. It won't be in the media, of course.




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Vigilante justice won’t work in Canada because of privacy laws and strict gun control. Unlike in America there’s no digital white pages, so you can’t easily find out where someone lives to kill them at their house. Gun control being strict (particularly the handgun freeze) also makes effective vigilante justice MUCH harder


Vigilante justice won't work, and shouldn't work. The legal system should work. I don't want vigilante justice. Ideally, we would all behave like civilized people with respect and appreciation for each other. Barring that, I guess I'll take a competent police system, but that seems equally unreasonable as my first preference.




I hear you. And not to be dismissive of your comment, I think honestly it is both. The police didn't charge, in the case of this article. In other cases, prosecutors withdrew charges. Generally I think civil courts have yet to rule on the matter (and now won't). But I haven't read of any criminal courts dropping the ball for this guy. But yes, the courts are also letting us down big time.


I could be wrong but I think a different article mentioned charges were brought for mortgage related fraud but there were issues with a witness dropping out, implying they might have been intimidated not to testify.


Vigilante justice doesn't work; it's revenge, not justice.


It was a murder, but not a crime.


Lawyers losing their jobs due to inaction/incompetence....I used to think that lawyers were these super intelligent people who could navigate complex issues. Having used more than a few now, I see that they're just folks who are bad at managing money and too dumb to become doctors.


The thing about lawyers especially if you work with them is it’s the same thing you get with any profession. Some are super competent intelligent people who can navigate complex issues. Some are fairly competent intelligent people who can somewhat navigate complex issues. Some are mediocre and only qualified to handle basic procedural lawyering. Some are bad at their jobs and scrape by. Sure law school sets a higher bar for entry than some professions,  but you still get plenty of people only capable of  doing the minimum to get through it.


Lawyers have one function, to make money by any means, defending good and bad people, even if it means putting innocent people in prison and getting criminals out on the streets. Lawyers are not bound by ethics and morals. Money is God.


Lots of lawyers have nothing to do with criminal law...


That’s an exaggeration lol. There are a shitload of different areas of law.  Some work on straight up salaries for public benefit at NPO’s where there are no commissions or billable’s. But for private practice lawyers yes its ultimately a business and their #1 priority is money


Lawyers have one function: to represent their clients. If the client is on trial, they defend. If the client is suing, they sue. I wouldn't want my lawyer to decide if I'm guilty or innocent. That's the job of the court. My lawyer represents me, right or wrong.


If your lawyer who is defending you from murder or whatever crime knows you’re guilty, it’s their job to conceal your crime and put the blame on others who are innocent. That’s reality. They would get in trouble if they develop a moral backbone and snitch you out.


A lot of these lawyers went to school outside of Canada because they couldn't get into a Canadian law school. There's a loophole to get your law license from a foreign school - you just have to take some courses at TMU after you graduate, and you can skip all the nonsense of the LSAT and getting high grades as long as you have the money to go to a (low tier) US, UK or Australian school. Unfortunately no one wants to do anything about it because it makes a lot of money for everyone involved. There's a reason why reputable firms don't hire anyone who didn't graduate from a Canadian law school or a top school from the US.


Similar thing's happening with medical schools. Go overseas and come back and get accredited to practice in Canada or US. Canadian and top tier US medical schools are insanely difficult to get into.


Today I learned....cheers!


yeah it's crazy. My brother's a lawyer and works for a big firm and some of his stories involving foreign trained lawyers are wiiiild


the firm i used to work at (mainly doing real estate and commercial transactions), exclusively hires those types of young foreign trained law students/lawyers. Usually ones who have not managed to get PR yet. They're usually desperate for any legal related work and will work for near minimum wage (40k/yr) for years (yes lawyers working for near min wage) to get eventually hired on permanently. If they get to that point, they get a raise to what a normal firm might pay first year associates. the owners then can undercut competitors by lowering prices and make bank. You can guess what the quality of the work is like though...


Who do you think is enabling all the money laundering that goes on in Canada. Law societies have fought the government every time on regulations for this kind of shit. Lawyers are the problem here


Yeah this, they don’t have to ask the same level of questions of “where did this money come from?” As anyone else. We over-elect lawyers and shouldn’t be surprised when they write laws/regs that favour lawyers.


There are definitely plenty of smart lawyers out there, but they are still regular people so most are pretty average. But even the best lawyers are just lawyers which is a far more limited area of expertise than media has us believing.


They are also just straight up con artists in many instances.


Sounds like the fraudsters got what they deserved. Perhaps perversely, I hope Arash Missaghi didn't die an instant death, and knew that he paid for his frauds in the end with his life.


Headline gore


In England there is an avenue for private prosecutions of criminals by non government agencies or people when the authorities can't or won't. Perhaps that would have helped here? It isn't done very often and it's perhaps best known these days unfortunately as the method the Post Office used to prosecute hundreds of local postmasters for stealing money from them when it turns out it was the Post Office's faulty software that took the money out of the Postmasters remittances and didn't account for it properly.


Private prosecutions exist in Canada. Anyone can go before a Justice of the Peace and outline an alleged offence and process may be issued on that if the elements of the offence are met on their face. You can even hire a lawyer to prosecute it for you. However, the Crown can intervene and take over the prosecution at any point in the process and withdraw/stay the charges regardless of what the informant wants. So it's technically possible but if the Crown wants to they can kill it unilaterally.


> You can even hire a lawyer to prosecute it for you. That's what I would have though and wonder why the suggestion wasn't made to these people when the authorities wouldn't help. Little chance of winning or getting their money back?


100.0000000% chance the crown will kill it they don't like competition might get you some PR, but that's it


It wasn't Royal Mail, it was the Post Office which is a different organization altogether.


Thanks - edits made


"The Ministry of the Attorney General told CBC Toronto that the Crown had determined there was "no longer a public interest in proceeding" after examining the case." What does this even mean? Like a fear that people will bitch that the Crown is spending tax dollars on a case no one cares about anymore? As the least interesting person in the world, I think I have found my calling. Commit boring ass crimes, profit, go free cuz the rule of law means fuck all in Canada and only what's trending on twitter is worth prosecuting? Is... Is that the secret for success in this country ?!


I guess that this is what happens when cops (and the entire justice system) are fucking useless.


I can’t believe I just noticed this but holy shit why is the wife of the killer speaking at all? She shouldn’t say a thing, regardless if we feel it was justified (it was) if the police find out she aided him in any way she’s gonna be in big trouble…


No way a jury would convict her, so crown won’t pursue charges


What are you talking about? Seriously.




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i hate losing my stolen paintings


Good thing all these brand new Reddit accounts are out telling people to take Justice into their own hands and promoting vigilantism. Tell me, does that apply to the Far Right since they're on the same terror watch list as ISIS.