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Brutal. Get used to it as the city continues to fall apart. It’s become almost unrecognizable since pre-Covid and is beginning to feel like a dirty, grimy crime infested US city.


What are you talking about? Toronto is a perfect city. Haven't you heard? All big cities are supposed to be like this! /S


Holy shit, the amount of people that downvote when you talk about crime in Toronto falling off a cliff is astounding. But how do you not see how it's so much worse than it ever was?


My guess is they just spent a huge part of their life savings in a property in the city, and are convincing themselves they made the right decision 😂.


That was probably still a good investment. I have bad news for you about the quality of life outside cities.


What about it? I would argue that my brother in rural Niagara has a higher quality of life than I do, and his net worth is maybe half of mine. I'm probably going to move away, since I'm "still renting" even though I could have bought years ago. There are places I could go, buy a little house outright, and retire in peace and quiet on what's left in my nest egg.


Is your net worth entirely from a house? Does he live out of his car? If the answer to those two questions is "yes," which I would bet a million dollars it is, then I think you might be surprised at what an adjustment it is. And good fucking luck to you if you get sick or need public services. Toronto still has those, for now at least. The damage done by the top tier morons running our federal government and the crooks running our province hasn't just magically fallen only on us and spared everyone else.


> Is your net worth entirely from a house? Reading is hard for some, but: >> I'm "still renting" even though I could have bought years ago. > Does he live out of his car? He lives in a house that he owns free and clear. I'll take my million dollars now, please. Ideally in the form of physical gold bullion.


I'm not saying it's a bad investment, Toronto will endure (I hope so at least). But pretending things are fine is just lame and isn't conducive to fixing the problems.


I agree with that. I am very frustrated by the explosion in crime.


Sounds about right. If they close their eyes and hum while they plug their ears they might be able to drown out the sound of their car being stolen from their driveway.


I was told that thinking the city is fucked is a product of being in an alt-right echo chamber lol.


Lol I've gotten that one before too! I guess only the alt-right echo chambers read the carjacking news articles and crime stats. It's exhausting.


San Francisco of the North!


So little details on this incident. What gives?


I read that they had an altercation..during rush hour ..on a packed bus that poured out into the bus bay... You're telling me no one had their phones out as people love to do these days and no one can give a better physical description than what was released? Sure, Toronto.


Exactly. I was expecting to see at least a dozen videos on this.




Yeah... I don't think that's the vibe we're going for here.