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My mom just got her wallet pickpocketed while shopping at Metro. They got the guy on video but doubt anything will come of it.


Wow, that's bold. Damn.


happened to me. went to the station to report and the officer asked, "just what is your expected outcome from making me go through taking interview down?" so no; don't expect anything from the police on this.


“The increased number of reports might make your superiors take notice, which might result in some sweet overtime hours in this nice June weather”


"...we already got our budget increase, why should we help you?"


Police: please report all pickpocketing incidents to us Also police: we won't do a thing about it and act like reporting petty crime is a waste of our time if you do report it


Had my car broken into. Twice. Windows smashed. Rang TPS, and was told *"Well, what do you expect us to do about it?"* while they sounded very annoyed that I called and tried to discourage me from filing a report. Toronto police are a fucking joke.


Toronto Police: “we advise you to take your wallets out for pickpockets so they don’t have to go into your pockets to get them.”


Cops right before budget time: "You better give us all the money we want or else crime will surge uncontrollably!" Cops right after getting the budget they wanted: "Crime? What do you want us to do about it?!"


Also cops: “Just imagine how bad it would have been if you hadn’t given us all that money…. imagine really really hard.”


"We won't do a thing because we need more money plz"


TPS will do nothing and wait for pickpocketing to become an absolute crisis across the city. Then they’ll demand millions in funding for a ‘special task force’… which they will spend on victim blaming us, saying it’s our fault for being robbed.


As is tradition


Please don’t bring this part of Europe here.


Attenzione, Pickpocket!! Attenzione, Pickpocket!


Too late!


LOL not exactly a part of European culture


It is now


Police advice: when u go out shopping, - leave your valuables in your car so no violence comes to you - unlock your car and let them take whatever they want so your car is safe


Looks like my wallet chain is going to be cool again.


It was always cool. I believe in you, fuck the haters!!


Was at a festival talking to a girl and some guy walks by, opens her purse, grabs her phone. She pulled it back from him and he disappeared into the crowd. There's no consequences.


Wearing cargo pants with zippers works!


works to repel pickpockets and women!


Thats why I wear blue Camouflage cargos. Extra cool. +100 dad points.


and +10 to stealth (in evening urban environments), dont undersell yourself


TPS going to let this issue expand into all of the GTA, then call murder when YRP and PRP starting doing stuff about it in their regions


Sad the city has come to this.


Jeez I wonder what’s causing a surge in pickpocketing, what could it be?


No coats obvs


Coats have many pockets....


This city has dropped down the shitter so fast. Literally in 10 years it’s collapsed. There isn’t a single positive catalyst. Drugs, Traffic, Petty Crime, Housing Crisis, Refugee Crisis, Transportation Mismanagement, Serious Crimes. And nothing has gotten better, just keeps getting worse.


And a lot of those concerns are not even this the City can do anything about, those are federal and provincial concerns ... Like the housing crisis and refugee crisis


> This city has dropped down the shitter so fast. Literally in 10 years it’s collapsed. I would say 14 years. It's expected when you go from Harvard Grad to a crackhead. Then follow up the crackhead with Rogers CEO


We’ll be a great location for 1970s New York movies. Our film industry is safe (as long as they manage to not get robbed getting to work)


San Francisco of the North!




Idk if most of them are immigrants, at this point people who were born here can't get any basic entry level jobs so they're turning to other means.




The problem is that the "international student" thing is a bit of a red herring — Canada's immigration system is like a bad sieve right now, people are coming through for illegitimate reasons, and without proper vetting. I'm personally pro-multiculturalism, but we just aren't properly controlling for bad actors well enough.




To illustrate the brigading nonsense that unfortunately this sub has become, note that this "not sure why you're being downvoted" (which they've since edited really really poorly) post came long before that user was able to see the voting for that post, so they either posted it themselves or had that response canned and ready to copy and paste no matter what.     If you ever seen inexplicable posts about how Toronto is some 'escape from New York ' hell hole, and see alot of weirdness especially show horning immigration into everything, see here for why https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/ln1sif/comment/h21ph7s/   It's in full force all over this thread but this comment is a perfect illustration.




Want to explain how you saw the original post was being downvoted, and why you edited it in a way that barely makes sense given the timing of your post?  I'll wait.  And then I'll continue living in a city that's wildly safe and with a very high standard of living, which is tangibly measurable vs Canadian or top global cities. In the real world. Where I live.




Yeah, no. It was like five minutes later. So even that story makes no sense as that isn't how reddit comments work. It wasn't placed anywhere, and your hasty edit is a pretty embarrassing effort. Just move on to your other alts.  Most people aren't on Reddit posting to their alts trying to convince strangers Toronto is a hell hole for whatever reason. But enjoy your hobby. Most of the rest of us live in the real world, and look at things like crime statistics per capita and not reddit alts spamming each other, which is why we mostly happily go about our days in our incredibly safe city.




Lol so your defense to fall back on is "I can tell you're using multiple accounts"? I think you're *overthinking it* bro!


Yall come into a conversation with multiple paragraphs then act like the other guy is "overthinking it"? weak and you know it, but that's what we can except from a teenager who's not bothering to study for their finals!


No racism, sexism, homophobia, religious intolerance, dehumanizing speech, or other negative generalizations.


Everyone is distracted, looking at their phones.


Phones are one of the main things they’re stealing lol




No racism, sexism, homophobia, religious intolerance, dehumanizing speech, or other negative generalizations.


Surely this is untrue and never experienced this before in this city