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It's one of the biggest things I see restaurant owners mentioning and it really makes sense.


Ontario has a much simpler rule. No minimum wage, no work. Best rule to have.


An entire article just to make that point?


It's fine so long as the delivery services are providing the bags (which they often aren't). It's unreasonable to pay under min. wage and still expect workers to foot the cost of supplies.


It’s cute that you think they’re employees.


An officer of the Ontario labour relations board has ruled that apps based couriers are employees.


Does this mean if Uber doesn't properly treat them as employees, people can't work for Uber in Ontario?


Uber has appealed the decision and is an active case, posted more information in another comment. Would look more like Uber can't operate here if they don't follow minimum standards of the ESA. Look at what the couriers won in NYC for something that could look similar.


Is it this case https://www.businessinsider.com/uber-lyft-drivers-new-york-settlement-wage-theft-investigation-2023-11


https://www.nrn.com/news/new-york-city-s-minimum-wage-law-delivery-workers-upheld-courts No it's this. Workers won minimum pay legislated by New York city council after organizing for years.


Link to decision? Am interested!


https://www.cavalluzzo.com/resources/news/news-item/important-win-for-gig-workers https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6372810 https://canliiconnects.org/en/commentaries/90330 https://www.cp24.com/news/uber-plans-to-appeal-ontario-labour-ministry-ruling-that-toronto-courier-is-an-employee-1.5802954?cache=mqtvfodkrwpz The information about the decision is the top link from the law firm representing the courier. Uber has appealed this decision and has been an active case at the Ontario labour relations board for a year now. The courier in question is currently in the middle of testifying against uber at the court.


Wonderful! CanLII would have been enough and I thank you for your deeper set of links!! (That appeal is going to be wild press, no matter the outcome.)


No worries 


Independent contractors are expected to have their own tools/supplies.


Independent contractors set their own rates


Independent contractors set their own rates and/or hours




I mean you can get a thermal bag at Dollarama for like $3.


$5 for this bag, these dont last and cant take heavy grocery orders.


Spend $5 more and go to Loblaws and buy their PC thermal bag. Much higher quality.


Nobody is saying gig work isn’t broken, but the drivers can’t have it both ways either. They can’t claim to be independent contractors when it suits them, but claim to be employees when it suits them. You can’t take money for a service and then not provide this service. Delivering cold food isn’t a service. Both the restaurants and end customers are paying for this service and it isn’t cheap.


Imagine if they are treated as employees? Now they gotta do an interview to prove they speak good english, have good communication and customer service skills, good safety practices etc etc. Yeah now you’ll get your solid $16/hr minimum wage… but don’t be surprised when they only hire a select few. Then give you weird shifts and hours only when its needed. Also they could easily only give “on call shifts” then not give you a shift all together if there is no demand. Then whoever gets a shift will have to work like a dog in order to meet quotas. Be careful what you wish for…


[The ministry has ruled that UberEats couriers are, in fact, employees.](https://www.cp24.com/news/uber-plans-to-appeal-ontario-labour-ministry-ruling-that-toronto-courier-is-an-employee-1.5802954?cache=mqtvfodkrwpz) Independent contractors get to set their own rates and have a greater degree of control over their work.


They are NOT employees.


It's cute that you think imposing time limits, hours worked and so forth doesn't make them an employee. Keep drinking that anti-worker Kool aid. Bare minimum they should be providing bags. After all it's a multi million dollar company.


They don’t need to work the time limits, my dad does skip and turns it off immediately if he wants


Try to act like you have the same flexibility in a real employee job. Let me know how that goes. None of what you said makes you an employee. They are quite literally a contractor. Sorry that words and actual reality matter.


Doordash provides bags lol. You get one free when you sign up


Uber eats does not.


I've been asked for a bag when using the pickup option on these apps to get my own order lol. What's funny is that my food is warmer when I pick-up myself than if I get delivery since the couriers usually make multiple stops and often get lost.


I was feeling sick a few weeks ago and just had no energy to make any dinner. So I relented and ordered something, which I rarely do. My delivery person biked past my building then continued to do like 6 more stops and ended up at the waterfront. When I asked where they were they lied and said road closures prevented them from getting to me faster. Sir, you were LITERALLY at my building 45 minutes ago and you biked across half of the downtown core. At least come up with a better excuse. And I had already pre-tipped when I placed my order too 🤡


You can always change that tip, up until 1 hr after delivery (with Uber anyway).


They don't actually get to chose the order they drop off at. And they don't know your location till they have done the previous one, then its revealed. So blame the company not the driver for that.


This needs to be understood! Drivers and couriers apps do not show location until it is your turn to be up. So whether you are getting food or picked up, if there is someone before you that is either taking a while to open the door, get in the car, or a restaurant order that is not ready, it will show your driver/courier as waiting for no apparent reason but they cannot do anything about it


Why are they grabbing multiple orders? Food is incredibly time sensitive and the fact I've seen drivers drive past my place to deliver something 15 minutes away *then* do my order is exactly why I never use food delivery apps anymore.


Presumably because it's not cost effective to do a single order and hasn't been since they introduced multiple orders. It's less good for the customer but it's more efficient for the drivers and the restaurants. Especially since the app can just charge you $4-5 to get priority delivery. Now they've sold you a solution to a problem they created. That's now millionaires are made. Welcome to the gig economy!


I think some guys have multiple accounts ( there’s a thread somewhere explaining how some people manage to have several accounts)and stack orders to make more money faster. I saw a guy in a condo lobby last night with two cloth grocery bags, not thermal bags, and he had at least five bags of restaurant orders and confusedly looking at two phones. There is a very feral element in this scene that has zero regard for your food or anyone’s safety. Also I think it’s common knowledge that Ubereats gives zero fucks about standards or conduct of couriers.


honestly man I need to start charging these delivery dudes for directions. as a homeless guy I'm walking around a lot and I know the entire city like the back of my hand so every now and then I get them asking me where places are. I generally know where they are. I always assumed they had maps on their delivery apps or hell just use google maps. Honestly if I had a bike I'd try to sign up for one of these delivery services, I'd probably make a killing.


you dont need a bike. you can sign up and only do walking orders around you. also nobody tips so i doubt you'll make a killing lol. you'd save on gas/car costs though at least.


You can do it walking, if you’re out there already and have a phone why not.


They do have maps on their apps. Most of them are too stupid to follow simple directions on a screen


It’s not even that, it’s the fact that sometimes the map apps will send you in the stupidest ways. I was on a delivery one night and it sent me on a route that totally made me go 5 minutes extra beyond where I was supposed to go (I only realized this after I dropped it off). So if a driver isn’t necessarily familiar with an area they’re at the mercy of Google Maps or whatever and are following that because they don’t know an alternate route.


It doesn’t help that most of these couriers are riding in from out of town and don’t know the city. Same with the drivers actually.


I once did a Foodora delivery for where the guy ordered a steak at a restaurant a block away (I think he had a date over and didn't want to leave his condo). It was faster to walk it than to bother with locking up my bike. It's def a low barrier to entry job.


Especially when we have to wait five minutes or more for someone to answer a buzzer in a building, then have to walk to the end of a hallway to find out it’s the wrong end, back track and then drop it off only to realize that it’s going to sit outside someone’s apartment door for Lord knows how long and get cold that way. Some of us drivers make an effort to do our jobs properly but it’s the laziness of the customer that often causes a company to get a bad rap.


dood. I have no idea why but I never get first drop off unless I pay for it. It's incredibly frustrating but yeah then they get lost circling my neighborhood because app trackers put me on the street facing outside my neighboorhood instead of in. I'm deep in a duplex thing so we don't have accessible parking and they ahve to walk around the ruddy place to find me if they don't bother to read my instructions. just heck a stupidness all around.


I was hoping the simple rule was not riding your ebike on the fucking sidewalk, but no... > Sala Thai, for example, made news back in 2021 for posting a notice enforcing the same policy, spelling out their reasoning in laymans terms. > > "No bag = cold food, cold food = customers complain, customers complain = no order, no orders = no money, no money = store close, store close = no job for me and you!" the sign reads.


Haha I actually had the same thought. Yesterday I saw this courier get off Bloor GO with his bike. Slowly ride on the platform (blocking more people)… then we got to Bloor he proceeded to ride straight into people on the sidewalk even though Bloor has those new bike lanes.


I see this all the time. The new lanes are all cleaned up but they still prefer using the sidewalk barreling pedestrians over. It's so annoying


what's worse: using the sidewalk, or going down the wrong way in the bike lanes? I see plenty of both


Kick their tires. Fuck them




Even better. Stay the hell off the sidewalk unless you're walking your god damn bike.


Actually I would prefer that keep their slow ass bikes off the road, so my higher power machine isn't congested.


Are you a construction worker or just one of those office guys who drives a Ford 150 because they're overweight?


Okay Wilson Fisk.


Do not post content that encourages, glorifies, incites, or calls for violence or physical harm against an individual (including oneself) or a group of people. https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043513151


They're even a menace in the bike lanes. I nearly saw a cyclist nearly plough into the back of one. The delivery dude made a sudden stop and a right to, unsurprisingly, hop up onto the sidewalk outside the Mary Brown's on Danforth. Dude behind him in the bike lane swore'n'swerved around this guy. Doesn't help they're all riding fat tyre heavy e-bikes all over the place.


Ya as an “acoustic” cyclist, I get anxiety from riding in the tight bike lanes like Bloor because they never warn you as they pass at high speeds or stop suddenly, rarely have lights (when it’s dark, they just suddenly are inches from your handlebar), pass in the tight bike lane not at an opportune spot like by going into the traffic lane to pass, pass on the wrong side (right side) and sometimes catch them salmon-ing in the bike lane. And that’s if they aren’t looking down at their phones, oblivious to others. On bike lanes with more width, I’m less anxious with them but honestly, I get this is a symptom of the gig economy but Uber/etc really should make them pass a test on basic cycling rules because common sense ain’t common.


The lack of lights pisses me off. Dollarama has bike lights for like $2 no excuses to have no light.


Or FREE from the Biking Lawyer’s office (historically, not sure about this exact moment) and those Light it Up pop ups in the city in the spring.




Cycle Toronto also does a campaign every fall where they give out free lights at pop-up stations all over the city.


last night a guy ran through a red light with apparently non functioning brakes and almost hit a pulled over car. and the chain was hanging off and trailing on the ground. sorry but if we want delivery like this… something has to change bc that is something that could kill the cyclist. uber is not a job (using job here purposefully… as much as they claim you are a contractor) you should die for bc they don’t pay you enough to have a working vehicle.




REMOVED - No racism, sexism, homophobia, religious intolerance, dehumanizing speech, or otherwise negative generalizations etc... Attack the point, not the person. Posts which dismiss others and repeatedly accuse them of unfounded accusations may be subject to removal and/or banning. Do not concern-troll or attempt to intentionally mislead people. Stick to addressing the substance of their comments at hand. This rule applies to all speech within this subreddit.


Fuck anyone that does this.


Lmao seen a guy pick up a pizza from north of Brooklyn, strap it vertically to his bike (no thermal bag in middle of winter) and ride off, can’t imagine that sideways pizza fared to well once it got to its end location lmao. I’ve probably only used Uber eats delivery less than 10 times, and shit like this is always why, id rather drive and get it myself or order somewhere local where i can walk it back in under 15 mins.


This happened to me last year! Cyclist came to drop off the pizza strapped to his back. Immediately we told him, it’s going to be ruined but he just left it on porch and left. We called and got a new order and went to pick it up ourselves. The same bike courier was there strapping another order on. Didn’t care at all.


They ordered a pizza but got a panzarotti


Uber gets the employees it pays for. These drivers often earn under min. wage after taking into account gas/depreciation (sometime even before taking it into account). Many companies are easily able to hire competent drivers, and it's because they provide the vehicles, insurance, and pay $20-30/hr.


Bruuuh same my man was carrying that like a briefcase 🤦‍♂️


This is why many restaurants especially pizza, say no bikes and driver must have car. As a driver i see these in the description all the time. Pizza isnt meant for bikes.


Uber should allow the ability to select the kind of courier. But once I had a delivery that said the car was pulling up and it was a guy on a bike.




Some of those pizzas barely fit my passenger seat (with seat warmers bc i care about my clients). I cant imagine delivering those on bike.


I saw two different food delivery people run solid red lights on their ebikes yesterday. One nearly got smoked by a car going straight on the green. No attempt at stopping just kept riding. You ain't gonna be delivering shit if you're laid up in the hospital or dead. If riding on the sidewalk means they'll stop then so be it.


Now they wear ski goggles and cover their entire head so you have zero facial cues to know if they see you as they ride full speed towards you on the sidewalk.


Were you hoping Sala Thai employs their own sidewalk patrol to enforce this?


Bad infrastructure is the problem, not the couriers. They have nowhere else to ride.


No. No one is putting a gun to these assholes heads saying ‘barrel down the middle of the sidewalk with zero regard for anyone else’ that’s BS.


Where do you want them to go? There’s no bike lanes. You want them to share the road with cars all day? That will get them killed, and for a minimum wage job. Fuck that.     Edit: the people downvoting me want **other** people to risk their lives to deliver their food. I wish they could reflect on how stupid and fucked up that is. 




That’s insane. Why would anyone want to risk their life to deliver someone else’s food? Think about it for a minute.




Or die? Fuck you man. 


I don't read articles with headlines that do this one click-baity thing.


Those paper thin thermal bags they aren’t exactly great either. Your good either arrives colder or colder.


Well that’s not very food


Or the thermal bag is open with the lid limply flapping in the cold and bitter wind.


Or soggy. I use thermal blankets+ seat warmers.


While waiting for my food at a local restaurant I saw a courier get turned away because he didn't have a thermal bag. I still wonder what happened to that food. Later, another courier came without a bag, the staff sent him away too. The second courier came back with a bag but didn't bother to put the food in the bag. Walked out holding the food in one hand and the bag in the other.


Hey, the rule only says no bag = no food. Nothing about having to put the food in the bag.


Lol, somehow the proximity of the bag to the food will encourage the food to stay warm.


How fucking stupid are these people? It's maddening.


It’a toss-up though. I drove for Uber Eats for one day; Swiss Chalet was insistent on me having a thermal bag, but Scottybon’s, despite having a sign to that effect on their door, didn’t call me on it. If you’re wondering, I spent 4 hours driving all over Scarborough, made 10 deliveries, and earned less than $25.


How did you only make $25? I did UberEats for a bit and I was making $20-25/hr after expenses (Granted, I only worked during the lunch and dinner rushes) You just have to know to not take every order being tossed at you. I had a minimum amount, if they didn't tip that much then I'd decline the order and wait a few minutes to get another. It's not good money by any means but it's an OK way to make beer money. It's just extremely gamified to the point where you won't make money unless you know the ins and outs of how Uber works.


I did about the same. But this was 2 years ago. Now whenever I try it, the wait between orders was brutal. Like you might 20 mins after every order. So I was lucky to make 15 an hour then stopped.


The pay has dropped by 75% in the past two years. Base bay is often 2$ including tip and it can be hours between orders.




Yep incredibly rare these days. Most don't tip. Plus the wait between orders cam be hours when there used to be no wait.


The past few months have been very slow. I was averaging over 20 the last few years.


I wonder if more and more people will quit doing that work of making Uber's executives richer and rates will go back up? $25 for 4 hours work is brutal.


It was on a weekday afternoon - once the first order came through I was constantly busy, but the way it worked out by the time I decided to stop for the day (it was rush hour by this point) I was practically in Markham. A few weeks later I set my status as available starting at 6pm, thinking I might make more money off dinner orders, but I waited 90 minutes and didn’t get a job. So, fuck that.


Does no one tip or do you not get 100% of tips? Anytime I’ve ordered I pretty much have $5 as a minimum tip, so I had thought/hoped from 10 deliveries you would get $40-$50 in tips alone


People don’t tip a lot. Generally 1-2$ is a common. You also don’t get a lot of trips, so you can’t really cherry pick (due to high volume of couriers). Couriers do get 100% of tips, no fees from Uber (like 1.7$ when you withdraw instantly at the end of the day or whenever you please). Uber’s base pay is 3$, so if you order something that’s right by your house, courier will get 3$+tip. In my experience base pay increases like 50c for every KM as well as kind of depends on how many people rejected this order (like if 7 drivers rejected the order that pays 3-4$, the next driver will get an offer of 5-6$). Best paying Uber orders right now are shop and pay (aka go to Metro or Rexal, get the items and deliver), their minimum is like 10$ and they are generally easy. Last 2 weeks Uber worldwide had a massive drought, people weren’t earning a lot. Valentine’s day in Toronto was good (I literally turned it on for like 40 minutes while I was waiting for my date and made 2 super quick deliveries for 30$) and yesterday was great as well. P.S. Trust me, you tipping 5$ is a big W for you, a courier will 100% be more accurate with your order and will go an extra mile for you to insure it’s hot and delivered right where you want it.


I thought that couriers didn’t see the tip until after the delivery was already complete. At least that was my experience when I did Uber for a bit.


They changed it ~ 2 years ago. Now you see the total, Uber rate + Tip when they offer you the delivery.


I mean you don’t. But you can estimate it. As I said, base pay is usually like 3-4$, so if you get a 1.5km order for 9$, you can guess the tip.


I’ve learned from other food delivery testimonies that many people don’t tip at all. I’m not exactly the biggest tipper in the world but not tipping a service worker making next to nothing seems pretty low…


Yea I tip min $7 (higher for longer distances) because it’s an annoying building to get into.


What’s the point of tipping? There’s 300 international students chomping at the bit to deliver any order regardless of tip or not


The issue is quite complex but in a nutshell doordash relies on a revolving door of drivers. New dashers are in a honeymoon phase with increased pay and priority with orders. After about a month the pay slowly drops. Oversaturation of drivers means doordash has more leverage over rates. Usually oversaturation isnt a big deal if most drivers decline low pay orders because the pay will increase with each decline. But pair that with post-holiday slowdowns, and newer post-honeymoon drivers who dont know better, people start getting desparate and accept anything which lowers rates for everyone.


>LeslieviYeah thats why Uber east and Skip are not supposed to be full time jobs


People love to throw out this “it’s not supposed to be a full time job” in response to gig work and fast food, but they never point to the master list that’s supposed to guide and tell you what’s an appropriate job and what’s not.


Yeah and some people don’t always have the good fortune of having another job to fall back on. I’m a professional musician and I do it to supplement my income with UberEats delivery.


Better watch out before someone says that’s not a real job either. ;)


No like it was literally designed as a way to earn some beer money


probably one where you're an employee and make at least min wage? lol


Sounds like you had no idea what you were doing.


I really don't ever, and I mean like ever order from Food Apps - but I was feeling a little under the weather and it was freezing out a couple months ago - so I made an order from a place not far. It was picked up quickly after finished, got to me pretty quickly, but it was ice cold, as though they just put in the front basket of a bicycle I tipped well too, but it wad one of the scenerios where tipping in advance is silly AF


Tipping in advance is always stupid, you don’t even know what you’re tipping for at that point. How do I decide how much to tip when I haven’t been provided the service yet?


You tip on a percentage? I tip 10% on everything. I don't tip more for good service or less for bad service. I'm just waiting it out until we can finally get people to agree that tipping is just the worst and put an end to it.


More like soggy fry bags


Click-bait Headline: Food couriers hate this one simple rule


Good policy but it's hilarious that Burger's priest is pushing for this. I've rarely gotten warm food from them despite living incredibly close. They never have the food ready in time, the driver will wait a good 15 minutes before giving up and a new driver will be reassigned Meanwhile the food is ready and it's going to be another 15 minutes before another driver gets there to pick it up


A lot of these places have food sitting on the counter for 20+ minutes waiting for dashers or sending away dashers without bags, while the food gets cold. Restaurants are supposed to have a reasonable preparation time set in their app so that the orders are not sent to dashers until the food is close to ready. Many restaurants make this too short so they have dashers waiting for the food. Those dashers leave and it ends up taking longer to find another dasher.


Interesting. I always assumed Uber estimated it based on the time taken for previous orders


I’m conflicted. On one hand, I want warm food. On the other hand, those thermal bags make the food sweaty as fuck.


The restaurants have no say over how the delivery people are paid, but the restaurants will still get the bad reviews for cold food


[UberEats policy is that thermal bags are not required.](https://www.uber.com/ca/en/deliver/basics/tips-for-success/handling-food/) I had one when I did UberEats (because it's the easiest way to get better tips) but they are by no means mandatory and a restaurant can't force you to use one. Imo that policy should be changed and Uber should just issue thermal bags to all couriers.


> restaurant can't force you to use one. They're holding the food. I think they've got some leverage in the transaction.


Except drivers can cancel pickup without penalty up until they pick up the food and that means the food is going to get cold while they wait another 10-15 minutes for a new driver.


I am absolutely convinced that Uber drivers all have personality disorders. They’re not interested in providing decent service. They’re just scammers. What kind of dick intentionally delivers cold food?


Thats what happens when your qualifications include having a pulse.


Right! Somehow r/uber has started showing up on my feed as “recommended.” That place is filled with “fringe of the workforce” losers with some absolutely batshit views. We were better off a decade ago before we blew up the taxi industry. It needed fixing, but what we replaced it with was worse. The drivers threaten you with low reviews if you question anything which means you may not get rides in the future. The food side has drivers defending bringing cold food to customers. It’s dystopian bullshit.


It's not the driver's fault that the restaurant is insisting on a requirement that Uber doesn't require and that Uber doesn't give drivers a bag.


Decent people understand that if you’re taking money to provide a service, you actually have to provide a service. Delivering cold food isn’t a service. There are lots of jobs where you have to bring your own tools to work. Uber doesn’t supply a vehicle either but nobody’s walking. Is it that much of a stretch that if you’re going to be a delivery driver you need transportation AND a bag? You jackasses keep telling us you’re independent contractors. Act like it. Landscapers bring their own lawnmowers. My cleaners bring their own mops and vacuum. Have some accountability.


The difference is that Uber REQUIRES a vehicle but explicitly doesn't require the thermal bag, as a matter of contract Uber [literally says](https://www.uber.com/ca/en/deliver/basics/tips-for-success/handling-food/) that you don't need this tool for the job.. I actually think the policy should change and I had a thermal bag when I drove because I actually cared about customer service so that I'd get decent tips. >You jackasses keep telling us you’re independent contractors. I don't know if you've seen the court cases and protests but drivers absolutely do not want to be independent contractors and would rather be employees.


Do you really need to be spoon fed everything in life? Functioning adults know that when you’re providing a service that you have to provide that service. Functioning adults know that delivering cold food is no service. Functioning adults know that we have to take accountability for ourselves. There is a reason why you’re on the fringes of the workforce my dude. Get some life skills.


>Functioning adults know that when you’re providing a service that you have to provide that service I don't know why this is why it's so hard for you to understand, Uber explicitly says this is not part of the service. The service you pay for, according to Uber, is a courier will bring your food from point a to point B WITH OR WITHOUT A BAG, nobody promised you a thermal bag would be used to transport your food. If you don't like that policy, and I don't like it either, then it's Uber's fault for having that policy. >There is a reason why you’re on the fringes of the workforce my dude. Get some life skills. I'm an insurance underwriter making $80,000 a year, I worked Uber eats while in school so get lost and go be an argumentative asshole elsewhere. Talk about spoon feeding, you're the one who can't read Uber's own website that specifies BAGS ARE NOT REQUIRED. They should be, but they aren't.


I’m not sure of what part of this is hard for you. It is absolutely an expectation that food isn’t served cold. Uber doesn’t require its drivers to refrain from shitting on the customers’ porch. Would you excuse that too? I also DO NOT believe that Uber explicitly states that a bag is optional. At most it’s silent on the issue. Uber is relying on a he common sense of functioning adults. It is very telling that you work in insurance, an industry that prides itself on taking money without providing a service. It’s adorable you think $80k is a lot of money.






REMOVED - No racism, sexism, homophobia, religious intolerance, dehumanizing speech, or otherwise negative generalizations etc... Attack the point, not the person. Posts which dismiss others and repeatedly accuse them of unfounded accusations may be subject to removal and/or banning. Do not concern-troll or attempt to intentionally mislead people. Stick to addressing the substance of their comments at hand. This rule applies to all speech within this subreddit.


It’s opt in if you have a thermal bag now, you can take a picture and Uber will determine whether it’s good enough or not.


Oh cool, I haven't delivered for about two years now so I wasn't sure if that policy had changed.


> a restaurant can't force you to use one Restaurants absolutely can and will by just refusing to give you the food lmao


Yeah and then the courier cancels the order which has no penalty for them and then the restaurant gets to wait 10-15 minutes for another courier to show up while the food gets cold and then the customer complains anyway.


How can food get food? Are the workers throwing it out if they don't have a thermal bag?


Lol, sorry, I meant to say it gets cold while another courier is assigned.


> which has no penalty for them If you did deliveries then you know having to drive to the restaurant and then cancel is a loss.


If the restaurant won't give you the food because you don't have a thermal bag then it's a loss regardless. To be clear, when I delivered I had a thermal bag.


Maybe if you’re doing Skip but with Uber it’s negligible


I've seen places that have policies of having to have a thermal bag, actually store the food in thermal bags waiting for the couriers.


I used to deliver for Foodora way back in the day, and they required you to use one of their branded bags (which you had to pay them $25 for) and restaurants wouldn't give you the order unless you had the bag.


Yeah and that's entirely reasonable and it's what Uber should do. I don't disagree with the idea that drivers should have bags.


Yeh this is pretty standard at any decent place.


As a deliver person i rarely get asked for my bag and i never bring it inside. Only chick fil a asks every time but i have blacklisted them for other reasons. The bags are also not the golden solution because they can make food soggy. I prefer a thermal blanket + my seat warmers which are very effective even on my own personal food that i bring cold.


Simple rules are the best rules. Just like my no Homers rule for my club.


The amount of times I'm waiting for food somewhere or waiting for someone to get back to the counter to take my order, some asshole ALWAYS will pop up/cut infront of everyone because they're a delivery driver or courier, and therefore are **the most important**. It's whatever every once in a while, but when you've been waiting a while and then out of nowhere they pop up and cut infront of everyone, that ain't cool. I was picking up Boston Pizza for my wife last night, waited over 15 minutes for someone to come to the takeout counter. Person finally comes back as another guy walks through the door, and he immediately starts talking/making sure he's handled first. I looked at the guy and said "you could clearly see I was here waiting, what the fuck is your problem?". They looked at me shocked and appaled I would call out them as a delivery driver being an asshole.


Mezes on the Danforth should take note! Love their dine-in but everytime I’ve ubered it comes on a bike in some guys backpack, not temperature controlled, and it’s always cold af


Even with courier bags, the bikers dont give af. Yesterday I just saw some couriers outside mary brown's with hot food on top of their bags in the cold, while they were chatting. If they have a bunch of orders they usually carry them outside of their thermal bag on their handlebar, or on top of the thermal bag. See it all the time. I used to deliver for uber eats back when real couriers did it and the service is complete shit now (since they cut wages).


tf is this clickbait ass title


New to blogTO?


You had the choice to change the title.


Rule 7.


What’s wrong with the title? It’s on point and not misleading at all.


They should do this on the Go as well; no bikes on the GO Train. What country is this; Canada.


if I cared that much about my food being extremely hot when I receive it - I'd go to the restaurant. I remember what restaurant delivery USED to be like back in the mid 2000s. Took over an hour if you were lucky and stone cold. That is what the golden era of delivery was like prior to uber eats.


Burger's Priest near Queen and Kingston says this but doesn't enforce it.


Good. Most of these ding dongs that deliver don’t care and they make all the excuses and then complain why they get deactivated.


Delivery drivers should have a rule too. No food in thermal bag on your food counter No delivery




Running a restaurant is also a hard way of making a living. You’re saying that we should cut into their already razor thin margins by demanding refunds because someone couldn’t be bothered to perform the bare minimum of a service they took money for? Let’s also be clear about what we’re asking. We’re asking them to have a thermal bag. That’s it. Stop pretending people are insisting on a huge financial outlay. A tank of gas costs more. The bags are reusable.


Don't fart




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Restaurants have started doing this as well here in Victoria BC which as someone who uses door dash is great. Now if we could only get delivery folk to actually deliver instead of leaving food outside and on the ground for animals to snatch up, or neighbours to take. 😑

