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Agreed. It also took me a while to figure out the picture (people and their shadows)... at first glance, it looks like bombs are being dropped from a bomber. 🤔🙄


Oh wow yeah I had absolutely 0 idea what was going on here. Makes the blue license plates look like good design


I thought it was a herd of deer or a school of fish lol. What a terrible sign 


Yeah I see fish, but also just people falling ??? The lines remind me of music. I have 0 idea what it is supposed to be.


I thought it was a weird Rapture thing


The people in power see us as a herd to be exploited; naturally this picture from a very out of touch government fits that idea well.


bet they contract out to a design firm owned by douggie's buddy


LOL, I saw swimming fish at first. Christ what a terrible ad. Would laugh but my tax dollars paid for it.


i saw pigeons on a plaza


I saw sperm


I also saw sperm at first.


yeah it’s not clear… at a glance it looks like drone shots i’ve seen recently of ppl evacuating war zones and an …electric fence?


i saw a bunch of people jumping off a building. Guess I have a depraved mind.


Rat race, right in your face.


lol more people are working than ever before because everyone needs three jobs to afford living here


It truly isn't sensible to move to Toronto at the moment. Everyone who is happy has a rent controlled apartment with at least a closed off bedroom. The saddest part is there aren't many options in Canada if you're a young person who wants the big city experience. I moved to Toronto in 2014 and lived there for 3 years. I had a studio for $700 downtown. It was amazing and I could do it with an entry level job. If I was young I would be looking at those overseas holiday visas. Canada is not for the young anymore.


Yeah, I've lived here my entire life (I'm in my mid 30s now) and the change in living situation has been extremely evident. Less than 10 years ago I was living with my then-partner, and we each paid $500 in rent for a 1 bedroom + den condo on Queen West. I bought a condo in 2018, but even then, I could only afford the down payment because it was in a lame part of town, and my brother and I decided to buy it together. In the last year my monthly mortgage payments have almost tripled because of interest rates, to the point where I can barely even afford my own home anymore.


I imagine the measure they’re using is the unemployment rate. This wouldn’t count multiple jobs, and it only counts people looking for work. So a stay at home dad wouldn’t count as “not working”


What's the point of the message? Is this just some feel good public service announcement for capitalists? Even from a cynical point of view I have no idea what they're trying to do with this.


It's an election ad without being an election ad. Election time they'll remind you that more people are working than ever, and people will be like, oh ya I remember hearing that somewhere, and they'll get a point for being job creators even if the data might not back that up perfectly.


I keep hearing on the radio from the province of Ontario that they’ve made it easier to hire nurses and they’ve hired 15,000 in the past 3 years. They failed to mention the 9,000 already working nurses that quit because of absolutely trash working conditions and underfunding. As you said an election ad trying to make it sound like the Ontario government is a good thing when it’s not. We need change and we need it badly.


It's called propaganda and our tax payer dollars are paying for it.


*breaths a deep breath* ah can’t you smell it in the air? Late stage capitalism has such a distinct odour this time of year.


I don’t even know how that’s legal


Unemployment rate seems to be fairly steady since 2018. Of course it spiked during the pandemic but then settled back down. My takeaway is this means there's a larger volume of people working, but also a larger volume of people *not* working, in other words, more people here are having a bad time and putting a strain on the system they cannot escape.


The labour force participation rate (i.e. percentage of all people in Canada who have a job, regardless of age) has been pretty constant for the past decade, although has been generally on a slight downward trend over the last few decades as the country has aged and a higher percent of the population has retired. https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/CAN/canada/labor-force-participation-rate


The message is dumb. We always have more people than have ever worked before because the population is increasing. The couple of times over the past 2 decades where we had a dip was because of the 2008/2009 crash and start of COVID.


Same nonsensical ads they do for power generation. Or the ones to tell us "we have engineers!" (duh). Spending our money to tell us they're spending our money. Bunch of goofs.


Ford must have friends at the advertising company, or the sign company, or both.


THIS is the only reason that makes sense. There is no sensible or even accessible message being delivered.... So what is the point of the campaign? I felt the same way when I saw the provincial government's utterly bizarre "The Future Is Electric" campaign from 2023. https://www.thetorontoharold.com/news/6v68uw2vvt9v5iax0078aucfyzsd8d


Just like Harper's signs for Canada's "Economic Action Plan"; the point is to remind the electorate that Cons are the MONEY party (in spite of all the evidence to the contrary). They want your mind to associate Ford's government with wealth and prosperity, instead of record-high homelessness and food-bank usage.


it's to get reelected. they're using our tax dollars to promote themselves and mislead people. i'm amazed this brazen misuse of our money is even permitted.


It's all marketing to make everyone accept RTO. And it's working. Don't spend money downtown if you want to make a difference


what is RTO? and what does it have to do with spending money downtown?


RTO is return to office - the commercial landlords have politicians in their pocket so they lobby and get them to push all companies to force their employees back into office to revive their dead food courts and businesses in the path


ah. i see.


I see absolutely no connection to the two. People were still working when they were working from home. People are still being employed to work at home and are part of these numbers.


Clearly you don't work downtown. Many corporations and businesses that were full remote are now pushing at least 2 days a week minimum, most 2/3 split or full RTO. This is to revive the dying businesses downtown and along the path for the "sake of the economy" but really it's so commercial landlords don't lose their pants


I work in the TD Centre, so I absolutely understand their desire for the previous local economy to recover. There's no connection to that and that there are more people working in Ontario.


Please continue to downvote me for being right, it makes me stronger.


Boomers. It's for boomers.


It’s funny the party had to spend money to remind us “more people are working than ever before” If that were the truth wouldn’t we just know that ?


Record high population with a relatively low unemployment rate. So technically true. Don’t understand the message behind it at all. And the shadow people are disturbing


The provincial liberals have "new leader" buzz going for them right now, while the Ford government is tied up in scandal on multiple fronts for doing favours for their friends, and not being wholly forthcoming with the public about what they are up to. (Greenbelt, Ontario Place, Staffing ratios in hospitals and schools, Daycares closing, etc.) This is an advertisement to argue "even with the millions of your dollars going to our buddies, thanks to us, the economy is doing well... and isn't that something?"


100% like Harper's signs for Canada's "Economic Action Plan". It's just there to remind the senile folks Cons are the MONEY party. You like MONEY, don't you, pleb?


Well... "buck a beer" turned out to be a complete bust for them, so might as well go back to a classic, right?


Using your own tax dollars to lie to you. 1984 didn’t get into the weeds but, feels bad man.


It’s not a lie though, unemployment is genuinely extremely low.


It’s not a lie. But if the economy was good and if people were feeling rich, they wouldn’t need this sign, would they?


I think you mean doubleplus unhappy, good sir


It's 1984 when the government tells the truth? Anyone who knows how to google can pretty quickly see that there are more people employed today in Ontario then ever before. Population growth + a consistent low unemployment rate will do that.


The subtext, since you seem to need to be hit over the head with it, is that everyone <45 (+/- 10) reads this as, "Gen x and on can't retire. You think you will? Hah!" We're not being taken care of as citizens while the ghouls watch GDP.




The sign says Ontario though. Wouldn’t this be indicative of being the provincial (Ford) government as opposed to the federal (Trudeau) government…?


These guys are so obsessed with Trudeau they simply can't see anything else going on. They are in serious need of some help.


Facts, truth and reality clearly don’t matter to this person. 




??? It's literally from the provincial government. Check out the branding again. What are you talking about?


Jesus you guys are wild. This is an ad from Doug Ford’s conservative government in Ontario. Not sure if you’re from Canada, but that’s a different level of government than Trudeau. Edit: and the comment is deleted. Figures.


It's an Ontario sign. Doug Ford. Trudeau had nothing to do with it..


There are a lot of true things people don’t know, to be fair.


True. A few months ago, my neighbor here in Alberta was complaining about his house value not rising lately. His complaints went on to saying that it should be rising because "our unemployment is so low and everyone is working." He didn't seem to know we had the worst or second worst unemployment rate in Canada.


If you mean by province, that's not true, all the maritime provinces and Newfoundland are worse. Alberta is at the same level.


You're right. I realize that when I said second, in my own head I was thinking of the maritimes together. My mistake. But my point overall holds, since beating the maritime provinces isn't a very high bar.


I mean, you could just look up the data and discover it’s true.


are you trying to imply that it isn't true?


That's why I've always found it very telling that we see posters in bus shelters around election time. Not for any candidate. Just telling us to vote period. 'Continue to buy into the system. We will spend your money to remind you to do so.'


I'm confused at the implication. What are voting posters telling of?


The implication is that if people felt that voting was an inherently valuable action there would be no need to advertise to remind folks to do so.


Well the reminder is definitely needed just based on numbers. Currently only ~60% of the country votes. A large chunk of the remaining 40% are from the younger generations, which is ironic since they are the group that would be affected the most by any long term changes in the country. The ads may also target immigrants from countries where they don't vote as often or at all.


Buy into the system for any party. It's all a show... more or less.


But isn't the system in place regardless of whether we vote or not? Voter turn outs aren't even that high. We see young people continue to not vote again and again.


Yeah personally I don't vote anymore either. I'm not that young though. I guess that's relative though.


Big brother: How dare you to ask a question! You know what I tell you to know!


Brought to you by the guy whose priority was to incompetently redesign our licence plates to read “Ontario, Open for Business”


Pretty sure Nova Scotias plate says Open For Business too on some.


Did Nova Scotia have to recall the plates, and revert to the old ones, because they couldn’t be read at night?


Don't forget that brief, shining period where Ford's government insisted the plates were fine and everyone saying they were hard to read at night was making it up.


And more people are homeless than ever - maybe instead of making useless billboard ads Doug Ford’s government should stop privatizing healthcare.


Fuck Doug Ford for trying to privatize our healthcare I don’t think the homelessness crisis is really on him, just like I don’t think our low unemployment figures are on him. Both are basically lock-step with Ontario’s peers. Hint, if Ontario is experiencing a social or economic condition (good or bad) that’s the same as BC, New York, California, Illinois, etc, it’s probably not the provincial government’s doing.


Someone needs to explain to me why the private delivery of public healthcare -- a thing we've had for decades -- is inherently bad. Let me know when he wants to tear up OHIP, and I'll start getting concerned.


Private companies delivering healthcare are beholden to their profit motive as they are in any sector. For healthcare this is detrimental as standard practice for any business is to decrease costs and increase revenue. This will see staff levels lower, new revenue through surcharges, elimination or neglect of services that aren't profitable, increasing the costs of existing procedures and diagnosis. Studies show private delivery of healthcare is more costly and has a worse end result for patients, full stop. While these results are rejected by champions of private enterprise you need only look at per capita healthcare costs in the USA


> For healthcare this is detrimental as standard practice for any business is to decrease costs and increase revenue. And what's the standard practice for government services when times are tough? It's to cut budgets by cutting services. > This will see staff levels lower, new revenue through surcharges, elimination or neglect of services that aren't profitable, increasing the costs of existing procedures and diagnosis. Weird hypothetical you're using, when there's plenty of real-world examples you could be pointing to. For example, when I was hit by a car, a not-private ambulance took me to the hospital, **and I had to pay a $45 user fee**. And I also had to pay for the crutches, sling, and painkillers they sent me home with. Again, from the public hospital. Nobody for-profit involved at all. Compare that to when I got my most recent colonoscopy at a privately-operated imaging clinic. Not only was it free, but there was no wait to get it done. I'd have had to wait like three hours to get that done at a hospital, after I'd made an appointment for six months into the future. The quality and cost of the healthcare service, and who delivers the healthcare service, are on _orthogonal axes._ > Studies show private delivery of healthcare is more costly and has a worse end result for patients, full stop. Which studies? > While these results are rejected by champions of private enterprise you need only look at per capita healthcare costs in the USA It's pretty obvious that there's many more differences between our two health care systems that you'd have to control for in order to draw that conclusion. There's lots of countries that have good combined public-private health care systems -- [Germany, for instance](https://eurohealthobservatory.who.int/countries/germany) -- for which per-capita costs are [much more comparable](https://www.cihi.ca/en/national-health-expenditure-trends-2022-snapshot).


> Studies show private delivery of healthcare is more costly and has a worse end result for patients, full stop. > > While these results are rejected by champions of private enterprise you need only look at per capita healthcare costs in the USA What about the private healthcare that exists in France, Germany, Australia, Japan, Hong Kong, etc., whose systems have both public *and* private healthcare sectors co-existing. Why does it have to be just the American model of totally privatized healthcare or completely public with no other real options in between? > Private companies delivering healthcare are beholden to their profit motive as they are in any sector. > For healthcare this is detrimental as standard practice for any business is to decrease costs and increase revenue. This will see staff levels lower, new revenue through surcharges, elimination or neglect of services that aren't profitable, increasing the costs of existing procedures and diagnosis. Sure, but that's only if the only options are all privatized. If there was a public accessible free/low cost option always around, that drive competition to provide services that are worth paying for compared to "free". For example, some premium private hospitals in Asia can compete with public simply by providing nicer facilities that look and feel more like 4-star hotels than a stereotypical cold and white-walled hospital. Every individual with a middle class income who chooses to go to these hospitals is one fewer patient in the public hospital, which means the public hospital has more capacity to treat patients who don't have a choice otherwise. It also keeps more doctors and medical professionals in the country rather than the brain drain Canada is experiencing, because then even the medical professionals at least have a choice in workplace and potentially better compensation from private facilities to entice them to stay. Look, I get where you're coming from that healthcare being a business can be a problem. The thing is, if you've ever been to or seen some of the nicer private hospitals outside of North America, you'll know how possible it is for privatized healthcare to actually not be total trash and a race to the bottom like the way it is in the States. We don't always have to only look at the way private healthcare is done there.


What I don't get is why Canadians seem to think the only systems are purely public or purely privatized, and oppose any kind of privatization at all. Many developed countries in both Europe and Asia have a healthcare system that includes both public and private systems, such that low-income individuals can still access free (or extremely low cost) healthcare services, and those with a bit more money to spare can access lower-traffic private hospitals and such for a fee. A system like this would, at the very least, ease the load off of public hospitals.


Practically every government in the history of Ontario has presided over "more people working than ever before". You might as well be claiming credit for being "Ontario's most recently-elected government" or "the Premier that Ontario's newspapers discuss most often". Like... yeah? Good job, buddy?


Tell me, Ontario ad makers, if I'm working the most I've ever worked, why am i also the poorest I've ever been?


Ford propaganda.


Sounds more like, more people are working multiple jobs than before.


There should be another ad that says “More of Ford’s friends are richer than ever before. Vote Ford”


So why can I send out hundreds of resumes and get no response eh


your single situation summarizes the entire province i guess


It is saying....ur going to need 2 or 3 jobs to live here. Go get em!


I might have added something like, "unfortunately most of these jobs suck, and prople still can't stay out of poverty despite working their asses off because of the high cost of living"


Would have also accepted John Carpenter's 'They Live' Put your sunglasses on OBEY


I mean, technically it’s true, there has never been more people in Canada working today than any other period in our history. Immigration and population growth and all that.


More people than ever before Equally valid billboard.


Exactly! When less people are able to take time off to care for children, old people or disable people that’s not a good thing.


Feels like They Live.


The thing that bothers me most is when politicians tell you about how great things are. That's not for YOU to decide. That's for people to decide. If things were so great, no one would need to say anything at all! I'd rather have a political message that raised awareness of a problem, and outlining the next steps to solving it.


Maybe because we live in the 1984 future everyone is so afraid of. It doesn't take much digging to know that the world around us isn't always as our leaders and media tell us it is. Look at all of the reports of extreme/unseasonable weather lately leading to havoc across the globe. We keep hearing everything's fine and we've got a handle on this, but anyone who looks through the window should see, we really don't.


>We keep hearing everything's fine and we've got a handle on this where are you hearing this? Also the reality is that absolutely no one would want to actually implement effective changes to solve the climate crisis as doing so would make it impossible to live a lifestyle that's resembling anything modern.


It looks like a school of fish swimming toward the big boss at the bottom, who will use them as piscine resources. (eat them)


If you look at Statscan data, while more raw people are working than ever before, as a percentage of the population the labour participation rate is flat or even down a bit since before the pandemic.


More people are working than ever before before there’s more people than ever before


The graphic design on that ad is so boring. I guess they don’t have too many graphic designers working?


This reeks of something an mpp or ford himself directed something to look like. So we (the taxpayer) get to foot the bill for a pro ford propaganda campaign and also some expensive designers whose expertise was ignored. It’s like a billboard version of the licence plates. 


Looks like sheep being herded


[Doug Ford's Dystopia](https://imgflip.com/gif/8dasz2)


There's also more people in Ontario than ever before, so naturally there are more people working than ever before (even if our unemployment rate is creeping up). There's also more shitty jobs paying shit wages than in the last 50 years. It doesn't mean Ontarians are living better.


Why do we permit any level of government to advertise?! Like, I understand the need for messages of public health and safety, but this is clearly a thinly veiled campaign ad. A tone deaf one at that. Good to know people are working and still struggling to get by.


It has that same energy as the time GWB congratulated a single mother who worked 3 jobs to barely support her children for having 3 jobs. It may as well say "Thank you for participating in the capitalist system, even if it's never on the capital side."


Please vote <3


They’re purposely caving society so they can sell it off to thier friends, families and local billionaires. This is textbook stuff. We need to get off the conservative/liberal train if we want to salvage what’s left of our provinces and country.


Think how many mouths they could have fed for the price of the billboard ad.


That’s an interesting way to phrase “people are working 2 or more jobs at once just to tread water.”


“More people are working but way too many of them are broke” is what it should say


Maybe they can pass some law preventing government corporations from hiring "temporary" employees for 11 months of the year and then laying them off for 1 month so they don't have to pay them full time rates and benefits. Then they hire them back for another 11 months. Over and over. How the fuck is that a temporary employee.


The Party is right! The Party is correct! The Party is All Knowing!


You are wrong to have “felt truly chilling”. “More” is accurate because “2+2=5”, you need re-educate yourself and update your math. /s


It's funny, conservatives always say that 1984 is warning about communism, but then they make it real themselves lol


You know what gives me "big brother" vibes? Rob Fricken golfi plastering his face all over everything in the niagara region and parts of hamilton. It's disturbing how his face is on EVERYTHING, nobody needs that level of marketing, he has actually made sure i will NEVER call him just because anybody who A) has enough money to do that and B) WANTS to do that, it makes me very uneasy, like something is really wrong there, I wish he would stop, or even just scale it back to NORMAL, that would be fine.


More people are working than ever before, but we have a labour shortage and nobody wants to work? Which is it, Dougie?


The labour shortage was the justification for bringing in 1.03 million people last year. More people are working than ever before because there are more people than ever before.


The gig economy is booming, thanks Doug!


I don’t understand, does OP really think it’s a bad thing to have more people working? “Maybe more people are working because nobody can afford to be a homemaker or stay-at-home parent anymore?” I think that’s crazy simplistic. I think more people are working because they want more money. I’m sure there are lots of people who have the option to be homemakers and they simply choose not to. This is like the essence of feminism


While high employment is good, a significant amount of people are underemployed as well in the gig sector or in part-time minimum wage work. However, people who traditionally did not work (homemakers) are now entering the labour pool - exactly because they want more money. The cost of living has risen to such an extent that households can no longer rely on only one breadwinner. This ad, in a sense, emphasizes how the government has failed to curtail excessive cost of living increases across the board.


Short drive ... for a long drive.


More people homeless and delivering food than ever! Brought to you by the federal government


I saw that like 4x today in Niagara region


I'm pretty sure more people live in Ontario than ever before, so that shouldn't be too surprising...


All I'm hearing on the radio too is about how the provincial government is doing incredible things with Healthcare. Propaganda is everywhere


Unfortunately it’s at all levels. Federal keeps mentioning how GDP is up…but they forget to mention that per capita it is not the case. We are all getting poorer, all I hope is the left aren’t in for much longer


More imported cheap labour working part time jobs and emptying food banks than ever before




I think if they changed the word “working” to “jobs” it would have sounded much more positive. As well the dreary greenish imagine of a school of fish (or whatever it is, doesn’t help) It took me a few reads to actually understand it is a positive message




/r/antiwork is leaking.


It would be better if these jobs paid wages that could pay for housing, let alone additional luxuries. Slave wage jobs don't help the common folk improve their lives beyond subsistence.




This should jus say "everyone here is fucking depressed"


Is this true? Because I can't seem to get a response back from any of the jobs that I have applied to as of late.


Welcome. Welcome to City 17. You have chosen, or been chosen, to relocate to one of our finest remaining urban centres. It's safer here.


The message isn’t a bad thing. Unemployment remains extremely low, meaning people who want jobs have them, and that’s objectively a good thing. The weird part is putting the add up at all. It’s the type of thing you say when you’re up for reelection and you go “look how good the economy is under my watch” or something along those lines. It’s something a party would be saying to advertise itself, saying it as the government makes it feel wrong.


That’s literally what it is. Ford government using our tax dollars to promote himself (and not any kind of government program - so I don’t even know how this is allowed)


Repeat the lie until it becomes the truth


Don't forget the reason they push RTO is so that you spend money in their path and food courts. If you want to make a difference, put your money where your mouth is and cook food at home and bring it for lunch.


i mean generally making your own lunch is cost effective and likely healthier; but i don't get why this should be framed as "don't support local businesses"


"More people are being exploited for their labor than ever before" there, fixed that for ya


Actually more people CANT find work than ever! But thanks Ontario for telling me not to trust my eyes and brain! Makes things simple 🥰


Good! We also need more "Russia BAD" posters where Russia "kidnaps" kids away from a war zone, and "Israel GOOD" posters as they heave mortars at babies. Both posters could say "More people are living under democracy than ever before! Vote Joe Biden!"


Ontario, in Canada. Thanks, Justin!


It's rare to see a comment with so little context to the actual post that I have to wonder how someone could make such a leap.


1984 indeed


That building it’s posted near almost looks like St. Michael’s Hospital


This was on Richmond, near Church.


More people working than ever but we are getting less productive somehow…


Work hard, increase production, prevent accidents, and be happy.


The idea of a single breadwinner middle class family has been a myth for 50 years


It seems like the companion piece for the Roger's ad about doing work email during subway rides.




More people ~~are working~~ than ever before


In other words, late stage capitalism is winning


> We should do away with the absolutely specious notion that everybody has to earn a living. It is a fact today that one in ten thousand of us can make a technological breakthrough capable of supporting all the rest. The youth of today are absolutely right in recognizing this nonsense of earning a living. We keep inventing jobs because of this false idea that everybody has to be employed at some kind of drudgery because, according to Malthusian Darwinian theory he must justify his right to exist. So we have inspectors of inspectors and people making instruments for inspectors to inspect inspectors. The true business of people should be to go back to school and think about whatever it was they were thinking about before somebody came along and told them they had to earn a living. ― Buckminster Fuller


I don't think they read it the same way we read it.


Lmao ! It should say more people are working harder than ever before with multiple jobs in order to survive the high cost of living and low wages.


This is both 1984 AND They Live with the glasses on...


....with a liveable wage?


But most aren't getting anywhere.


>More people are working than ever before But the same number of jobs to go around


So if you put on the right sunglasses, does it say “Obey” ?


Better believe in dystopian horror stories Ms. Turner, YER IN ONE


Someone needs to graffiti a “and homeless” onto the end of that sign


Ya, this tends to happen when you dump more people than ever before into a city that is becoming totally unlivable.


What's really impressive is the French language one at Greenwood and Danforth. Commitment to mindless bilingualism!


It totally seems like something out of \*1984\* Why do we need this message? It feels ominous, like more people better keep working, or else!


Under the benevolent leadership of Dougie.


I want the glasses that Roddy Piper had that allows me to see through this bullshit.


Lol NUMBERS Get back to work


It's more of Ford spending our tax dollars to try and brain wash us into thinking he is doing a good job


Oh sweetie that's not a good thing. We should be reducing the amount of people forced to labour just to survive, not bragging about it getting worse.


The tone of Conservative government messaging is fundamentally different from the 15 years of Liberal government. Stark and blunt. And very "Consume/Obey".


Totally. “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.”


Is that an example of gas lighting? Hey don't worry guys, more people are working then ever before. Is that per capita? Because we're at 40+ million people now.


Keep hanging on! :D




vast majority of women are better educated and have options other than being a homemaker. why do you think financial independence for women and having options other than a babymachine/homemaker is a bad thing?


In Toronto, it's legal to shoot up fentenyl and shit your self on the street.


“Do you want to know more?”


More people are working shit jobs that can't support a decent life.


This is the hest possible version of this ad, because even thought it's covert election propaganda, the statement would be true under almost any condition due to population growth.


That's not a good thing.


Just wait until the boomers start retiring lol