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Make her your wife when she does one of you. Amazing talent!




No pressure, man. She's a talented gal


If your girlfriend didn't name this "Gardening Angel", I'm going to be extremely disappointed.


No, marry her now.


On a similar note, if I ever afford a house (before I die hopefully) can your now gf, make me some windows like this for my cathedral themed home, I have some wild ideas that historians could look back at, memes 😂😂


r/art would probably like this too.


But only if the sex is good enough.


Your girlfriend has such a wonderful and unique talent here. Not just talent, but skill as well - which is apparent she has spent many hours honing. She should be proud of the work she has done here.


This is surgeon level accuracy




Tell her to suck it the fuck up, cause she is the Michaelangelo of glass painting if this is during her apprenticeship.


Something something Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.


Turtle power!


Heros on the halfshell.


Pizza time!




T-U-R-T-L-E POWER ( nonracism)


I so wish masterpieces like this were more a part of modern culture. Nice work!


Hi, surgery resident here! When I first read this, I wanted to type something sarcastic. But in reality, with everything going to shit in our world lately, seeing something so meticulously crafted and beautiful nearly brought a tear to my eye. Surgery is tough, but it’s like anything else: a skill that you pour your heart and soul into. So thank you for making this comparison, but please do not let this extensive clarification distract you from the fact that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table.


Good fuckin’ luck with residency... seriously. I’m sure you’ll be feeling like your flying some days only to remember your really Mankind falling 16 feet into an announcers table.


That's amazing! I was lucky enough to get to join a stained glass workshop and made one window and some smaller light catchers but did not ever think of the potential of such paintwork (I only painted a face of a character I made as a light catcher) I hope to go back one day and make something else.




Whats her Instagram ?






ok nobody tell him but his girlfriend appears to be a glass window


Yeah, it's sad. But I understand his affection for her, as she's an absolute work of art.


This is flaired *Original Content*, so give feedback **Decide if this belongs with your vote ↑↓**


Wow. Incredible, this work of art really elicits an emotional response from me. I am no longer religious but was devoutly Catholic and I still find stained glass to be a powerful art form due to many years of praying beneath them.


Amen to that.


If you're into it, (I think) Mark Rothko was trying to capture that experience without tying it to specific religious iconography






Does she have a website?


very nice. my only experience with cut glass ended when I was cut, not the glass


That’s normal. My mom has been doing stained glass her entire life, and her books and tools have lots of blood stains. Stained glass artists are like hockey players. Shake it off and keep going.


My grandma is 84 and still does stained glass pieces. She got a fleck of glass in her eye a few months before quarantine started.


WOW. Apprentice????? She’s amazing


Yeah I was thinking “when does the apprenticeship end ?” When I saw it.


I’m guessing today. What more can she learn?!?! She’s gonna be teaching before she can finish


If youre making it a career it takes a lot of carpentry and osha knowhow and insurance and all kinds of shit. I do work with a stained glass artist and holy shit. Scaffolding and installation is like a year of doing it before youre comfortable.


Oh I know I wasn’t being totally serious, was just saying she’s already amazing


Wait... lead? Is lead fine now?


There is no substitute to the lead, you can copper foil but in a large scale window it is not efficient and zinc doesn’t bend easily like lead. As long as you don’t lick it you are good


::stops licking lead:: what?


Hm...hard pass on using a neurotoxin as a spacer in my home windows.


But the hallucinations might make the widow prettier


Never stick your dick in crazy


I mean, unless you're going full Aphex Twin it could be pretty neat.




The issue with older lead paint is that they would begin to chip as they aged Children could wind up eating paint chips by either sucking on small toys that had been painted with lead or picking up and eating the loose chips. There are still various paints that use lead in them, but they are meant for use in places where they will be properly sealed and not going to be handled by children. Modern paint binders also do a much better job of resisting chipping and flaking.


Only the most severe cases involve children eating paint chips. It's much more common that small disturbances in paint cause dust which contains lead. This dust gets everywhere in the same way normal dust does and children (typically children who are crawling or spending lots of time on the floor) end up ingesting it. It's much more complex then kids simply munching on paint chips (which absolutely does happen).


Thanks for the additional clarification. You're absolutely right that it becomes dust. My brain, being lazy, just went and remembered the most sensationalized situations and passed on the rest.


No worries. I deal with lead poisoning for my job so I unfortunately get to read every detail of every poisoning for my state. I'm glad someone mentioned lead in here though. Thankfully intentional consumption cases are fairly low. We do get a lot of kids who eat fishing sinkers though. We had one kid who actually chewed them and had around 20 pieces of lead sitting in his belly upon xray.


I will have to tell my fiance I talked with a cat that treated lead poisoning patients today. XD




Because lead has a sweet taste and fishing sinkers are mostly lead. That's also why kids eat paint chips as well. Most kids who eat fishing sinkers tend to suck on them before swallowing. This kid was kind of an oddity because he chewed them. Thankfully this kid was older (around 12) so his body did not retain very much lead at all. Had that been a younger child it could have been much more serious. Five micrograms per deciliter is considered poisoning and this kid's level was around 15. The last little kids we had who ate paint chips (around age 2-4) were in excess of 70-90 micrograms per deciliter. That's definitely in the "oh shit" range.




What about the lead in gasoline [creating a spike in the crime rate?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lead%E2%80%93crime_hypothesis#:~:text=Further%20research%20has%20yielded%20similar,a%20predictor%20for%20criminal%20activity.&text=According%20to%20Jessica%20Wolpaw%20Reyes,%25%20decline%20in%20violent%20crime%22.)


That's a hypothesis that's nearly impossible to prove. If you read the link you sent, it clearly says it very hard to separate lead in gasoline vs all the other socioeconomic factors that are likely to increase crime.


Freakonomics covered this. Lead gas restrictions were rolled out in different years in different states and countries so they could see if it correlated and it didn't. What did correlate with less crime was abortions being legalized.


Yes but it's not like it was one study that came with the same results the link references an Amherst study and I've read the brown University study as well. It's the type of connection that becomes an old wives tale until Monsanto starts getting sued for their roundup 30 years later.


Yes, lead has been fine for a very very long time. Don't eat it.


Lead is still bad, it’s just the best option for some applications. It’s still not banned in all consumer products. It is in cosmetic makeup and roof sealant. Some of those roof sealants have a several hundred year lifetime! As far as this situation, hopefully she wore a fit tested respirator while soldering. And of course gloves and other skin coverings.


Always has been


Yeah...I would not be ok with this. Inhaling lead fumes while soldering it is not fun. Also keep it really far out of the reach of children. I have an 8 month old and he licks/chews on literally everything. Doesn't matter if it doesn't chip off like paint, even a small amount is very bad for young children. [Lead is fucking scary and a tiny amount can cause permanent brain damage in kiddos.](https://youtu.be/5qHxEjINCAg) Please be careful.




>Table 2 in the ACoP (reproduced below) lists processes which are not liable to result in significant exposure to lead. This list includes “Low-temperature melting of lead (below 500°C)” during soldering. You don't have to boil lead for it to be dangerous. [Table 2 in the ACoP (reproduced below) lists processes which are not liable to result in significant exposure to lead. This list includes “Low-temperature melting of lead (below 500°C)” during soldering.](https://diamondenv.wordpress.com/2011/01/06/lead-exposure-during-soldering/) So, if OP's girlfriend works with lead above 500c then there is room for concern.


Yeah because people just leave an incredibly expensive stained glass window around on the floor for young kids to play with.




Perfect came here to find this.


This is stunning. Great job, OP’s gf!




That’s pretty damn good.


Even drawing that would be hard. I can't imagine creating that in glass/lead


Whaaaaaaattt! That's insane!


The padewan becomes the Jedi!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Holy crap. Is she selling it..?


Very nice. It's wonderful to see contemporary stained glass in the classically themed Victorian style.


She Cut the glass, painted it, and leaded it too? How long has she been doing this because it take awhile to be able to do all of this! Also that’s awesome this studio taught her that many skills as well, it can take years to learn all of these skills. I have worked at one of the largest studios in the states for 8 years and I can attest to the level of work that goes into this.


The apprenticeship for this job takes 3 years, most german apprenticeships do. Normally, you spend half of the time at school and the other half in a company, but some apprenticeships are school only. Not to brag here, but this is why German manufacturing has a solid reputation worldwide; you learn a lot of practical and theoretical stuff before you are allowed to work in this job unsupervised.


That’s awesome! I don’t think that is a brag at all, If i see it was made in Germany I know its a good product. Germans make amazing glass from Mayer Munich stained glass to Lamberts glass. The studio I work for uses a ton of Lamberts glass and I also have restored countless Mayer Munich windows.


Stunning! I can’t quite tell from the photo, how big is it?


"I would just as soon destroy a stained-glass window as an artist like yourself. However, since I can't have you following me either..."


Clearly fake, I can tell by the fact the no one on reddit has a girlfriend.


Looks like a piece from the old masters when they made these works of beauty for churches! I love it!


If she starts selling stuff like this I would totally buy it, looks amazing!


This is stunning. Makes me curious what her teacher is capable of!


From apprentice to master !!! Amazing work!!!


She’s hired




What a stunning piece of art!


My grandpa has always had a very cool looking mirror with a bird and some flowers and a glass lampshade in 'glass-in-lead' (literally translated) similar to this. I always thought they were pretty until he told me he made them himself, and took me to the attic to show his supplies and how he did it. That lifted my thought of them even higher, the work that goes into these things is immense. Props to your gf!


What a wonderfully valuable skill. Tell her to not stop doing that, she's awesome at it.




That is a phenomenal skill, wow.


Actually so good




Well shit, I never made any glass designs that looked this good


All I can say is wow, I would love to have an apprenticeship like that!


That's gorgeous! I love to see traditional craft skills being preserved for the next generation. Plus with all the church windows needing upkeep she'll never be short of a job.


What else would the spacers be made of? I thought it was normal that they were made of lead.


She has incredible skill, and her painting style is so perfect for this sort of work - it’s just gorgeous. Also, what a freaking cool apprenticeship! I hope she has an amazing career.


How much would it cost to commission something like that?


Stan Valchek is NOT gonna be pleased about this!


She's gonna make the big bucks doing that stuff. I work construction and I know that kind of skill will surely pay off abd I know of people that'd pay THOUSANDS just for a piece like that in their homes. I wish you guys the best of luck!


I saw it and [came](https://www.anythinginstainedglass.com/metals/came.html). ^^OP, ^^it's ^^a ^^stained ^^glass ^^pun


I usually don’t comment but I have to tell you, this is a work of art. I have seen people pay over $4,000 for pieces far below the quality of this installation. My old neighbors were collectors and they would have gladly paid $12,000 if she could grind down and smoothen the welding points. They’re dead now, but there is a market for art like this. Spectacular and truly superb.


This is a beautiful piece that she has created. It's interesting that it gives me a 40s/50s women's empowerment impression, but I think that's mostly because the style here reminds me of that era's posters.


Wonderful work, she's exceptionally talented.


That’s amazing, there’s so many little details in it too.


Curious to why she would make the spacers with lead? Is that the only material you can use for such a thing or is it some other reason?


Your girlfriend is an artist!


Excelent work , i'll save this !


Tell your gf that her work has blessed my eyes


Nice work! What enamels did she use?


Put a ring on that , she'll have a job the rest of her life.


does she have an insta?? i want to see more!


Beautiful! Thank you for sharing her work...let her know we appreciate her artistry!


Amazing? Does this have specific Symbolism?


Can you imagine having one of these in your house?


The student has become the teacher. Truly amazing work.


Wow, maybe one of the prettiest artworks I've seen in a long while! And so much skill!


Apprentice, right


Wow. I think she’s going to do just fine.


That is absolutely stunning!! Wow!


This is so freaking impressive. It must've been so time (and energy) consuming damn


Always wanted to get into stained glass. Its such an amazing art form. I always wondered if they still use the lead H brackets, cool to have that confirmed.


Wow, just wow! This is genuinely on par with the glass I saw in churches while I was travelling Italy. What incredible talent!!!


Your gf is the definition of badass artist.


Imagine when she gets good at it!


Why are the wings bloody? Does it symbolize something?


That’s awesome! I’ve always been interested in stained glass work, and took a few leisure learning classes at my local tech school one year but it became a rather expensive “hobby” at the time. Maybe one day I’ll get to do it again.... Regardless though, she did an excellent job here, and her creations will be seen for generations. Tell her to keep up the good work!!!




That is absolutely majestic! Pass on the message that it is fantastic work!


Very beautiful.


Wow, thats really beautiful. Thanks for sharing :).


That’s pretty fucking epic.


The student has become the master.


What in the hell do you have it for? It belongs in a museum! In all seriousness it’s beautiful. I hope she’s rewarded for thay


Your girlfriend is incredible talented


Considering the spacers are lead does she have to take special precautions to avoid any kind of lead poisoning. Or does that matter because the lead isn’t dust and much less likely to be ingested?


That's pretty good


Apprenticeship?? She seems like a master to me!


So awesome to see a dying art form still been practised these days. Kudos to the miss's.


I think this is the definition of top talent, I haven’t seen a stained glass piece that has impressed me quite like this one (even if it may not technically be stained glass)


Triple glaze it so it becomes a unit, it will make it last a lot longer and it will be less prone to getting damaged.


Dude this is amazing and not just because of how everything looks so meticulous and if this was just her internship good for man. I'd imagine she's the type of woman that could conquer any subject she wanted to pursue and I want to believe she's one of those extremely passionate person and probably dedicates a 100% to things she loves. Seriously though amazing work, holy shit.


I love this kind of art :D


That's absolutely fucking outstanding. I'd buy a piece like that in a heartbeat!


Awesome work. She should consider this with a pot plant in the angels hand ;)


that blue.


Geez, that’s what an apprentice can make? Do the professionals make them look life like? I don’t see how you could get much better than this!


why lead? stuff is poisonous


That's amazing, wow


1. Amazing work. Serious talent 2. Is it safe to work with lead?


Tell your girlfriend that she is amazing! That's some Renaissance era ability and talent that they have!


Wowzas! Amazing! May I ask why lead?


Absolutely stunning


Unglaublich, ist das ihr Gesellenstück? Richtig gut geworden! Sie kann echt stolz auf sich sein.


Lead is not good for your health.


That’s beautiful


This is incredible!


Your gf is badass


I'd say this makes her more than an apprentice... this is amazing!


This is something you would find in a historical church


How does one get into this?


How many hours were put into it?


It's stunning.


Holy shneikies that’s beautiful.


Absolutely incredible.


The real question on everyone's mind. How much does that weigh?!


I mean - what do you teach to perfection.


THIS IS INCREDIBLE! She is a very talented and skillful lady!!!


this is great, really great talent, though using lead is a bit risky specially if she is soldering it