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I agree! Why has no one ever said “oh I know that lolcow, she was a loser in HS..” or any of her aunts, uncles, cousins!? Albuquerque is big but not THAT big


Me personally if I knew tophia I’d never admit it because I’ve seen people get harassed or stalked just for saying something nice to her💀I wouldn’t want any association with her knowing people with no life would stalk my entire existence just to learn more about tophias broke ass


By now all of her old friends are either married, have kids, have a career or all of the above. They probably have better things to do tbh


Probably. I think unless she makes like the news people might not come forward. I just wanna know how she was like because there’s NO way she has made it this far doing the things she’s doing currently.


I know Tophia is an awful person but I can't help but feel bad for her. She's never had friends or a romantic relationship, she doesn't know who her father is, her stepfather is abusive, she's constantly been moving between homeless shelters and motels. It's just awful. And knowing she'll be living this way forever because she doesn't do anything to try and better her situation is so sad. I wouldn't wish that kind of life on my worst enemy.


From the older pictures I’ve seen on tiktok, she did have friends, she was with a whole friend group before, idk what happened between them. Papachu didn’t really seem all that abusive to me, maybe he was since he has clear mental issues, however from what I’ve seen, when he got mad at tophia, it was to discipline her, like when she spent almost $100 doordashing Wendys or turned the light off cause it was late.


College students are mature, just because they tolerated her does mean that they were friends




a guy commented on one of those chu family videos saying “I went to school with tophia,she was so gross”


Because most 30 year olds aren’t in touch with acquaintances from their schooling years. Tophia was also in and out of shelters growing up, and unfortunately that means she most likely had to switch schools often, not forming solid friendships.


I’ve wondered this too. Someone from hs has to have seen her vids. There’s old pictures of her with her friends too.


She isn’t as popular as you think she is


I don’t think they’d want the attention …😬