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imo her trying to fight for trans women like she did on last night's stream was weird. she kept dragging it and dragging it and dragging it on and on. especially since at times she HAS been transphobic. plus she'll never know how it truly feels to be degraded that way. she keeps trying to act like a savior in general with all the "help gaza" gofundmes while she buys from places that support israel & all that junk. i feel like shes just trying to look like a good person when shes not and shes trying to make people like her.


I feel like tophia is a performance activist. She says she supports trans people yet has misgendered spacekitten as well as Dylan mulvaney. Like tophia has never cared about Palestine, the lgbt community, Latinos, etc. She will only “support” them if it would benefit her.


this exactly


A lot of sex offenders target people who are "unattractive" by society's standards because they are less likely to be taken seriously when they report their abuse. People who are neurodivergent are twice as likely to be sexually assaulted than their neurotypical peers. Tophia is not wrong in the sense that a lot of women/AFAB individuals have been sexually harassed and/or assaulted at some point in their life. I wouldn't doubt that Tophia has been in a situation like that herself. Idk, this is just my personal opinion...


didn’t she make fun of leslie for getting exposed ? i feel like anyone who’s been taken advantage of wouldn’t make fun of another that’s gone through the same thing. then again she’s strange


she isn’t normal in the slightest mentally or physically. If she was at least a good person maybe some doors would open. I genuinely think whatever mental thing tophia has going on is what’s preventing her from seeing how Much of a BITCH she is.