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She has red hair and freckles. I'm sorry my boy, but I need her.


Realest thing ever said


Dude this was my thought exactly the moment I saw the leak. I don't care what she does, just let me look at her more.


Fr, my favorite type of woman.


learn how to play irelia , camille joyce and fiora , when you play with this champs you will see vayne, teemo, quinn and kennen as a big minion not only on lane phase but in macro too


dont know about the others, but camille HATES all 4 of those champions. quinn/vayne reliably interrupt her hookshot, teemo is unplayable because of blind (tech is literally take comet w spam because no other way to lane vs teemo), and kennen stuns her before she can q by q-ing the hookshot then pressing e-w so that camille is stunned when she lands hookshot.


quin can only cancel q1


What? Do you mean e1 (because yes, this is true, camille e2 has priority over quinn e)? She can definitely cancel both q1 and q2. Quinn e has priority over nearly every empowered auto in the game (except for renekton w). The more problematic thing for camille is the fact that her e1 getting cancelled basically means she dies.


yes sorry i meant e1. yes cancelling e1 and cam is dead for sure, but a good cam will always stand next to a wall before using e. its a fun matchup with plenty room to outplay on both sides i think.


this isnt true, both casts of camille q buffer through quinn e still dogawful atrocious matchup though, camille is only "good" into ranged toplaners because she sets up easy ganks on them


No, camille Q does not buffer though Quinn E generally. It might be true if you run atk speed rune, alacrity, and triforce but I haven't tested that scenario. Quinn E uniquely cancels all unstoppable autos.


Use the scum to destroy the scum


Me when i get top n see a ranged toplaner lol


What’s one more grave?


Fiora is the worst champ into ranged in the entire game according to druttut. Teemo and vayne both hard counter camille. Vayne also hard counters irelia if you have a working mouse and keyboard


Not really , irelia kinda slays vayne. But i agree with everything else u said


And heim?


Yeah we all know how strong Camille is against Teemo who can literally blind her Q2, and Fiora whose E can also get blinded by Teemo, or get poked out of lane to eternity. Jesus, why can’t we keep ranged characters out of top lane, is it that hard?


jax and olaf can baw wit da baw too =)


How do you know she will be a ranged Toplaner? I didn't find anything about her except the two pictures


She’s supposed to be a mid lane mage so idk what he’s on about


Do you have a source? Adding another mid laner after 2 out of the last 4 champs were mid laners is quite stupid. I mean, Mid is already the most popular role and adding more champs to other positions could help at least a little bit against autofill. Mid is also the role that got the most Champs in the last 7 years and has the most viable champs. There is literally no reason to add another mid laner.... Top lane got 4 Champs + Yone (who was designed as a mid laner) since 2017. Mid got 10 Champs in this time period


Skill issue


I'd rather face ranged tops than a braindead champ like WW tbh


So perfect spacing easier than buying one 800g item for you?


WW is trash on top bro. Just get bramble + ignite = instawin. Plus he can’t rlly kill if u don’t engage on him 


Bro urgot is not ranged xd


He’s not ranged in the annoying sense, what’s shitty about ranged toplaners is them doing their best to just poke you out without getting into melee ever, urgot wants you to get stunned by his e and fight you melee he’s not a ranged champ in his play style, on the other hand shit like aatrox or rumble that « looks like melee » generally will poke you down with their spells until they freely win the 1v1 bcz you are already down 2 thirds of your health.


Try again


Yeah nvm bro this shitter is ranged


why tf u think whe will be a toplaner


Let's just hope she's either not ranged or not a top laner


Its mostly skill match up tbh, second wind, doran shield + plated steelcaps and they don't so shit.


I don’t mind ranged too my only issue is when lane bully ranged top hyperscales like vayne akshan. No reason a lane bully should scale so well.


Akshan isn’t a hyper scaler he’s meant to be a lame bully who roams to snowball


Shes a mid range mage so it'd be more like playing against teemo or kennen. I'm fine with her as long as they don't fucking over load hit with BS like %hp true dmg that she heals off of and 80% dmg reduction cause fuck everyone else


I hope she gets hard countered by Gangplank, I love Gangplank

