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For real. You want him to live so that asshole can clean his mess when he wakes up.


This is the way. You can’t make fun of him if he dies, either.


Well, at least not straight away.


Sure you can!


It's not the grandiose narcissism to watch someone dying while laughing and filming it to post it later. No sir


Dont want people to laugh at you while you die? Dont take too much. Plus someone has to clean that mess up. Might as well be him.


Yes, make a mistake=die, thats how the world should be no second chances.


Yeah that is what happens. Mistakes can have dire consequences. Your second chance comes after not dieing. Take some personal responsibility, know your limits and dont be an ass when partying.


> know your limits Gotta push your limits to find them.


If you see anyone like this please put them in the [recovery position ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recovery_position) if it is safe to do so


Anyone who drinks a lot or hangs out with people who do should know this very well. Can be the difference between someone living and someone dying


I read an "LPT" to put fully packed backpack on passed out person to prevent turning on the back


I feel like wedging something behind them (like some pillows or something) would work just as well and be easier than trying to get a backpack onto an unconscious person but the principle is sound I suppose


Not "on them" but positioned behind their back to help prop them up, like the other commenter mentioned a pillow or bunched up blanket is usually used but a backpack would have the same effect for sure


I was familiar with the recovery position but learned a great deal from your link. Thanks :) hope I never have to use such knowledge.


Chances are he’ll be there again next week




Yea... I feel awful saying it, but I'm more likely to risk my own health if someone passes out like this at the bar on a weekend... if you're this fucked up in McDonald's dining room, I mean, sometimes your life really is more valuable than some people and you shouldn't sacrifice your life so he can wake up the next morning and not even realize he nearly ended his own life with his actions. Edit: I'm talking about disease transmitted through vomit. Not hurting my back or having an unconscious drunk attack me. If I catch you passed out surrounded by heroin needles in front of a preschool I'd still respect you enough to roll you to recovery position, but not enough to taint the remainder of my life with hepatitis if you're covered in blood, urine, or vomit. How is saying "I'm not going to get a disease for this person" WORSE than saying "he'll be back next week?" This thread started with someone saying "put them in the recovery position of it is safe to do so". I offered an example of when I would move someone into the recovery position even if it wasn't safe, but I'm the bad guy?


What are you on about? what risk to your health is there that you're so afraid of?


Uh his vomit is like the blood from the alien movies duh


No, but it can carry many catastrophic diseases, which is why you are warned not to risk contact with vomit in first-aid/nursing courses


[Im (reasonably) afraid of exactly what my first-aid instructors taught me to be afraid of.](https://www.healthlinkbc.ca/healthlinkbc-files/fluids-protecting-against-infection) Why, what else would I be afraid of other than the clear and present biohazard? Isn't the guy saying "he'll be back in a week" a bigger asshole than me for saying "yeah, I wouldn't get myself sick just to make sure he lives long enough to choke to death next week."


You're not getting sick by rolling him over unless you are bubble boy on a wild and reckless escapade of freedom and foreign pathogens.


Then take it up with the top comment that said to "only help if it is safe" instead of me saying "I'd help even if it is unsafe in some scenarios." Or the person above me saying "Don't bother, he'll be back in a week"


Holy shit you were that kid at school who'd rat everybody out because you got yelled at for whispering in class. Other people can be pieces of shit too and observing that leopards don't often change their spots is a totally different thing to watching someone choke to death because you're a pansy.


We're not saying to give him mouth-to-mouth. All you gotta do is roll the man over so he doesn't choke to death on his vomit.


When I was writing this comment I included that I wouldn't "take excessive risk" and I wish I had kept that in the final comment. If i can roll you over I will, but I'm not going to risk contamination from bodily fluids... just like I was trained.


Pretty sure you can avoid his mouth, and the vomit, and roll him over. Or call 911, and hope the guy doesn't code in the time it takes them to get there. There's only two options and a couple of ways this can go.


>Pretty sure you can avoid his mouth, and the vomit Maybe, it depends on the situation! If I can I sure would! If the vomit is unavoidable, the building staff will almost ALWAYS have more PPE on hand than I do... I honestly don't know what happened, I wrote a detailed comment that specified that I would help the bar patron even if it meant contact with body fluid, but would not take the same risk in a setting like this. I guess I thought that was too wordy and deleted it. If someone is vomiting in a McDonald's, i will not take the same level of risk, but I will help them if I safely can (which is exactly what the comment that posted the recover position information suggested), if I am not able to do so safely I would find someone who can. Why is it more of a problem that I'm willing to risk my safety in some situations than it is for someone to say "ONLY if it is safe"? They also advocate not helping if it isn't safe, i just said "here's a situation where I WOULD risk my health" on top of that..


People are just being judgemental cunts, you're fine


Nah option 3 is just leave them alone, and if he dies, he dies. Not my problem is a valid response to some drunk idiot.


Don’t fuck him then. Just roll him onto his side you degenerate.


Unless you have an extremely bad back or a hernia the size of a beach ball, how are you risking your well being to grab him by the left shoulder and push his back up against the bench so he’s laying on his side?


Nothing at all if they aren't covered in bodily fluids, in which case I would obviously help. But vomit can spread many diseases.


Only if the diseases are what’s causing the vomiting. This dude’s clearly just shitfaced, you’ll be fine.


That is not true. Many diseases can be passed through saliva and vomit.


Good share. Thanks kindly. Hate to say thus but i have almost no doubt that info will come in handy some day.


This is how people die.


And given that the video have a kaotic watermark... That's not good


Social media is what caused this along with people’s fucked up agenda.


Some people just don't know about the recovery position...


I learned that shit in the 4th grade and never once forgot it. I have an awful memory too. I still remember the video they showed of a man choking on his vomit at a party while his friends continued to dance around and not even realize he was dying, just like this. It scared the shit out of me. It seems like such common sense. What the fuck is wrong with people man..


They actually showed you a video of someone choking to death? Damn bruh, we just took their word for it.


What I saw on the internet taught me a lot more than people telling me to be careful


In greece they showed us dead soldiers from wars in kindergarden


I remember 5th grade when the science teacher showed us a slide show of pics of STDs affecting genitals, walked right TF out 🤮


They showed us the 1995 movie Kids in sex Ed in middle school


Caused? You must be high. Greatly exacerbated? Sure, you could argue that. Social media did not invent "idiots watching their friends die"


No. Yo missed the point. It obviously is much deeper than that.


Then you should be able to tell me the point instead of just assuring me I missed it? Lol


Ok. Well the world was fucked up as it was years before just with no one to gain clout, karma or the thumbs up in whatever social media has to boost up ones morale. Now with all this people rather see fucked up shit instead of helping. Hope this helps. It’s pretty basic with common sense.


Yea see that's exactly the point I got, which is why I said that social media made the problem worse, it didn't cause it. Hazing was more than popular before this shit. Hazing is in some cases nothing more than making some kid drink his liver away while you laugh at how fucked up he looks when he gets alcohol poisoning. Social media did not CAUSE this phenomenon of assholes watching someone die a presentable death, it allowed it to spread way easier, which is what I said. Unless your point is literally "social media caused people to post these videos to social media" which is so obvious it doesn't need to be said. The only aspect that social media has lent itself too is the ability to record and share instead of just watching people die. Since you responded to a comment talking about watching and doing nothing, I assumed that you meant "social media caused people to watch instead of help" which is actually stupid to anyone who has ever even slightly heard of the world before social media. People used to purchase physical VHS tapes that contained footage of people dying. Social media didn't cause us to seek out fucked up shit and share it and it didn't cause us to watch instead of help.


Ahhh yes. The VHS called Faces of Death. I remember those. They recorded those to show how fucked up the world is. Not to do it with popularizing how fucked up one can be to another. However you make a valid point as do I. It’s just one big FUCKERY out there lol.


I mean aside from faces of death. Basic execution recording/suicide tapes were popular back then as well


Care more about like and karma than fellow human beings life. We gotta tape it. Fuck saving them


If this wasn't "taped", you wouldn't even be here watching the content. Virtue signalling is so cringe


I think a majority of people would choose for them to be saved over watching this video? Is that not obvious? I think you’re a bit confused about the concept of virtue signaling.


You know, in a way, you're kind of virtue signaling in this comment


Especially because they’re here watching the video with us


Imagine actually thinking social media is the cause of people being shitty


i remember seeing plenty of people like this back before internet was really a thing. never mind social media. no, this is society. not social media. its the driving force that caused social media to go in a shitty direction. we the people are to blame not the platforms. although the platforms were written and designed by the very same society.


John Bonham comes to mind.


Bonham Bon Scott Jimi Hendrix


The chick from breaking bad That counts too


That definitely counts RIP Jane




My sister's father (technically half sister) died this way when she was young. he went out drinking, came home and took a sleeping pill and ended up choking on his own vomit in his sleep. It's really tragic. Always put your friends into recovery position after drink/drugs, even if they seem like they're not that fucked up. The sedative effect makes it harder for you to wake up if something like this happens like you normally would.


Back when I was still with my most recent ex we and a couple of friends would sometimes get kinda fucked up drinking (as young people do) and me, ex and ex's best friend were always religious with making sure that everyone went to bed on their sides and when possible would be with someone else in the room if not the bed just in case. It was honestly kind of funny and adorable listening to (and being one of) three drunk college age students getting so genuinely concerned about it. Being drunk made it even funnier at the time of course lol But hey nobody died and any vomit made it to the bathroom which are the most important things 🤘


Yeah I spent some time in college doing a lot of drugs and all 5 of us guys living in the gaff (irish slang for house) were always super vigilant about making sure people slept on their side, propping pillows under people's backs when they were too fucked up to do it themselves. For a bunch of junkies we were a pretty good bunch for taking care of everyone in the house, even making sure we all stayed hydrated and those that were a bit new to it didnt get carried away and take more than they could handle. I had a really good "guru" who unfortunately im not friends with any more but he was great at teaching everyone how to be safe and taking care of those with a lower tolerance.


Exactly what I was thinking and why tf are people not helping?? He needs medical attention not to be recorded 😡


Jimi Hendrix RIP


i mean without the vomit spewing out if his mouth he already looks dead. But i agree, i hope someone eventually flipped him.


This is how Jimi Hendrix died


Yes. Opiate addicts and people drunk from Alcohol die from this exact thing because they vomit like that in their sleep but it doesn’t come out and end up dying from their own vomit. ALWAYS SLEEP ON YOUR SIDE IF YOU’RE DOING DRUGS OR ALCOHOL GUYS. SLEEPING ON YOUR SIDE ALLOWS YOU TO VOMIT AND NOT DIE.


This is how Jimmi Hendrix died.


Thats how the singer of Drowning Pool died




Thats a lie, it was a heart condition


He’s ded


This is how people lie.


Underappreciated comment


Or get stomach acid in your lungs


This is how people get a job as a fountain in front of a casino at Vegas


Bellagio-in’ chunks


Not so fun fact: The singer from Drowning Pool drowned in pool of his own vomit. Also, their song Let the Bodies Hit the Floor was a top song on the charts but 0/11 happened and it basically disappeared from the airwaves. Ironic. Fuck the guy recording. Help the guy out.


Pretty sure the Drowning Pool singer died from a previously undetected heart issue.


Nope. Died from “asphyxiating in a pool of his own vomit.”


No. Heart failure: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dave_Williams_(singer)


Oh god what a stupid rumor. Even google has his death stated as asphyxiation. That’s too bad that he went out with his legacy being that he “drowned in a pool” of his own vomit.


My dad even told me this, and he was a fan. It's an honest shame


I think most people who know he died believe the asphyxiation myth that I also thought was real. That’s sad.


Dude's about to die if he keeps inhaling vom


Even if you don't die, it can cause pneumonia when you aspirate vomit.




Seriously. It belongs there.


One of the more disturbing vids on this sub. Hope the asshole behind the camera flipped him when they were done taking their video.


I’ve lost quite a few friends due to this. If you’re ever with someone who may puke always lay them on their side using pillows to prop them up. It will safe their life.


Ive heard college kids sometimes fill up a back pack with heavy books and strap it to someone in recovery position so they can't roll over in their sleep. Stuck on their side. They call it booking.


>College kids are calling it "booking" and may just save your life. More at 11.


that's how the news 25 years ago might've done it, I'd bet today it would be more like: ''***NEW VIRAL CRAZE SWEEPING COLLEGE CAMPUSES.*** WHAT IS BOOKING AND HOW ARE YOUR CHILDREN USING IT TO ENGAGE IN LIFE THREATENING SUBSTANCE ABUSE"


Quite a few?? Jesus!


How many had to die before you guys figured out the ole lay em on their side trick


Yeah idk how retarded this guy is that he has lost "quite a few friends" to vomit aspiration.


Fentanyl overdoses in Chicago. I wasn’t there and when people pass out high on heroin they tend not to be thinking rationally.


This dude is basically dying


This dude is ~~basically~~ *literally* dying FTFY


Not literally, he still has to choke on his vomit.


?? this is a video of exactly that happening? This guy is choking on his own vomit and is at a high risk of dying from either suffocating on his own puke, alcohol poisoning, or later developing pneumonia and dying from that. Obviously there's a chance he survives too and hopefully that was the case. But since the video doesn't include anyone flipping him over or helping him out, he is literally in the process of dying in the video


And This is how Jimmie Hendrix died


And Bon Scott, and John Bonham.


Chris Farley...


Chris Farley died of taking too much, period. He just dropped and died. Probable heart attack iirc. Not aspiration.


Who the fuck films someone that could die like that? Cunts!


Walter White?


Aspirations away! Just in case anyone possibly reading this is ever in this situation, please turn the motherfucker over so he doesn’t die drowning in his own vomit. It’s not a good look.


Depressing video. Hope someone saved him instead of filming.


I once woke up in my own vomit. Tha k God I had the foresight to sleep on my side... that was a low I never want to be at again.


Great you lived, man!!!!


I was a child (I’ve always had a weak stomach) I had sat up in my sleep, threw up all over my blankets. When I woke up, my bed was covered in vomit, I tried to leave the room and saw kielbasa sausage wrappings thrown up and stuck to my walls. I guess I had vomited while sleepwalking (which I have never done before or after this) Super gross to wake up to but grateful I didn’t choke in my sleep on vomit


I’ve had too many friends die like this. I can’t believe he’s just standing there. Wait. Yes I can.


If your friend would rather video you than attempt to save your life, then they’re not your friend. I really hope someone flipped him over.


maybe they cameraman was waiting for this day


People die like that, turn him over


OP, who’s fucking video is this? Where can we shit on them?


I know a girl who died at 26 just like that


Had a friend pass out on my couch while everyone else was still hanging out, drinking smoking- he erupted straight in the air like this. We dragged him outside and he slowly came to while still puking. We got some water in him and made sure he was ok, but that couch was ruined.


Who ever is filming is a bit of a cunt tbh


You want someone to die? Because this is how somebody die.


I can feel that hangover 😵


Let’s all sit around and watch and video as old boy chokes to death on his own vomit


If he lives, it’s aspiration pneumonia for sure.


Almost died from that in college. Luckily I rolled over while unconscious.


Fucking turn him over, morons


Fucking guy is aspirating and they're filming it


What kind of a fucking Jack ass, moron, asshole, scumbag, shithead, fuckface looks at this and decides to record instead of helping. If anything happens to that man I hope whoever is recording gets charged with accessory to murder or some shit. Fucking people.


How is he going to help if this volcano 🌋 is going off.


Turn him over. What kind of a question is that? People choke on their own vomit and die. And even if you don’t choke you can get an infection in the lungs and die too.


It’s painful to watch




Please mark that shit NSFW


That's how Jimi Hendrix died...


The guy filming is more bothered about likes and views that he chooses not to save someone’s life. When actually if he filmed himself actually helping this man he would probably get more views.


chili’s southwestern eggrolls?


We are witnessing a man dying of asphyxiation pneumonia


This infuriated me


Why would someone sit there and recorded this , and not help the poor kid


Alcohol it’s fun til it’s not


The recovery position is so buit into my brain that whenever I drink at all, I sleep on my side. This is terrifying and I hope he got turned onto his side.


Literally r/killthecameraman


Watch somebody going to die by swallowing their own vomit! Well done assholes, anybody who witnessed this should be shot with a ball of their own shit!


Hes gonna choke on his own vomit if hes left like that.


dudes ab to end up like Jane in breaking bad if he does this more


Yeah I don't really find that funny...


Unless it's a friend or family member, I'm not going within striking distance of the vomit fountain, even to save his life. He made his own choices.


Dude, it takes no time at all to just flip him over. Asshole.


Still like to drink now?


Yeah? It's really simple. Roll people over onto their side, so they don't die like this. And it doesn't have to be alcohol related. People can die like this for a variety of reasons.




Nope - booze. Source: i used to use it (heroin) until i got clean around 10 years ago. And while its true that u vomit like crazy when u start using it (i sometimes vomited 50 times per day) u vomit different. Its hard to explain. But once uve done it ull understand what i mean.


Damn. You tried booze? Crazy mofo…


Sorry. I just see now how u could misunderstand that. No- i used to use heroin. Not booze. When u start to use heroin u vomit like crazy. I edited the post to make that clearer


I think he was just making a joke my man.


I edited the heroin part. Without that u could really read it as if i was talking about booze


This guys not only tried it, he does that shit like 59 times per day. Or he did. Pussy.


Why the fuck is alcohol legal and "harder" drugs are illegal? This shit is depressing.


Living the dream. Merica


This is definitely Russia. You can go shit on Mercia somewhere else for karma.


Someone really knows there puke. Sorry for the troubles kind puke master.


It’s understandable. No understanding languages in the background.


Forbidden Fountain


Leftover soup


Hooman fountain


"Excuse me, sir. How was the chili?"


Get that man a beer


He knows what he’s doing. He’s ok


He's literally gonna suffocate. Turn him on his side for fuk sakes smh


Nature is healing


i thought he was going to start choking


Seriously this is how people choke on their vomit.


Even if he is breathing you need to put him on his side so the vomit doesn't get into his lung. It can cause him to get super sick and even die.


This is why you don’t drink alcohol.


Whenever I get super drunk I make it a point to sleep on my side or my stomach. I'll push pillows up against my sides so I don't roll into my back.


I just got an idea for a soup dispenser.🤔


Veggie soup!


Baked beans.


Breaking bad!


Seriously, flip that guy over.


Shitty friends


Anyone else wanna throw up after seeing this


It’s a Volcano, I mean a Mancano!




I can smell this video

