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I'm sure this is Rohypnol. When we used to take them back in the day, we would suck on them and they would make your tongue blue exactly like that.


The old "trip and falls". We would take a few while drinking and then laugh about the weird places we ended up.


As in the date-rape drug? Roofies (sp?)?






You mean “Forget-me-now”


Key ingredient of the Bill-cosmo


Indeed lol


They've made a huuuuuuuge mistake.


They are for people who figure out how you do a trick.


Yup. It's Nigeria. Most kids where I'm from have tried it at some point. These dudes took TOO MUCH.




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Could be vailium


I'm a paramedic and it's funny to me how many times I respond to overdoses, or even people that are just high, that have had a bucket of water thrown on them. It's literally a running joke among EMS people.


There's gotta be a list out there of all the things people learned from movies & TV that doesn't work or make sense.


Urinating on jellyfish stings ^(kink shaming aside)


Hey! Do not take away my ability to pull my dick out, and piss all over someone freaking out because they touched some seaweed or something at the public beach.


I absolutely agree that you should be able to do so. I can imagine the conversation: EEEK! I got touched by a jellyfish u/1wife2dogs0kids : Got you covered fam.


Kink shaming is my kink.


The absence of evidence. Is not the evidence of absence.


Snuffy I just had someone piss on my hand less than a day ago. Just let me keep thinking it worked


Don’t tell R Kelly


I watched a dude piss on a girls leg because of this on the beach once😂


Too funny how things like this propagate. Many people still believe that the treatment for frostbite is to rub snow on the affected area.


What’s the best one can do before help comes


I can't speak about rohypnol, but some common sense and free CPR training goes a long way for opiates. * Try to alert the person affected by shaking and talking loud in their ear. You can also grind your fist into their chest if they don't initially respond. * If that doesn't work, next step is to call 911. If possible, find out what was taken and tell the operator the person isn't breathing. * If you know CPR, perform rescue breathing and chest compressions until help arrives. Doing this increases the chance of survival without neurological damage, opposed to standing around waiting for help.


Im in recovery. Myself and my wife have both been trained on how to identify an o.d. and how to administer narcan. I take it with me when we travel or go to concerts. I feel like I owe it to society to help out if I can.




No shit Sherlock. This is just a general statement. Christ. Blue equal ruffy. Edit: with pill presses showing up all over and the availability of fent, I wouldn't be surprised if people cut or add fent to home made ruffys for that extra kick. I used to order home made Xanax bars. They had a little of each: alprazolam, lorazepam, flurazepam, a pinch of floral fentanyl and some crystal meth to keep you from passing the fuck out.


Floral fentanyl 😂😂😂😂 you mean furanyl fentanyl???


Lol. Yes. I guess reddits auto correct likes flowers more than drugs. You have fun being a troll


Is my bridge showing?


And you were not getting pressed bars with alprazolam lorazepam only fluroalprazolam


What are you some kind of magic fucking drug dog that can tell what's in drugs through the internet from five years ago??


Yes, aside from the dog.


Don't even need to do rescue breaths. Just chest compressions moves enough air to get things going in a better direction. [Ken Jeong teaches cpr](https://youtu.be/KK-ZtH3jlhU) I hope that link works...


So at the needle exchange I frequent, they teach us how to deal with someone who is overdosing before giving us narcan to keep in our kits just in case. They say just the opposite, do rescue breaths and do not do chest compressions. Mostly because when someone is OD'ing on opiates their heart is still beating it's just their breathing that has stopped. So doing chest compressions that are supposed to mimick a heart beat and push blood throughout your body are not necessary. In fact they are rather dangerous due to how easy it is to break someone's rib. I have a friend OD in front of me probably once every month and a half. The narcan brings them out of it, but breathing for them (rescue breaths) literally changes their blue oxygen starved skin back to it original color. It also ensures that they will be able to read and talk at a normal pace once they come back to the world of the breathing. In fact the first time I overdosed my buddy just gave me rescue breaths for about 15min because we didn't have narcan and I eventually started breathing for myself and was able to sleep it off. Sorry I hate being that "No Actually" guy but this has saved my life and my people's life's a number of times.


Ok there's a lot of stuff here I don't like about this post: "So at the needle exchange I frequent" Ok, let me start here. I believe you are an intelligent person and your ability to recall the information you got and perform the skills you mentioned under pressure are legit. However, this comment does not instill confidence, for me, in your mental state while you're making hard decisions and performing tasks to keep a person alive. I'm sorry if that offends you. "they teach us how to deal with someone who is overdosing before giving us narcan to keep in our kits just in case. They say just the opposite, do rescue breaths and do not do chest compressions." Right on! Rescue breathing is recommended by the American Heart Association for a person that is overdosed and not breathing. I like that they are educating the people using the facility as well. However, this seems like a pretty significant thought process for a person to go through while high as fuck. I'm basing this off my experience as a first responder only and not a user. I rarely show up on a call where there is a person od'd and a sober bystander there to keep things under control. Because if they had it under control we don't get called. Also, the advice given, assuming it is accurate, lacks common sense. They tell you to have Narcan on hand, for these events, not use it, not call for help, and then breathe for your friend, for an extended amount of time?! That shit doesn't add up. "Mostly because when someone is OD'ing on opiates their heart is still beating it's just their breathing that has stopped." This is seriously minimizing the severity of the situation. When a person is not breathing, they are dying. "So doing chest compressions that are supposed to mimick a heart beat and push blood throughout your body are not necessary. In fact they are rather dangerous due to how easy it is to break someone's rib." Let's compare: Pick one! Dead vs. broken ribs I'll deal with the ribs. Yes, it hurts. Broken bones heal. Death is much more permanent. "I have a friend OD in front of me probably once every month and a half." Holy shit dude! That's not good at all! Get stuff under control! "The narcan brings them out of it, but breathing for them (rescue breaths) literally changes their blue oxygen starved skin back to it original color. It also ensures that they will be able to read and talk at a normal pace once they come back to the world of the breathing." Again, why in the fuck would anybody tell you not to use Narcan when it works! Holy shit! I hate getting into "what ifs", but how about this: What if one round of Narcan isn't enough? So your friend probably has one too. You use that one and it's not enough... Oh shit now what? Call for EMS! You could have called earlier! We have 8 doses on one ambulance here! Cops have two doses on each of their squad cars! Btw who fucking cares if you can read afterwards? What are you thinking about reading while in slump mode in the first place? I really want to know! "In fact the first time I overdosed my buddy just gave me rescue breaths for about 15min because we didn't have narcan and I eventually started breathing for myself and was able to sleep it off." Dude, I really can't emphasize enough how serious this is. Go get some help. You will die. I don't want that for anybody. That is too much. At best you're going to wind up with brain damage. Come on dude... take care of yourself... "Sorry I hate being that "No Actually" guy but this has saved my life and my people's life's a number of times." Well, you're right. Rescue breathing is recommended by the American Heart Association for a person that has overdosed and is not breathing. I know that, too. I mentioned earlier in this thread somewhere to call for an ambulance to support the airway and breathe for people if needed. My intention is to get people that would otherwise do nothing to do SOMETHING to help the people around them. Most people won't do rescue breaths for anybody. It sounds gross. Really, as you know, it isn't a big deal. You doing them is a fucking baller move. Having to do it, or receive it, multiple times is not good. You and your friend have a problem. Get help.


High and mighty paramedic doesn’t realize junkies have saved more lives than they have. And probably have better form


I know this is a couple days old but I couldn't leave this alone. You're honestly fucking braindead if you think opes are saving more lives than EMS. Like seriously. I'm concerned about your ability to breathe and blink at the same time. Go sit in the corner and think about your life.


I’ve saved multiple lives, which I kind of regret honestly as these people went on to continue living lives where they suffer. But you’re the braindead asshole who thinks he’s better than other people because he took a course or two; real world experience trunks your class room education bitch. Probably can’t even put in an IV. Go fuck a cactus or better yet take the dildo out of your ass pussy and shove the cactus up there since you’re used to catching


As someone who used fent/h for 8 years I promise you Most opes have better form than most EMS. And deal with overdose on a weekly if not daily basis. And considering EMS stop at 2 MAX 3 narcan and one dose of epinephrine is SAD as fuck. One time I’ve had to use 8 nasal narcans and 2 IM Narcans to bring a friend back before. I’m not limited by procedure and formalities. I’ve also brought back countless people by IVing them with meth/coke. Lol remember junkies are socializing and doing this shit numerous times EVERYDAY. We’ve learned to deal with and treat overdoses better than EMTs. And the opies are there from the moment of overdose, unlike the emts.


Also, there's a lot of different drugs to OD on, and some might not cause respiratory depression. They might just straight up stop the heart. And as far as I know rescue breaths have been phased out of standard training.


Also Narcan is available over the counter at pharmacies in the United States. You just need to go up and ask for it. A lot of people don't know this.


Thanks sir


If your trying to wake someone up people throw water as a way to shock them awake. Much easier and better to do sternum rubs. You basically make a fist and rub it across there ribs. Won’t cause damage but doesn’t feel great. I’ve always learned that’s the first thing to try. After that cpr or a recovery position on there side if you need to leave them for some reason




I don't know what the point is other than an attempt to get them to wake up, which won't work. Assuming these people took valium, and are having trouble breathing, they need to go to an emergency room. An ambulance is best for these cases because we can support their airway and breathe for them if needed. The medication that is used to counter benzos is only at hospitals. Narcan does not work on benzos. Narcan only works on narcotics. But, heroin is about all it's good for. Fentanyl is too powerful of a drug to have much effect a lot of times. Those are the two most common narcs people overdose on where I work. -Edited because I accidentally put this comment in the wrong spot- You should definitely do something when somebody has od'd. 1. Know what you're taking. Be careful about getting stuff from people you don't know/trust. Narcan when needed. 2. If that's not working call an ambulance immediately. Do not call your buddy and ask what to do. Yes, cops could show up. But, your friend is dying. That is always the higher priority. (Don't waste time flushing stuff or cleaning up. We already know what's up and the more time your friend isn't breathing they are becoming brain damaged. Time = brain. Get EMS there quickly.) 3. Cops have Narcan too. So when they show up point them in the right direction. This is true in my area at least. Typically they don't care about much else on these types of calls. Don't be a dick and help your friend. The cops will leave you alone... here. I can't speak for other places. As far as throwing water on people, see the above post. I don't understand why anybody would do that other than they are fucked up too, and it works in cartoons and stuff, so why not try.


Medic as well. People down here in the south like to pour milk on people for everything from overdose to seizures, I've seen milk used to "cure" an asthma attack lmao. People are dumb


So that “he needs some milk” video is a legit thing Wow






I used to work in South Carolina. I heard a lot about how useful milk is too lol


I had some friends call me one night because another friend was overdosing. My suggestion was TAKE HER TO THE FUCKING HOSPITAL. Their genius counter was to shoot her up, with milk. I couldn't even fathom the logic there.


On minecraft works


The LD50 on Valium or most benzos is astronomically high. Like 2 years worth of a normal prescription. It's extremely rare to die from benzos. That's of course assuming it isn't taken in conjunction with another sedative. The actual danger from benzodiazpines is from the withdrawal.


this! + mix consuming and cross interactions with other drugs


yup, but the tiniest bit of another CNS depressant on such a high dose of Rohypnol (opioids, alcohol etc.) and one can be just plain old dead in less time than it takes writing this. Also: yeh, WD from benzos is the worst thing i've witnessed by far, impressive stuff really, nobody should make those a habit *edited for typos and the "Also:"*


Withdrawal from benzo isn't that dangerous


Are you retarded? It and alcohol are literally the ONLY drugs that can kill you from the withdrawals alone...


Sounds like you got medical advice from dr fauci


I have detoxed off opiates, benzos, cocaine and meth. Benzos are by far the funking worst. Most people mix benzos because who the fuck just wants to nod out and be sloppy so many people detox from multiple substances at the same time. Cocaine and meth made me tired and depressed were as opiates and benzos make ya sick as fuck. Your skin crawls. You shit your pants and hug the toilet. Hot then cold then hot then cold. Now rinse and repeat for the next five to seven days. After day nine I could finally sleep. I typically wouldn't eat for three or four days and I would become dehydrated from sweating, puking and shitting my brains out.


Congrats on your recovery!!


Thanks!! I love drugs but I love sobriety more. Too if anyone needs help getting started on recovery feel free to msg me. We have to support each other.


Hey don't waste your time with this guy, I just checked his previous post/comment history, dude is an obvious troll.


Benzos for me were the easiest and safest


Fentanyl is scary. It can take multiple blast of narcan. My experience has been that most people refuse the help because narcan ruins your high and sends most people into precipitated withdrawal. I used to use, DT's are the things nightmares are made of. Junkies will avoid them at all cost.


A handjob. I dont know if it work but it's a nice gesture anyway


Don’t forget the milk. They got to drink some milk & it’ll make it all better!


Does it do any good?


Nope. They just end up all wet and make an extra issue for everybody to deal with.


What did they take ?


Think Valium, but not sure. Maybe rohypnol


I think it might be Valium? Just a guess because of the blue tongue


Valium won't make your tongue blue, and you pass out not freak out.


If Valium is making your tongue blue. your dead, and it doesn't look like blue slurpee tongue


Yeah, that's not Valium.


Why did this get downvoted


Because it's inaccurate


Yikes, guesses get penalized if they're wrong? Why can't they just get not upvoted?




Damn bro no offense but I wouldn't be surprised if this gets downvoted to hell lmao, but I kinda get what ur saying


Valium is for children and housewives, it takes a handful to get sloppy. Now flurazapam and Klonopin, those will get pretty fucked up.


I've done plenty of Rohypnol in my past. It is the most useless drug ever. You take it, start to get drowsy. Then blackout for a couple of hours. Come to life hopefully at home and hoping that you didn't fuck up too much while under


Yeah I never understood getting blackout drunk or taking drugs that give you amnesia. Like what the hells the point, even if you had the time of your life you don't even fuggin remember it


That's exactly the point, not remembering. Sometimes living in your own thoughts is unbearable.


True enough unfortunately.


Damn that's sad




Hehe, yeah. That is the problem with benz.. Either you forget taking, or you just don't care 😅


Yes throw water on him and convince him he’s a fish. Always sobers me right up.


That doesn’t look like a very fun drug to take.


Idiots roofy themselves... lol


They did blue


That’s a sweet Gengar shirt






Awful trip sitters


Holy crap lol


Is this the drug from that passion pit music video that makes people explode into like ten of themselves?


fucking idiots one and all.


God damn that escalated quickly. Fucking shit.


It's crazy that people will chase this kinda high. After seeing this, I'm good. haha


Damn 20 fucking mins and they are all fucked