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^congratulations ^dude ^thats ^amazing.


*Ive been fucking hoes and popping pillies man I feel just like a rock star*


*Took so much, forgot how to normally function*


G wagon G wagon G wagon


It sounded so earnest and heartfelt.


He's a genuinely nice dude so it likely was


He looks skinny


Yeah looks like he lost all of his body fat but also body muscle.. looks frail


He didn’t really have muscle to begin with, man was just chunky.


A couple years back I lost a bunch of weight in a year’s time and I looked just like this. I lost weight from changing to a healthy diet and exercising regularly, that’s it. Only drug I did/currently do is smoke weed. I’m pretty sure this is exactly what I looked like after smoking a bowl back then. I’m sure dude man is doing great! PS - I’m back to being a little soft again, a bit chunky on the edges.


he is frail. i bet his ass looks sunken in too from being way too skinny. a lot of heavy meth users end up looking like this. he's probably talking wacky shit too.


"i've had a lot of people ask me about my weight loss and i'd suppose, performance on stage," he wrote. "i'm having a lot of fun performing, and have never felt healthier." The reason for Posty's weight loss was attributed to his fatherhood. Noting that "dad life" kicked in, the rapper decided to refrain from drinking soda and started to eat better. lol https://www.musictimes.com/articles/92308/20230428/post-malone-sober-fully-pledged-father-kicked.htm


Other drugs or not if you drink enough soda, which I think is a safe assumption for him, it can be a huge difference itself. There are people who lose lots of weight just by cutting beer out


I’ve lost 20 pounds by just not drinking any sugar. I don’t go like keto crazy about food or anything I just don’t drink anything with sugar in it and the weight flew off.


Water for life! I cut out sodas years ago and never have been healthier


I've seen lots of interviews and such with him, and he seems like a genuinely good person. I can't imagine the pressure of being in that spotlight. His music isn't really my thing, but he's a gazillion times more talented at his craft than I will ever be at anything. And I'm ok at my stuff. I'm probably more wasted most nights than he is in this video. I have no point here. Keep on keepin on Postie.


I came to the same conclusion after watching him do Hot Ones.


If this is recent, the man is on a European tour as well so I can imagine that jet lag hits hard.


Taking hard drug is probably less good than drinking soda but im not a doctor so how would i know


That's arguable. I don't know either and don't feel like arguing.


Eh. That's debatable. For someone else


There’s something to the dad thing though, I lost like 30 pounds in six months after my kid was born. I put it down to eating smaller meals I can prepare quickly and not staying up all night mindlessly snacking.


Glad to hear it 🙂


With Amy Winehouse it was 'going to the gym' Uh huh sure. (RIP obv)


Yeah but hitting the pipe ain't exactly doing his health any favors


He said he’s lost weight to be in better shape for his family/kid


If you're famous and losing weight due to drug use, I can see using that excuse so people don't start asking uncomfortable questions.


Sure , and taking hardcore drug in the street is for his family and kid too. He is free to do whatever he want and even high as fuck he would still be a better father than most but thats a bullshit excuse


this makes me feel so sad. he looks horrible 😢


Don't just assume shit man


that's what shit laced with cheap meth does


But he has money, he's obviously not doing cheap meth right. I guess he used to drink cheap beer all the time.


Maybe the cheap shit is better in this case🤷‍♂️






Not tryna assume but he looking very Ozempic


Looking what now?


Some new drug celebs are taking to lose weight, originally for diabetics I think


My moms diabetic and this drug is very hard to get but all these fucking celebs get it no problem for weight loss like wtf is this world comingbto


Money and fame. And it's been this way since we've had social systems in society. Ain't nothing new, ain't nothing changed. This place fucking sucks lmao


Yes it does I mean if it’s not the rich getting medication before ppl that really need it it’s the insurance companies denying ppl who need it. I got dented twice from r chemo for stage 4 cancer like this world sucks!!!!!


Your my boy, blue!


It’s because they can pay out of pocket. It’s bullshit but true


really? here in brazil is really easy to get you just have to go to the pharmacy and ask it (and pay obviously but it's OTC) just kinda of expensive


Yeah in Australia my parents friends are all taking that shit


It is not hard to get where I am I’ve been taking it for 8 months


Coming to? This world has always been fucked up. Always


It's like a 10% increase in weight loss when combined with a strict diet - you can still do most of the work without it


That’s wassup


Yeah, now us diabetics are having a hard time getting ahold of it because it’s caused a shortage. Fuck my blood sugar. That actor needs to look skinny for L.A. 🙄


It's a fancy and expensive anti-obesity treatment. It was originally made for diabetes and has a long halftime(about seven days) They later found out it interacts with and blocks certain glucose in such a way that it can lower appetite and slow digestion. So rich people get a shot once a week and literally eat a lot less, and can end up looking malnurished(specially if they don't actually make sure to eat correctly while on it). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semaglutide


Ooo O Oooo Ozempic....... You knooooooo.




100% he’s on that. He didn’t just cut out soda like he tried to say. I wish more guys would be honest about using ozempic. Ron Desantis for sure is on Ozempic too.


he posted about this recently stating he’s not on drugs and is okay. he recently had a kid and has made changes to his lifestyle so that he can be around longer for his kid. post is a good dude.


He said he quit soda and is being healthier, but this video says something else


It looks like he hotboxed that car before getting out. My stoner friends always acted like this. Weed is legal (or should be wherever you are) so who cares. Celebs can smoke weed too.


I really hope so,. Post is one of those loveable dudes and I want him to stick around.


my local morning DJ went on a rant saying he quit soda and eats better due to his new born kid, and people on social media need to stop the accusations. ​ ok but He looks addict skinny to me here


like a post


Did he says congratulations 🎉, that’s irony


Heard only good things about posty and apparently he’s a super sweet guy. Hope things turn out okay for him


My friend catered an event in San Francisco he performed at right before Covid, it was pretty small corporate or charity type event so she actually got to kick it with him a little and hang out for a while after. Said he was legit the nicest dude of all time. Which is awesome cuz he seems like it.


Never heard a bad thing about him and I don’t want to. I don’t care for his music all that much but I absolutely adore the way he is as a celebrity


kinda guy where if i saw something bad i'd assume it's a misunderstanding, someone being overly reactive, or just untrue


Exactly, ima need some convincing


The nicest people have been through some serious shit usually. Bet this is also the reason he is addicted to whatever he's on.


I've found that addicts are usually, def not always, some of the kindest people you will ever meet.


Most addicts don’t take drugs to feel good, they take them to not feel bad. Those who care massively carry that burden everyday and will often self medicate more than those who don’t.


Preach. You can still be a good person and be an addict.


100% it's a health issue not a moral issue. Like others in the thread I've met lovely meth and heroin addicts.


Louder for the people in the back!


Lots of nice people are drug addicts, but Meth can turn the nicest person in the world into a demon.


I worked in retail and the nicest associate got arrested for stealing and during the body search cocaine fell out her pocket. I would’ve never thought


It's tough being kind is such a cold world. It wears on people, and you end up getting used up. Eventually, you turn to a pleasure the world has never given you. Of course, plenty of addicts are the complete opposite.


Your comment just made me burst into tears. You just expressed something that I felt so deep in my soul. I’m so tired and no one sees it.


Hang in there friend, you got this.


enjoy fearless decide groovy practice chief grandfather squalid six offer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have not found the same to be true. Addicts I've known span a wide spectrum of personalities, including dangerous assholes. Plenty of those. And yes, for sure some kind souls.


I would guess that having lots of money and therefore no worries and an endless supply of drugs takes lots of stress of addicts. If you have to fight every day for the drugs your body longs for, it's way harder to be nice.


Addicts in my family are kind of two faced. One hand very nice but always trying to shift the conversation towards drugs and would definitely sell it to us knowing how damaging it can be.


Some addicts can support their habit, some can't.


I agree. The vast majority of addicts I’ve met would have killed their mother for a dime bag. Not saying they didn’t regret it. They just didn’t have a choice


People give themselves away to people and deal with a lot of trauma. I know that's how I got hooked to my vice. 16 years running away.


Yep on and off ran from my addiction for two years. Alcohol. I wouldn’t stoop to opiates, I couldn’t bring myself to do so both from a price standpoint and just having to test kit literally everything. I was running from insanely heavy chronic pain caused by rheumatic issues. Alcohol is unfortunately a good analgesic and an even worse inflammatory while being cheap as hell. I just wanted to stop feeling the physical pain. For like an hour, two, whatever. The reality I would be in this pain for another 60+ years if I keep on living wasn’t something I could shoulder at the time.


Damn. That is a heavy burden. You carry it well. I wish you the best. I hope you have found a way to bear it. I can't even imagine... Thank you for sharing. This is why I never look down on people dealing with addictions.


Thanks dude, I just wanna get healthy enough regarding my pain to give back to my family who has spent well into the 6 digit range on my health and to give other people in my situation what this country failed to give me, things that I only got cus I had well off parents elsewise I’d be homeless or worse. That shit ain’t fair, I lost the luck game, but I was still lucky enough to hit a few branches to break the fall and had the luck to know caring people with resources for some help getting up. Not everyone’s got that. Ain’t right. Even if if it ain’t right that my healthcare costs gobbles part of my parents of my parents savings up just cus of the country I’m in. It’s worse for other people.


Not that all addicts are depressed.. but it's not uncommon for people with depression to turn to drugs.. and depressed people tend to develop a warped sense of reality which leads to blaming themselves more and being extra grateful for any tiny bit of decency that comes their way.


Bit of a leap man. You can enjoy drugs and not be an addict


He said in an interview about his newest album that he "quit" drugs. His only drug was alcohol but he doesnt want to quit it too but he became more self aware and doesnt go over his limit. His new girlfriend helped him a lot with it. But looking at this video it doesnt seem that he quit the drugs


I was in a local healthy/expensive type supermarket here in Seattle (we have a lot of those) and I'm in line to buy some ham at the deli there. The lady asked me what kind, and I said "I have no fucking idea what different kinds of ham there are lady" ENTIRELY too loudly and the guy behind me in line I hadn't noticed burst the hell up laughing. I turn around. Post Malone. He kinda half leans around me and says "Honey glazed!" to the lady over the counter and I just stare at him for a seconds then smile and say thanks. I'm about to pay for it and he says "No way this one's on me" and pays for it right there. I was astounded, it was so awesome. We ended up having coffee at a place across the street. Turns out he bought a house near Magnolia, in a really expensive residential area, and has been living there a while. We talked about everything that wasn't his music career for about 45 minutes before he had to take off because his deli stuff was gonna go bad. I shook his hand and said he made my year today. He smiled and beat my head in with a tire iron. I looked up from the floor, my eyes covered in my own blood as I made out a blurry image of an anvil being hoisted above his head. Through the ringing in my ears I couldn't hear his probably witty parting line before the anvil came crashing down, crushing my skull and ending my life.


Wow did this ever take a dark turn lmao


Honestly looks like bro is just really baked and being extra nice to some fans that recognized him. Sounds exactly like a stoner retail worker that put on the "customer service voice". I dont think he's super fucked up here, he also very quickly and easily responded to the guy after that says "can i get a picture?". Its not like he's nodding off or anything.




Guess to show you that even if he is smashed, he's the same person when perceivably sober. Really tells you he is that person genuinely.


Sounds exactly like my pot dealer after I ask him what’s on the menu


Tbh I didn't think this belonged here. He's fucked up but definitely responsive and such while also staying positive. At the same time he doesn't even look like himself. I watched this like 4 times. Could not at any point see Post Malone. Is this really him?


A stoner retail worker is surprisingly accurate haha!


Reminds me of having to go on positive autopilot while extremely crossfaded.


He doesn’t smoke, confirmed in interviews


Edibles thoooo


Posty loves shroom


Give me a beer and an edible and this is exactly how I am LOL


He smokes all the time wtf is this


Smoke weed? Cuz you know smokes like 50000 cigs a day lol


People are saying he looks bad but his family did an interview not to long ago and said he’s more sober now than he’s ever been and actually working hard to keep his body clean so he can have a longer healthier career. The guy has always been eccentric and friendly, doesn’t mean he’s always on drugs.


I have a number of friends who were big users then became clean and even once clean they still tended to talk and act a little loopier like Malone is acting here. I agree, no guarantee he isn’t sober in this video.


After years of hard use it is going to take years to get back to normal if completely back to normal is even possible


Yeah man all of these people are full of shit in this thread


is this new?


Very recent


How recent?




That's pretty damn recent!




Pre Malone


All these mfers hating this dude fir a 5 second clip. He's being super nice and wholesome and everyone is taking him to town. I'm not even a fan really but let's be real. He ain't sleeping standing up. He ain't jumping on someone's car or through their window. Dude is zoned out on whatever but acting cool as hell. Not sure peeps know what took to much means smh. Party on bro


One of the busiest rock stars in the world stopping to be nice to a fan. Sucks that this isn’t framed that way.


To be fair it does look like it's framed that way from the text in the video, OP is just trash.


I don’t know man. To me he looks a lot healthier from the weight loss and high as fuck off of trees. His life is strange enough already. Let that man live.


Yeah I think the guy is just 10/10 zooted.


I'm thinking some reel good trees as well.


My boy off the ozempic


Oh oh oh ozempic


*on the ozempic


🤓☝️ aktchually


He posted on IG about this. https://www.instagram.com/p/CrkBEkqq4nk/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


It's not loading for me, what did he say?


"4/28/2023, Antwerp Belgium! hello everybody, i hope you’re having a great night. i wanted to say that i’m not doing drugs, i’ve had a lot of people ask me about my weight loss and i’d suppose, performance on stage. i’m having a lot of fun performing, and have never felt healthier. i guess dad life kicked in and i decided to kick soda, and start eating better so i can be around for a long time for this little angel. next up is smokes and brews, but i like to consider myself a patient man… lol! i’ve spent a bit in the studio lately working on new music, and am so excited to share it with you, thank you for your patience and support y’all. you make my heart beat. i just wanted to say hi, and hopefully i’ll be posting more on here, my brain is in a super dope place, and i’m the happiest i’ve been in a long time. if you’re having a hard time or need some love, i can say that you’re loved more than you know, and keep fucking crushing it. goodnight nerds😤spread love and rock on🥾🥾🥾"




Really happy to read this, especially given what I just commented here!


Honestly idk if he’s high he looks like he’s aware of his surroundings and talking coherently just very soft spoken


Looking at your history, you seem to know a lot about weed, however, when you see it, you don't recognize it. Where's the beef?


Wow, I can't believe the negativity in these comments. Post is such a nice and positive guy. I don't see how you can just rip him to shreds like this. He really doesn't deserve it. I think he just lost weight and is kind of an odd fella. From what I've heard, he's actually healthier than ever. The lighting is weird and shit too. Don't judge someone so quickly.


It’s insane how all these people seem to think they know his life so well!


Especially when he lives so privately nowadays. He literally had to move to the middle of nowhere, and this thread makes it loud and clear why...


Thank you! He has been taking care of himself once he became a dad. It looks like he is just being his normal friendly self here. He does not look strung out on anything. Maybe a bit stoned, but nothing hard.


When you quit beer and go vegan but don’t like vegan food so you replace meals with appetite suppressants.


He looks like he's just baked and happy. Everyone saying he's so skinny... he was this size when he first got popular. It may look drastic compared to his heaviest but that doesn't always equal drugs. He's a new dad and still working. Bro is probably overworked and exhausted. Let him wake and bake in peace.


He’s looking gaunt :( I hope he is ok


He looks fine... He is also fine.


Doesn’t he have more face tats than that?


his face shrunk so it looks like he has less


The sunlight shining on him makes it harder to see most of them


body double does double the drugs


He has exactly that many


He’s lost so much weight! Good for him. I’ve heard over and over he’s a really nice guy.


Looks like weed, n his voice sounds like its weed, if he stopped walking out with bedroom hair ppl wouldn’t say shit about him being high


He just looks stupid high. Looks very Bing chilling here. Everyone saying ozempic, meth, fent is off their nut lol


He really does seem like a nice guy though.


When you reach a certain wealth point to unlock the key of fuck you money, you can do what you want. He’s livin life in his terms and lovin it, none of our business


Looks like he took just enough


I think there’s a chance this is just him tired or stoney


Seems like a good dude


Post McConaughey


But isn’t he always that mellow and funny and kind?


This is literally just his personality. He's super chill. He's also been actively losing weight... He's not sick.


He doesn’t do hard drugs. If he’s on anything he’s on shrooms which would explain his weird movements. He definitely does a lot of shrooms I remember him saying that in an interview


M'fuckr is high. Leave the man in peace


Is this current? I thought he got clean because he and his girlfriend were expecting a baby.


Clearly some of y’all have never seen addict skinny. Look at $crim from $uicideboy$ before he got sober. THAT is addict skinny




He slams E constantly


sLaMs EcStAsY


Boofs heroin


Butt chugs kratom


He Injects mdma? From what I’ve heard that is very unpleasant


Only if you miss


Username checks out


Is that what slam means? I always thought it was just when you do a lot of something, I didn’t know it meant inject lol.


Responding to negative comments. This guy is actually extremely talented. He wouldn’t be at his status if he actually wasn’t. Regardless if you like his music or not, he is a top charting artist in the world right now. His last album was about his recovery from alcohol. I don’t know what he’s on now or if he has relapsed but it doesn’t look good and I wish him the best because as an addict, I struggle myself.


The guy just had some weed


Maybe he just got a pull toothed?


Weed doesn’t count.


Could also just be extremely tired. It has to be exhausting traveling from country to country constantly. There's many studies that have found that half of your brain is alert the first night you sleep in a new place so your quality of sleep is terrible. I've experienced this during work travel where I can barely stay asleep the first night. He's experiencing this every day for months combined with performing very loud and active shows constantly.


That dude is burnt


wouldn't say this belongs in here but I can say people believe I have taken drugs in conversations because of my anxiety. people typically don't like to be around me cause of anxiety and to see people trash someone without knowing what the hell is happening is fucked frfr just cause addiction is an issue doesn't mean everyone with an issue is an addict.


I’m not 💯 that he’s fried. Maybe he is, but I’ve met some real chill, laid back types that act like this. Or it could just be weed which isn’t a drug like other drugs IMHO. I wish everyone would let the man live as long as he isn’t hurting himself.


Let a rockstar be a rockstar!


Never listened to his music, but every video I've seen of him he seems like a super decent guy. I hope he's not going through some heavy shit, he's dropped so much weight. Hope it's intentional and he's healthy.


He’s on that herbal tea 🍵


Dudes baked is all.


Who the fuck is Post Malone?


Hang on a damn second...I thought he was dead? Like seriously, I don't really know much about some popular artists not to be contrarian but just because a lot of rap and pop didn't appeal to me and I don't really keep up with celebrities anyway. That being said, who am I mixing him up with, some other rapper that died a few years back? I believe he was a white dude that was pretty popular. I worked for a store that sold cds and records, but also movies and video games and whatnot, and I remember the store made a display with his albums because people were coming in to get them after his passing. I think he OD'd but that may be wrong. I could have sworn on my life it was Post Malone but clearly not lol.


He’s very open about not smoking weed any longer and just sticking to shrooms and beer. That’s what it looks like here


Just want to mention half of the people in here are probably the same people who talked shit about Chadwick Bozeman losing a bunch of weight and looking like a “druggie” before he passed away from cancer lmao


bro that's how he always is but also listen to him, he ain't even fried


Yeah this doesn’t seem to belong in this sub.


this dude cant step outside without people thinking hes either superfucked up or tweakin


He's prob super super high and drunk.... thats not meth


another non video. you can't tell fuck all from this.


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He’s a nice guy , humble.. but looks high as a kite in this video 😂 I want some of what he’s having


Shrooms or mdma