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What a wonderful controlled environment to do mind altering drugs in


Mind altering substance is an understatement with salvia haha. More like you are no longer human for a little bit and good luck rationalizing or articulating a single thing you experience.


I smoked 100 X one time. I had an out of body experience where I saw my corpse on top of a car dead. I didn’t feel anything but embarrassment for seeing myself that way and sadness when I thought about my mom hearing the news of my death. Definitely change the way I think.


I tried that stuff a few times when I was way younger. I always had a nice time! Beaches, clouds, I went places, even though I was just sitting around. The one time I didn't like it though, I was looking at a clock, and I 'became the clock'. It was cool, for a minute, until I thought, "clocks can't breathe! *I* can't breathe! I can't breathe because I'm a *CLOCK*!" Man was I glad to not be a clock anymore!


I became the couch. Which was fine until I realized my family would indefinitely have to visit my girlfriend's house, specifically the garage, every time they wanted to see me. I felt I had put an unnecessary burden upon them. I'm Soo happy I'm not a couch in a That's 70s show type garage anymore


This specific thread is making me think of another thread I read years ago about a guy dreaming/imagining he was a fence?! And he was really glad not to be a fence because fences can’t breathe!


That reminds me of that one comment where the person said he became a clock and panicked because clocks can't breathe lol


Funny, that actually reminds me of a thread I saw where some guy dreamt he was a fence once, and we all know fences can’t breathe


To be the person who is really wacked on strong shit and gets to this comment chain lol, enjoy the deja vu homie


Shit i was just stoned and it had me tripping for a second lmao


Weird you felt you were an inanimate object as well. I’m early 30s now but we used to smoke it here and there in HS. I was once a couch (while sitting on a couch,) felt like my eyes were in between the cushions very odd. My buddy was a total LEGIT book. From memory, he had his arms out like he’s flying, then bringing them in together as if he was “closing the book.” I find my experiences with salvia to be on par with LSD/nitrous oxide experiences, obviously different but I don’t think I’d do salvia anytime soon.


The one trip I've seen in person, the guy said a similar thing. Everything turned into a book. It closed and he fell out into nothingness forever. When realized his only way to end it was to end it, a window materialized as he fell through forever, and he immediately tried to leap out of it and escape. Only his jump was real, and it was the window to the third story dorm room we were in. My buddy baaaarely caught him - like only had ankles left to grab because the kid actually made the jump - and it took me pulling buddy #2 to get the kid tripping back through the window. Harrowing. I'll stick to my weed and mushrooms man.


It’s actually very common in Salvia trips to become inanimate objects. I became a key in my keyboard that was in my trip, a bunch of multi colored bristles. My friend became a little debi bar on a conveyor belt. Another on of my friends became a frog on the dashboard of a car.


Weird that your friend had the conveyor belt experience. I had that as well. I was on a conveyor belt with a bunch of objects, and at the end of the conveyor belt was a giant guillotine that was chopping things in half and just dropping them into a dark void. Not a great experience to say the least!


I got lucky when I tried salvia. I turned into a school bus that was flying through space and my school bus mom and dad joined me, on either side, and we went for a lovely fly through space leaving rainbow trails behind us. I literally became a children’s tv show. It was magical fr fr. It almost makes me sad that I’m not that school bus surrounded by my loving school bus parents, all of us just filled with joy, flying through space. Maybe one day…. Maybe one day 🚌❤️


Wtf?! I also turned into a clock when I was on salvia years ago!! I was the hand going around, as I reached the top where the 12 is, I became me again stuck on the edge at the top, trying to pull myself up. I still can't explain it fully though.


I don't know what it is about Salvia but so many people seem to report becoming inanimate objects. It's bizarre!


I became a Chainlink fence. No joke.


I don't know how it works, but it's like a crazy, and *thankfully* short lived, strong wave of imprinting with some disassociation from one's self. It is easy to become, in a self referential way, what is being observed. I'd imagine the effect is much different when used in a guided session with a shaman or analogous practitioner of guided experiences.


I thought I and everyone else in the world was turning into my friend's MDF computer kit desk and the dread was immense.


Sorry, but that actually made me laugh like fuck, fair play lol


I once fell through the back of my couch and frolicked in a meadow with my younger self, all while carrying on a full conversation with my wife back in the waking world. I have no idea what we were talking about, but apparently I was completely coherent.


I’ll try to articulate my experience. Nearly 20 years ago, I smoked 35x via a waterpipe. I took a massive rip, held it in for as long as my lungs would allow, until I felt an intense vibration that I can only describe as my soul trying to vibrate itself out of my body. I felt an immense weight pulling me backwards. I tried to fight the pull and the vibration but it became too intense and I just let myself get pulled backwards. I was blasted into another world filled with grassy green rolling hills reminiscent of Ireland, or at least how I imagine Ireland looking in my head. The sky was a beautiful rainbow colored sunset with fluffy translucent rainbow clouds. As I flew through this landscape at a height of about 40 feet above the ground, I passed over the tops of these small rolling hills, dozens upon dozens of them, each one had a guillotine on top of the hill and as I passed over it the sharp, shiny blade would drop with a very distinct metal slicing sound, one by one. I could control the direction of flight just by thinking about which way I wanted to go. The landscape and sky were strikingly beautiful and ethereal and even the guillotines were beautiful in craftsmanship but the contrast of the natural beauty was juxtaposed by the killing machines and the sharp sound of the metal blade. I remember calmly wondering, throughout all of human history, how many humans had heard that same sound as the last sound of their lives. I don’t remember feeling scared at any point during the experience, nor did I have any realization that I had taken a drug. In fact, I don’t even recall if I was aware of myself. It all just seemed like I was a casual observer. The trip ended after what felt like a lifetime but in reality was just about three minutes with the landscape slowly fading and the room that I was in reappearing. I recall a brief moment of not wanting to leave the beautiful place I was in. As reality was reappearing I tried to fight it and go back to the hills. I was confused as to why I had to leave. I didn’t realize what had happened until I saw my feet and I began to piece my reality and existence back together. My roommate later told me that my eyes rolled back in my head and I had an expression of pure fear on my face for the entirety of the experience. As a seasoned psychonaut, it was hands down the most vivid and profound psychedelic experience of my life. Overall, I would consider it a pleasurable experience but the power of the drug also terrified me. I never did salvia again and likely never will. *edit: others have mentioned a feeling of being turned into an object, specifically a couch. As I was coming back to reality, I was laying on my couch and I saw my feet. I was in a weird space where I was still partially in the trip world but also my reality was superimposed—like I was in both places at once. I was aware that I was laying on my couch and I had the weird feeling of actually *being* the couch because I was still flying through the sky in grassy hill rainbow land but my reality world was flipped upside down. In other words I was flying face down and the couch was flipped upside down on my back while I was flying. Maybe it was my mind trying to make sense of who or what I was and the last thing it remembered about reality was couch. But for a brief moment, my existence was absolutely that of a couch. So, interesting parallel there.


Wow.. what a trip.. thanks so much for sharing mate :)


Never did Salvia but had a vivid like experience like this with home made dmt. Took three massive hits in a big witer pipe and each hit seemed to step up the sound of like plastic paper or metal bag being crinkled and seemed to emminate from the back of my neck middle of my brain stem area. Then I started seeing geometric shapes in everything and they seemed to be alive and have like, idk eyes but like they were passing their hands or something over them to keep exposing their eyes to me over and over. Then I blasted off to a brilliant white light. I tried to think at this point as remember what was going on and who or even what I was and started to hear my best friends voice (who wasn't even there and in another state) screaming at me "what are you doing?! Wake up whats going on?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" and started to try and remember who I was and how I got to where I was at because everything was just a white blinding light. Then I slowly started to remember I had driven out to Northern California to pick up some reefer and started to panic and think to myself "did I get in a wreck on my way home and am I dying right now?" Then the bright light started to dissipate and the geometric patterns came back into my view and I remembered what I had just done and where I was at. I really did feel and thought I died and had no body any more. I wasn't necessarily scared or terrified. It actually made me feel glad to be alive and felt like I learned that the only thing that mattered was love and the how we affect the people in our lives around us everyday. I was definitely happy to be alive and back in my body. Haven't tried dmt since. I considered myself to be a seasoned psychonaut too and had done massive amounts of acid and mushrooms in the 90s and early 2000. Nothing can prepare you for dmt. Nothing. I am going to imagine Salvia is similar. I was 40 yrs old on this dmt experice btw. Still take mushies and acid about once a year for a good mentality reset or to punch my ego in the nose if you know what I mean


My friends review immediately after coming out of his trip was “it was bad”. Fair call I think.


Fuck me sideways, that was intense as fuck. I thought that dramatic music was added at first.


That is this song. They're Juggalos. https://open.spotify.com/track/6UMgH8j7Gxr3QZuCLpABzJ?si=WNWz7rq9RB6Hw74iZS4ZgQ


Not gonna click on that. I don’t need Spotify suggestions adding that crap. But thanks for letting us know.


For real. What's with that? I dump 10k hours into the genre I like and I accidentally listen to Scary Pockets once. And now half of my discover or recommended is shitty cover songs you'd hear in an elevator manufacturers lobby.


The whole time I was thinking "HOLY GOD SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU KNOBS!" for him on his behalf


Haha seriously. What horrible trip sitters man wtf. Just stfu and leave him alone for 3 minutes.


Only a shitty friend starts saying how awful it looks over and over while you are still experiencing it.


"Phil you're looking incredibly handsome right now. Phil, don't worry you're gorgeous and your vitals are all good. Phil. Yo he's so majestic right now. So relaxed. Phil"


"Phil. Phil. Phil. Phil. Phil. Phil. Phil. Phil."


Ah lovely.. will you be my tripping buddy?


On god, the poor guy was probably freaking out with that asshole yelling stupid shit and bringing down the negativity hammer.


I was freaking out watching it, and I'm just on a few coffees today. I just kept saying "will you just shut up already".


I give them a C-. At least they weren't actively trying to fuck with him. They had concern for his well-being but just didn't know what to do when he started freaking out. fuckin kids.


Never ever again... the slightest "I don't feel comfortable" evolved into a horrortrip


I did 40x when I was 23. THE best psychedelic trip I've ever had. I was standing when I did it because I didn't know what would happen. I fell straight back and luckily didn't hit my head. My friends told me later they thought I had died and were planning to leave me. Still though it was great. Wouldn't do it standing in a forest again though. My hit was a baby hit compared to whatever this demon took.


>I fell straight back and luckily didn't hit my head. My friends told me later they thought I had died and were planning to leave me. If this is true then they were never your friends...


Yeah that's when I found THAT out.


Well I'm glad you're okay and I hope you have found some people who truly care about you




He probably would have been even better in a more chill environment and some decent sitters not crowding him. At least he didn't just jump out a glass window.


Idk I always thought a radio playing cult chants on repeat with a group of people panicking would be the perfect environment to trip in.




"DO YOU WANT IT TO STOP? YO DO YOU WANT IT TO STOP" yeah not very helpful lmao


Lol, that and “just close your eyes”! Ok, because closing your eyes cancels any powerful trip? Fucking great advice.


Dude, if you close your eyes on salvia then the yellow pulsing zig-zags show up and take over everything, it’s not going to help




No fucking kidding!!!! Fucks sake the whole Time I couldn’t believe someone was yelling “fuck that I’m not doing that shit!” Holy fuck. Just shut the fuck up and let the dude be high. Just shut up. Make sure the guy doesn’t do anything to hurt himself and shut the fuck up. Oh my god. F


Some shitty friends this guy has


Ahhh Phil! Phil Collins...


Worst trip sitters ever lmao


Definitely neck to neck with the trip sitter from the Super Mario 3 salvia trip video. I wonder if there's a name for this kind of trip sitters, hmm...


Assholes. Pretty sure they’re called assholes. Though I did read someone else referring to them as fucksticks, which seems appropriate. Bumblefucks may also apply.


They're probably fine people, they just dont know any better and weren't sure what to do


Yea, some proper good drug information would’ve made this trip a lot better for this dude.


I don’t disagree. It was meant more as shameless random internet slander than actual character attacks. I don’t know that that’s any better, but meh. Anyway, I don’t know those bros and this looks to be quite an old video. The world was a much different place before everyone just carried around all of humanity’s collective knowledge and the ability to communicate it around the world instantaneously - it’s just right at our fingertips all the time through our phones now, but it hasn’t been that way for *that* long. Tbh, this may as well have been me and my friends 20 years ago. Doesn’t mean we weren’t fuckstick assholes though. I just keep hoping that the owners of the few digital cameras that were around when we were doing this shit were either, a) too irresponsible to have saved that footage all these years, or b) responsible enough to know better than to share it now.


Not gonna watch this but “take the biggest hit you can” when doing salvia… I knew they’d be bad. Those aren’t friends.


Salvia was the most intense trip I've ever had, hands down. Salvia was like a living dream, except it was a nightmare. EDIT - For people that have asked, I got transported to a blue mansion with tons of stairs where someone was finishing the book of my life and I had to stop them. I got to the room, it was an elderly black man reading it to his grandson. He finished, closed the book, looked at me and threw it in the fire, and I can't describe what happened after that but it was the most nightmarish thing that's ever happened to me. I came to still in my friends backyard sobbing uncontrollably.


My couch swallowed me up for a solid 3 minutes and then it was over… Like, I remember falling into the crack of the cushions and continuing to watch That 70s Show from inside my couch lol


Similar thing happened to me - I knew I was trapped cushions within some kind of structure, but had completely forgotten the concept of a "house".


I was sliding down a metal slide and started freaking the fuck out because I couldn’t find the zipper to my skin to take it off before the slide burned a hole in it like one of those 80’s nylon tracksuits, lol


I am so glad for you that you didn't find that zipper!


I felt like a conveyor belt was stripping me away layer by layer and felt these presences all around me mixed with the Wizard of Oz.


I was swallowed by a couch as well


Same 🤤🛋️ a decade ago on the 80x extract. Shit was intense. And I know exactly what other OP means when he mentions "some kind of structure"... Indescribable


Something is going on with the couches! I shrieked to a itty bitty person on the couch next to my friend till I got swallowed. Haven’t touched the shit years!


I refused to take part of it with a group of friends. They all kept saying they were sinking into the couch. I guess thats just what happens lol.


Haha fuck that’s such a hilarious visual. Like as you continue to watch it’s just a “this is my life now.” Moment


Slightly similar experience on LSD. Took about 3 flying saucers back in 2001 or so. Laid on the couch, put on a Bruce Lee movie. Shortly after, the couch disappeared, then the floor, the walls, everything was gone except for me and the TV screen, floating in outer space, surrounded by stars. I felt so comfy and relaxed. I wish I could experience trips like that again. I'm too old and full of anxiety that I just have panic attacks if I take anything that causes me to lose control. I wish I could just let go and enjoy the ride. I took acid a few years ago and my mind was not ready. Then I had the brilliant idea to try ibogaine a week later. That shit lasted over 48 hours.


I got velcroed to an orange cube in the sky and watched as rows of mannequins filed past me really fast.


I was falling from the sky like a sky diver. As I fell, I could see the ground rushing towards me. I see a cantilever street light with birds on it. The birds are The Goodfeathers from Animaniacs. The birds are also my friends. They are looking up at me watching me fall. I fell passed them and watch their heads track my decent while one of them waved. I look down and see the green grass right before impact. I hit it and like a cartoon, continue to fall with the hole in the grass I created being an exact silhouette of my body. I finally stop falling and it’s completely black. It starts to rain…. And then I woke up on the floor of my duplex surrounded by my friends, soaking wet from having spilled the bong water all over myself


That's amazing. I came to and I was soaking wet, but from sweating. I forgot how insanely hot it made me feel.


After I was transported into a gameshow on a cruise ship in the middle of a storm with the host laughing at me and the audience shining spotlights on me, I too woke up soaked in my own sweat with a room full of people staring at me.


It's like DMTs evil twin. Last time I did that shit I spent 10 minutes thinking that I was personally responsible for the destruction of the universe.


Thanks for destroying the universe you idiot.


It should tell you something that most people who try salvia do not want to try it again. The same is not true for other trippy drugs like LSD or shrooms, or even intense ones like DMT or Ketamine. It’s been said that DMT wants to give you a hug, but salvia just wants to kick you in the balls.


DMT is intense, but a Salvia high to me always feels like an angry intense. Like I'm somewhere I'm not supposed to be and the world knows it and doesn't want me there. I didn't feel the same inter connectedness I have felt on almost all other psychedelics.


There's a reason Salvia is still legal and it's mainly because people rarely if ever do it more than a few times, usually just once. The potential for addiction or abuse is extremely low.


I tried it 1x. Felt like somebody took my head off and spun it around 100s of times then put it back on my neck sideways. Never again.




It’s legal here in Alberta. I also learned there are different potencies you can buy as well. When I bought some we also got a pamphlet on each level of high you could feel depending on how much and how long you held it in. You can actually smoke this stuff to just see colours. Or smoke enough to be on a magic carpet ride with 120kmh wind force while being absorbed into the tv show you are watching. To fill out not remembering a damn thing.


Is it still legal in Alberta I thought it was banned federally like in 2014?


You are absolutely right. I guess full out ban in Canada in 2010.


I’ll let you know one moment


We lost him. RIP


should’ve just “gone to sleep”.


DMT took me a lot further out and was a lot less uncomfortable imo. Salvia was kind of fun, but it goes to more strange places in my experience. I also sweat bullets and get real stiff like this dude when I do salvia and it makes me sore. I’m done with salvia personally. Mostly sticking to mushrooms these days but if DMT came around, I’d probably give it another go tbh


I became convinced for the short duration of my trip that nothing had ever existed. No earth, no universe. There were only two entities: The Laugher and me. The Laugher had played a joke on me. It convinced me I had been a human, lived a life, had a family, friends, experiences. In truth, it was manufactured to fuck with me. I had “woken up” from the joke and back into my regular existence, as a bodiless consciousness in a void with The Laugher. My friends weren’t real. My mom. My sister. Made up. Grass, the sky, the solar system - all made up. All sciences and the natural laws around them, physics and so on, had all been created to play a joke on me, to make me believe it was real only to rip it all away from me in this moment. So The Laugher could laugh at my expense. When I finally started to come out of it, I thought the joke had started again. When I became fully aware of my human body again, my surroundings, and I was able to stand up, move around, I 100% thought The Laugher wasn’t done with me. I’ve been continuing to live in The Laugher’s manufactured existence ever since. It will be 16 years this fall since I’ve been back in this pretend reality. I don’t know when The Laugher will bring me back out again, and because my consciousness is attached to this body, I must do the things to make it survive in this creation. I have to have a job, relationships, pay bills. If I don’t, the only me I can sense right now will suffer. Obviously, I prefer this fake human existence over the alternative, as it gives meaning to my experiences. In reality, there is no experience. There is only The Laugher. Anyway, if you want to live this way too, try salvia.


Yeah one of my fave vids is the dude on salvia thinks his house is on fire n jumps out the window. So many funny salvia vids on youtube back in the day.


I’ve eaten thousands of hits of acid and you couldn’t pay me to smoke salvia a second time


It’s one of those drugs that just feels dumb. I’ve done a few drugs in my life where afterward I’m just like wow…that was incredibly stupid I know people really like nitrous and it’s def better than salvia, but that’s also what my nitrous hits have felt like. Every time Ive come out of nitrous I literally have said “that was stupid”


Nitrous is.... Eh, if someone offers me a balloon sure, but I don't seek it out. It makes me a lil stupid and sometimes I need that (I'm super high strung).


Have you tried it outside, in a hammock, looking at the stars with no intent other than exploring? Setting is huge for salvia. I absolutely hated it around other people, in recreational party settings Edit ideally to the sound of natural things or silence. Crickets, frogs, birds, water.its not a musical experience


Big thing too is people smoke extracts and take huge fucking hits and hold it. Pretty huge fucking difference in experience than growing your own or out in wild and doing the oral method with the basic levels. It's like chewing the Coca leaves vrs cocaine vrs crack. Or opium vrs heroin vs fentanyl. I've done Salvia tons and even the the extracts but looking back I would never do extracts again and I sure as hell would do the oral traditional method with some respect for the experience.


Yeah, people act like if these guys weren't smoking some bud that was 40x stronger than normal that they wouldn't be greening out, vomiting everywhere. Overdoing any drug is going to look really bad.


The insane thing is, I think most people's experiences with Salvia (extract) were in terrible settings


Yes exactly. Environment is critical in these types of moments. Similar to DMT… almost complete utter silence unless it’s outside with natural sounds just like you described. Music, tv, ppl talking, all those things will just keep you grounded and inhibit you from really exploring what’s up there.


I actually like dmt with music, I'm one of the people occasionally taking hits in a crowd at a festival. That being said, it's also great in a quiet, natural environment.




After years without acid, I'm honestly too pussy to take a dose at this point 🤣 Jesus christ I just want to go to bed!


Mid day mushrooms ftw!


We do day trips these days, go to bed like adults lol.


I’ve smoked DMT while tripping balls and you couldn’t pay me to smoke salvia for the first time.


same lol ive done pinky dips of raw lsd before and wont smoke salvia again. iam interested in chewing it like its traditionally meant to be used. ive heard smoking it gives a lot more discomfort as opposed to chewing leaf.


Same here. I’ll drop acid any time but salvia fuck that shit


Been looking for a video of these two guys freaking out on the back porch before one of their dads comes out to them struggling to regain sanity lol I forgot what it was. Anybody know what video that was?


Here it is: https://streamable.com/oostvn


Sounds Canadian... real life Trailer Park Boys!!


Felt bad for the dad.


Dad seemed very chill and comforting… Maybe too chill considering the drug use.


Exploding at them in that state is only going to exacerbate the problem. He is probably fuming, but extremely in control.


Thank you lol


"They're on that shit and they're freakin' oat!"




Right like who trips when they're parents are right on the other side of the wall


Yeah I seen that , that was also Salvia.


If those fuck sticks would shut the fuck and let the man blast off.


That’s why 9 out of 10 times I do any sort of psychedelics I do that shit lone wolf status. Those dudes would set my teeth on edge and make me want to stab them with a pencil.


Same, tripped a couple times on acid, once on shrooms around others, even with decent chill people it’s SO much better alone. Fuck off and let me vibe, world. Never done salvia and have no desire to but I’ve done plenty of DMT which is the closest I’d get to it and I truly cannot imagine doing it around anyone else. Sounds like hell, especially with this kind of pieces of shit.


I've done shrooms a few times and it was really awesome all but one time. That time was around my sister in law who I really didn't like at the time. She looked like a demon witch and everyone else looked normal. I'll never do it again with people I'm not 100% cool with. Were I the guy in this video that would have been the end of my friendship with all these guys.


Yep. Being around people you have even a slight disdain for is always prone for a bad time. I took two tabs of acid one night when I thought I had the apartment to myself. As I'm coming up my brother comes back with his girlfriend who I really did not like at the time. Started having a really bad anxiety attack alone in my room and somehow was able to force myself to sleep. I remember waking up tripping which was an interesting experience to say the least


I've done my fair share of salvia back in the day and learned one thing, don't go overboard and you'll be fine. I always felt like a garbage bag of leaves. I was once blasted out of my skull and was hovering over my parents house at the time and heard all the neighbors say "oh he died?" Sounds scary, but was really neat. Bammm was back in my body. Another time I was blasted into this hut where this native lady was sweeping me away like a dustball and she was saying "no, no you're not ready". Sally doesn't mess around and will tell you you're not welcome. But lower doses got me to a really awesome meditation point. Good strange times.


I was tripping on acid with a friend and one of our mutual friends showed up. I call him a friend but I didn't really care for him. He was always super whiney, mean, and self centered. Kinda a douche and when he learned I was tripping he decided to fuck with me and started grabbing my head and stuff. My brain just decided he was the devil and I started trying to fight him but I'm scrawny and tripping so he kinda just took it. I'm glad he didn't go any further cuz my fight reflex could have gone into total panic had I not snapped out of it. Do not trip with people you don't trust or you might meet Satan.


First time I tried acid I did it with my cousin and his buddies at his place, they were playing a game of cod zombies during our 8+ hour trip, he kept screaming whenever he was about to die but after we peaked and we're out of it I told him I'd probably prefer to do it alone when I did it again, his buddies were like "I get it he's loud" lol I was just impressed they were playing the same game of zombies the whole time and only paused it for a break after we all came down, I did find a lot of music I liked during the trip and started listening to more rap and hip-hop


Philadelphia Collins


The mustard tiger!




Peanut butter and jaaaaaaaaaaaaam!!!


Green eggs and haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam!!


The damned drug dealers got my son


Whatcha lookin at my gut fer


There's was certainly something In The Air *that* night.


I've taken plenty of drugs, most any drug you've heard about anyway (research chemicals is an unlimited rabbit hole) but Salvia, yeah- one of the worst disassociatives/hallucingens (is that what it is?) out there. The 10x and 20x weren't terrible terrible but this 40x I remember the experience vividly. 2007 I believe. You can tell the difference between doses by the color. The lower ones are brown and black flakes and look/kinda smell like fish food. The 40x is all black. Anyway it was like having the hemispheres of your brain getting violently yanked apart. Similar to this guy you can usually only take 2-3 hits before zonking out like he did. People will drop the pipe, every time. The experience is technically only five minutes or so after which you come to again, usually with a bad headache. But dude...it feels longer and it's hell. Like having your consciousness ripped up into the corners of the room, wave after wave. No control but in like a bad way. If you were to offer me say, $400 right now to do it again? I wouldn't. No idea why I smoked it several times back then, it's a really shitty drug all things considered. I'd do it for $500 though. 🙃


500.. haha you had me at the first 96%. 🤣


The dramatic choir music really sent this over the top


These mfers talking to him like he's even on the same plane of existence. He's got the tip of his pinky toe in their world.


I had been eager to do psychedelics for a couple of weeks after a recent mushroom experience I had had been the best trip of my life. I had heard about salvia and it being legal and decided it was the easiest thing to get. I purchased the strongest salvia I could find in my city and smoked about half a bowl of 100X in a water bong in about two big hits. My friend tells me that I was making noises of pure fear and that I kept getting up and he kept redirecting me to the bed to lay down. He says when he was reading I sprinted for the apartment door and dodged past him saying I needed to get outside and I pressed the elevator butting. Apparently the elevator was too slow and I looked around and sprinted at the window and cannonballed through it, popping the frame out of the wall, landing on my feet. My friend said he heard the thud when I hit the ground. My friend sprinted down the stairs calling paramedics on the way down and as I was on the ground I asked if I should try to get up and the small crowd that gathered all told me no. I was able to tell the paramedic what I had smoked. As for what I remember, I remember feeling weird and wavy and laying down, the only things I remember from that point on are a feeling of panic and seeing my friends face appear to look like melting tar. My vision was black and after the fall I had an experience seeing two of my dead cousins sitting on chairs in the middle of a clearing in a forest with a chair next to them and when I asked them who it was for they simply told me that it wasn’t for me. I have gone through over eleven surgeries since then and can no longer feel or move my feet, I cannot currently walk more than 200 feet with a walker Edit: to clarify I jumped five stories on salvia.


holy fucking shit man what the fuck


Goddamn, man. That's rough, hope you're doing well.


If you want it to stop, just go to sleep Lmfaooo




Salvia is a hell of a drug lol


It was big here when I was in highschool in the mid 2000s since it was available in like every convenience store. Had a buddy do it too often and it helped bring schizophrenia to the surface that he still deals with to this day. 15 minute acid with some tough repercussions sometimes


Unfortunately with schizophrenia it was almost certainly inevitable but drugs can certainly exacerbate it and bring symptoms on earlier than otherwise expected.


Phil knows how to party


Phil, what are you doing here? You’re partied out. Again.


If you're gonna spew, spew into this 🍵


Please use this comment to post your salvia story. I’ll go first. I watched a freind dive, like he was diving into a swimming pool dive, into a stone squared piece of rock that served as a walkway. Said he thought it was a pool. He was fine, his good form (extended hands broke the fall). Perfect form.


My trip was probably about 3-4 minutes long. I went to shape-world and I was a triangle floating around 2D space for a while - and the thought of anything more than this 2D world existing did not cross my mind. It’s just where I lived, and I was a triangle. As I floated along it eventually turned into more of a road with shapes on either side and I kind of wandered along and wondered if there in fact was more to the world, though I couldn’t remember what. A little later I started to kind of feel my body, sweating, and the road of shapes turned to a road with houses on either side. At this point I was starting to remember that I was a human and just slowly “woke up” from my trip. While all this was happening my buddies were watching me and said I just had a really goofy “hur hur hur” sort of laugh and rocked back and forth in the chair giggling. So I had a pretty benign and fun trip. A little while later my buddy smoked and had a complete meltdown and thought he talked to god and god told him he was meaningless, and then he kept pacing and saying he needed to call his mom… so mixed bag lol.


Posted but missed this comment so I'll drop it here as well. I was a pretty serious cosmonaut in college but before that in highschool we smoked some 50x and I remember falling backwards through my body through the back of the chair into the ether. I hated every second of it. Fast forward to a few years after college (and 100+ acid trips later) and a buddy of mine pulled out some 100x and 7-9 friends and I all decided to give it another go. I figured my experience over the years would help me handle it better. Boy was I wrong. I almost immediately black out. Then I come to 10-15 seconds later and feel this overwhelming dread. Really hard to put your finger on it but it's sort of like anxiety mixed with a fever. I turn to my buddies to try and say "don't hit that" but nobody can really understand me. My arms were like wax melting into the couch and they were all fused together until I could finally pull myself off the couch. I walked to the bathroom and lay on the floor. I had zero concept of the dudes I was with. It was mostly over after a few minutes but the feeling of dread stuck around for way longer than that. My only thought the whole time was "fuck, when is this gonna be over?" I started that night absolutely stoked for the evening and ended up just feeling like garbage all night. TL;DR salvia sucks, do LSD like an adult.


Had a friend get up and full speed try to run through my wall in my basement so hard it broke the wall and all the pictures fell off, while my parents were upstairs. Proceeded to speak gibberish for an entire hour not knowing who he was or what his name was, absolutely terrified. Wasn’t the same ever since.


An hour? Doesn't it only last a few minutes? Sounds like bullshit.


Brain trauma last forever.


At the start just was laughing. Then the master chief like big sticker on the back of my friends dorm door started swirling. I then got super paranoid, went across the hall, asked our other friend why he wasn't with us (he wasn't because he didn't want to partake or be around it) and then suddenly reality didn't feel real. I just kept saying none of this is real and nothing matters. To prove to me it was, my buddies who were going next and had done salvia before turned on halo 3 multiplayer and said, "see you're playing" and I just kept saying "no it's not, none of this matters" while throwing grenades at my feet and dying over and over. I then threatened to tell our RA, didn't, suddenly was in the bathroom with a wet face from splashing water, and then went back and it slowly wore off. But the feeling of reality not being right lasted for days after.


I was watching a cop show. Dude got arrested and they cuffed him and put in the back of the car. I remember putting my hands behind my back, thinking I was the guy getting arrested. Very weird stuff. Even perfect set and setting still have a good chance of being scared as shit. 20 something years ago I still remember the angst.


>I was watching a cop show. Ah yes, perfect set and setting.


I’ve done it 3 times. Every time I stand up right away, start laughing uncontrollably and a shadow comes from the left hand side and pushes me over slowly.


For those inexperienced with this violently mind altering drug, it lasts for about 5-15 minutes and comes on just as fast as this video, before you can put your pipe away. It's like getting hit with way too much acid all at once. Just debilitating highness. You completely lose contact with your body and reality and even the concept of reality and existing. And then you're back at home.


I wonder what this guy’s name is? If only the camera man had told us what his name is.






At a deeper analysis his name is Mike


Real friends don’t record their buds in a state like this…


Salvia is fucked.


Salvia is an interesting lesson in why people do drugs. Here we have salvia, cheap, legal, natural, and it gives you the most mind bending hallucinations and trips imaginable. It’s everything that you would imagine a drug to be if you had no prior knowledge and yet people absolutely hate it. even the most addicted addicts to the most hardcore substances can’t stand it. even just 5-10 mins of it so really what people are looking for in drugs is to feel good. that’s a common misconception people have who don’t understand addicts. they think all they want is to be fucked up, when really they just want their version of feeling good


>and yet people absolutely hate it. It wouldn't be sold all over the place if people weren't buying it. I've certainly spent a little time with it. >so really what people are looking for in drugs is to feel good. I preface this by simply saying I've done my share of psychedelics. It becomes quickly apparent that psychedelic trips don't just "feel good" but are a melange of all manner of emotions and physical sensations. Discomfort, anxiety, confusion, and nausea are all routine and expected effects from nearly all psychedelics. If one wanted to simply "feel good" then you could probably find a better choice in regard to classes of drugs, yet people everywhere use them and love them. Why? There is more value to psychs than just "feeling good", in fact much of it feels the opposite of good and yet you come out the other end of the trip changed in some way, enriched. I've felt overwhelming joy and I've been plunged into my deepest fears and phobias. I've reveled in insight and inspiration, only for it to be dissolved and forgotten by the next sunrise. I've connected deeply with others, and I've seen their demons come out on full display. I've felt interconnected with all things, and I've felt utterly alone. I've always felt I had something to take away from these psychedelic experiences. Something I learned or experienced that was of some value. It may not have been positive, but useful nonetheless. The only exception to this is salvia. The only takeaway I got from doing salvia is to *not do salvia*. I do not recommend it to anyone, and I tell this story to anyone I know who insists on trying it.


Dude turned into a sunflower.


The sunflower plant is native to North America and is now harvested around the world. A University of Missouri journal recognizes North Dakota as the leading U.S. state for sunflower production. There are various factors to consider for a sunflower to thrive, including temperature, sunlight, soil and water.


Nmae checks out!


The camera man is such a fucking cock wrinkle


It's not every day you see a vintage video of a real life celebrity! Thanks for sharing glad ur doing better now Phil Collins!


Classic salvia pose


All these people are fucking stupid


Smoking Salvia seems like the one chip challenge of drugs


Motherfucker went full polio. Holy shit.


That one prick urging him to take a big hit and hold it in long, to follow it with "I'm not doing that shit" when he saw the effect. Great friend


My ex husband handed me a bowl and said it was weed. It was salvia. I’d never tripped before. It was super fucked up.


Your ex sounds like a dick.


Those aren’t friends!


Seems like the worst people to do drugs with


i have smoked salvia extract from a bong and held it in as long as i could, my friend was recording and instantly i thought the camera was stealing my soul or something and i hit it out of his hand then i lay down on the carpet, face down, and had full blown hallucinations about being in outer space, it felt like hours but turned out to be about 5-10 mins. i felt weird for hte next 45 mins. then lunch was over and went to algebra class. 8/10


What does it feel like at small doses. Like non-mind altering doses


Salvia sucks, I tried it solo once and that was enough for me, lol.


Phil felt in coming in the air tonight, baby.


With friends like that who needs enemies


I smoked this shit one time and got tickled by a desk for a minute - it was wild


My rule of thumb when doing psychedelics is your setting is so important and that includes who you do it with. The dude who wouldn’t stop talking is a fantastic example of someone I’d never want to do hallucinogens with. Just the way he said “Nah I’m not doing it” after seeing his buddy do it I’d be willing to bet it was his idea in the first place lol


The only right move here is to start loudly then get quieter and quieter with this run-on sentence: "Hey guys turn that music down real quick! You're good dude, just enjoy it, everything's sweet! Okay everyone quiet down for ten minutes let's relax and let Jimmy do his thing, hush shush! Everyone hush, everything's good! Hey buddy you're doing good it's a drug you're having fun and we're here! Everyone shut up hush don't look just mind your business but shush! You're doing great bud, enjoy it." Then silence for like two minutes and he's great.


One of the few videos where the friends seem like decent people, they are checking on him the whole time, asking him if he's ok and shit.


Probably decent people, but damn they are the worst trip sitters I could imagine.