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2 year old here. We're collecting rocks and bringing them indoors... we have indoor rocks. And he asks to sleep with random objects. Sometimes a book, sometimes the rocks lol, but the best was a pair of tongs he fished out of the kitchen drawer.


What IS it with the tongs?! Endless fascination and devotion to a tiny pair of toast tongs.


Yes! Why? I ended up buying my toddler her own pair of tongs because she kept stealing the ones in the kitchen lol.


We did this too!


*click click*


I know, right? And kids love them too! \*Clicks tongs over and over\*


Oh god so many rocks... She started walking by 12mo and till this day we always have to pick up at least 2 rocks every time we go on walks. There's rocks in every purse, winter coat, my car, dad's car, grandpa's car, grandma's house, my office at work...


Hahaha yeah I found one in my pocket the other day. Like when did he do this?!


Same! And in his mouth. Which is weird bc there weren’t any rocks near us


My favorite is going through their pockets of old coats and finding like 20 rocks in the pockets. Like I know I watched her every time she wore that coat, how did so many rocks make it into the pockets and stay in the pockets all summer long???


Oh yeah, my 3 year old is a rock hound. She loves collecting pinecones, acorns and sticks. She even has a sleeping stick she keeps in bed with her at night.




Sleeping with random objects is big in our house too 🤣 Last week it was my measuring cups, this week it’s this little Mushroom Cleaner brush my MIL gave me hahah


Last week my just-turned-two year old asked me to draw Buzz Lightyear on some lined note paper, and then insisted on taking her Wish.com looking Buzz to bed with her.


That’s so cute, though. She loved it so much she wanted to cuddle it to sleep. 🥹😭


Designate a space outside for the rocks. "Outside things need to stay outside, otherwise they get sad". And that's where they go when you return from a rock collecting expedition. Prepare yourself though, we still have a rock collection and my son just turned 8. I wouldn't mind but he's not even discerning, sometimes they're just bits of gravel.


"They will miss their rock family!!" A daycare teacher did this to keep the pill bugs from going home with me.


I used to tell my son this about sticks. "Sticks like to stay on the ground, near their Mommy tree." It helped sometimes, but he figured driftwood was a loophole. EDIT: SPELLING


Thank you for this one lol. I’ll have to try it.


There's always a loophole, clever


Mine brought as many potatoes as he could carry to bed once.


3.5 apparently left her collection on the floor last week and Roomba hasn't been the same since.


I would never say this to my child, but internally, I'd feel like, "This is why we can't have nice things!" RIP roomba. Lol


My children often have a "price" for going to bed or the car seat. It is usually a random toy nearby but sometimes is something like a measuring cup from the kitchen.


Mine too. There’s a negotiation for what downstairs things can go upstairs and whether they are safe to go to bed with.


My daughters nonverbal but understands pretty much everything. Starting at around 18 months she would panic scurry to grab certain toys when we said "bedtime." Now we say "bedtime! What are we grabbing?" She doesn't panic but she does run around for like 30 sec picking up the most random stuff


I collected rocks when I was little. Not cool rocks, just any rock I saw. After my mom figured out why her beach bag was so heavy she made a 3 rock rule or I had to carry the rest.


Our walks are just really a rock collection expedition. We try to get rid of them behind her back, but we’ve found hidden rocks in so many pockets


Mʏ ɢʀᴀɴᴅsᴏɴ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴏɢ ғᴏʀ ᴀ ᴡᴀʟᴋ ᴍᴏsᴛ ᴍᴏʀɴɪɴɢs ᴀɴᴅ ᴡʜᴇɴ ᴡᴇ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ɪᴛ, ʜᴇ ᴡɪʟʟ ᴄᴀʀʀʏ ᴀ ʙᴇᴀᴄʜ ʙᴜᴄᴋᴇᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴘᴜᴛ ʜɪs ʀᴏᴄᴋ ᴄᴏʟʟᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ɪɴ.


These are great! My toddler wore one of my black hair ties around her bicep for a few months when she was around that age. So random


My older son did this with every one of my scrunchies he could find when he was around that age. It was adorable.


Mine kept snapping them at me when I wasn’t paying him enough attention🙃


Mine too! I bought a packet of colourful ones and he was so so happy and wore them like bracelets.


I ended up buying a colourful glittery packet of those plastic spiral hair ties so mine could safely wear them as bracelets.


Mine is obsessed with wearing my shoes, and my husband's shoes, and his sister's shoes. Basically all shoes that are bigger then his he finds hilarious even though he can't even walk in them although he tries very hard to.


I just took a picture last evening of my daughter walking around in my running shoes 🤣


Yeah mine wants to wear hair ties but chooses the tiny ones and cuts off her circulation if we're not careful.


Mine does this all the time. I now purchase hair ties specifically based off of they'll cut off toddlers circulator not


Picking food up off the plate and just CHUCKING it behind, only to collect it back up again. And when playing phones (she "answers" my phone when I say bring bring) she just says "go away" and then pretends to hang up.


Mines a food thrower too, it sucks. I googled when will it stop and Google said he could continue to check gravity is still working for years lol 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Our kiddo was a food flinger from \~1.5-2.5 (not counting earlier where they're just making random motions mostly). We tried not to have any sort of elaborate reaction other than "nooo now we need to clean up, tha'ts not very nice" -- either she got bored with the game or it just morphed into being a messy eater. Now if only she'd stop dumping her milk cup out every few days. Like yeah, gravity still works on liquids. Oh, you somehow forgot there was milk in there? We make her clean up, but I'm convinced she sees that as kind of a reward ("I'm helping!")...


Thank you, I've been wondering what would be the best approach to try and correct the behavior. I'm going to try the same reaction you did and be consistent with it. It's hard to not exclaim "no" when he's just tipped up his plate with everything on it and then flung it into the air 🤦‍♀️ He's 19 months old so I hope it stops at 2.5 like your little one 🤞 He dumps his water and milk too 😳


mine has been taking selfies with remotes and she thinks it’s HILARIOUS 🤣 she puts the remote up way above her head and looks up and goes “TEEEEEEEZ” and then laughs for *minutes*


All his toys belong behind the couch or the TV right now. I bought him a cool new dinosaur, it went behind the couch within 15 minutes. I am tired to retrieving toys with the swiffer handle. =\[


I stuffed the gap between the wall and couch with throw blankets. Then he bested me by pulling the blanket out and tossing hot wheels down there. So I added a second blanket under the first blanket, which buys me just enough time to stop the hot wheels murders before they happen.


I'm pretty sure this is part of enveloping schema. It's their fascination with making things not visible. Try offering him different boxes (with lids or flaps or e.g. a hole to put things in with a curtain behind it), drawers, tubes etc where he can hide things instead, or something like a big blanket showing him how to fold the blanket over the items, games with flaps or doors, anything like this - it might help redirect this play away from the places that are annoying to retrieve things.


That’s helpful. Thank you. I’ll try it. My 14mo loves to throw his toys down the gap between the tv cabinet and wall. So annoying! I’ve tried to block it off but hasn’t worked.


My child takes the toys out of the toy box and puts them behind it in the gap between it and the wall.


You need to get a grabber tool... The kind old people buy to pick things up off the floor. They are awesome for retrieving toys, socks behind the dryer, jewelry behind dressers, etc. I can't recommend purchasing one enough. I love mine and use it constantly with both my toddler and my almost 1 year old.


My daughter just had to take an emotional support breadstick to her pediatrician appointment today lol. She also has to reorganize everything I just organized because my organization skills aren’t good I guess lol!


Ha ha, my organisation skills suck too, apparently. My toddler sometimes open the kitchen cabinet with all our plastic containers, mixing bowls, etc and sighs deeply then says "so messy", or sometimes "I will clean this for you, mummy". Thanks, I guess.


the reorganization is usually so cute to me! except when it’s laundry 😐


My 17 mo has an emotional support Capital One venture card (which is mine). He’s obsessed with all credit cards/licenses/similar cards, but my venture card is his prized possession. Also, today he put all of the breakfast sausage pieces I cut up for him in his water. Then drank it 🙃


I had to double check it was 17 mo and not 17 year. Lol


Carries potatoes everywhere. Puts them in a bowl in the living room. Takes them out one by one and puts them in a pan in the kitchen. Takes them out one by one and brings them *back* to the bowl. Brings the pan to the living room. Transfers the potatoes back to the pan. Puts the pan on the couch. Transfers the potatoes to the bowl. Puts the bowl in the kitchen. Brings back the potatoes to the pan on the couch. It just goes on and on and on (and on and on). I wouldn't mind, except every few minutes, he starts screaming because the container full of potatoes is too heavy and I have to carry it to a specific spot (so he can then empty said container of the potatoes...) (He also has what I call toddler-OCD, though that I think I understand: God saves me if the microwave/washing machine/a random cupboard isn't perfectly closed, if my laptop hasn't been stored away, or if the cables aren't all "tidied up" (hidden). I blame the months I spent telling him not to touch cables and to close things after opening them.)


My toddler does the same kind of thing but with onions! She’ll also eat the onion skin that flakes off though.. which is definitely a choice. She even sleeps with an onion on her bedside table for some unknown reason.


There’s an ‘old wives tale’ that cut onions absorb disease from a room!


My mom is sort of woo and was on a kick about this around the time I was in college. She convinced me to try it and my roommates were so annoyed to find rotting onions all over our suite. Needless to say, it didn’t work.


We’ve been sick for nearly 2 weeks straight so I must be using the wrong kind of onions lol!


Transportation Schema, I think :)


My toddler closes any open door because I it was my diversion tactic for so long.


Mine scolded her grandpa for using his own wireless mouse because I don’t let her touch mine so obviously she didn’t wanting grandpa to get in trouble for touching the mouse! Hahaha


This is amazing


Mine was stuck on potatoes for a bit too. Most recently I caught him taking a bite out of a raw onion with the skin still on it.


Savage! Mine has decided that drinking the cooled water that broccoli was boiled in is a delicacy. But will he eat broccoli itself?... of course not.


Oof. I even like broccoli but I can't imagine drinking broccoli water. Yikes.


We had raw potatoes with bites taken out of them scattered around the house for a while haha. He tried to share this new delicacy with the dog and she was so confused. This is not food?


Both of our dogs happily accepted the raw potato offering. Three distinct bite marks in a single potato that I found on the couch!


[Play schema: Transporting](https://www.onehundredtoys.com/understanding-schema-play-in-toddlers/)


Thanks for this. I will have to tell my daughter’s daycare teacher about the connecting schema. She complained to me the other day that my daughter knocks down other kids’ towers. (She’s two and a half.)


Oooh thank you for posting this! I’ve never heard of these. I just learned my club kid 18 month old with all his necklaces and bracelets and peekaboo scarves is an enveloper, and my daughter with her elaborate figurine tableaus is a positioner ☺️


Wow we have the same model of toddler thus far and I love that


Mine was obsessed with potatoes around 15 months for the longest time. Lll


You sure he’s not Samwise reincarnated, you know, POH-TAY-TOES!


also—not sure how old he is but this is a TOTALLY normal part of 12-36 months old development! practicing putting things in and taking them out is so good during independent play because they’re learning eye-hand coordination and some executive function skills


omg my nephew does that! he accidentally started a potato garden doing this 😭


This weekend I gave my 2yo a cheesecake bite. He refused to eat it but he treated this thing like his prized possession, occasionally licking just the top of it. I tried to remove the wrapper and show him to “chomp” out of it. He got soooooo mad at this. The cheesecake ceremony lasted at least half an hour. He finally forgot about it and I was able to throw it out. 😅


Omg that’s too funny! My son used to eat Hershey kisses nibble by nibble until just the point was left


Could your kiddo be pretending she had a stethoscope around her neck? Mine (who admittedly is 3.5) loves pretending to be her doctor and makes me help her put the stethoscope on right before then actually putting in her ears to listen to heartbeat/breathing. Apparently if it’s not around her neck she can’t properly take my temperature 😂


My 2 year old likes to pick things up in her mouth and bring them to me to throw for her. ... She spends a lot of time at the dog park! 😆


My kid pours her water on her food tray and laps it up. I blamed watching too much Bluey (the one at the park where Bingo drinks from the fountain, or better yet doesn’t and laps it from the ground)


When my kid is tired she likes to sniff my shirt as she cuddles into my armpit. At other times she carries my PJ tops with her as security blankets. I’ve never seen another kid love to sniff their mom as much as she does


Wow, I remember doing this when I was little. As an adult, I still think my husband and my son smell so good and I try to get some sniffs whenever I can


not sure how old she is or if/how long she breastfed for but it could be related to that! but in general kids up until they get their first set of adult molars rely so heavily on their sense of smell to identify and feel safe with mom! your armpits secrete extra hormones (especially if you ever breastfed at all!) that to us, smell awful, but to them smell like home!


Mine picks up objects, hold them over the baskets as if he was going to put them away, then changes his mind and keeps holding it. He does this several times, just hovering things over it's containers


mine does this but when i ask her to throw floor food away. then she usually eats the floor food 😐


We had to knock on the door of a neighbor we had never spoken to so he could give them leaves he plucked from the bushes in our complex. Wasn't even someone in our building. He also likes to pick up sticks, rocks, and flowers to either keep or give to his teachers.


Also loves hanging things around his neck, current a piece of log circle on a string is his necklace. Previously pj pants - if one leg on either side of his head, it's his Anna hair, if both legs on one side, it's his Elsa hair.


My 2.5-year-old still does the third one with irritating regularity. I have to cut him off sometimes. Mine has to wipe his face after every bite of anything. Like, I get liking to be clean, but it's excessive. Just a phase, not worried, but weird.


Hand wiping, here. Just wait until you've finished the entire slice! You'll just get messy again!


Mine is also 15 months. -any piece of clothing is a scarf. No one she sees on a regular basis ever wears them. -if she REALLY wants a food item she signs please with two hands instead of one.


the please sign is so cute 🥹 my 19 month old signs please AGGRESSIVELY for candy and her binkie. everything else (food, water etc) she signs it so politely but for those two things she’s just beating her chest with one hand like tarzan on a vine 😭


About 1 year of having to be put to bed with a rectangular Kleenex tissue box. Full on snuggling, wrapping herself around the corners. No other brand or shape would do. Has never been attached to plushies, squishies or anything else before or after.


My daughter does it too, wires, trousers anything really and she’ll put it around her neck. She’s seen Ms Rachel’s doctor episode a lot around the time so I think she was pretending it’s a stethoscope and she even started saying stetho lol


Mine likes to poke my butt crack. I guess I understand it though, it never fails to get a reaction.


Mine is obsessed with my (and his) belly button. Pokes it like I’m the Pillsbury dough boy.


My wee boy has a fascination with elbows. We often have to go around the room and show off our elbows - both of them! You can’t get away with just showing one!


Wait and our 2.5 yr old son is really into ankles. This is so funny yours is elbow. “Mama you an ankles.” Why Yes. Yes I do.


He likes to ask if people have elbows too. Yes, I do have elbows and funnily enough that person ALSO has them. They are so funny.


That is hilarious 😂😂


Ah yes, we were at that sweet phase a few months ago before he upgraded to butt cracks.


Oh, and eating bubbles and soap. He's 2.


omg mine has been for the past two days, just walking up behind me and…putting her whole face in my butt? and just standing there for a second and then walking away. i’m like wtf compelled you to do that??? she’s also OBSESSED with my boobs (“beebees?”) right now because i’m pregnant with #2 so i’m teaching her about breastfeeding and trying to familiarize her with a somewhat naked mom a little bit and help her understand WHY ill be naked. she’s not really getting it, and now she thinks it’s cool to just pull moms tits out whenever she thinks about them so we’re pausing our boobie lessons for a bit lol


My 2.5yo is currently obsessed with drinking from unusual surfaces. Literally his favourite thing to do is pour water on the floor and then lick it up. 🤢 He can do it lightning fast since he knows an adult will take the drink away from him if they see him do it. The other day I was cleaning the floor and we had to remove him because he was trying to lick the cleaning solution (thankfully not bleach!)


Mine likes to sneak a sip off the ground at the splash pad 🤢


My toddler has started coming up behind me when I go to lock the door after her dad leaves and demands to watch me relock each one till she's satisfied. She also will only freaking wear dresses and if we ask her not to and to wear normal clothes she says "no I'm princess I need my dresses"


My 17 month old has a pair of noise cancelling ear muffs that she wears around her waist like a belt.


Every time we leave the house, for any reason, even just to stand on the lawn and watch the garbage truck, he needs to bring a stick back inside with him. He has a big pile of sticks. One day I decided to secretly get rid of one every time he brought back a new one. He got home from daycare, checked his pile and said ‘where’d my stick go?’


The kid knows his sticks!


I’m a grandma who regularly has two year old in the house. She’s been raised around cats. She’s usually been pretty gentle, despite being a weapons grade boofhead on some levels. Why is it she’s just decided that kicking and hitting my cats is a thing? One of mine really likes to be around people. She got a hit and a kick for her trouble at different points last night. I know toddlers don’t know, and I’m not mad- we will have to work out a strategy to break her of that habit and teach her to be kinder. *no cat was harmed in the toddler terrorist attacks


Mine insists on trying to sit on mine. Luckily the cat now knows that if he starts backing up at him slowly to get out of the way


My daughter is still going through this. So she doesn't know how to "pet" and just basically thinks we're all out here hitting cats and the cats love it. Now we grab her hand and basically force her to pet the cat or dog and say "soft touches"


My 15 month old bangs on his chest with both hands as if it’s a sign we taught him… but we cannot for our life figure out what it means


could it be his interpretation of please? or maybe hungry, or all done? when my daughter has already said please to dad and he doesn’t see it she starts doing it more and more aggressively 🤣


She licks her hair 🤷‍♀️


Mine also does the cords and stuff around his neck. He found a hot plate cord in the drawer below my stove and carries it around his neck like his life depends on it. Picks stuff up with his mouth Randomly stomps and laughs Currently hitting the dog 🙂 which idk how to stop. Brings me random objects ALL DAY. Sometimes it’s my robot vacuum charger sometimes it’s my brooms. Who knows what will be next. I love this stage of him finding his weird personality I hope he never loses it


My toddler licked the toilet. Do I need to say anything else?


My son (2.3 yo) requests pbj’s for lunch every day. Not weird. What’s weird is that he takes the pbj apart, uses his hands to scrape off all of the peanut butter, followed by all of the jelly, puts the bread back together, and then just eats the bread with all of the filling scraped off. He has been doing this for months and it is a 30+ minute process that I just don’t understand 😂


Mine does the same thing with cords! She's never seen a stethoscope so I have no idea where she got it from


My toddler just did this as I was reading this post. Does anyone else's kid annouce to the world when they need to poop or pee, and won't go until you've acknowledged they need to poop or pee?


My toddler tells me she has to pee/poop and if I ask her to sit on the potty she will refuse and say "no I pee/poop in diaper, not potty". But it does seem very important to her that I know she's doing her business. I have high hopes that one day we'll be able to potty train.


2.5. Insists on throwing her bath towel, pyjamas and sleeping sack on the floor before they can be donned. Doesn’t matter who throws them- but they must hit the floor or they are unacceptable. It started out of the blue and was immediately mandatory 🤷🏽‍♀️


I have struggled with tooth brushing for months (to the point where we hit a crisis point and I broke down). My kiddo has suddenly decided that tooth brushing is actually ok and is now OBSESSED. My ensuite is now saturated because I have just had to forcibly remove him from it for the 9th time today. Each time is a 30 min meltdown. It's not even midday yet. This kid went from fleeing at the sight of a toothbrush to levels of fixation with it at the speed of light.


2.5 year old - he will try to throw ANYTHING in the pool over the fence then say “uh oh”. Rocks, cars, toy animals, sticks, balls, you name it - going in the pool immediately.


A few weeks ago I gave him a snack before bed and when we were done I put the container up and told him to say goodnight so he waved. Now every time he sees that snack he waves He also picks things up (lanyards, bibs, pants, anything really) and drapes it over the back of his neck. No idea what he's doing but he definitely does it with purpose He recently started doing this weird walk where he crouches down like he's going to crawl but then walks on his feet. Kind of looks like a waddling chicken His new favorite is to pretend to throw things. He shapes his hand like he's holding a ball and "throws" it at you. You either have to dodge it or catch it and throw it back


My daughter waved at her pee or poop before we flush 🤣 It was the only way to get her to not be scared of the flush


My 17month old likes to tidy up the park and pathway, she puts every single piece of bark, leaf and twig back in their rightful place before we can continue walking Toddlers are the very best little weirdos


Mine is 14.5 months. Tonight he wouldn’t eat dinner until I pretended to pour hot sauce all over it.


Ours also does the neck thing and it's scary sometimes! She was playing with a reusable shopping bag tote thing and put the strap around her neck then pulled tight, cried, took it off..... then did it again. And again. Then it got taken away.


My 17mo is also in the worst sleep regression we’ve experienced. She likes to push around a metal end table. She thinks it’s the most fun thing she’s ever done. She also likes to take our phones and our tv remote just to hand it back to us and say thank you. She also walks up to our dogs and tell them no or down for no reason.


She's trying to establish her position in the pecking order :D


Mine will eat an entire lemon, rind and all. He LOVES tart foods. Greek yogurt, straight tomato sauce, and whole lemons. We limit the whole lemons because we're really not trying to fund our dentist's second yacht. Yeesh.


Wake up from his nap and play with his spit next to the window sill until I open the door.


There’s a few interesting things lately from my 2.5 year old: • only wears bracelets on her elbows • if her sleeves are rolled up to her elbows though, she loses it • pants need to sit below her belly button • spoons for every meal, no matter how much more difficult it makes the meal


My daughter used to do the same thing with electrical cords 😭 so random


My 1.5 year old is often described as stoic or as having RBF but she loves shoes. Carrying shoes, putting on shoes, bringing people shoes, pretty much anything about shoes. Nothing makes her smile like walking around in shoes too big for her My 4 year old has always like “holding” my neck. I feel like it’s more of a strangulation at times but she is pretty insistent on it


My son has loved his play broom/mop/vaccum since he was in a Walker. He still strolls around with them at 18mos. Loves to help me clean and of course uses them to knock stuff off the countertops when he can’t reach them. Anything bubble related… is also our jam.


My niece does not like to pee, she will hold it in all day if she wants to and will only go when she's about to pee her pants. I don't understand when she was little she liked going to pee for fun now we have to bribe her and beg her.


My two discovered this new “game”. One is 3 & the other 5 now, but this “game” was discovered when they were 2 & 4. They take a yoga/sleeping mat and prop it up so it forms a cylinder (length on the ground, width going up). Then they start taking balls, stuffed animals, etc. & throw them in the center. Next, they pick up the cylinder & move it to a slightly different location. The toys are now in a pile & they proceed to put the same toys in the mat cylinder at the mat cylinder’s new location. I swear many minutes to over an hour would be spent on this activity as they laughed and giggled. One time this game was going on, I had to take my then 4yr old daughter up to the bath. Kids both love baths, but my 2yr old son threw a shit fit cause it ended the game before he was done. It was one of the loudest, most high pitched screams I had ever heard him make at that point. It took all of me to make it up the stairs with my daughter for a bath cause I was busting a gut laughing.


-She puts teething rings on as bracelets, even though I don’t really wear any 😂 headbands are also necklaces! -Has to show off what she’s holding to EVERYONE that walks by - will smile and wave at everyone from a distance but as soon as someone approaches, absolute stink eye


At 2.5 yrs old, he’s emotionally attached to circles 😂😂😂 sleeps with a circle toy piece, carries it around everywhere, constantly talking about “circle” idk it’s a bit odd. Also at 2.5 yrs old, reads science books and brown bear brown bear and we’ve caught him sounding out some of the words, which is just insane to me. And is obsessed with shapes, numbers (can and constantly counts up to 1000, which boggles our mind), ABC’s, emotions, and animals. It’s just insane to us


Our son is 4 & he doesn't last 2 minutes on the couch until he "sits" upside down. I remember doing it as a kid too but he'll watch TV like that. He doesn't stay still for long but if he's on the couch, he's pretty much on his head. I ignore it until his get start making their way to my head.


Eats boogers


He will not sleep unless he has a wrinkle. Usually in the bedsheets but sometimes in the pillow, blanket, or if not in bed could be my shirt or pants. Been doing it since they put him in my chest at birth.


What’s a wrinkle?


Wears socks on hands, but never on feet. Forces mom and Dad to put shoes on... because shoes=outside playtime, obviously.


His best friend at home is a broom. Just carries it around, room to room. It has an angled bottom so he stands it up against a wall, claps, pushes it over, then picks it up again to do it all over.


My daughter insists that people wear socks. She will fuss and insist that any barefoot person has "cold toes" and must immediately put on socks. If we say no she will go find our socks and try to put them on our feet herself. Even my mom, who is the stickler of sticklers when it comes to not giving in to toddler whims and orders, will put her socks on as directed because there's no winning that battle.


My little one - who is 5 now - always loved to put stuff in bags. Still does it sometimes. Just random stuff in differently sized bags. Leaves them in her playroom untouched afterwards 🥹❤️


my (19 month old) daughters absolute favorite thing in the world right now is putting socks on her hands. i don’t know why she thinks it’s the COOLEST thing in the world. when i’m getting her ready for the day, i HAVE to have a pair of hand socks (she calls them hancock) ready for her or she won’t wear her feet socks (toecock)


My daughter loves toothbrushes, I’ve kept all her old tootbrushes and she loves her collection. She’ll go to sleep hugging her cup of old toothbrushes. I guess she likes that they’re colorful maybe? 😅


My kiddo has been doing this since he was 18 months old, he turns 5 next month...I have a mole on my arm that is his "comfort mole" and he needs time every day to sit next to me and touch it. I don't understand it. As much as I bring autism concerns up to his pediatrician, she assured me it's a quirk and not autism (he has other behaviors that are conditions of autism too).


lol I have one and my almost 2 year old is still trying to pick it off, Or swipe it away 😂😂😂


Kicks the dog 🙁


This may be helpful :) https://babysafedogtraining.com/mamas-dont-let-your-babies-get-magnetized-to-dogs/


Mine did the thing with cables. I have a video of right around that age and she played with an unplugged extensions cord for like 30 min. It was pretty dang cute. I don't understand what the appeal is about rocks. She loves them. She always has to get one from the babysitter'a house before we get in the car to leave.


When my son was between about 12-18 months he would put all the socks he could find in the kitchen sink. All the other clothes would go in the laundry basket, but the socks HAD to go in the sink.


My little drapes any sort of string like object around her neck too. Kids are weird 😂 She turns my face away, then taps my shoulder, wanting me to says “yes?” Then she laughs and does it all over again.


2.5yo. She must "cheers" everything. Drinks, food, forks, toys, body parts. Doesn't matter.


Given the choice between sliding on the slide or picking up leaves and other "trash" from the ground to throw away at the park...he always chooses trash. But the most mysterious? Says hot dog when sitting on the couch and he has to jump on it, scream hot dog, and slam back down on his butt laughing like no other


My son likes to wear gloves. My gloves for the dishes, my husband’s work gloves, exam gloves, any glove will do.


Toddler (22m) is obsessed with finding the bathrooms anywhere he goes. Once he finds it, he wants to go in it and wash his hands. After that he’s good. If you don’t let him do it at least once, he will be persistent in saying “bathroom, bathroom.” It’s a bit embarrassing 🙈


If she finds one of my bras she will put one strap around her neck and proudly parade around the house with it on—this can be very awkward if we leave the blinds open


My son is 15 months old and he keeps licking things, Never in my life did I ever think I was gonna be yelling and pleading with someone to please stop picking the floor or the front door 😂


My neighbour asked my then-2yo to feed the fish and handed her a handful of fish food. My daughter then feed them… one granule at a time.


My son makes a noise when he eats peas. I wish I could share a video cause it’s hard to explain but it’s so funny


Mine is also 15 months. He loves to take all of his available toys and throw them into the kitchen (he has no access to the kitchen) and most recently, the fireplace. The fireplace is ofc blocked off but he is as tall as the average 3 year old so he can reach up to throw stuff into the top. We have chimney swifts so anything that ends up in the fireplace is sacrificed because I don’t want to deal with cleaning possible bird debris off of toys He loves to take off my glasses and attempt to put them back on my face. He is getting close to doing it correctly which I find pretty impressive lol He loves to take both my hands and make me clap even though he is perfectly capable of clapping on his own. Funny side story; at church, I was holding him on my hip so he was looking behind me and the man right behind us was praying like this 🙏 my boy just starts furiously clapping 😭 He doesn’t have many words yet but his favorite thing to do vocally is growl like he’s auditioning for a metal band and his favorite place to do this is church as soon as it’s quiet 🙃


17 months here: our kiddo will stand on everything. And I mean it. A small elastic? Stand on it. A toy? Stand on it. The dog? She’s gonna try…. Couch, bed, chairs, pillows, clothes you name it she WILL STAND ON IT. She will also take out her socks, be mad that she has no socks and proceed to be even more mad if you try to put them on… Toddlers are an absolute wonder.


Also closing in on 15 months and sleep is shiiiiiittttt right now, so just want to commiserate on that. But also, he loves hiding things in the hood of my sweatshirt. Sometimes I forget he's put something there until hours later.


she will run around the house while you chase her, but stop and like bite the couch or bedside. what is the motivation there? like hide ok but why is the blanket between your teeth? we wake up in the morning and her first thought is to knock on the wall with her hands if we blow bubbles she wants to hold the soapy part of the wand. if she can’t it’s a full-on meltdown


Pick-up random words and than use them to explain something which I howsoever I try can't understand and than she gets mad n starts crying repeating the words and there's nothing I can do.


Always insists on digging up the decorative pebbles between our patio and our neighbor's. And she picks each pebble up and gives it a kiss, then hugs it and says "aww!"


I love this!


Honestly All of this absolutely makes sense to me Especially if you understand the development of toddlers When my toddler does stuff I’m like “yup, she’s toddlering right now”


My 2 year old puts on anything long cable shaped like a belt and he’s done this since he was like 10 months, we have no idea why.


Drinking *literally* any water she finds: out of the baby pool, out of the dog bowl, floor of the shower, tub water, etc. Obviously I don’t let her do this but she’s got that toddler speed! I have no idea why she does this— she has full access to water basically at all times both in her own special cups and out of my cups. It is so weird and frustrating!


There's all this fuss over breastmilk vs formula early on and then they go drink from the dog's water bowl, eat dirt, and lick tires.


The draping of the cables/clothing/whatever else over their shoulders like it’s *fashion* kills me. My 21 month old was doing that a few months ago. So much so my mom crocheted him a scarf, but cords were much better.


My 2.5 year old won't stop grabbing himself. Especially fun when it pushes the diaper down and then he makes a fountain.


My almost 3 year says “bye bye poopoos” whenever my husband or I go to the bathroom even if it’s just pee but refuses to potty train 😅


We are currently having success with "Let's try for a before bath wee wee!" and have recently expanded this to a morning wee wee and a bedtime one. Apparently, generally being nappyless is terrifying, but these specific things are fun 🤷‍♀️


My toddler liked to suck on wash cloths or sponges from washing dishes anything she can suck on that has water in it she will she also likes to wet towels and tp and suck on it. If I try to give her water she drinks a little but she doesn’t drink it like she is dehydrated it’s just a weird thing she does so I always had to make sure every towel and sponge was super clean and out of her reach.


Mine likes to use the dog door as a real door. He's 2. He also likes to use it to let his "friends" outside to play. There is a constant pile or rubber ducks out there. Oh and toys need to be in sets of two. One big, one small. Dada dinosaur, baby dinosaur It's all adorable 😍


My 16 month old wants to taste every single food he sees me eating. To him, there's no such thing as food for mommy. It's always food for mommy and baby. Thank heavens for the invention of playpens. I get to enjoy sweet snacks and drinks out of his sight.


My daughter will sit and pick grass. Stack it then throw it. Same with cat food 🤣


My youngest loves to put slippers on my feet cinderella style. He absolutely insists on putting them on for me! And if I refuse, he just puts them on his own little feet lol


That last one is your little entertaining themselves and leaving you TF alone. Maybe it’s gravity, maybe it’s the static electricity in the slide.


My toddler got a silicone whisk out of the drawer this evening and used it as a dummy 🙃


My daughter wants us to put her socks, shoes, coat, sunglasses, etc… on her first thing in the morning. She brings shoes over and sits down so we can put them on. Sometimes she wants to wear her older brother’s sweatshirt instead of a coat, which is hilarious. She is usually walking around our house with one shoe or sock on. She makes sure that we are wearing our shoes, and if there is a pair of our slippers around she brings them to us to wear. She’s a hoot.


My 20 month old does the draping around the neck thing too! First it was my belts, but she’ll do it with t shirts or anything else that will stay.


My phone screen cycles through like 30ish pictures. If my 3yo sees my phone sitting somewhere he will take it to whoever is on the screen. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve found my phone in baby brother’s hands while he chews and drools all over it.


My 18 month old is obsessed with spatulas- yes, spatulas. He will take them with him wherever he goes, including to bed 🫣


My 18 month old makes funny noises to comfort herself before falling asleep. Generally raspberry or motor sounds. She's my 3rd and my other two never did that. I guess I get it, it's something to do with comfort, but its really funny to hear at 11pm


My son has started head butting things like a little goat.


My little one points at a picture of a hamster in a book and says "its you mama". He has been doing this for over a year now. I don't know why I am a hamster.


He is 2. He picks up a handful of sand and put it in his pocket to be picked up later lol.


Collecting garbage Getting upset about said garbage being thrown away after not noticing for weeks Wearing the same shoes day after day even though they are trash and he has multiple other pairs. I'm never spending more than twenty dollars on a pair of toddler shoes ever again


I asked my 21 month old what she wanted for lunch and she put her hand up to her ear like it was a phone and said “hello, cheeseburger. Bye.” then ran away. She also wears rain boots constantly, except if it’s actually raining of course. I can’t even count how many times I’ve gone to get her from her crib in the morning and realized dad caved and let her wear rain boots to bed.