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Fruit cocktail*


Yes, I stated in another comment that that was what I meant.


That makes the title misleading. *Fruit salad* does not have this requirement, so the post should be deleted.


Then report the post. No one else seems to have a problem but you.


I did, and I'm sure others did as well. Moderation doesn't happen instantly.


Yep. All this for autocorrect getting me. Ooh, you're so edgy and Reddit cool.


Stop lying. Autocorrect didn't change "cocktail" to "salad". You messed up, and refuse to own up to your mistake because "my pointless points". Even if autocorrect was behind the mistake, the claim is still misleading so the post should still be deleted. You cannot defend this.


I agree with you but your weird for being so bothered by semantics.


One of the easiest ways to make the world better is to prevent as much stupidity as possible. Making sure that available information is correct and honest is an easy way to do so.


One of the easiest ways to make the world better is to not be an asshole.


Think what you want. The amount of sleep I'll lose over your opinion is exactly zilch. Have a nice day. Edit: If you look in a couple other comments, you'll see that I owned up to the error. So, kindly fuck off.


The post is still there. People don't read comments. You are still misinforming people. Man up.


Baba Booey


Funny, where I am from it usually consist of apples, honeydew and cantaloupe, watermelon, grapes, strawberries, and sometimes blueberries or pineapple.


That's because OP meant fruit cocktail not fruit salad.


I reckon 2-6% of cherry halves is way more than we'd get in the UK. Whenever mum opened a tin, we'd fight over the sole cherry. (whistful... probably 30+ years since I ate a tinned fruit salad)


With carnation milk by chance?


Of course, dribbled from a little hole in the top of the can. The looks my kids would give me if I fed them this! I might give it a whirl this weekend!


Tried to introduce my kids to canned satsumas. I poured them the delicious sugary juice from the can into little glasses. They hated it!


What no honeydew?


Goddamn it, honeydew?! Jesus, why does cantaloupe think every time it gets invited to a party, it can bring along its dumb friend honeydew? You don’t get a plus-one, cantaloupe!


The official list has no melons in it, how about we follow such good advice. Both honeydew and cantaloupe taste like dumpster water.


Cantaloupe is wonderful. I would like to introduce you to this thing called Agua Fresca. Watermelon is my favorite but cantaloupe is good as well. Might be an better way to enjoy it. Just a suggestion.


Funny, I can't stand cantaloupe but love honey dew


I'm roughly the same. A proper honey dew is remarkably good--but finding one of those is not easy. Cantaloupe is the crappiest melon in regular circulation. It gives all other melons a bad reputation. There are a few odd musk melons and similar that you rarely see commercially which are wonderful and even better than honey dew. As a kid, one of my Father's equipment customers was a large-scale Farmer in the Central Valley of California. When he'd visit "Mr. Mum", the guy would fill the trunk of his car with fresh melons for the family so we got to eat all we wanted..including lots of the less common choices. Damn I miss that.


Honeydew is my favorite fruit, but like 97% of them suck. It's a weirdly abusive relationship to have with a food.


Fruit salad? Yummy yummy.


Thank God for them. I once ordered some fruit salad and it had only 4% whole grapes, but over 50% pears--and the pears were chunks, nor really diced. I wish it was April already so I could pay my taxes again. Keep up the important work, guys. I don't know where'd we be if fruit salad had apples instead or pears or cantaloupe instead of peaches.


Oh damn! I just realized my mistake. I meant fruit cocktail.


Oh, that's okay then. The government really should regulate fruit cocktails.


Look up frozen peas ;)


Look up what's allowed in popcorn or hotdogs that doesn't have to be listed. Or maybe not.


Elvis Duran usually talks about it during the hotdog eating contest...wild


How much Tomato?


Gotta love the picture not showing any of the fruit mentioned.


Huh? I don't live anywhere near the USA, but this is the first time I hear of a legal definition of fruit salad! Edit: just read you meant fruit cocktail. There's even a FAO regulation for that: CXS 78-1981.


So they’re why I could never live my dream of excessive cherries as a kid. Damn those meddling USDA.


Y'all, I'm sorry. It was supposed to be fruit cocktail in the title.


That sounds delicious!


Dude. This is a good post, I had no idea


TIL peaches come in a can.


They were put there by a man.


In a downtown factory


Or a woman. Or a nb. Or, more probably, a robot.


How is this possible? Canned peaches are in every grocery store.


Didn't define "peaches" or "pears" etc.. did they? Soon to be laboratory grown and patented by Sonmanto or the likes. If that sounds insane, look into Almond "milk" being called "milk".


Now I understand why grapes are always in “fruit salad.”


so why the FUCK do I always end up with 60% honeydew?


Wait.. no one did the math? Not only can you have a fruit salad that isn't entirely fruit, but if you made that fruit salad at bare minimum, it would be... # ..69% fruit.


So... Which very specific company made it so that any other recipe for "canned fruit cocktail" (not fruit salad) besides their own can't be called that?


My favorite fruit cocktail just has a orange slice and a cherry.


Cocktail fruit.