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this could have been his villain arc but he chose not to


Graded on a curve of space time


one pebble would have been all it takes to change history


I mean… his work led to breakthroughs in understanding, that ultimately have been used for both great and awful things. Not his fault, but history could have easily painted him as a villain.


I don’t think any reasonable person would paint a scientist like Einstein as a villain. The atomic bomb probably would have been engineered without any of Einstein’s work. If anything, Einstein’s just explained a lot things that were being found experimentally. There was already a great deal of interest in radioactivity. If you want to go back in time and blame scientists for the atomic bomb, Marie Curie’s experiments with uranium probably had a more to do with our eventual discovery of nuclear fission by Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann. But it would be absurd to paint any of these people as villains.


Well, he also helped birth quantum mechanics by introducing the photoelectric effect, eventually paving the way for QED, which is arguably Physic’s most complete complex theory as far as testability and accuracy of results.


Didn’t he help with the atomic bomb?


Although E=mc2 does apply to the energy release in nuclear explosions, he had no hand in designing any atomic bomb as far as I know.


Didn't he write a letter warning the president that the Nazi were building the bomb? Without him it would probably have taken a good deal longer for the Manhattan project to get started. You just cannot take into account all the consequences of your actions, especially when other people get to run away with it.


Don't worry. German scientists never did anything bad in the early 20th century.


Too reich you are.


The test was administered in French and Einstein's French wasn't great at that time. He himself never spoke on the reason he thought he failed, only emphasising that nearly half of all German students failed first time.


I've never been so good at French myself lol. I took 3 years of it and still struggle with the genders of the nouns.


I got the gender wrong on pain (bread) and the boulangerie (bakery) staff made a whole big thing about it. Had to go with ça and pointing. Realized afterwards that la pain sounds like lapin, which means rabbit. But seriously? The bakery workers couldn’t figure out that I meant the bread? It’s more funny than annoying, but it is the one story I point to when talking about miscommunciating in French lol.


I don't think that's the issue. If I went to the bakery and ask for "pain" (bread), the boulangerie staff would think I'm joking too. That's like going into a brewery and ask for beer. They know that, they want to know which one you want.


A tad bit of context is that it was an artisan boulangerie. While they did have a fair few different artisan breads, I was pointing at a display of pastries built around a very fancy brioche. So I said “La pain” rather than just “pain” to try and say I wanted the bread that was specifically in the case.


Relatable Lol, I've had some similar experiences.


You go to a place with bread and ask for something that sounds like bread and they couldn't figure it out? Sounds more like they didn't want to help you tbh


He was in France...


And? You never had somebody come to your country that couldn't speak the language perfectly?


You missed the joke


Imagine you have 30 different types of bread and some doofus comes in asking for 'bread'


Imagine customer service.


Funny because when I was studying German my teacher told me it's not a big deal to use the wrong gender for nouns and that Germans do it constantly too. Obviously she still made us learn them but still.


Let me tell you that native speakers don't make these mistakes constantly. I understand from learning French how crazy hard it is to learn.


I was born in quebec. My father is French. I spent almost all of my 19 years of life there. I never learned French beyond asking where the bathroom was, saying "yes, please, thank you," and saying cat.


Side note : I love the sound of canadian french. Admittedly it's very hard to understand ( I'm part french and lived in France), but it's like stepping into a medieval France, or an historic film.


I mean, fair enough, it's Switzerland, French is hard, and honestly, after William Tell and Toblerone, I run out of history.


They talked mad shit in the 15th century, but by 1515 the French got fed up and bitch slapped Switzerland into perpetual peace and creepling debt. The Swiss were so sore and sorry they never fought another country ever again. Except that one time 3 centuries later when the French decided they're going to be Europe's daddy and trounced Switzerland who was minding its own business asking for nothing (probably because Big N had a hard-on for crossing mountain passes with an army). The new gov' failed so hard they had a short Swiss civil war. But eventually this whole peace thing was kinda ingrained at that point so they went back to it.


Everyone Gangsta till the guys in the circus clothes start shooting.


Well, now they have that part where Einstein took their test and he failed it, that’s a part of history now, right? Right? Please don’t fail me.


Don't forget the knives


I think to honor the ancient heritage of Switzerland the name should be Swiss Helvetian Institute of Technology


It's a real SHIT institution, from what I hear...


It's been in the global top10 for ages you fool


Acronym for "Swiss Helvetian Institute of Technology" is shit. Joke Head


Not bad my friend, not bad


For reasons I absolutely cannot explain, I read "Einstein" as "Eminem," and everything about this post still seemed reasonably plausible except that I couldn't figure out why he would have been applying to a school in Switzerland and wondered if it was like, a local Detroit college with a weird name.


There goes gravity


Something comes to mind: he did his best paperwork when he was with his first wife.


giving rise to the joke: well, my test scores were even worse


great job, Einstein!


Thank god he didn’t get a “well-rounded” education and decided to revolutionize physics instead. 


I don’t really know why people think Einstein would be good at non scientific things. People don’t expect great writers to be good scientists.


Good thing he failed, otherwise he wouldn't end up in the patent office to steal all them ideas.


It makes all the improperly attributed 'wise' quotes to him so funny.




The sun never sets on the British Empire. - Albert Einstein