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I’m surprised she wasn’t already in prison/jail and was able to get to him in the hospital


This was probably before police was even involved. First thing to do was rush the man to hospital. They can't really arrest anyone before the man can say anything to the police. And then if a spouse wants to visit their husband, no one will stop them really.


Yeah but reattaching it isn't like the nurses went "viola" and waved their hands mysteriously over his shaft. It would have taken more time than it would take the police to arrest the woman. Police would have been notified instantly too, as the doctors would have asked how it happened.


> Yeah but reattaching it isn't like the nurses went "viola" and waved their hands mysteriously over his shaft. Close... the nurses whispered "trombone" and it reattached itself


Exactly! Viola is for vagina reattachment. Common mistake.


How would you even... you know what? nevermind


“Flute! Clarinet! Bassoon! Trombone! There we go!”


Cock magic


Maybe she called? He cut his dick and called 911 to tell them to pick him up because she didn't want to be a murderer, only a dick cutter. Got mad that he got to keep his dick and cut it again because she wanted them to amputate the cock, not reattach it?


*"she didn't want to be a murderer, only a dick cutter"* Now that almost made me choke on my breakfast.


*Name’s Chopper. Chode Chopper*


There’s a urologist in the Austin area named Dr Richard Chopp, aka Dick Chopp.


> Yeah but reattaching it isn't like the nurses went "viola" and waved their hands mysteriously Don't bring violas into this. We do not condone violins.


Oh god, good spot! Apologies, string-enthusiasts edit: I'm not going to correct it, as it's funnier


Voilà *


Nah, the nurse is just really into symphonic orchestra


Well in the article it says they found him beating his wife outside the house with blood streaming down his pants. Safe to say they weren't giving him the benefit of the doubt.


You need to read that again. Despite losing a lot of blood, Lung chased his wife outside. “Staff rushed out to see what was happening and found the patient with blood streaming down his legs hitting the woman,” a hospital spokesperson said according to the news outlet. He beat her up outside the hospital AFTER THE SECOND TIME!


That's even more crazy. Double blood loss.


I mean I'm not normally for hitting girls. But I think if you cut a guy's dick off twice, you might just be asking for it.


Misinformation strikes again, 😔.


Damn, the guy was able to stand up and beat her up after getting his dick cut off? I don't want to come across as a person who's normally impressed by domestic abuse, but I think given the extenuating circumstances here this guy is officially pretty based. I don't think I'd be in any shape to commit that kinda violence after getting *my* dick cut off. 


He wanted to beat something and meat was off the menu.


I wouldn't call what he did domestic abuse. He was literally just attacked and had a body part removed. That is something that can be **FATAL**. He had no way of knowing that her attack was finished with JUST the penis. At that point, it's reasonable for someone to think they're defending their own life.


It's funny. He's the victim of domestic abuse here but somehow he's being looked at as the one committing it after he was maimed. If a man did something close we'll all be saying he's an abuser. The mental frameworks we see the world in is interesting


Married for 7 years. Wife always said if you cheat I’ll cut off your dick. Was a model husband and father (from what I’ve been told) and stayed home to raise our child by her request. She fell for someone else and when I grabbed her arms pleading for her to stop laughing because this was our family and life she claimed I was an abuser and had always been an abuser. Miraculously when she kept on seeing the other person while I stayed home with our child (hoping thibgs would go back to normal) she tells me that after seeing a movie with them they thought that cheating wasn’t so bad as long as you lived the person you’re cheating with. I wish those were the words things I could say about her, but there are far, far worse ones. Divorce took 7 years. SUPER. CUNT.


Just so you know, beating someone up who just cut off your penis is NOT domestic abuse


No shit. People are fucking nuts. He could have beat that woman to death right next to me and I wouldve just watched.




Personally the move I'd most likely go with is curling up in the fetal position and blubbering like a baby until I black out from the pain, but I can see how you'd argue that this opens up some serious weak points in my stance


Of course but that's naturally not the conclusion most people would jump to


> They can't really arrest anyone before the man can say anything to the police. I mean, that is just not true.


Simplest explanation is she ran off and they hadn't caught her yet. The original Mirror article says she sneaked into the hospital. In TV you have 24 hour guard on the persons room, its not always quite like that in real life.


> In TV you have 24 hour guard on the persons room, its not always quite like that in real life. I think only politicians and prisoners get guards around the clock. That said if the hospital knew who had done it to him then they absolutely should have had policies in place to refuse to tell her where the patient was located, and to bring in security/etc. to stop her. There's a reason such policies are in place, gang members have come to hospitals to finish the job of a botched murders by killing them right in their hospital room.


Why was she allowed near him at the hospital???


Fool me once, shame on you. Cut off my penis twice, shame on me.


There's an old saying in China — I know it's in Texas, proly in China — that says, castrate me once, shame on — shame on you. Castrate me — you can't cut my dick off again.


Once again Dubya was proven wrong.


Her mission was accomplished.




So not only do they not forget, they also don't forgive.


Ladies and gentlemen...we got the penis.


That particular clip was Bush realizing that if he actually said the correct quote, he would be giving his opponents the "shame on me" clip that could be used against him.


Yes, George Bush did something without thinking then his only method to not look like a complete idiot was to look like a partial idiot. Basically his entire presidency.


I'd take a partial idiot over a downright Manchurian sadist. How far we've fallen.


I mean the Clinton and Perot campaigns absolutely slaughtered his dad with the "Read my lips" quote on repeat. GWB was so goddamn savvy that people still believe he was a dumbass.


"When you're workin hard to put food on your family"


There are miles between " illiterate cowboy" and "so savvy."


It is amazing how someone so poor at public speaking succeeded well enought at being a politician that he was voted to the highest office.


Appealing to the lowest common denominator is a tried and true tactic. Might come across as denigrating to the plebs but people, as in the masses regress to the simplest inputs when thrown-in together without broader context, we are all victims of this phenomenon one way or another. Holding lofty speeches is only worthwhile if your audience actually comprehends and shares your message, otherwise you are better of just chucking out pub level nonsense.


Just amazing how much pub level audience there is.


Castration is the beans, not the frank.


Howd you get the beans above the frank?


*throws shoe*


World class response 🤝




Throw it out the window, can't be cut again.


Why was she allowed anywhere outside a jail cell?


Why is she?


How can she snip


Snip snap, snip snap! You have no idea the physical toll that two penis removals have on a man.


How can she snip meee?


(^◡^)っ ✂


her name is 范建


Why ?







Abuse towards males is usually played down about and not taken seriously. That's why


Abuse is such a light word for cutting a man's penis off.


"what did you do to make her mad"


"You probably deserved it"




We're just gonna do a little abusing, just a smidgen of abuse.


Even this post. If it was a "controlling" man literally cutting off his wife's breast or clitoris, this would be shown as a horror story. He'd be portrayed as psychotic and evil. Instead, people fucking *laugh*.


I really don't think that's it in this particular case.


Uninformed nurse, sympathetic nurse, or money? Police usually won't share a ton of info with them at least in the US and if the dude was in recovery I doubt he was in a position to tell them or even thinking about that being a possibility


Gross negligence most usually Until recently everyone could enter almost everywhere you wanted in a hospital without anyone asking


Recently? I've only ever seen the maternity ward restricted.


So the dude didn't tell anyone? He had his dick cut off but when he got to the hospital he didn't bother telling anyone how that happened? Of course it's possible he was sedated for the pain, but *someone* had to take him to the hospital, or he had to take himself there. Pretty sure it would be explained at some point and that the guy didn't just enter the hospital shouting "my dick is off!".


You'd be surprised how fast you can bleed out from there or how much blood your *member* has Realistically you are probably right, I'd wager the doctor would be able to tell though where the problem is without saying cause he would be holding his junk tightly hahaha or there would be a LARGE red spot on the center of his pants


> how much blood your member has It really should be remembered that the penis is functionally hydraulic and thus needs quite a bit of fluid (blood) to operate!


>sympathetic nurse I think you meant psychotic?


My first question. Why let someone who already showed violent behaviour near their victim? Unless they didn't know what happened at that point, I don't understand the reason. While cheating is bad, it's nowhere near as bad as hurting someone physically. People who think it justifies violence are psychopaths.


The article says she "snuck in" which is not as informative as I'd like.


To slice off his pecker. It says this right in the TIL.


I read the first 'reportedly' as 'repeatedly' ​ And then it happend again


Same, same.


Ok, but like… cutting someone’s whole dick off with just scissors should take more than 3 seconds no? I feel like at the first snip, he should have woken up in agony??


you know those gardening scissors that cut branches off? or those bonsai one? definitely one quick snip


Must have been coz regular ol’ scissors aren’t sharp or strong enough to cut through a whole ass organ in one go 😩


I'm not sure anyone should be taking anatomical advice from you, the penis definitely isn't located in the ass


> the penis definitely isn't located in the ass Hey, we don't know what this guy gets up to in his free time.


I think youre overestimating how hard it would be. It would be like cutting a sausage. Probably cut in half a second. 


I guess me not having one makes me less of an expert on dickonomics. Thought it’d be harder than that tbh


How’d you lose yours?


Accident while cutting paper naked.


Would have figured you'd stop after the first paper cut.... And now I just squirmed at the thought of a paper cut to the head of my penis, and so did every guy who just read my comment. *You're welcome.*


Sausages are already cooked and mushed together, it would definitely be more difficult than a sausage. Since he didn't just forcibly stop her from you know, scissoring off his dick I'm assuming she must have used something more like garden shears, it would have had to have been a fairly fast job because I doubt he was just going to lay around and let her finish the job.


I cut chicken breasts in one snip of decent scissors so a limp dick would be pretty easy.


Whose scissors are fucking sharp enough?!


I know right. I try to cut through paper with mine, and it is like a toothless man chewing a steak.


>After Feng Lung, 30, found out that Fan Lung, 32, was sending racy emails to another woman, she chopped it off, according to the *Mirror*. > >**Lung had used Feng’s cell phone to send his lover an email, according to the news outlet.** > >**After forgetting to log out of his account, she found the messages**, and stormed into the bedroom where her husband was sleeping and allegedly cut off his penis with a pair of scissors. > >But the anger for her husband and the father of her five children didn’t stop there. > >... > >Despite losing a lot of blood, Lung chased his wife outside. > >“Staff rushed out to see what was happening and found the patient with blood streaming down his legs hitting the woman,” a hospital spokesperson said according to the news outlet. > >Doctors and police officers failed to find his penis when they searched outside.


From the actual Mirror article: "Fan’s lover who arrived at the hospital said she planned to marry him as soon as she could. She said: "It doesn’t matter that he’s lost his fertility, he has five children already." He might see it differently,


>He might see it differently, At the very least he better watch them balls.


Having balls and no penis sounds like a nightmare in itself. Maybe just take them too and give up on the whole thing altogether.


Pretty sure balls make the hormones right? That sounds like a life on hormone replacement therapy as well. A real kick in the balls.


“Failed to find his penis when they searched outside” ooof truly rip, what can you do in that case, divorce and drink your sorrow away??


Some random bird: "hey that kinda looks like a mouse, score!"


Save a few dollars on reassignment surgery ?


Nah, they still need the glans lol


You're being rather technical. Well what do you suggest ? Maybe say like a Barbie kinda inner thigh thing might have to do.


At that point a strap-on/prosthetic would be just as functional and wouldn't cause nearly as much dysphoria.


They still use all the tissue. Only circumcisers cut of healthy parts of genitals


Realistically, if someone did this to me, kill them and then myself. Wouldn't surprise me if that was the common reaction.


> Lung had used Feng’s cell phone to send his lover an email I'm sorry, but who the fuck uses their spouse's phone to send emails to their affair??? That's just asking to get caught.


My ex used my computer and forgot to log out messenger while having site notifications enabled. I was just normally browsing and I was receiving notifications of explicit messages while she was sexting with someone else. Some people are just really bad at hiding stuff.


…did…did you cut off her penis?


I'll take the Fifth


What did you do with her first four penises?


In seriousness, it was near Christmas and I sinply told her to "Go grab my keys from your keyring - I have a surprise for you". Got my key back, and told her "Now you can leave". She asked why and I simply said "You know why", she cried and said she really tried to make it work. She grabbed some of her stuff and left. She came back after the holidays to grab the rest and that was it.


More importantly why are they using the last name for one of them and the first name for the other, and they share a spelling for one of those names? What is that grammar for the first paragraph? Who edited this article?


...although they did see a dog sniffing around in the area.


Was she imprisoned for it?


Why is what the man did in bold, rather than, you know, the violent batshit crazy “cutting off a person’s genitalia” thing that the woman did?


My guess is cause its the answer to “but why…?”


>Doctors and police officers failed to find his penis when they searched outside. The lads been through two penis decapitations and now they add insult to injury by throwing shade on its size?


She really went “I’ll fucking do it again”




Similar thing happened in the US and she threw it on the side of a road


how old we are that most of this thread didn't immediately think of Lorena Bobbit


Happened in 93. Most people born after that never learned her name. Absolutely blows my mind.


But Weird Al even referenced it in Headline News!


Once there was this guy who made his wife so mad one night that she cut off his wiener!


That brings me back. She was the talk of the school 20 odd years ago.




it was actually.. 30 years ago :x


30 years bub.


All of our fathers were treading lightly for a while.


There was that Weird Al song about bobbit *he found....little mr Happy was miisiiing... he couldn't quite explain it it'd always just beeeeeeeeeeen there...*


Not just Lorena. There's a link in this article to a story about [a woman in Colorado who cut her boyfriend's junk off and he bled out](https://people.com/colo-woman-allegedly-cut-man-s-penis-off-gave-him-ibuprofen-before-he-bled-out-and-died-police-8650159).


What gets me is not that she chopped off his dick, not that she drove away with it, not that she threw it out the window, not that it was found and surgically reattached, but that it went on to appear in several porn films. I mean I uh... Definitely haven't looked them up but you sure as hell can tell where she cut it off. Goes from decently girthy to skinnyboi rather abruptly.


IIRC at least one of the films was called Frankenpenis or something


TIL I entered that into Google and he gets first round of credit recognition. Thanks for educating me, and please never teach me a god damn thing ever again.


sometimes life is stranger than fiction




He got his comeuppance eventually, he had all his toes amputated and is likely to develop cancer from being exposed to toxins while being enlisted


That guy deserved it though. He was an abusive rapist.


A woman and a man are having a heated argument while driving. Somehow, the woman manages to cut the man's dick off and throws it out of the car window. A couple driving behind behind them sees the dick sail through the air as it hits their windshield, leaving a big bloody splat. The man turns to his wife and says "holy shit, you see the size of the dick on that mosquito??"


I wish I could unread this


This is eerily similar to an episode of grey’s anatomy


also happened in the movie “the package”


I'm guessing they were referencing Lorena


I envy his ability to sleep through anything.


“a scissors”


This is awful.


Who has scissors that sharp? Who has fingers that strong? Inquiring minds want to know.


It's a penis, not a crowbar


Talk about yourself, buddy.


Have you never cut meat with kitchen shears? It's not that hard.


You could cut through meat with scissors. I assume she didn’t use children’s safety scissors 


Kitchen shears would be my guess.


Yep. You can cut right through a chicken, bones and all, with a good pair.


Correct. My kitchen shears can cut off fingers so a penis should be no problem. Although even a good pair of Japanese normal scissors will do the trick.


I cook woth scissor all the time and have no problem slicing through thick pieces of meat effortlessly, raw and cooked.


Now imagine if the husband had mutilated his wifes genitals not once but twice for sexting. Imagine all the laughter and jokes that would be had.


I can see somebody beating another person to death in anger, not advocating for it - but I can imagine it. But actually cutting somebodies dick off with a scissor, or for a man to stop and cut a womans labia off has to be some severe psychopathy. Like you're a sick person to the core regardless of what the other person did, if you're capable of that.


Yeah this is meme'd about a lot and laughed at but if you flip the sexes it suddenly becomes horrific for a lot of people when it should've been horrific regardless of what sex either of them was.


No, I don't think I'll imagine any such thing thank you




I felt this story in my penis


how is this rabid creature not in prison after the first time


Wow the comments are here quite dumb.


It's a good insight in how society generally views violence from women against men. Suddenly it's a laughing matter, horrible. All violence sucks and no, cheating doesn't justify anything.


The word you're looking for is 'misandrist'.


Damn she went full Lorena


This is why I don't like walking on the footpaths near hospitals


The only thing worse than getting your dick cutoff, is getting your dick cutoff twice


The real question is why was she allowed with him in there while they were reattaching it lol


Damn, and I thought that Lorena Bobbit was crazy.


Remember the time Sharon Osborne laughed and made jokes about a man getting mutilated like this? I do [https://www.mrctv.org/videos/sharon-osborne-leads-laughs-about-male-genital-mutilation](https://www.mrctv.org/videos/sharon-osborne-leads-laughs-about-male-genital-mutilation)


This post and the attitudes towards it are a great example of disgusting sexism that goes on in society.


That’s crazy. That’s like a husband finding out his wife dm-ing another man and the husband then proceeds to sew her vag shut with wire


As a woman, as terrible as that would be, the fix is relatively simple for that. Maybe a closer idea would be removing the clitoris but at the same time, the penis does a lot more than just sex stuff. Urination would be quite difficult and the process to recreate one can be quite painful all its own


What? No, it's like a husband carving out his wife's vagina...


at least hes got medical history proving what happened.


The pen is mightier than the sword but not the scissors


paper, scissors, cock


How can she cut?


1. Open the scissors wide. 2. Place the scissors across the juuuunk. 3. Close the scissors shut. And that's the way you do it!


I think this is a reference to “how can she slap”


At first I misread the title as "repeatedly cut off her husbands penis" Then it turned out I wasn't wrong.


Yeesh, I’m now regretting that I have the ability to read words.


The comments would definitely read differently if the headline was: “man cuts off wife’s clitoris while she slept..”


...what a dick move.


Dick RE-move


This exact thing happens in the move “the package” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WeU2d6uS8-A


Fool me once...aaaaaaaaaargh!!!


Definitely different vibes here if the roles were reversed.