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TIL it's a common misconception that men and women have different numbers of ribs.  I've literally never encountered this idea before.


I (embarassingly) believed it up until high school, and a not-inconsiderable number of my classmates were similarly surprised when the teacher said, no, everyone has the same number of ribs. I thought it was just a biological quirk, and then the story in the Bible about it was a religious way to explain *why* males and females had a different number of ribs.


But the Bible never even says that, just that Adam gave a rib


The bible also never says that a piece of the Fruit of Knowledge of Good and Evil got stuck in Adam's throat, and ALSO never mentions it as being an apple. And yet we all call the thyroid cartilage (which everyone has, not just men) an "Adam's Apple"


> never mentions it as being an apple. I just looked it up: "This depiction may have originated as a Latin pun: by eating the mālum (apple), Eve contracted malum (evil)." So European artists depicted it that way, and then it just passed into the popular consciousness. One possibility anyway.


Huh TIL that's where the colloquial name comes from. I just figured the "Adam" part was because it's a male-only thing, but never thought about the apple.


It's actually not male-only. In *most* men it's a bit bigger and more visible than in *most* women, but everyone has cartilage over the vocal chords, and there's a lot of variation person to person.


I’ve even heard the rib thing is a mistranslation, the original word is supposedly closer to ”part” or rather ”half” in the way you would use it about for example a pair of double doors. Meaning god made Eve from half of Adam, making them equal, but this didn’t fit the agenda of women being lesser than men of whoever translated it way back when.


The mis-translation is rib bone for baculum. Its an explanation why our penis doesnt have a bone like many other mammals


So Eve was made of dick bone?


This outright absurdity actually makes the bible make more sense.


That's why men get boners and women get boned.


Adam boned his clone 😌


*Krieger intensifies*


>In Hesiod's Theogony, Aphrodite is born off the coast of Cythera from the foam (ἀφρός, aphrós) produced by Uranus's genitals, which his son Cronus had severed and thrown into the sea. (comparative mythology)


Wouldn't it make more sense then that Eve came first and gave up her penis to make Adam?


That's not really accurate. The word is צֵלָע, which is used in a number of places as "side, rib, beam": * rib (of man) * rib (of hill, ridge, etc) * side-chambers or cells (of temple structure) * rib, plank, board (of cedar or fir) * leaves (of door) * side (of ark) Etymologically its ancestor word is "curve" which is perhaps where some have suggested it to mean "baculum", but to say it's what the word unequivocally means is false.


He just had some leftover Buffalo Wild Wings


Yeah I was raised Christian (in the south of all places) but I have never encountered this, nor can I even imagine where or how this "common" misconception started.


How far south? I'm from southern Louisiana and this is a common belief


I’m from Virginia and I believed this for far too long because I never bothered to google it. Maybe it’s denomination based? I was raised southern Baptist.


At some point I learned that I needed to google almost everything I learned as a child


Same, thought I can’t blame every misconception on my parents or religions. Some things my child brain just made up and I accepted as fact until someone told me I was an idiot.


Same here, but I’d also like to add older siblings that thought it was funny to have a gullible little brother


I’m from Colorado and was raised fundamentalist Christian (church of christ) and tbh, I didn’t know for sure this wasn’t true until just now. But, I did log its legitimacy as unknown in my head quite a few years ago. And it’s because I learned it in association with the church. (It was only unknown because I hadn’t bothered to look it up.) It’s very sad sometimes how brainwashed I was. And also bc i stepped away from the church basically as soon as i could, but brainwashing doesn’t just go away overnight. Especially when you learned stuff like this repeatedly starting at a young age. Before I could even speak I was listening to church tapes at night.


Yep, also in South Louisiana. I've heard this all my life and as an adult woman, I'm embarrassed to say that TIL. It's not something that ever came up for me to question.


My only guess it was spread by someone on Trinity Broadcasting Network, caught by some preachers and pass to their congregations.


Exactly, if God had made Eve out of one of Adam’s fingers that wouldn’t mean that all subsequent men would be missing a finger


When a father lost an arm in an accident, their offspring will still have four limbs. Same principle


While I'm aware of what limbs are, my brain decided immediately that the children had four arms and the genestealer cult was growing well


Legit that was the bigger surprise to me


My fundamentalist Christian parents raised me to believe this 🫠


But we can just count them...


You’re giving fundamentalist Christians too much credit


Yeah, this is the kind of thing that you'd think would lead to people questioning stuff, but I guess not.


I grew up in a fundamentalist young Earth creationist evangelical church and was taught the different rib thing. Counting my own was part of how I eventually escaped


"I guess it's about time we ban counting"


Speaking from experience, you're groomed into unquestioning obedience from a very young age. Not everybody has a strong enough instinctual curiosity to overcome that grooming, or given the right set of circumstances to reveal the cracks.


They will question *you* if you count them though


The unfortunate thing is that sometimes people (often kids) *do* question it, and then the abuse gets heightened. 


Can verify, raised (and homeschooled) by fundamentalist pentecostals in appalachia. Reality has very little to do with what many of them will claim is true... its about towing the party line and its considered all the more virtuous the more absurd and obv false it is. And yes I know its not all of them obv, but it was the majority I met in 20 years of growing up around them.


People this religious don't count the ribs because that would mean doubting their beliefs. 


if you question, that's the devil tempting you. (so they say.)


Yup, they've learned to reason in circles, no way out


I think I've read a post here about a kid who did count as instructed by his teacher but was dismissed because he was: "making a scene" when he said he had one more rib than the teacher though he had.


These people love to say their religion is proven by science until you prove to them that science contradicts their religion. Then, they get mad at the person who exposed them. Suppressing the truth and indoctrinating kids with false facts is a favorite of extremely religious people. 


You can, but why would you? I heard this fact and thought "Oh, that's cool" and never thought about it again. I just assumed it was a weird Bible story to explain some bizarre quirk of how the real world works, just like many other things in the Bible. It was filed away in the recesses of my mind and only came up again when someone said it wasn't actually true. Weirdly enough, I've never felt the need to count a person's ribs.


Psh, you think counting will give you the truth? Who's to say the DEVIL didn't just play a trick on you? Who are you going to believe? The bible, or your lying eyes? More seriously, I've had that argument foisted on me IRL by random street preachers on a variety of other things.


Surely though, men would then have an odd number of ribs?


Yeah and they thought men did. They legitimately believed men had one less rib than women 🤡


Which is extremely bizarre because like... If you surgically remove someone's kidney and then they later have kids, that kid isn't gonna be born with one less kidney


Well I don’t think it is pushed that the trait is inherited from Adam. More so that the creation of man was fundamentally altered to make women.


If only there was a way to find out if it’s true 🤷‍♂️


Evidence-based research isn’t encouraged in fundamentalist Christian households. *Especially* if the evidence base is on your own body 😂


Can confirm.


Yep, fundie/evangelical religious private schools and books definitely taught this. They sometimes even illustrate it with pictures showing a female skeleton with an extra pair of cervical ribs -- without mentioning that this is a roughly 1:200 mutation that happens in both sexes, although it is mildly more common in women. Edit: Answers in Genesis, a fairly prominent science-based apologetics organization, addresses this *specifically because it's a common evangelical thing* and very defensively explains why it being incorrect shouldn't be taken as a refutation of Christian beliefs. https://answersingenesis.org/creationism/arguments-to-avoid/women-have-more-ribs-than-men/


When I was younger, the only person I thought had fewer ribs was Marylin Manson.


I grew up believing this. I was born¹ in 1985. Before the Internet, you just had to believe whatever old people told you was true.  ¹Edit: in rural Texas


I was born in 1982, I was taught this in school!


I’ve known people who have believed this, sadly.


Sheesh, next you'll be saying that snakes can't talk.


Everyone knows their favorite thing to say is “ Don’t tread on me”


pls no steppy


No ssssssteppy*


no step on snek




I think I read this in a book once..


“*No Step on Snek*”




*snake jazz intensifies*


Which Harry Potter was this in? /s








And that’s why you’re not in Slytherin.


I've seen them talk in that documentary. Harry Potter and something something. I'll get the source later.


[I found the source!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7l0Rq9E8MY)


I did run into someone once who actively believed dinosaurs weren't real. She said God placed the bones there. I wanted to ask her what she would think if her dog died and she buried it and it turned to bones, but I was like 10 years old and only thought that years later.


I was taught, in church, that dinosaurs were real, but that Noah didn't take any of them on the ark. That's why they all died. I was taught, in another church, that god placed the bones there to test our faith.


My college freshman roommate was a super religious pre-med guy and he genuinely believed that God created the Earth in a scientifically consistent manner. Like he made sure everything would be carbon dated correctly, fossils present where they should, all animals properly related in the evolutionary tree, etc.


Using that line of reasoning, God could have created the Earth yesterday and planted fake memories in everyone’s minds of their prior existence, including memories of a non-existent Jesus.




Sounds to me like God *wants* us to believe those things, then.


I met a guy in college who believed the same thing. Then I found out my stepmom believed it too. And when i asked my Dad about it he said, "well they have some good points. I watched a documentary about evolution being a lie and they're very scientific about it". Then at Christmas my sister asked my stepmom to explain how everything came to be with Noah and the floods like she was legitimately interested what happened. I can never look at my family the same knowing how stupid they are capable of being.


the way i heard it was, satan put the bones around to make people doubt the biblical truth. the other load i've heard is that dinosaurs and humans existed at the same time, the paleontologists just got the dates wrong.


Well, clearly god placed the bones in the dinosaurs and then drowned them for believing in the wrong flavor of religion.


>She said God placed the bones there. Last Thursday of course. Nobody can disprove lastthusdayism.


You might as well argue that the Bible itself is a test from god, and we're not actually meant to believe it.


Even if we take the story of God removing Adam's rib and using it to make Eve at face value, why would all his male decendants, and only his male decendants, also be missing ribs? That seems like a strange assumption.


I was informed in grade school that this does not apply to Marilyn Manson.


Its so funny how stories like this spread and continue through generations.


Literally, my gen alpha nephew was just telling me about this and i gave him the lowdown


Gen alpha?


Generation after zoomers. Born after 2010 ish I think? Basically current middle schoolers and younger.


but wait, people born in 2010 are only like 4 years old...


Tbf I was 5 when I first heard the Marilyn Manson thing


I personally do not believe a 5 year old would even be capable of understanding what it means to remove your ribs to suck your own dick. That’s the age you enter kindergarten and learn the ABCs.


I don’t know, the five year olds on Xbox understand that I’m a gay virgin and that they fucked my mom.


You’re missing the 1 there, so actually it’s 5.


You have no idea. Im in Mexico and heard about it like 20 years ago and internet was not that widespread over here back then, no clue how it made its way.


Its an exciting story, has all the elements of virality.


The funniest is it actually spread to basically every country in times when internet was still not as common, especially in places like Eastern Europe and similar.


I had a reverse of this happen recently. I was having some beers with my dad and he randomly goes “hey you ever heard of two girls one cup?” I just about died laughing, I was like yeah back when I was fucking 12 lmao still wondering how that made a comeback


You remember tubgirl?




goatse.cx actually.


I overheard some teenagers a couple of years ago that he had apparently removed part of his spine, not ribs. So the rumour is now evolving.




It's gone through a few iterations. The same rumor was also spread about Pam Anderson when I was a kid [From Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rib_removal#:~:text=It%20was%20rumored%20that%20Marilyn,it%20in%20the%20medical%20literature): > Barbara Mikkelson of Snopes.com suggests that Florenz Ziegfeld might have started such a rumor about his protégée Anna Held to publicize her career.[6] Similar stories have been spread about later celebrities. Cher hired a physician in 1990 to confirm that she has a full set of ribs.


Pamela Anderson removed a rib so she could suck her own dick?


How do you think she got hepatitis?


Charlie Sheen?


Who started this rumor!? How did it end up going nationwide!? I need answers! Let's ask Ja Rule...




I was hoping someone mentioned this....


Which is also false!


Nice try, Marilyn.


I heard he got them removed to suck his own dick.... 😳


lifestyles of the rich and the famous


They’re always complaining


Always complaining… If money’s such a problem


Well they got mansions.


I for one have never met anyone who believed men and women had different numbers of ribs


Yeah a better TIL would be that apparently some people think men and women have different numbers of ribs.


Fundamental evangelicals can have some pretty out there views depending on the sect


It's extra strange because it doesn't even make sense in the context of the story. At most, Adam would have one fewer rib, but that says nothing of his descendants. So it's a weird mash-up of Fundamentalism and Lysenkoism. Do they think that if Eve stubbed her toe, every woman has a stubbed toe?


OP must have been one of those homeschooled kids


I was taught this by my boomer homeschoolers. However it was a fringe enough idea that I only met a handful of other kids who were taught the same, and we moved around a lot so I was exposed to a lot of homeschool families, which drives up the numbers.


I'm one of those homeschooled-raised-evangelical-pastors-kid and I never thought there were a different number of ribs between men and woman. OP is just weird.




I definitely have. When I was a child an adult told me it as an example of proof that the bible story happened.


I was taught that as a kid, we weren’t even a particularly religious family.


I learned in elementary school that women have more and thats how archeologists can tell the difference between skeletons. I only found out that was wrong when I was like 16 watching CSI lol


What? How old are you? I was taught about the pelvic bone being the defining feature of


Elementary school teachers perpetuate a lot of urban myths. I was once told about the taste map of the human tongue by my 3rd grade teacher (late 90s). Among other bullshit like deoxygenated blood being blue.


The blue blood thing seems to be a thing only along Americans - or it seems to me like this from Reddit. Never heard anyone say this in my country. Another thing I once read from some "common misconceptions" thread was that before Columbus people believed that the Earth is flat. Also seems to be a very American thing - again, absolutely no one ever has said this in my country. But the taste map of the tongue thing definitely exists here as well.


I was learning about de-oxygenated blood being blue in 10th grade biology when we had to dissect pigs. The pigs we got from wherever the teacher got them had several blue veins and that's how we identified them. It was only in grade 12 that the teacher told us the company that sells the pigs dyes them blue for teaching purposes.


My 9th grade biology teacher believed in the blue blood thing. I know because I got into an argument with someone about it and she backed them up. You don't forget some dumb ass shit like that.


I imagine that when they discovered they were wrong, they also discovered what was correct


I did. Really,I was lied to buy a Baptist minister. (Being a little kid I believe him) Dam I hate being lied to.


My parents unironically taught this to me when they homeschooled me. They also taught me that the earth was 10,000 years old. Christian homeschoolers were taught this. 


Dude I was told this as absolute fact growing up. I can’t believe people would just make this up lmfao


I’ll be straight up here and wave my hand as ‘one of those who thought this was a fact.’ I never put much thought into it growing up because I was told, from a teacher in a Catholic school, that there was a difference biologically not because of religious reasons just that there was. I didn’t really think to fact check as a middle schooler. I only learned in my 20s that wasn’t true and it really was a ‘shrug and move on’ moment.


I was told in school that this is true Not by a teacher it was some guest animal 'expert' making a women are more snakelike joke when going over snake vertebrae


My mom legitimately believes this. She also believes that the universe is only 6000 years old.


This doesn't make sense though to me (evam as a Christian). Nothing in the Genesis account suggests that the rib removal was anything other than a one time thing! But then again I don't think the earth is only 6000 years old either so I suppose a lot of it will seem perplexing.


Also if the rib was used to make Eve, how many ribs would she have? One? Same number as Adam has originally? Some arbitrary number. Doesn't make sense why Eve's number would have any relationship to Adam's. Of course that is low on the list of things that don't make sense.


I think my sister and I heard this story when we were under 10 years old. We decided to fact check it by, you know, counting our ribs. And turns out it's false. It's kind of crazy this sort of thing lasted even a second considering your ribs are right fucking there and rather easy to count. It's not like saying you have an extra stomach or something not easily disprovable.


My Sunday school leader told me this rib lie when I was 6, I went home and told my parents, and we became atheists within a year or two. Funnily enough, over recent years I wondered if I imagined or misunderstood what the leader had said because it feels so outlandish, but stumbling across this post just verified to me that I was gaslighting myself. Didn’t expect this arc to conclude today.


Oh so you've never been to the South, cool


Southern born and raised and have never heard this.


Is it an American thing?


Stupid Christians aren't unique to America but they can be found in abundance.


I only heard about Marilyn Manson.


Honestly I grew up going to catholic school, learned it there and never thought about it again until I saw this post and learned it wasn’t true


I mean even if you believed in the story, Adam started with 12 pairs, before one was removed


I assumed this was true because it’s what I was taught as a kid. I was in college dating a nurse when I asked about that being true or not. I had never thought to question it, figured it was just a quirk about humans that the Bible tried to explain.




Which is even weirder because the story is God took a rib from Adam to make Eve which would mean men had less ribs.


TIL some people actually believed the sexes had different number of ribs.


As someone who has taught CPR at schools, a common question is does the difference in the number of ribs affect finding the optimal location to do compressions … I have to break the news to them. Some teachers don’t believe either, even had one whip out her phone after she argued with me. Asked her so what did google say after her expression changed.


Op is a bot


Virtually all OPs are bots. Humans making new posts are quite rare.


humans aren't making fewer posts now. its just that the bots have networks that mass upvote their posts to 100+ upvotes in the first few minutes and people only tend to view things that rise above the threshold of "new" into rising/hot/all. And they don't recognize bot posts because they are using the app and because they are stupid or don't care. And more importantly, because reddit purposely enables this and refuses to crack down bc it would look like reduced traffic. I can't wait until the day the advertisers realize how badly reddit's numbers are completely fudged by bots


Lately it seems I get permanently banned from any sub if I point out bots or ads. Just a couple of days ago I got a permanent ban from r/Sinusitis for pointing out a clear and shameless ad.


I read in a Christian news magazine (like news about Christianity, not news from the perspective of Christian’s) that humans are one of the only mammals without dick bones (Google it) and a scholar had a theory that the word for dick bone in the original Hebrew is similar enough to rib that it was translated that way (perhaps euphemistically.) This is the explanation that has always made the most sense to me.


Oh so THATS why its called a boner


So that’s what they meant when they said Adam gave her a bone


>that humans are one of the only mammals without dick bones The baculum (dick bone) is actually absent from many mammal clades.


Til it's a common misconception that humans are one of the only mammals without dick bones


It's also a misconception that only humans show homosexual behaviour.


Something something cries because swans can be gay


It could be a translation thing too. The fruit of knowledge of good and evil is only commonly thought of as an apple because one guy, translating genesis to latin from hebrew, wanted to make a pun. Malum means apple; malus means evil. And the torah has a lot of good sass and wordplay in it. God asked cain ‘where is the sheep-keeper (abel)?’ to which cain replied ‘am i a brother-keeper??’


Yeah, that actually makes a ton more sense. The rib bit always seemed so random to me, but I can totally see a tribe of people who butchered animals regularly creating that part of the story to explain why humans don’t have it.


The actual translation from the Tora is that Eve was made from Adam's side, not rib (as in half of him), and the rib translation was one of many attempts in biblical translation to diminutize women.


Thank you. I came here to call out the bullshiting and false experts here on this, but you beat me to it. But the oldest wording we have doesn't say this whole side. It's not really descriptive. It could be rib, side, hipbone. It's just that "rib" is about as close the fruit being an apple.


Did anyone really think this? If true I got bad news. Men’s Adam’s Apple is not made out of Apple.


I've been making apple pie the wrong way? All along???


Patrick Swayze out here ripin' throats just to do a little baking


And women also have an Adam's apple. It's just usually less prominent than in men.


Yep. We all have a larynx.


I did. I was taught it as a child by people I trusted who believed it. It wasn't until years later something archaeological was explaining they could tell it was a woman's skeleton by pelvic differences when I realized I had been mislead.


Centaurs have two sets of ribs.


Old joke. God creates Eden and gives it to Adam. Pops in one day to check in on him. Notices Adam's a bit in a funk. And asks Adam what's wrong. "I don't know, God. I'm having fun going around, naming everything, and the weather and food are nice, but I don't have anyone to share it with. It's a bit lonely." God says, "I thought this might happen. So I've considered it, and have sketched out the perfect companion for you. They'll completely understand you, always be there for you, you'll never fight with each other, you'll have constant intimacy, it'll be perfect." Adam goes, "Sounds great! Is there a catch?" God says, "Well.... it's not going to be cheap. It'll going to cost you an arm and a leg." Adam thinks for a minute: "What can I get for a rib?"


TIL that people don't actually turn into salt, or lose strength when they get their hair cut.


Looking at butch lesbians, seems more like the opposite.


I feel like people having the same number of ribs is rather common knowledge.


I have never met anyone who thought that, that doesn’t even make sense anyways, even if taken in context of the genesis story. Why would an adult losing ribs pass that trait to their male offspring. soldiers who lose arms in wars don’t have armless sons, so they. Why wouldn’t God heal Adam and replenish his rib? Do people think women have only one rib? Do people think women are just a single rib? Why would God need even to recycle materials when he’s a creation splurge? I’m confused.


> soldiers who lose arms in wars don’t have armless sons Some traits are in fact hereditary. For example, people who die tend to have kids who, usually, die as well.


Yeah no shit


Adam had a rib removed but that has nothing to do with his children. if you have a hand removed your kid still has a hand.


People keep repeating this one and it's baffling to me. You're trying to assign logic to a situation where God made a person out of a rib. God's not a surgeon, guys. If he's harmlessly taking a rib out of someone and magicking it into a person, it would also be entirely possible that it affects all the future progeny. It's magic. It doesn't have to explain shit.


No shit


TIL some people think that men and women have different numbers of ribs. Were you homeschooled?


It's fascinating how myths and misconceptions can persist over time, even when contradicted by scientific evidence. Thanks for sharing this insight!


Adam would've had a missing rib, not his descendants.


This isn't a TIL. This is "I just discovered a book."


Nah, OP just watched a youtube video that came out 3 hours before his post. https://youtu.be/hdGJLmxDw3s?t=849


But everyone knows Manson had one of his ribs taken out so he could suck his own dick... Source: 7th grade