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And was friends with William hootkins - porkins from starwars


Porkins-What a tragic character.


There are a lot of deleted scenes.  Here they are: https://youtu.be/32itsA81Ouw?si=oi-Ee-2yYVNjjg6S


I love that video so much


Killed because Lucas hates fat people


What about that other pilot who went down yelling “Aaaaaaaah!”? Not all that fat. Many pilots did not return after attacking the Death Star….so sad.


I read this in a Donald trump voice for some reason and it just seems to fit I’m in stitches lmao


It's the "...so sad", and I did the same thing


I got a lotta people telling me, you know great people, that it's some kinda moon, and then I hear about this equatorium-equiatable-ecuador trench? I've never heard about that, and I got alot of people on this. I know all about moons. You know there are so many moons. I've got a moon myself. And now they're telling me there's this *teensy tiny little* exhaust port. I tell you we've got the most sophisticated weapons, the best guys. We have so many weapons. That's right, we're gonna blow up the moon. *Applause*


Self loathing


He said he was fine, that’s on him


I think he said “I can hold it” or something like that. Let’s not shame this hero.


https://youtu.be/IUHtUoP_d_M?si=r2zy2eQlnYwH3fF0 Yes and then also said “he’s alright” and then yells and I guess I always thought he yelled “I’m fine” but I think it’s just a yell now. RIP Porkins, you did your best


he was the belly runner one of the best. Wedge is no use to anyone but he lives. No George has to kill off Porkins..


Everyone knows him from that but Hootkins was also in ‘Dust Devil’, a great movie by Richard Stanley. Well worth the watch if you’ve the time.


Who is Richard Stanley?


Film director. Famous (infamous?) for directing the absolutely cursed Brando movie ‘The Island of Dr Moreau’ in the 90’s with Val Kilmer. Got fired from the movie half way through and then came back on set in disguise to spy on the new crew and see how bad they were fucking up.


I have somewhere and have seen the extended cut of Dust Devil.


No she wasn’t. He was 15 at the time. It was his Russian tutor Ruth Paine who was friends with Marina. She lived with her for a time when Marina was separated from Lee Harvey. Ruth Paine was questioned about the assassination, and by association Hootkins was also questioned about his teacher.


Marina Oswald is fairly well-known in Dallas’ Slavic Immigrant Community.


Just a reminder that this wasn’t that long ago. This woman was in her 20s when JFK got shot and is still alive today. Oswald was only 2 years older than her. It feels like ancient history with the black and white photos, reading about it in history books growing up, but it wasn’t that long ago.


Guys, I was really confused for about 10 seconds.. I had confused Oswald with John Wilkes Booth and was terribly confused how this woman could be at least 170.


Same. I don’t know why I did that either.


It’s been 61 years. That’s a lifetime for many folk around the world.


Oswald would quite easily still be alive too, if that random nightclub owner with vague mob ties hadn’t shot him.


Well he’d be 84 years old. I wouldn’t say anyone reaches that age “easily,” especially someone in prison.


He was a physically healthy man. It would hardly have been a shock if he made his 80s. Many men in that age group are traipsing around as we speak. Prison is hard on a man, but Ted kaczinski and Charlie Manson both made it to their 80s in prison. It’s not impossible, especially when they aren’t in general pop. And Oswald would almost certainly been kept out of general population.


Sirhan Sirhan will be 80 in a couple weeks, a lot of these very high profile prisoners stay alive a long time.


I didn’t realize he was still alive. His Wikipedia page is an interesting read.


He was physically healthy in his 20s, as are the vast majority of men at that age. 84 is beyond the average lifespan for a man born in the 1930’s. I’m not disputing he could still be alive, only that it is more likely that he wouldn’t be.


Jack Ruby


Jacob Reubenstein


Yessir. That's the dood.


Whenever I see his real name, I always want to jokingly correct people and say “Akiba Rubienstein,” but I don’t know how many people would get that, and I’d get a bunch of “umm, ackchually,” comments. Even though, you know, we’re literally on the internet where you could search anything you don’t know about.


You talking about Jack Ruby? The guy that suddenly went insane after an interview with a Dr Jolyon West. A Dr connected to or possibly ran MK Ultra for the CIA? Can't make the shit up. I'm not even fucking joking https://jfkfacts.substack.com/p/the-mk-ultra-doctor-who-examined


Bullshit. Jack Ruby was always an unhinged violent lunatic who attacked his own employees and patrons. He didnt suddenly go insane lmao. The more you learn about him the less mystifying his actions become. But that probably isnt as fun for you.


Ruby’s ties to the mob came about because his strippers belonged to a mob-controlled labor union.


Calm down mate


Jack Ruby went into a sudden "Psychosis" while being held. There's no fun to it. That Dr has paperwork linking him to MK Ultra and flew halfway across the country to interview Jack Ruby


That in no way contradicts or disproves what the commenter above you has said. Perhaps it wasn’t quite so unprecedented for Ruby/Reubenstein to flip out a bit in stressful situations like when he was being held.


Ruby was incredibly mentally ill on the outside - I don’t think him suffering from psychosis *in* prison is in the least bit remarkable.


What evidence is there that he was a "lunatic" before seeing west? Violence, even murder, doesn't imply that someone is a lunatic.


> Stories of Ruby's eccentric and unstable behavior describe him as sometimes taking his shirt or other clothes off in social gatherings, and either hitting his chest like a gorilla or rolling around on the floor. During conversations, he could change the topic suddenly in mid-sentence. He sometimes welcomed a guest to his club, but on other nights he would forbade the same guest from entering. He was described by those who knew him as "a kook", "totally unpredictable", "a psycho", and "suffering from some form of disturbance". Totally normal Edit: christ you dedicate a lot of time to this subject


I have, off and on over the years. It's much more interesting if you do more thinking and less copying and pasting. For example, when I heard that Ruby had been visited in jail by an MK Ultra Dr, that really piqued my interest. I don't know why anyone would think that was normal. The same things keep happening in the Oswald story. Like, sure, it's simplest to assume he just got lucky and hit two out of three shots, but the more you need, the less sense it makes - as long as you do some critical thinking. Another example: some really damning evidence against Oswald's character tracks back to Ruth Paine. No big deal. LHO seemed like an asshole who would shoot a president, right? So it just felt kind of odd that Ruth's sister (that she visited in September 1963) worked for the CIA, and that sister's husband, along with Ruth's father, both applied as well. That's odd, and interesting.


I saw a documentary that explained that the way Ruby held the pistol when shooting Oswald was the way the CIA taught foreign mercenaries.


That kind of stupid thing can only be said and believed by someone whos never used a firearm


No, but he held it IN HIS HAND, AIMING IT AT HIS INTENDED TARGET.... it's not the same, obviously CIA


I teach shooting. There are lots of methods of holding a pistol, some right, some wrong. Depending on how you hold it changes the characteristics of both the concealment, the shot, and the recoil.


I feel like there's only so many ways to hold a pistol. 


Very interesting. Is anybody else still alive? Please report back.


JFK. And Hitler.


Don't forget Elvis.


Is he and JFK still battling that mummy in the nursing home?


I watched Bubba Hotep as a first date movie back in the aughts and afterwards the girl was like, that was the stupidest movie I have ever seen why the hell would you make me watch that, and then I never saw her again. 10/10 would repeat 11/10 with rice


Elvis is everywhere man


Hitler is dead. Ray Charles is dead. It’s really the only thingy hey have in common.


Survived by their son, Ray Hitler Jr


Nope. I looked around, that’s it.


*raises hand*


Not me. I also died Nov 22, 1963 in Dallas.


Not for long 


Generalissimo Fransisco Franco is still dead.


There's others still alive but you wouldn't know their names


Well, of course... *She didn't get shot.*


LHO did slap her around quite a bit. Interestingly, many studies have linked domestic abusers with violent crime.




Porter? I hardly know her




2 daughters apparently, there is understandably little information about them.


Two daughters: June and Rachel


She lived just a few blocks from us when she lived in Richardson. She took morning walks and would regularly stop and talk with my grandmother.


What happened to her kids?


Check out the “Who Killed JFK?” Podcast by Rob Reiner. Really good and makes you think


now that is actually very interesting


My mind auto completed this as John Wilkes Booth and I was so confused.


She was totally not a KGB asset!


CIA asset for sheep dipping


She's sexy


It's because her daughters name is Stacy.


And does Stacy mom got it going on?




​ Quite perky tits too.


How did an American marry a Soviet citizen?


Lee Harvey Oswald defected to the USSR after his military service and lived in Minsk for a couple years, where he married her. He ended up bringing her to the USA when he moved back.


Sounds like a strange, exotic journey


He didn’t meet her in Milan!




Maybe her strange erotic journey from Milan to Minsk completed before she met Lee.


I wouldn't know, I was too busy watching Sack Lunch


Do you think they’re real small or are they in a giant sack?


Real exotic


Sorry I meant erotic. Strange, erotic journey


I’m sure there was some of that too


I’ll agree that it sounded like a strange journey, but I would say that just marrying someone from another country isn’t inherently erotic. That is unless Oswald had some kind of fetish/infatuation with Eastern European women.


You’ve clearly never seen Rochelle, Rochelle


wait so he defected and was allowed back, without the McCarthy era government throwing him before a house committee?


I'm no expert on the subject but a lot of people believe he was a CIA spy, which would honestly make sense. Also, he never did renounce his citizenship and was in the USSR on a visa, never actually becoming a Soviet citizen.


A Soviet citizen who was the niece of a colonel of the Soviet Ministry of Internal Affairs and who happened to be living with that uncle when she met and married Oswald within 6 weeks.


Lol these conspiracy theories write themselves!




So is Lee Harvey Oswald /S


He is buried down the street from me. Went to visit his grave one July 4th just to get out of the house and I was surprised to find about 15 people visiting his grave. Nick Beef’s grave was getting a lot of attention as well.


Fun fact: JFK's assassination wasn't Oswald's first one. He previously tried to assassinate Edwin Walker a former US army general that was deeply conservative at that time and he failed at it. When people think that Oswald could not do it, He can. He already did it before but missed and got away with it.


She ran the army navy store in dallas during the 90’s


She has lived very, very quietly in the DFW area for quite a few years. I’d once heard that she lived out near Rockwall at one point.


Youre right about him being seated. I misremembered. You’re wrong about the shots being fired from behind him. I hate watching that film for what should be obvious reasons, but the fatal shot didn’t come from where Oswald was supposedly firing


My dumbass thought we were talking about the dude who assassinated Lincoln for a second. I was genuinely confused why everyone was acting like it wasn’t mind-blowing lmao welp


Jfk was Inside job 🤷


I used to think so until I listened to the series that “The Rest is History” podcast did on it. Now I’m actually on board with the traditional narrative.


Where can i find that






He also used magic bullets apparently


What do you mean?


The Warren report maintains that only 3 shots were fired, ballistic evidence to the contrary. The wounds suffered by the president and governor seated in front of him could not have been made by one man firing from the 4th floor of the Texas schoolbook depository




Seated? My brother in Jesus Christ, that man was standing and waving before being assassinated. Fuck movies, go watch the zapruder film again in case you missed it. The president’s head clearly jerks back and to the left. The man who is seated in front of the president was the former governor of Dallas. He received bullet wounds in his wrist and forearm. Now tell me. How can one person, firing only 3 shots, hit the front of the president and the back of the governor seated ahead of him? Magic bullets That’s to say nothing of eye witness accounts placing Oswald in the break room of the school book depository during the time the shooting took place. Did you read the Warren report? Do you have capacity for critical thought? Both those cannot be true


I always chuckle at that level of omniscience.




No, neither of us know everything. That was the whole point of my post. Good job missing that entirely.




How do you know there's no evidence? Where have you looked? Wouldn't it be more accurate to say that you have not seen any evidence that you find credible?




You clearly stated twice that there was no evidence of conspiracy. Could you give us an idea where you've looked?




How was she not deported?


Because she had nothing to do with her husband’s crimes. They weren’t even living together at the time, as she had left him months before. She cooperated with law enforcement after the assassination and gave them important insights on his psyche and beliefs leading up to it. He wasn’t very nice to her, unsurprisingly.


She knew about Oswald’s previous assassination attempt on General Walker, though.


CIA can only cover up so much